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      04-13-2019, 02:33 PM   #683

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Originally Posted by slcook54 View Post
Thanks bud and will do. Running Barbell Medicine’s 8-week HLM template with good results. Will stick to that until I hit a 1k total and reassess.
Sounds good. Its alway smart to have some sort of obtainable goal. The programming should definitely help.
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      04-13-2019, 02:35 PM   #684

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Originally Posted by 1MOREMOD View Post
Dude my wife crushed her first spartan ultra race today. Signed up as elite so may get to see some good footage. Pouring rain and crappy conditions and she only failed 6 of 30 obstacles. I'm stoked for her and damn proud.
That’s awesome man! Always cool to hear our significant others crushing it fitness wise! I’m the same with my wife. So proud of her when she trains and hits PRs!
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      04-13-2019, 04:00 PM   #685
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Originally Posted by FlaPatsFan View Post
Very nice you jerk...that’s just not right

My training today...Strength - Deads 7x3. Worked up to final set of 3 at 465. Felt heavy today. Then 5x5 of Pendlay rows up to 225. Some tricep work. Conditioning - 15min rowing session. 30 seconds all out, 30 seconds rest. Man that was awful....but effective.
Nice weight on the deads! I haven't been in that weight range in awhile. I did some rack pulls the other week and topped out at 4 plates on my last set for around 6 reps before my grip gave out. Then immediately de-loaded to 2 plates and pulled 20 reps. Traps were feeling it for days after.

I've got to start putting Pendlay rows back into my workout. Forgotten how good of a stretch they give.

This is what I was talking about earlier.....everytime I open this thread I find something new, or something I haven't done in awhile and forgotten about.
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      04-13-2019, 04:04 PM   #686
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Originally Posted by FlaPatsFan View Post
That’s awesome man! Always cool to hear our significant others crushing it fitness wise! I’m the same with my wife. So proud of her when she trains and hits PRs!
That is awesome. My wife exercises, but she isn't that invested in it. I let her be as she puts up with me and my quirks!

She's like 5'1" and weighs 105lbs.....and diet is about the only thing she puts a lot of effort into. Nothing crazy, just wants to be healthy.
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      04-13-2019, 04:16 PM   #687
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Yeah my wife can do most anything I'm finding. Has done marathons, 200 mile bike rides, rows competitively, hikes,mt summits, lifts weights, now this. She makes me look bad.
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      04-13-2019, 08:34 PM   #688

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Originally Posted by Rmtt View Post
Nice weight on the deads! I haven't been in that weight range in awhile. I did some rack pulls the other week and topped out at 4 plates on my last set for around 6 reps before my grip gave out. Then immediately de-loaded to 2 plates and pulled 20 reps. Traps were feeling it for days after.

I've got to start putting Pendlay rows back into my workout. Forgotten how good of a stretch they give.

This is what I was talking about earlier.....everytime I open this thread I find something new, or something I haven't done in awhile and forgotten about.
Thanks Rmtt....I’ve been pretty happy lately with numbers and volume. Now if I could just get to your Bench numbers....haaaa. Yeah right, my shoulder would explode! I’ll have to give rack pulls some more love, haven’t done them in a long time. My grip is good up to about 405, then I bust out the straps. Shit gets heavy! Glad I reminded you of Pendlays, those at one my favs!

As for today’s training....Strength- BS 5,5,4,4,3,3 up to 395. Felt good, lots of volume. Then 5x5 Hang Clean and Press up to 185. Very happy with that, shoulder actually felt good today. Conditioning - 5 rounds for time of....40 double unders, 20 calorie row, 10 wall balls 20# med ball....13:49. Good stuff today!

Last edited by FlaPatsFan; 04-13-2019 at 08:40 PM..
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      04-13-2019, 08:41 PM   #689

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Originally Posted by 1MOREMOD View Post
Yeah my wife can do most anything I'm finding. Has done marathons, 200 mile bike rides, rows competitively, hikes,mt summits, lifts weights, now this. She makes me look bad.
She’s legit!
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      04-14-2019, 07:56 AM   #690
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Originally Posted by 1MOREMOD View Post
Yeah my wife can do most anything I'm finding. Has done marathons, 200 mile bike rides, rows competitively, hikes,mt summits, lifts weights, now this. She makes me look bad.
Very impressive! All around fitness is where it's at. So many times we get focused on one aspect, and forget there is a whole spectrum of things we/I neglect.
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      04-14-2019, 08:07 AM   #691
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Originally Posted by FlaPatsFan View Post
Thanks Rmtt....I’ve been pretty happy lately with numbers and volume. Now if I could just get to your Bench numbers....haaaa. Yeah right, my shoulder would explode! I’ll have to give rack pulls some more love, haven’t done them in a long time. My grip is good up to about 405, then I bust out the straps. Shit gets heavy! Glad I reminded you of Pendlays, those at one my favs!

