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      06-01-2007, 10:48 AM   #1

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weird speeding ticket

so i was on my way up to montreal last friday for memorial day weekend. about 1 hour before the border i'm going along on I-87 passing through a town called elizabethtown.

i come up next to a truck... i was doing like 85 and i speed up because i hate driving next to trucks as soon as i pass the truck i see a highway patrol car up ahead.... I'm in the left lane, truck and highway patrol are in the right lane...... so i hit the brakes and slow down by the time i catch up to the highway patrol cruiser im down to like 60mph.... great no problem right... WRONG!!!! the guy gets behind me turns on the lights and pulls me over.

i was perplexed as to why he was pulling me over so he proceeds to explain to me that he has high tech equipment which can clock cars behind him up to 300 feet..... But i dont get it because i was behind the truck and then there was another car on the road, how did he single me out.

anyway as you can imagine i was kind of annoyed and i had been on the road for 5 hours so i gave him a little bit of attitude and he ticketed me. i plan on getting a lawyer and fighting it though.

anybody ever been clocked this way????

by the way he claims to have clocked me at 95mph in a 65
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      06-01-2007, 10:57 AM   #2
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CHP out here has radar in the back of their vehicles. I am not sure about their accuracy, but I know that all of the cruisers have them installed.
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      06-01-2007, 11:01 AM   #3

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Actually, the speed detector will single you out because you are the faster moving object.
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      06-01-2007, 11:02 AM   #4

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they do have radar for the rear but i don't think the can tell which vehicle it was, probably easy for a lawyer
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      06-01-2007, 11:05 AM   #5
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They do have rear radar that adjusts for his speed. Not sure how he saw you, but if he did calling him a liar in court is not going to go over well with any judge.

If you have not had a ticket in 3 years, best to got o court, plead guilty, and ask the judge for probation based on your driving record. Works every 3 years for me. Still may have to pay the fine and/or court costs, but, no points.
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      06-01-2007, 11:08 AM   #6

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yeah i dont mind paying the fine, but would like to avoid points..... that technology is new to me. i thought the guy was BSing me to be honest. But since i was behind the truck and there was another car in front of me in the vicinity... i'm thinking it might be a walk in the park for a lawyer so i may just enlist one. plus its 5 hours away from my house so i might avoid the trip and missing a day of work if i just pay for a lawyer.
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      06-01-2007, 11:09 AM   #7
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I'm perplexed as to why you are perplexed? you were speeding, you got caught, pay the consequences or fight it in court? what else do you want?

And I love your choice of words "I was LIKE doing 85" & "he CLAIMED I was doing 95"

that's going to hold up well in court, "yes judge, I was like, maybe perhaps doing 85, the officer claims to have clocked me at 95, don't believe his high-tech equipment, that's BS, take my word for it"
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      06-01-2007, 11:11 AM   #8
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Originally Posted by bigJnyc View Post
so i was on my way up to montreal last friday for memorial day weekend. about 1 hour before the border i'm going along on I-87 passing through a town called elizabethtown.

i come up next to a truck... i was doing like 85 and i speed up because i hate driving next to trucks as soon as i pass the truck i see a highway patrol car up ahead.... I'm in the left lane, truck and highway patrol are in the right lane...... so i hit the brakes and slow down by the time i catch up to the highway patrol cruiser im down to like 60mph.... great no problem right... WRONG!!!! the guy gets behind me turns on the lights and pulls me over.

i was perplexed as to why he was pulling me over so he proceeds to explain to me that he has high tech equipment which can clock cars behind him up to 300 feet..... But i dont get it because i was behind the truck and then there was another car on the road, how did he single me out.

anyway as you can imagine i was kind of annoyed and i had been on the road for 5 hours so i gave him a little bit of attitude and he ticketed me. i plan on getting a lawyer and fighting it though.

anybody ever been clocked this way????

by the way he claims to have clocked me at 95mph in a 65
Many State Police throughout the U.S. has radar guns facing both directions and can clock oncoming cars as well as cars behind them. The guns even take into account the speed of the cruiser they are mounted in. Pretty cool, eh? Sucks for us though
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      06-01-2007, 11:18 AM   #9

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Originally Posted by canucklion View Post
I'm perplexed as to why you are perplexed? you were speeding, you got caught, pay the consequences or fight it in court? what else do you want?

