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      03-09-2011, 11:27 PM   #1
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Wink Solaris9 - Bella

So I searched everywhere for the godly writer of OT that is Solaris but wound up empty-handed. He must have deleted his account because searching his name in Google yielded nothing. I did, however, stumble upon a document with his story. I'm going to post it up because I think it's easily one of the best threads that no longer exists. Commencing story dump.

By the way, there's a disappointing "ending", for those of you who haven't read this.

Lazy ass TL;DRs gtfo. This guy had the OT section wrapped around his finger. I suggest reading the entire thing.

by solaris9

When I was in college and single I decided to take a trip to Europe and chose London as my initial destination. I planned it for months and saved enough to stay there for 1 1/2 months. Anyway, the flight was fucking delayed twice but managed to finally start moving.

I was dreading the long ass flight especially since there were no Ipods back in 95' and you'd have to use a lame ass walkman or some huge digital predecessor to the modern day Ipod. Either way you'd have to bring a shit load of batteries. But it was my luck that there was a blond-haired green-eyed beauty that was about my age sitting next to me. I had the window seat and she had the aisle and there was nobody sitting in between us.

So we're about an hour into our flight and the only words that were exchanged between us were when I asked her to flag the attendant down so I could buy a stiff drink. So I drink a rum and coke but it wasn't enough so I ask the attendant for another but to make it stiffer this time. The attendant laughed and asked if I was scared of flying or something. I said.."Nah..I'm celebrating getting the fuck outta Dodge for a while...". I managed to get a flirty laugh and she said coming right up.

The girl next to me was obviously listening but almost acting like she was some innocent bystander caught in a cross fire or something. Just barely eeking out a smile but not really saying nothing. Anyway the attendant finally came back and asked the girl to hand the drink to me cause I was looking out the window. So she taps me and hands me the drink. The flight attend says..."alright tell me how you like it..."

So I drink it while looking at them and then I said "a few more of these and I'll show you in the bathroom "...Like the cocky young college kid I was not really thinking of the repercussions if this fully grown milf were to diss me in front of everyone. She recognized that I was just screwing around and just laughed and said "you young guys..." and that's it.

Then feeling even more bold cause I didn't get wrecked by the flight attendant I decided to say something to the girl.

"Are you gonna be this quiet and boring the ENTIRE flight to London. You'd think you were Hellen Keller or something" I know it seems kind of rude but the atmosphere I created joking with the attendand just made it seem like I was just a jokster. She started busting up laughing and finally got her to talk. Turns out she had an accent. She was FROM London and was not as excited going back home cause her trip was opposed to mine which was obviously just beginning. She joked about it in a playful yet sophisticated sounding way and I felt a bit foolish realizing that this girl wasn't dumb, shy, and quiet at all. In fact she was very educated sounding, apparently "more cultured" seeing as she traveled quite a bit, and had money which led me to believe that she was too young to earn it on her own. Which means that her family is well off and she was probably raised in one of those snooty rich European families.

Turns out I was right about that, but, we now had tons to talk about. We talked non stop about all the stuff she did in US, other places she'd traveled, how bored she was gonna be back at home, where I was planning to go, etc...etc... We pretty much talked about everything under the sun and like any 2 people who let their guard down we were bound to find things in common which we music, art (at least I pretended to just to impress her..I really only knew a few things from art history class in college).

Anyway it started to feel like we've known eachother for years after a while the way we were so casual. All the while I showed genuine interest in what she had to say (best way to bag a woman) without showing too much interest like a perv like I'm sure most other dudes did with her cause she was fucking SMOKING HOT. Not the slutty bar tramp with the flower tattoos above her ass and another one on her ankle. She was like this girl next door type who had a banging body and a really pretty face.

The whole plane ride I was trying to scheme up a way to keep this going after the flight but I was getting more and more nervous as we got closer to Heathrow. So I decided to play it cool...a tactic I'd used many many times with overzealous chicks and ones playing hard to get to. The trick is you have to make it truly believable. So, when we finally landed and we're getting off the plane we both started walking to get our luggage. I gave no hint that I was gonna ask her for her number or she says on the way to luggage..."Hey you want me to show you around? I can keep my vacation going that way." Now she seemed kinda nervous which felt empowering after all my nerves. So I said sure and she gave me her number. She said that she'd have to meet with her parents and sister that night for dinner but the next day she'd take me wherever I wanted to go and places I never would have thought of going...All I could think of was."CHA CHING!!!". It was all I could do not to jump up and down and start jacking right there in front of her...but I'm sure that would ruin the mood a bit.