As for today’s training....Strength- BS 5,5,4,4,3,3 up to 395. Felt good, lots of volume. Then 5x5 Hang Clean and Press up to 185. Very happy with that, shoulder actually felt good today. Conditioning - 5 rounds for time of....40 double unders, 20 calorie row, 10 wall balls 20# med ball....13:49. Good stuff today!

Nice! Fortunately or unfortunately....I'm built for bench. I seem to be able to engage my lats pretty easily under the bar, and it feels kind of like a spring being compressed as I decend. Couple that with shorter arms, and it just feels right.

I always use to have a mental and physical block when going above 315. My training partner said it was me doubting myself, and trying to adjust too much once I started coming down.

Oddly enough, it was when we started rowing heavy that my bench started climbing. That and weighted dips made the most impact in breaking through that barrier.

Man.....your workouts sound intense. Not only is the weight there, but you're incorporating some crazy cardio work in it as well. I've got to focus more on that type of conditioning. I find myself falling into that rut of doing things in cycles. Dropping most cardio and focusing on strength, then going back to the conditioning work as the weather warms up.

More of the old ways of thinking. I need to break it, but tend to be a creature of habit.
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      04-14-2019, 08:45 AM   #692
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Have legs this am been watching Lee preist and tom platz videos. Have lot of moves programmed in for volume and saving squat until last to keep my low back from stopping me. Active warmup, then Leg curl, rdl, hack, leg press, extensions, safety bar squat and then calf work.
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      04-14-2019, 09:59 AM   #693

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Originally Posted by Rmtt View Post
Nice! Fortunately or unfortunately....I'm built for bench. I seem to be able to engage my lats pretty easily under the bar, and it feels kind of like a spring being compressed as I decend. Couple that with shorter arms, and it just feels right.

I always use to have a mental and physical block when going above 315. My training partner said it was me doubting myself, and trying to adjust too much once I started coming down.

Oddly enough, it was when we started rowing heavy that my bench started climbing. That and weighted dips made the most impact in breaking through that barrier.

Man.....your workouts sound intense. Not only is the weight there, but you're incorporating some crazy cardio work in it as well. I've got to focus more on that type of conditioning. I find myself falling into that rut of doing things in cycles. Dropping most cardio and focusing on strength, then going back to the conditioning work as the weather warms up.

More of the old ways of thinking. I need to break it, but tend to be a creature of habit.
I’d say you are very fortunate, the right genetics also. All the back work definitely helps, wider more stable platform. Bench has never been a strong movement for me. I push decent weight but not like you and 1MM. Squats and Deads are my jam! But I still work my weaknesses.

I always program some sort of endurance/conditioning work. Sometimes short and intense, other times longer more grueling. It’s the one thing left over from my CrossFit days that I enjoy. As much as everyone knocks CrossFit their methodology for true overall well rounded fitness can’t be disputed. Now I do more hybrid training pulling from various platforms. Suits me well.

With that being said I’m heading out to go swim today. Haven’t decided on what exactly but it will be tough. My CNS is a bit smoked from past few days.

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      04-16-2019, 12:44 PM   #694
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So legs were this morning.

Squats - 8 sets of 405 @ 3reps each. These felt pretty good, form was solid and smooth. I think it's been a year or longer since I put 4 plates on the bar, but as I said I was going to start back ramping up the weight and following the programming.

4 sets of Hack Squats in the 8-10 rep range, Hamstring Curls, and then walking lunges to finish them off. In between this stuff I do my calf work.

I take tomorrow off as it's time for me to get my semi-annual physical, and all my labs done. I'm interested in seeing what they look like as at my last one, I was almost 25lbs lighter after just coming out of a summer cut.

