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      05-22-2012, 06:03 PM   #1
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Over analyzing...what's the cure?

This is specifically directed toward situations with girls but general life problems are fine too. I find that I over analyze about girls, family, friends, and especially my car..I'm starting to understand that over analyzing is the definite cause of my depression swings that happen on a daily basis. Serious thread with a serious question. How do you over thinkers deal with it?
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      05-22-2012, 06:08 PM   #2
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I typically make a spread sheet and try to find patterns that may give me the answer.
"There is no greater tyranny than that which is perpetrated under the shield of the law and in the name of justice. -Charles de Secondat"
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      05-22-2012, 06:35 PM   #3
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      05-22-2012, 06:50 PM   #4

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Are you OCD or have OCD tendancies?

Either way, there are medical and non-medical solutions that can help you with obsessing over things.

Regardless of the situation, you need to take pressure off of it. Read up about stoicism, or how to be a stoic. Life is a roller coaster, you're on the ride, whether you like it or not, once you let go a little, your obsessions will slowly diminish.

Also, try to find something to fill your free time with sports, hobby's, gym, maybe go back to school...etc.
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      05-22-2012, 08:16 PM   #5
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analysis paralysis
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      05-22-2012, 08:37 PM   #6
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Originally Posted by Nine View Post
Are you OCD or have OCD tendancies?
+1, over thinking and over-worrying situations is a common manifestation of OCD. It would be best to see a professional to determine whether this is the case for you since the treatment for OCD will be different.
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      05-22-2012, 08:50 PM   #7
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Originally Posted by PINeely View Post
+1, over thinking and over-worrying situations is a common manifestation of OCD. It would be best to see a professional to determine whether this is the case for you since the treatment for OCD will be different.
I definitely don't have OCD tendencies. I'm not a perfectionist per se, but when it comes to things I "care" about (car, family, girl, etc) I want everything to be perfect otherwise I'm scared.

For instance, whenever I get my DP installed by the mechanic I start to worry and over analyze about what the mechanic could forget and in turn, I get nervous as hell that my car will be fucked up forever.

Same thing with a girl..I'll be texting her and in my head the convo went awry, but when my friends see it, they say everything is fine. To make matters worse is when I feel that the girl is indirectly ignoring me the next day after our convo, so I start to think, "Ok, I was right and my friends are wrong. This girl definitely got creeped out by me".

Get it?
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      05-22-2012, 08:51 PM   #8
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Originally Posted by MP0WER View Post
I typically make a spread sheet and try to find patterns that may give me the answer.

But for OP, there isn't a "cure" other than realizing that you have a tendency to over analyze and trying to avoid it. There are worse problems, it typically isn't a problem unless you're pretty intelligent according to the study that I just made up. Law/engineering/other disciplines reward super analytical people.
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      05-22-2012, 08:56 PM   #9
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Originally Posted by Porschefile View Post

But for OP, there isn't a "cure" other than realizing that you have a tendency to over analyze and trying to avoid it. There are worse problems, it typically isn't a problem unless you're pretty intelligent according to the study that I just made up. Law/engineering/other disciplines reward super analytical people.
I'm in pharmacy school..pharmacist doesn't require much out of the box thinking other than attention to there goes my advantage.
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      05-22-2012, 09:03 PM   #10
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Originally Posted by sA x sKy View Post
I'm in pharmacy school..pharmacist doesn't require much out of the box thinking other than attention to there goes my advantage.
Yeah I tend to see less of an advantage in pharm/med fields, but at least you're going to get a high paying job regardless. Better to not worry about trying to change your personality IMHO unless it is a serious problem.
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      05-22-2012, 09:05 PM   #11
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Originally Posted by Porschefile View Post
Yeah I tend to see less of an advantage in pharm/med fields, but at least you're going to get a high paying job regardless. Better to not worry about trying to change your personality IMHO unless it is a serious problem.
I'm not trying to change my personality, I just want to stop trying to thinking of 100 different scenarios that could go wrong with X situation and then when it comes down to it, I don't even make a decision at all and I end up falling flat on my face in depression. lol

Ahhh I know what my problem is, it's just easier said than done.
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      05-22-2012, 09:15 PM   #12
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I stopped being a teenager.

Seriously. Get older and you'll stop caring so much Until then... make do with what you have.
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      05-22-2012, 09:25 PM   #13

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I think OCD and ODD are bullshit.

OP look into Yoga and other ways to calm yourself

Its not a "over analyzing" thing, its a not trusting your first solution to the problem.

With humans there is no definite answer because you can't control them, and honestly people make poor choices.

If you're feeling depressed, don't go at it alone, there is help and if you're seriously having depressing tendencies, find help, its not hard to do.

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      05-22-2012, 10:00 PM   #14

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Ok, OP, are you ready for some heavy sh*t?

