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      09-21-2007, 09:59 AM   #1
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Can someone please tell me why... You sometimes get the Finger just for passing.

I'm not talking about being a shit head and riding their asses for 5 miles flashing your brights. OR Cutting them off to make the pass.

No, I'm talking about limp dick old men in their RLs that you simply drove around cause he was a rolling chicane. No tailgate, no hassle I just wanted to be in front. I drove around him legally and left him a fair distance behind while I was listening to Fleshfield and enjoying my commute. As I come up to my turn there is a bit of a line and lo-N-behold here's his Acura pulling up to my door. I look over and this fat sack of 50 something gives me the bird. I was all then I was like :mad: followed by ...

What the hell? The old me started to follow him, feeling that a little correction needed to be made, old habits die hard and we aren't in Tampa however. Then the shear pathetic nature of his little demonstration hit me. How bad must your life be, how many people is your wife sleeping with that me going around you causes enough drama in your life that you have to catch up to the guy (me), so you can deliver the finger?

It cannot really be some sort of pathetic jealousy he's in a nice car as well. It cannot be a personal space issue I was only next to him for a moment.
So the only thing I figure it could be is some sort of misplaced vigilantism cause I was speeding...

Ah well, I smiled and waved at him as I turned off a couple lights later. He looked a bit nervous anyway (Cause Now I had been following him for a few blocks) and I am certain my friendly wave and smile made him feel much better too...

I guess the lesson is that people suck, the majority of humans are small minded ego/media based sheep, and you cannot let other people rent space in your head. Especially when there is obviously something very sad and wrong in their lives.
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      09-21-2007, 10:06 AM   #2
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Nope, I agree with you. There are plenty of times I get the finger and Im seriously inquiring "what did I do" to the other person.

Just the other week, I pull into the mall and look for a spot. Theres a jeep cherokee that started tailgaiting me all the way. So then I stopped short and they came to my side. All of a sudden this woman starts yelling at me that I cut her off 3 times in the parking lot. Im seriously baffled as I tell her Ive never seen her before and that I just pulled into the lot 10 seconds prior hardly giving me any time to cut someone off once let alone 3 times.

Why is it I get the finger when someone is doing 40 in a 50 and I pass them because they are going too slow? How am I the bad guy?

I feel your pain Revlis.
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      09-21-2007, 10:15 AM   #3
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Happens to me too One thing I have noticed, is that generally the newer your car is, the more like you are to get the finger or some unjustified road rage. When I first bought my e46 back in 2000, got a bunch of finger gestures, fast forward to 2007 that car didn't generate squat. Literally within 2 hours of owning my e90, I had a guy cussing me out, making gestures and swerving at me. what a loser he was didn't have clue what I had done
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      09-21-2007, 10:20 AM   #4
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because people are naturally assholes
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      09-21-2007, 10:20 AM   #5
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Originally Posted by Revlis View Post
I'm not talking about being a shit head and riding their asses for 5 miles flashing your brights. OR Cutting them off to make the pass.

No, I'm talking about limp dick old men in their RLs that you simply drove around cause he was a rolling chicane. No tailgate, no hassle I just wanted to be in front. I drove around him legally and left him a fair distance behind while I was listening to Fleshfield and enjoying my commute. As I come up to my turn there is a bit of a line and lo-N-behold here's his Acura pulling up to my door. I look over and this fat sack of 50 something gives me the bird. I was all then I was like :mad: followed by ...

What the hell? The old me started to follow him, feeling that a little correction needed to be made, old habits die hard and we aren't in Tampa however. Then the shear pathetic nature of his little demonstration hit me. How bad must your life be, how many people is your wife sleeping with that me going around you causes enough drama in your life that you have to catch up to the guy (me), so you can deliver the finger?

It cannot really be some sort of pathetic jealousy he's in a nice car as well. It cannot be a personal space issue I was only next to him for a moment.
So the only thing I figure it could be is some sort of misplaced vigilantism cause I was speeding...

Ah well, I smiled and waved at him as I turned off a couple lights later. He looked a bit nervous anyway (Cause Now I had been following him for a few blocks) and I am certain my friendly wave and smile made him feel much better too...

