12-28-2011, 01:16 AM | #1 |
Where my bitches
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I'm quitting smoking.
For my New Year's resolution I have decided to put down tobacco after 7 years. At the moment I'm down to a couple a day, mainly at night to help me sleep. Without them I've had cold sweats and insomnia, or I would have done it cold turkey.
What were the best ways to quit for the people who have quit here?
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12-28-2011, 01:20 AM | #2 |
Guardian of the Night
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For me it was cold turkey. Gum, jolly ranchers, and a shitload of self control. I had to not go out for awhile too, or as soon as I'd socially drink, a cig would be offered.
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12-28-2011, 01:31 AM | #3 |
12 yr old Juvie
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When are you getting off crack, Collin?
12-28-2011, 01:37 AM | #4 |
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Chantix and willpower. I'm telling you man...best way I've ever tried. I'm around 90 days smoke free from a 10 year pack a day habit. I've quit a zillion times before, and never made it more than a few weeks until now. Today, I'm smoke free and have zero thoughts or desires to ever go back. /r/stopsmoking will help too.
12-28-2011, 01:38 AM | #5 |
Where my bitches
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I've heard too many horror stories on Chantix, won't be going that way. At the moment I don't have any urge to smoke, and only do it to calm nerves to sleep.
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12-28-2011, 01:45 AM | #8 |
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Oh and you might want to cut back on booze big time (aka nothing) for at least a month and focus really hard at kicking the butts. I didn't drink much at first, but started to add drinks at dinner, then after a month and half, finally tied one on. The thought crossed my mind, but I went out another few times and eventually the brain will begin to disassociate the two. Honestly can say I never think about cigarettes anymore in any facet of my day.
Remember, everyone slips, but the important thing is to not beat yourself up over it and ditch your attempt altogether. Nor should you purposely slip and start a pattern of justification. I slipped twice on this quitting...both inside 2 weeks. One was late at night when I liked to smoke, I was extremely guilty, and didn't do it again. Other t,e was after a concert and had a few drinks. Took one puff of a friend's cigarette and it tasted disgusting. That was enough for me. Haven't taken a drag since and never will again. |
12-28-2011, 01:50 AM | #9 |
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Yea we've all heard them. You will get a little zany at first, but after a week, you'll level out. I'm telling you though...it's does extremely well at making nicotine cravings disappear. Literally. You won't want a cigarette after a few days. Then all you have to do is continue to break routine habits that you associate with smoking. I fucking hate taking drugs that make me feel fucked up, but chantix only made me feel a little irritable for about a week, but chantix or not, nicotine withdrawal is gonna make you feel irritable anyway.
12-28-2011, 01:51 AM | #10 | |
Where my bitches
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That's my main concern, I don't know what I'm going to do at the bar. I'm going to go crazy, I'm so used to drinking and going outside every 20 minutes. Tondtar, crack will be later, that stuff is too good to give up. It can't be too bad for you either.
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12-28-2011, 01:52 AM | #11 | |
Where my bitches
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12-28-2011, 01:55 AM | #12 |
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Well yea me too. But when you get shit housed and smoke 2 packs in a night (gross but happened from time to time), you get to deal with having a hangover and cigarette hangover. Both suck, but the coughing up brown shit thing is more disgusting than hangover diarrhea. If you stick to it, you'll be able to get wasted and laugh at all my smoker friends as they're freezing their asses off outside puffin on a *** pole, just to come inside and smell like a hobo.
12-28-2011, 01:58 AM | #14 |
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Oh yea...those are interesting sometimes
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12-28-2011, 02:03 AM | #15 |
12 yr old Juvie
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The true test of quitting smoking comes after you have a drink in a bar/ club or after having sex. If you can say No under those 2 conditions, then there is hope for you.
(Smoke free longer than the age of +/-95% of members here ![]() |
12-28-2011, 02:07 AM | #16 |
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Like you will seriously be amazed at how quickly chantix kills any cravings. I was actually skeptical, but it worked just like my doc told me it would. They tell you to smoke for the first week on chantix, and I smoked half a pack over two days and found I just didn't crave them anymore. Like I said, the rest of the work is purely psychological. Breaking cycles. After you eat, when you drink, before bed, because you're bored, etc. Retrain your brain that those times are not for cigs anymore. After 6 weeks, all thoughts were gone. YMMV, but it worked for me after 10 years of semi-heavy smoking.
12-28-2011, 02:10 AM | #17 |
Where my bitches
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Yea my step-dad did it too, took him 8 weeks but he said about the same things you have. That he tried it all, and it's the only thing that works. I'm worried about the bad dreams, if they can do that there's no telling what it can do to your brain.
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12-28-2011, 02:14 AM | #18 |
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Well maybe daddy will come read you bedtime stories before the sandman comes out from under the bed to get you. Serious, don't be a vag. It's nothing irrational and can't handle. My chantix dreams were more like shit you would read in a hunter S Thompson book. Nor did I lose any sleep because of it.
12-28-2011, 04:28 AM | #21 |
you know he kills little girls like you
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I'm 34. I smoked for 17 years, quitting at almost two packs per day on Thanksgiving day. Even at two packs per day I could run a 5k in under 20 minutes, which is how I justified my continued smoking.
I used electronic cigarettes to quit. It's been a bit over one month since I've smoked a regular cigarette. I'm at 18mg nicotine/ml at the moment, down from 24mg/ml, and about to go down to 12mg/ml. In the end I will taper down to 0mg/ml then quit e-cigs altogether, but at least in the mean time I know I'm not doing more harm to myself. It's not the nicotine that kills you, it's the tar and >4000 other chemicals in traditional cigarettes. e-cigs are better than any other NRT by far IMO, but of course the ideal is to get off of nicotine altogether. By the end of this summer I will be running a sub 18 minute 5k. |
12-28-2011, 06:50 AM | #22 |
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Stop hanging out with the people who smoke or places where you would normally smoke.
Try the patch, don't use e-cig. You will never break the habit if you do e-cigs. Go cold turkey. Just stop and don't look back. Don't give yourself " just one " cigarette just because u had a stress day at work. It makes your chance of success so much lower if you smoke one here and there. |
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