Basically when anyone asks any question, whether its about themselves, why, how, or others, about ANYTHING .. the answer, in the end, the ultimate answer, is only one.
Let me explain why there is only one answer, the same answer, to everything, anything you could possibly ask, the whole of existence basically.
You ask questions, because you believe knowing the answer will solve you problem. Why do you have a problem, or believe you have one? Because something is causing you discomfort, uneasiness, PAIN. And you believe if you could solve it, the pain would go away and you will be happily ever after. If you only knew the specific answer to that one question, the pain from that would go away, but would all pain go away? Why is this important? Do you believe a painless world exist? Why is this even important.
It is my theory ()that we humans are controlled by our seeking of pleasure, avoidance of pain -simple, basic, no one would disagree..?
But once you have solved this issue, say you suddenly found out how to stop over analyzing, what's next? Well something has to be next.. what is it, pleasure or pain?
Then do you keep pursuing pleasure, and avoiding pain? Naturally, yes, what else is there to do?
Then you see where the problem arises, as soon as your *next* problem pops up, something that is giving you pain, something you want changed.
So do you see? It's just a cycle, you are actually being manipulated, by the world. There is no *seperate* will so to speak. Basically monkey see, monkey do. Then hopefully monkey sees himself doing. That's it, that's all i know. Hope it helps, haha..
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      05-22-2012, 10:18 PM   #15
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Originally Posted by grimlock View Post
Ok, OP, are you ready for some heavy sh*t?

Basically when anyone asks any question, whether its about themselves, why, how, or others, about ANYTHING .. the answer, in the end, the ultimate answer, is only one.
Let me explain why there is only one answer, the same answer, to everything, anything you could possibly ask, the whole of existence basically.
You ask questions, because you believe knowing the answer will solve you problem. Why do you have a problem, or believe you have one? Because something is causing you discomfort, uneasiness, PAIN. And you believe if you could solve it, the pain would go away and you will be happily ever after. If you only knew the specific answer to that one question, the pain from that would go away, but would all pain go away? Why is this important? Do you believe a painless world exist? Why is this even important.
It is my theory ()that we humans are controlled by our seeking of pleasure, avoidance of pain -simple, basic, no one would disagree..?
But once you have solved this issue, say you suddenly found out how to stop over analyzing, what's next? Well something has to be next.. what is it, pleasure or pain?
Then do you keep pursuing pleasure, and avoiding pain? Naturally, yes, what else is there to do?
Then you see where the problem arises, as soon as your *next* problem pops up, something that is giving you pain, something you want changed.
So do you see? It's just a cycle, you are actually being manipulated, by the world. There is no *seperate* will so to speak. Basically monkey see, monkey do. Then hopefully monkey sees himself doing. That's it, that's all i know. Hope it helps, haha..

I have to reread that again.
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      05-22-2012, 11:05 PM   #16
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Originally Posted by sA x sKy View Post
I definitely don't have OCD tendencies. I'm not a perfectionist per se, but when it comes to things I "care" about (car, family, girl, etc) I want everything to be perfect otherwise I'm scared.

For instance, whenever I get my DP installed by the mechanic I start to worry and over analyze about what the mechanic could forget and in turn, I get nervous as hell that my car will be fucked up forever.

Same thing with a girl..I'll be texting her and in my head the convo went awry, but when my friends see it, they say everything is fine. To make matters worse is when I feel that the girl is indirectly ignoring me the next day after our convo, so I start to think, "Ok, I was right and my friends are wrong. This girl definitely got creeped out by me".

Get it?
The general conception of OCD, the "perfectionist" instance, is only one way in which the condition can present. There are many other ways in which it can affect a person, for example some people obsess over situations. These worry about what could happen sort of "worst case scenario" style and are stricken with anxiety as a result. That's what OCD is, an anxiety disorder.

For the record I'm not trying to diagnose you with anything and these cases are always assessed on a scale. The severity of the worry and anxiety usually define the diagnosis.

Grimlock- What is the one answer? BTW, your suspicions about human nature are supported by emperical evidence. It is called relative rates of reinforcement
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      05-22-2012, 11:23 PM   #17
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BLINK. Read it. Most of your decision impulses are correct. "Enough" information is usually just as good as "all" the information for most decisions.

That, and if you made the wrong decision, fuck it, whatever. There's usually a way to make it better. Usually...
It's Funseeker! I'm all about the good times!
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      05-22-2012, 11:36 PM   #18
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Try this excercise
For 1 week
Give each thought say 3 min tops of thought
Then go with the best option found in those 3 minutes
And see how you feel after 1 week
It's ok to fuck up
We have all fucked up
And most of the great success stories we hear about fucked up at one point

And remember
Outside of sky diving, in most situations, you can afford to make mistakes, and fix them later
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      05-22-2012, 11:36 PM   #19

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Originally Posted by PINeely View Post
Grimlock- What is the one answer? BTW, your suspicions about human nature are supported by emperical evidence. It is called relative rates of reinforcement
Hi PINeely,
Now that I think about it, I have no idea. But why did I think I had an idea? ..maybe I 'felt' it, I dunno..
Ok, I don't know THE answer, but I would hypothesise that there is one answer for many different questions, or in other words, there is a structure to logic, kinda of like, if you know what is happening on the sub-atomic scale, then molecular, then cellular, then in a living organism .. that things have order. Logic can be used to 'order' knowledge to fit together, basically that the world makes sense rather than doesn't.
Not really saying anything I know, but at the same time I can't not say it.
Forget it, I am just as confused
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      05-22-2012, 11:41 PM   #20
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Originally Posted by grimlock View Post
Ok, OP, are you ready for some heavy sh*t?

