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      05-01-2012, 06:27 AM   #1
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Drives: BMW M5 E60
Join Date: Apr 2012
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Lightbulb DIY: US spec E60 M5 SMG to Euro repgogram 4K rpm Launches faster and smoother shifts!

I uploaded file that you need for flashing E60 M5 SMG Module ( ) [ is this link wont work please email me at and I will upload it again] it contains BMW standard tools and files that you will need to flash module.
For flashing your module you will need D-CAN cable I recomend this particular cable ( because some ebay D-CAN cables are not stable for FLASHING modules and result is a bricked module you can also use ICOM cable but it is very pricy original costs under $4000 and chinese version that also works very well costs under $900 difference between this two
cable for flashing modules is that if use D-CAN cable and module will brick you wont be able to strat over but with ICOM you can and also with ICOM there is a very little chance to brick module . But if you use this D-CAN cable it will work fine and I forgot to mention about power supply if voltage goes below 12V or higher than 14V while flashing you module will brick. So you need a good stable power supply and D-CAN or ICOM cables.

Now After you download files for flashing ...

How To Reprogram E60 M5 SMG to Euro (DIY)

After Installing setup.exe restart your PC
1)Open WinKFP Tool on the top left side click Import/Export>Import>PABD choose 07gdsmg3.ipo
2)Aster importing 07gdsmg3.ipo Click Import/Export>P-SGBD and choose 10FLASH.prg
3)After importing 10flash.prg Click Import/Export>Assambly Line Data and choose GDSMG3 folder
(not folder contents but the folder itself) and click import
4)Now copy contents of gdaten folder to the NFS folder browse to your
NFS folder (usually C:\EC-APPS\NFS\ or just C:\NFS\ depending on your installation If there are files already in this
directory, overwrite them with the files you copied.
Now your WinKFP Tool is Ready for Programming Gearbox (FLASHING MODULE)
I reccomend using this cable ( not EBAY D-CAN cables.
this particular cable is most stable of all for programming SMG and your module has less chance to brick.
Ensure the port numbers are the same in the obd.ini file in 'C:\EDIABAS\Bin' folder and in device manager;
In device manger where your cable is plugged into it will be "COMx" x= 1,2,3,4, etc. right click it, properties, advanced, and then set latency to 1 ms. it will come standard at 16ms.

Hook up your car to the power supply and turn it on. Put the key in position 2.
a. Try to keep the voltage between 13-14V. If it goes below 12.5V or above 14.5V, it may brick
the flashing process could fail and result in a bricked module. Start WinKFP and click “Comfort Mode”.
Click “choose ZUSB Scroll down to gdsmg3 click gdsmg3 and choose 7842206 click Ok then enter VIN
by clicking (enter VIN) and click done and then Press program. WinKFP will give you a message
about having X number of flashes available – hit okay to that prompt After the flash gets to 100%
you will get another prompt as if the flash is restarting – accept that prompt again. It will look like the flash is starting over,
but this time it’ll go much faster. After this one completes your flash will be done.
Turn off the car. Wait about 5 minutes, put it in position 2 again. Using DIS or INPA clear any codes that may be stored in any modules.
Turn off and wait a few minutes again if necessary (if the transmission error light is still on)
Start the car and enjoy your improved shifts! You may need to run the SMG adaption procedures.
Appreciate 0
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