It's crazy...when cutting even though I eat the same total cholesterol is usually in the 130's. When I am near my heaviest, those numbers go up into the 170's. HDL typically stays in the same range (50's)...but my triglycerides go up slightly along with my LDL. I also get VLDL and other stuff checked given my family history.
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      04-17-2019, 04:33 PM   #695

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Originally Posted by Rmtt View Post
So legs were this morning.

Squats - 8 sets of 405 @ 3reps each. These felt pretty good, form was solid and smooth. I think it's been a year or longer since I put 4 plates on the bar, but as I said I was going to start back ramping up the weight and following the programming.

4 sets of Hack Squats in the 8-10 rep range, Hamstring Curls, and then walking lunges to finish them off. In between this stuff I do my calf work.

I take tomorrow off as it's time for me to get my semi-annual physical, and all my labs done. I'm interested in seeing what they look like as at my last one, I was almost 25lbs lighter after just coming out of a summer cut.

It's crazy...when cutting even though I eat the same total cholesterol is usually in the 130's. When I am near my heaviest, those numbers go up into the 170's. HDL typically stays in the same range (50's)...but my triglycerides go up slightly along with my LDL. I also get VLDL and other stuff checked given my family history.
Nice job on the squats Rmtt! 21 reps of 405 is a shit ton of volume! I could probably only do half that. Tall or short that’s impressive weights and numbers.

On a training note....good few days for me. Home/garage sesh yesterday. Bench Press...5,5,3,3,1,1 finally hit 275 again. RDLs 5x5 up to 315 (each rep with shrug) grip killer!

Today out of no where on crappy sleep and allergies in full effect Front Squat PR 345! (Reps were 5,5,3,3,1,1). I have know idea how that happened but it felt light today. Then a Clean complex EMOM for 10 minutes at 185. Finally a 1000 meter row for time....3:46!
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      04-18-2019, 10:55 AM   #696
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Originally Posted by FlaPatsFan View Post
Nice job on the squats Rmtt! 21 reps of 405 is a shit ton of volume! I could probably only do half that. Tall or short that’s impressive weights and numbers.

On a training note....good few days for me. Home/garage sesh yesterday. Bench Press...5,5,3,3,1,1 finally hit 275 again. RDLs 5x5 up to 315 (each rep with shrug) grip killer!

Today out of no where on crappy sleep and allergies in full effect Front Squat PR 345! (Reps were 5,5,3,3,1,1). I have know idea how that happened but it felt light today. Then a Clean complex EMOM for 10 minutes at 185. Finally a 1000 meter row for time....3:46!
Thanks. 405 seems petty compared to your front squat. That's insane! Cleans are another thing I need to get back to doing as I haven't done them in ages. But I remember that I really liked them.
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      04-18-2019, 11:01 AM   #697
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So today was bench. Programming was setup like this.

Bench 335 X 3 for 2 sets, 350 X 3 for 2 sets, 365 X 3 for 3 sets, 365 for AMRAP.

I hit all my numbers, but on my last set of 365 for 3, I felt something like a slight "stinger" in my left front delt. So I aborted the AMRAP set and figured I would listen to my body and not do something to injure myself.

Incline Bench - 245 X EMOM sets. I managed 6 sets before my reps dropped below 6. I think I hit something like 11, 10, 8, 7, 6, 6, 4.

Then some bodyweight dips to finish off the pump.

Then I did some light biceps work.

Shoulder is a little sore, but just feels like one of those nagging pains kind of like you slept on it wrong. So I don't think I did anything over the top.
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      04-20-2019, 06:18 AM   #698
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So I had back early this morning.

Deadlift - 8 sets of 3 reps....last 3 sets at 455.

Weighted pull-ups - 6 sets of 8-10 reps with a 45lb dumbbell hanging....then a back off set of just my bodyweight and got 12 very good slow controlled reps focusing on stretching my scapula as these were done wide grip.

One arm Dumbbell Rows - 6 sets of 6-10 reps working up to the 120lb dumbbells.

Dumbbell Pullovers - 4 sets of high reps with only an 85lb dumbbell. I focus on getting as much of a stretch as I can while trying to keep my ribcage as expanded as possible by inhaling as much air as possible. Kind of like trying to hit a vacuum pose as you do the exercise.

Finished everything off with some forearm and grip work.

Felt really good even though I woke up earlier than usual this morning.

Also my gym just picked up some of those "Mag Grip" style attachment bars for pulldowns. I've heard pretty good things about them, so I will try to incorporate them into the next back day to see what they have to offer!
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      04-22-2019, 03:09 PM   #699

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Originally Posted by Rmtt View Post
So I had back early this morning.