And I love your choice of words "I was LIKE doing 85" & "he CLAIMED I was doing 95"

that's going to hold up well in court, "yes judge, I was like, maybe perhaps doing 85, the officer claims to have clocked me at 95, don't believe his high-tech equipment, that's BS, take my word for it"

why the need to be a jerk... go back and read my post carefully. i was perplexed about the technology used to clock me. from behind his car... i know i was speeding i wasnt perplexed about that. please read carefully next time before you decide to flame someone. so you can at least flame for the right reasons and not look like an idiot.

and i bet youre a good samaritan whose speedometer has never seen anyhthing past the 65mph mark *sarcasm*.
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      06-01-2007, 11:57 AM   #10
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in your sarcasm, when you said "samaritan" you mean "law-obiding citizen"? because samaritan = someone who does good deeds... so *sarcasm failure* I'm afraid

I know the consequence of speeding, and I sure am not going to bitch about it when I do get caught speeding one day
Originally Posted by bigJnyc View Post

and i bet youre a good samaritan whose speedometer has never seen anyhthing past the 65mph mark *sarcasm*.
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      06-01-2007, 12:06 PM   #11

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for the last time i wasnt bitching about getting a ticket, i was confused about the technology used to clock me.... are you dumb or just plain retarded?

I'm not up on highway patrol technology so i didnt know about it, and was simply asking if anyone had been clocked that way before.... I dont know where you get the idea that i am bitching about the ticket..... beleive me paying a speeding ticket is change under the couch for me i wouldnt be bitching about it.

maybe if you took the time to break down my original post like you broke down my sarcasm comment you might be able to see that.
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      06-01-2007, 06:09 PM   #12
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Originally Posted by bigJnyc View Post
yeah i dont mind paying the fine, but would like to avoid points..... that technology is new to me. i thought the guy was BSing me to be honest. But since i was behind the truck and there was another car in front of me in the vicinity... i'm thinking it might be a walk in the park for a lawyer so i may just enlist one. plus its 5 hours away from my house so i might avoid the trip and missing a day of work if i just pay for a lawyer.
Im almost certain he's BSing you because usually they don't clock you exactaly at 95mph (which is convienently 30MPH over the limit which has an increased fine) If it was 94 it would be a less fine for example. Do you have a radar? I bet he didnt even clock you.

I was traveling NB once and a cop going SB made a U-turn and pulled me over for going 100 in a 65 zone. He said he clocked me but I had a radar and I know he didnt. Then he said another cop father back clocked me at 103. In any case I was polite and believe it or not walked away with nothing but a verbal warning. (My story is here

Fight it! It should be easy to keep it off your record, but you might have to pay a little $$
Disclaimer: Above material may be complete bullshit and is not intended for use by conservatives or children under the age of five.
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      06-01-2007, 06:19 PM   #13
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i dont understand how he clock you if there were 2 other cars infront of you???? i know they can clock you from their rear window, but i just dont understand how they could do that if there was 2 cars in front of you... any officers here.............?????
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      06-02-2007, 03:19 AM   #14
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I've been singled out like that before
cop clocked the speeding truck next to me.. but since I was in my bro's Z4...
well... nuff said right?

granted I wasnt going slow.. but not the speed he clocked me at...
lawyer took care of it...
dunno what the lawyer said or did.. I didnt go to court.. he did
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      06-04-2007, 10:09 AM   #15

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Originally Posted by jrios_jr View Post
i dont understand how he clock you if there were 2 other cars infront of you???? i know they can clock you from their rear window, but i just dont understand how they could do that if there was 2 cars in front of you... any officers here.............?????
not only was there a car in front of me but there was also a huge truck between me and the police car, this is why i dont understand it.

Originally Posted by Comet View Post
I've been singled out like that before
cop clocked the speeding truck next to me.. but since I was in my bro's Z4...
well... nuff said right?

granted I wasnt going slow.. but not the speed he clocked me at...
lawyer took care of it...
dunno what the lawyer said or did.. I didnt go to court.. he did
Thats what i plan on doing, just getting a lawyer. i definitely dont want to take a 5 hour trip just to go to court. hopefully it will work out.
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      06-04-2007, 10:13 AM   #16
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something similar to what i have experienced
To procede or not to procede......
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      06-04-2007, 12:51 PM   #17
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Originally Posted by e90fanatic View Post
something similar to what i have experienced
Information overload! Way too many details!
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      06-04-2007, 01:13 PM   #18
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Sort of on topic, maybe not. It is my understanding that radar detectors are legal in NYS. I drove from Niagara Falls, NY to Rouses Point, NY this weekend (something like 450 miles) and used my Escort the entire way (1-90, 13A, 890?), I was getting pinged all day, but it warned me well in advance each time. So the question is, if you live in NYS why not use a radar detector? Just wondering.
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      06-04-2007, 01:17 PM   #19
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Originally Posted by bigJnyc View Post

i come up next to a truck... i was doing like 85 and i speed up because i hate driving next to trucks

i was perplexed as to why he was pulling me over

so i gave him a little bit of attitude and he ticketed me.

by the way he claims to have clocked me at 95mph in a 65
Your post says it all!
Sounds pretty self explanatory how he clocked you at 95 in a 65. What are you some kind of idiot? You just incriminated yourself here.