Basically when anyone asks any question, whether its about themselves, why, how, or others, about ANYTHING .. the answer, in the end, the ultimate answer, is only one.
Let me explain why there is only one answer, the same answer, to everything, anything you could possibly ask, the whole of existence basically.
You ask questions, because you believe knowing the answer will solve you problem. Why do you have a problem, or believe you have one? Because something is causing you discomfort, uneasiness, PAIN. And you believe if you could solve it, the pain would go away and you will be happily ever after. If you only knew the specific answer to that one question, the pain from that would go away, but would all pain go away? Why is this important? Do you believe a painless world exist? Why is this even important.
It is my theory ()that we humans are controlled by our seeking of pleasure, avoidance of pain -simple, basic, no one would disagree..?
But once you have solved this issue, say you suddenly found out how to stop over analyzing, what's next? Well something has to be next.. what is it, pleasure or pain?
Then do you keep pursuing pleasure, and avoiding pain? Naturally, yes, what else is there to do?
Then you see where the problem arises, as soon as your *next* problem pops up, something that is giving you pain, something you want changed.
So do you see? It's just a cycle, you are actually being manipulated, by the world. There is no *seperate* will so to speak. Basically monkey see, monkey do. Then hopefully monkey sees himself doing. That's it, that's all i know. Hope it helps, haha..
Sounds like your "theory" is a mix of various philosophers viewpoints...Hobbes, Mill, Aquinas? Reminds me a bit of Hedonism....interesting none the less.
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      05-22-2012, 11:49 PM   #21

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Originally Posted by TwinTurboXI View Post
Sounds like your "theory" is a mix of various philosophers viewpoints...Hobbes, Mill, Aquinas? Reminds me a bit of Hedonism....interesting none the less.
I shouldn't have put it that way, bad habit, we all have a theory, basically how we understand and therefore act in the world, whether we think about it or not.
I can't say I know any of those philosophers.. I don't follow any particular school, sometimes someone says something that sounds correct, then you pick up on it if you are inclined to pay attention to these things.

Some guy here had a signature "It all works out in the end. If it hasn't worked out, then it's not the end."
My take, very reassuring, but then its also very very dour. Kinda like it won't hurt, but it won't feel good either. Neither here nor there. Seems like it contains something, but before you see it complete materialize it dissapears just as it appeared. Very strange.
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      05-23-2012, 12:10 AM   #22
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Originally Posted by sA x sKy View Post
This is specifically directed toward situations with girls but general life problems are fine too. I find that I over analyze about girls, family, friends, and especially my car..I'm starting to understand that over analyzing is the definite cause of my depression swings that happen on a daily basis. Serious thread with a serious question. How do you over thinkers deal with it?
Here's the approach you should take with women:

"I used to sit here and do nothing and regret it for the rest of the day. So now I will do the opposite and I will do something!"

In all seriousness (and I'm only half joking with that video) - let go. Learn to let go. Your first instinct is almost always correct; go with it and end the thought process right there. If it wasn't right humans probably wouldn't exist as a species for obvious reasons.

Filling your head with half-assed scenarios isn't helping you, quite the contrary. It's giving you the doubt. Only if you were wrong, go back and think about how it could have been done differently. FYI you do have the ability to control your thought process.

Over-protective about your car? Curb a wheel, then you'll be like "ah fuck it" and all that pressure to keep them perfect ... gone. Not saying you should fuck up your whole car but you get the point. IT'S A FRIGGING CAR. That is what it is - you must make yourself see this. Sounds like you put yourself on a pedestal by keeping it perfect and now feel the pressure from others to keep it that way. Well guess what - you can put the pedestal where you want it to be. Stop being directed by others!

And if none of that shit helps - a beer or two usually takes the edge off my thoughts. Nullifies my higher/intricate thinking process.
Edit: Observe my insightful posts in the drunk thread (more than 2 beers tho):

Originally Posted by CJ421 View Post
I trashsed

Fortunately my bimmer is 136 mi away

edit i miss my perofmrance Exha7st`
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I'm trahed

War dat shet
$damn, I meant to say whjat the shit
Originally Posted by CJ421 View Post
shit ... been trying o find this thread forever. iw as searching for 'druunk ' instead of 'drunk' or something ... anyways i found it.

edit; I cant' stand this keyboard.
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Last edited by CJ421; 05-23-2012 at 12:16 AM..
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