I guess the lesson is that people suck, the majority of humans are small minded ego/media based sheep, and you cannot let other people rent space in your head. Especially when there is obviously something very sad and wrong in their lives.
This happens because you are in America my friend...
I am originally from Eastern Europe, and if someone gives me the finger, he/she better be prepared for a broken nose, headlight, or windshield

Here in the USA, everyone thinks that they can do whatever the hell they want because they can dial 911 and cry to the police like friggin' bitch
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      09-21-2007, 10:22 AM   #6
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I take it as "Im number 1" and wave back with a friendly smile on face. They like that even more
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      09-21-2007, 10:24 AM   #7

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Originally Posted by bronco View Post
This happens because you are in America my friend...
I am originally from Eastern Europe, and if someone gives me the finger, he/she better be prepared for a broken nose, headlight, or windshield

Here in the USA, everyone thinks that they can do whatever the hell they want because they can dial 911 and cry to the police like friggin' bitch
Yea! I am sick and tired of us resolving things through words, gestures, and appointed authorities! Things should be resolved by breaking noses!
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      09-21-2007, 10:41 AM   #8
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Ha this happened to me a month ago. I passed some lady in a X5 and she kept giving me the finger.

Didnt even know why since we were going almost the same speed and i wasnt even riding her ass. Weird.
2009 E90 M3 - SOLD
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      09-21-2007, 10:43 AM   #9
Now With 33% MORE Sarcasm Free!
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Originally Posted by bronco View Post
This happens because you are in America my friend...
I am originally from Eastern Europe, and if someone gives me the finger, he/she better be prepared for a broken nose, headlight, or windshield

Here in the USA, everyone thinks that they can do whatever the hell they want because they can dial 911 and cry to the police like friggin' bitch
Originally Posted by gloster View Post
Yea! I am sick and tired of us resolving things through words, gestures, and appointed authorities! Things should be resolved by breaking noses!
OH If Only....

I don't mind gestures or insults if I do something Scandalous or out of line. I'll take my lumps. But when I am genuinely innocent of any possible trespass? I'm left baffled.

If things were allowed to be handled via simple fists? What a polite society we would have. Bronco is exactly right. We have a nation of cowards and soccer Mom's giving the finger then speeding away. It's baffling to me that some 5'2" dipshit breeder housewife will give you the bird and expect nothing bad to happen... Baffling and dangerous.

There should be some sort of OPEN HAND law. Allowing people to work shit out via basic fist skills... If it were permitted and we weren't such a pathetic "security and safety" oriented society, things would probably run better.

It's all silly, but the notion that breaking an occasional nose ISN'T a good thing and that violence NEVER solves anything is silly. It's a fine ideal sure, but the same folks crying "Violence isn't the answer" are frequently the same ones dialing 911 when they have given someone the finger and are about to have their asses handed to em'.

One thing for folks to remember, the Police are NOT there to protect you or your home, EVER. It's NOT their job. Never forget that the Police will be along AFTER you've had your ass handed to you, or your home emptied and your ass kicked. You are solely responsible for your own security.
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      09-21-2007, 10:46 AM   #10
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We would be much more polite if open carry of firearms would be permitted. Imagine how many soccer moms in their SUVs would give you the finger if they thought you may actually have a handgun in the car.

'07 Monaco Blue 335i ordered 9/4 built 9/21 shipped 9/28 arrived 10/12 at dealership 10/18 vroom 10/19 christened 11/3...
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      09-21-2007, 10:53 AM   #11
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Pucker up and making a kissing motion at them.. you'd be surprised how much more that’ll piss them off.. i use this technique with morons that pull up next to me at lights that want to race me with a car that isn't worth the time.

Last edited by Eazyrock; 09-21-2007 at 01:40 PM..
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      09-21-2007, 10:56 AM   #12
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Originally Posted by dbtheo View Post
Happens to me too One thing I have noticed, is that generally the newer your car is, the more like you are to get the finger or some unjustified road rage. When I first bought my e46 back in 2000, got a bunch of finger gestures, fast forward to 2007 that car didn't generate squat. Literally within 2 hours of owning my e90, I had a guy cussing me out, making gestures and swerving at me. what a loser he was didn't have clue what I had done
It must be you

Nah, I get it here too. I get flipped off occasionally but I wouldn't say I didn't instigate either. I drive ALL DAY LONG for my job, I will not wait for someone to figure out where they need to go if I'm behind them. Any hint of the person taking a brain fart while driving I'm right up in their shit to get them back into it. Like I said I don't have the time, nor do I care to be hit by some idiot that thinks their the only person driving.

retired 06 E90 325i

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      09-21-2007, 11:00 AM   #13
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Really? Someone flips you for passing? Only in America
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      09-21-2007, 11:08 AM   #14
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I hope that was cathartic, Revlis.