Stop bitching, you know you did the wrong thing, and you suffer the consequence. Maybe if you weren't a jackass to the cop he would have reduced it to 75 in a 65 on the spot.

This falls into the "tough shit" category of life. Don't waste your time and money with a lawyer, just pay the stupid ticket cause you were wrong.

Then again, if the proper authorities are notified, this text could be used as incriminating evidence in such a case, since you admitted to driving faster then 85 to beat the truck, solidifying the cop's case.

Grow up, pay the ticket, and stop complaining. Other people have worse misfortunes that they REALLY need lawyers and the justice system for.

I understand the question better, although I'm still keeping the above post. So I apologize for the cynical nature of the post.

In New York State, and many states, there are many speed catching technologies:
1. Radar
2. Laser
3. Visualization - yes, an approximation based on how fast the cop sees you going
4. Traffic Based

It would seem that in this case the cop clocked not only your car, but the cars around you at about 85mph or higher. Then he or she decisively picks out the one to pursue, generally the one that will end up paying a ticket because they can afford it (high end vehicle) or the asshole weaving in and out.

The cop then comes to your window with some sort of saying "I got you at 95", which isn't always the case. What they do is try to incriminate the driver by putting the burden of truth on the driver, not them. So if you were to get pulled over and say "yes I was passing the truck" or "I was going 90 not 95", you have just incriminated yourself.

The best answer becomes "I don't know how fast I was going"; the cop generally replies "XX fast"; then you have the right to say and ask "how? via radar, etc; If SO, may I see the reading?".

If the cop isn't bluffing, there will be a reading on their gun. Keep in mind that if calibrated daily their guns are never off by +/- 2mph, but if not, could be up to 10% wrong, as well as your speedometer.

Regardless, the evidence is against you, regardless of what technology they got you on. It has happened to everyone here, I was pulled over in the MIDDLE of a caravan - yes - #3 of 5 people driving the same speed on the road. It sucks, but you do the right thing by being polite, and under control when the cop talks to you.

So again, I apologize for the cynicism above, as it was not addressing your question.

Last edited by Professor///M; 06-04-2007 at 01:35 PM..
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      06-04-2007, 01:25 PM   #20
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Originally Posted by picus View Post
Sort of on topic, maybe not. It is my understanding that radar detectors are legal in NYS. I drove from Niagara Falls, NY to Rouses Point, NY this weekend (something like 450 miles) and used my Escort the entire way (1-90, 13A, 890?), I was getting pinged all day, but it warned me well in advance each time. So the question is, if you live in NYS why not use a radar detector? Just wondering.


Radar detectors are illegal in Virginia, in commercial vehicles over 18,000lbs in NY, illegal in DC, and regulated in commercial vehicles in Illinois.

Regardless, in New York State, you can be ticketed for an obstruction on the windshield for the detector, as in most states.
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      06-04-2007, 01:31 PM   #21
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Dang, some people have a harsh way of answering.


1. Plead not guilty and wait for a preliminary court hearing.

2. You will get a letter through the mail telling you when to go to court (date, room, time)

3.The day of the court date GO, if you don't, your license is automatically suspended.

4.DRESS PROPERLY, wear a tie and suit, TRUST ME.

5.Plead NO CONTEST, say exactly this "I'd like to change my plea to no contest if I can avoid the points"

6.IF you have less than three tickets in the past year the judge will award you no points and a reduced fine, normally $90.00

That's all there is to it. Don't pay a lawyer, it's extra money that is not worth it, this should be a DIY.
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      06-04-2007, 05:31 PM   #22
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Originally Posted by canucklion View Post
in your sarcasm, when you said "samaritan" you mean "law-obiding citizen"? because samaritan = someone who does good deeds... so *sarcasm failure* I'm afraid
I thought a good samaritan was somebody who does something good where others fail to do so, even though this is the last person you would expect to do good.
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