So I controlled my excitement and kept smiling and showing enthusiasm about the following day so she would'nt feel regret that night. We parted ways and I called a cab to take me to my hotel. I ate dinner by myself at a nearby popular restaurant and saw lots of chicks and dudes with chicks but no such luck that night like I had on the plane. Oh consolation was the following day. I slept like a baby that night and woke up late to no alarms...
Past: '08 E92 335i|ZPP|ZSP|6AT
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      03-09-2011, 11:29 PM   #2
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So I woke the next morning around 9:30am. The room I had was nice. I wanted to start my trip off with a relatively nicer hotel room so I would feel like a pimp to start of my trip. It wasn't THAT nice but to me it was. It had a nice balcony that was pretty big and had a table, umbrella, and chairs on it. I thought, "Cool! I'll order room service and call the girl up. That way if she'd changed her mind overnight I would be in the middle of something cool and maybe not feel as bad. Also if the girl asks what I was doing she might think it was cool as well". That was my logic anyway.

So, I ordered room service and took a shower. After my shower I cracked the door, and got dressed, and chilled out on the balcony until my food came. I noticed a farmers market forming down below and on the whole street. Sweet! yet another cool way to start the day by walking around a foreign farmer's market to see all the shit they got. After eating a bit I decided to call the girl finally. I call and the phone rings a few times. I was thinking I got dissed until a girl picked up the phone and it was her. "Bella speaking" She sounded so fucking cute I wanted to fuck her through the phone but I wasn't quite sure it was her just yet. She sounded a bit different over the phone and she told me her name was Isabel on the plane. She immediately recognized me and asked what I was up to. So I told her I was eating breakfast on my balcony. She thought it was "sweet" that I would do that even though I was a guy. I thought, "what's the big deal? It's not like eating on breakfast on a balcony is what gay guys do or something."

Anyway we make small talk about her night with her family last night and she says that she told them about me. They were worried about her showing around a stranger who she knows absolutely nothing about. I joked with her that I'm no stranger. "We're practically high school sweethearts. I know everything about you." She added.."Yeah we're practically married, right?" and we both started laughing. Then I said that I understood how her family felt and then I said..."I'd be super disappointed if we didn't get to hang out cause I thought we'd hit it off and think it would be fun." Paused for effect...then I said" Well I'm gonna go take a walk down at the farmer's market down below and shop around and call you after. That way you can let me know if you changed your mind."

She sounded a bit surprised at the hint of indifference in my tone. Little did she know that I was starting to feel totally fucking bummed especially getting my hopes all high the night before. But if I was gonna get this girl to go out with me I had to play it like Joe Cool without seeming like an insecure dick. Also, you can't go beggin and sounding desperate to convince her cause that would just trigger her instincts that I might be some perv and she would instantly say no. So I politely said I'd call her later and hung up the phone. I was fucking bummed to say the least. I felt that things were starting to get a little awkward and didn't think that it would happen afterall. So I try to cheer myself up by checking out all the little cuties and flirting as much as I could with any cute chick that I came in contact with. I didn't feel any rejection, but, I didn't feel any connection with any either at the farmer's market. But I saw a flower stand and a light bulb came on. I bought a nice bouqet of flowers for the girl and walked back up the street to my hotel.

An hour or so had past since the phone call so I thought to myself, "Well it's now or never...what do you have to lose?" So I gave her a call, she picked up the phone again.."Bella speaking" and didn't give her a chance to talk. I immediately said, "So I got an idea...why don't you call your sis and you both can meet me at a public place of your choice and both have pencils in each of your hands. That way if I'm not a complete gentleman you can both stab me in the eyes with the pencils..."