But yes, I get "asshole treatment" for absolutely no reason from time to time. I guess that's how it goes. People are frustrated about something or other, and they take out frustration on those around them. FWIW, there are a few cars out there whose drivers probably get even worse treatment than we do - Porsches, luxobarges, large SUVs, and whatnot.
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      09-21-2007, 11:15 AM   #15
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Originally Posted by darkcloud View Post
It must be you
nah I'm a saint while driving
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      09-21-2007, 11:17 AM   #16
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Originally Posted by Eazyrock View Post
Pucker up and making a kissing motion at them.. you'd be surprised how much more that’ll piss them off..
when given the chance I do that, youre right, pisses them off to no end, normally they just mash the gas and try and take off
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      09-21-2007, 11:19 AM   #17
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Originally Posted by BK View Post
I hope that was cathartic, Revlis.

But yes, I get "asshole treatment" for absolutely no reason from time to time. I guess that's how it goes. People are frustrated about something or other, and they take out frustration on those around them. FWIW, there are a few cars out there whose drivers probably get even worse treatment than we do - Porsches, luxobarges, large SUVs, and whatnot.
It was, still baffled but what the hell.
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      09-21-2007, 11:24 AM   #18
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Originally Posted by Munich_Menace View Post
Really? Someone flips you for passing? Only in America
Oh bullshit, I've been to Europe, the UK, Saudi, Afghanistan, South America, and Canada...

It's more common here, this type of passive aggressive stupidity, but it's hardly a US only phenomenon, I witnessed many variations across the globe.

It's not consistent across the nation either. East coast, Florida especially it's very common, Mid America not so much, then again back on the west coast it's a little worse, still not as bad as Florida, but a little more common.

I think a large part of it though is based on lack of drivers training... It's far far to easy for any idiot to get a license here in the states.
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      09-21-2007, 11:26 AM   #19
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Originally Posted by HyperM3 View Post
Nope, I agree with you. There are plenty of times I get the finger and Im seriously inquiring "what did I do" to the other person.

Just the other week, I pull into the mall and look for a spot. Theres a jeep cherokee that started tailgaiting me all the way. So then I stopped short and they came to my side. All of a sudden this woman starts yelling at me that I cut her off 3 times in the parking lot. Im seriously baffled as I tell her Ive never seen her before and that I just pulled into the lot 10 seconds prior hardly giving me any time to cut someone off once let alone 3 times.

Why is it I get the finger when someone is doing 40 in a 50 and I pass them because they are going too slow? How am I the bad guy?

I feel your pain Revlis.
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      09-21-2007, 11:30 AM   #20
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a lot of people out there are miserable and suck ass.
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      09-21-2007, 11:35 AM   #21
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Blow a kiss at them or smile and wave like you know them. Then laugh. If they're already a little upset, that will absolutely ruin their day. Good times had at the expense of idiots! :rocks:
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      09-21-2007, 11:46 AM   #22
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Very common attitude in the US. I think its just brittle egos and lack of esteem issues. If you don't do something to feel like you got back at the person you feel like you are somehow weaker and "didn't stand up to that asshole!".

When I casually cruise past someone with my indicator on to get back into their lane I will almost always see them speeding up to not allow me to pass. The other annoying thing is to drive really fast around my car, get in front then slow back down because they realized they are in speeding ticket speed now. All this is because some how mentally the person feels they are "losing" in some way because another car managed to get in front of them. Rediculous thinking but people are always competing with you whether you are or not.

When I was visiting in Asia the driving was far more dangerous but actually less people really screamed like a NYC taxi driver or flipped birds(or equivalent thereof). Sweden drivers were actually very relaxed in comparison to US drivers too when I drove there.

I chalk it up to lack of common etiquette education in general and a proliferation of people with fragile esteem and egocentric minds.
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