Deadlift - 8 sets of 3 reps....last 3 sets at 455.

Weighted pull-ups - 6 sets of 8-10 reps with a 45lb dumbbell hanging....then a back off set of just my bodyweight and got 12 very good slow controlled reps focusing on stretching my scapula as these were done wide grip.

One arm Dumbbell Rows - 6 sets of 6-10 reps working up to the 120lb dumbbells.

Dumbbell Pullovers - 4 sets of high reps with only an 85lb dumbbell. I focus on getting as much of a stretch as I can while trying to keep my ribcage as expanded as possible by inhaling as much air as possible. Kind of like trying to hit a vacuum pose as you do the exercise.

Finished everything off with some forearm and grip work.

Felt really good even though I woke up earlier than usual this morning.

Also my gym just picked up some of those "Mag Grip" style attachment bars for pulldowns. I've heard pretty good things about them, so I will try to incorporate them into the next back day to see what they have to offer!
Nice work Rmtt, welcome back to the 455 club. Next 495!!!

Thought you would appreciate the Squat complex I did today. Squat variations....1 squat, 1 pause squat, 1 one and a quarter squat = 1 rep. I did 2 reps up to 365....last set was rough!

I do these types of variations often. Helps in a variety of ways, especially out of the hole with heavy weight.

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      04-23-2019, 06:46 AM   #700
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Originally Posted by FlaPatsFan View Post
Nice work Rmtt, welcome back to the 455 club. Next 495!!!

Thought you would appreciate the Squat complex I did today. Squat variations....1 squat, 1 pause squat, 1 one and a quarter squat = 1 rep. I did 2 reps up to 365....last set was rough!

I do these types of variations often. Helps in a variety of ways, especially out of the hole with heavy weight.

Thanks! I haven't been up to 455 in awhile. But after getting into this thread, I figured I couldn't justify age with cutting back on the weights.

What I have been doing is testing the waters. I knew I had the 455 coming up, so the week before I did rack pulls with it just to get a taste for what I was in for. Maybe it's a mental thing for me, but I had to feel it before actually committing to it.

Those squats are crazy. I've dome something similar in the past. people don't realize how hard it is when you stop and pause and you take the momentum out of it.

It's a lot easier coming out of the hole when you have that on your side as you body is kind of coiled like a spring to come up.

I need to start adding some box squats back in. Those were similar. You get a whole different type of soreness in other areas from those types of exercises!
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      04-23-2019, 09:25 AM   #701

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Originally Posted by Rmtt View Post
Thanks! I haven't been up to 455 in awhile. But after getting into this thread, I figured I couldn't justify age with cutting back on the weights.

What I have been doing is testing the waters. I knew I had the 455 coming up, so the week before I did rack pulls with it just to get a taste for what I was in for. Maybe it's a mental thing for me, but I had to feel it before actually committing to it.

Those squats are crazy. I've dome something similar in the past. people don't realize how hard it is when you stop and pause and you take the momentum out of it.

It's a lot easier coming out of the hole when you have that on your side as you body is kind of coiled like a spring to come up.

I need to start adding some box squats back in. Those were similar. You get a whole different type of soreness in other areas from those types of exercises!
That was smart to test the waters. Apparently you can handle the weight just fine. Do you use straps at all? I have to bust them out usually over 405. Depends on the day and how my grip feels. I read a few articles on how your CNS is directly related to grip strength. Pretty interesting.

I’m definitely feeling it today after the squat variations yesterday. I also did my heavy walking BB lunges up to 225. So my legs are smoked today!

Box Squats are one of my favs! Another great variation to work into programming. I’m actually due to work them in this week. Have you ever used chains on any of your Squats? My gym has them. I will frequently throw them on to spice it up! Haaa
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      04-23-2019, 09:47 AM   #702
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You guys do too much I'm starting a nice chair mobility class for seniors
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      04-23-2019, 02:13 PM   #703

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Originally Posted by 1MOREMOD View Post
You guys do too much I'm starting a nice chair mobility class for seniors
Haaaaa, who you kidding Chris. You do as much as us.

I do pool exercises, that’s kinda senior-ish. Lol
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      04-23-2019, 02:55 PM   #704
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I may be out for while shoulder pretty bad now. Guess it's a chance to grow my chicken legs
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