She burst out in laughter just like when I called her Hellen Keller on the plane. She thought that was a wonderful idea if her sister was free. She said that she'd call me back so she asked for my hotel info and number. I figured she's probably getting important info at the same time just for safety. Whatever. She calls back and said that her sister reluctantly agreed. I said, "Perfect. It's just in time for lunch!". I asked her where and she gave me the name and address of an outdoor cafe where they served wonderful lunches. I called a cab and got all pertied up for the "date" (at least in my mind) and grabbed the flowers on the way out the door. I snagged a cab and after some crazy ass driving from the cabby I arrived. I saw the both of them sitting outside at a table. But they hadn't seen me. I thought.."oh my god they are BOTH soooo fine..." What had I gotten myself into with these pretty, rich snooty girls. I was happy to have a few grand on my trip and they probably blow that much for a new pair of shoes.

Oh well...I took a careful approach making sure that they didn't see me until I was hovering over her reaching out with the flowers. I told her I got them from the farmer's market and I could tell her sister was pleased. So was she. God she was fine. Almost too fine to be as casual and playful as she was acting cause she had a pencil she was hiding under a napkin that she pretended to stab me with. We were laughing and could tell that her sister was a bit impressed with the apparent connection me and her sister had made. I thought, cool...better for me. That means that it must not happen too often for Bella. My main thought the whole time was how fine her sister was, too...and that if I were to have any chance at getting in this girl's panties that I needed to win her sister over. So I began formulating any sort of plan I could think of.

To be continued later tonight...
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      03-09-2011, 11:30 PM   #3
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So we ordered lunch. Started chit chatting about what we would do today. They wanted to do some stuff that was touristy but things that they hadn't done before like take a bus tour and go to the London Eye. I paid particular attention to her sis as part of my plan. I said and did anything to make her laugh without over doing it. Girls like to laugh and if you can make them do it and not at your expense then they'll like you at some level.

We went to the London Eye so that we could look down on all of London and if we saw anything in particular we would want to do. We did it but only saw fancy bridges and the like. They were cool but kinda a boring attraction if you ask me. So, after the London Eye, we went to some modern art museum of some sort since I "liked art". Haha...seems I had her fooled. But we did see some erotic art which was cool cause we all got kinda quiet so I know it put a little sexual tension in the air. Perfect! Anything to get them thinking...I made sure to pretend I knew what I was talking about and saying shit like..."see how the figure twists to melt into the other the point where they touch is what makes it very erotic..." I was so full of shit but they bought it. Sweet!

We took the classis double-decker tour bus. They lived there so they took it for granted and never did it before themselves. It was cool cause I got to sit between 2 hot chicks on the top of the open air bus. Twas a good feeling... I kept imagining ramming my dick into both of them and getting them to fuck me at the same time. But I knew I was just fantasizing. My real target was Bella or Isabel which turns out is her real name. But she went by Bella to everyone else. We did that for a couple of hours. Then we decided to roam around and they even did a little shopping for clothes. They were indeed well off cause the store they bought stuff from was expensive and they didn't have to ask about the prices of the clothes which were not marked. Wow..So I took that opportunity to reveal my poverty by making fun of myself mentioning that what they just bought was probably worth all the money I had saved for my whole trip. They seemed to think it was cool that I wasn't pretentious and still confident in myself enough not to trip about money.

They were laughing and said..."You probably think we're a couple of spoiled brats.." I said "Exaaaaactly" and we all started laughing. Bella's sister (whose name was Lisa by the way) said, "Well our parents may be well of but we're down to earth. We'll prove it to you...we'll take you dancing tonight at a place where spoiled brats wouldn't go." I said "Cool. Where?". But she wouldn't say. We chatted and I kept flirting a bit with Lisa but w/out crossing the line and saw a nice place for dinner. This time it was indoors and the mood lighting was cool. A jazz band was playing and everything was all good. After dinner I mentioned that it would be a good idea for all of us to chill for a bit and I would go back to my hotel and shower and change for the night.

They said cool and dropped me off. I was fucking ecstatic cause this kinda shit never happened to me in LA. Somehow I had won the Lotto on the way to a European vacation. I showered..jerked off in the shower (had to tell the truth here) and watched the tube for a bit. They called and said that they would be on their way in about an hour. So I took a little siesta and waited for their call. "Brrrrrriiiiinggg!" It was them downstairs and they said they were coming up. Shit! I overslept. So I start rushing to get my clothes on and they get to the door cause I was only on the 2nd floor close to the stairs. I had my pants on but that was it. I invited them in and they looked fucking SMOKING HOT! They were laughing cause it was apparent that I'd fallen asleep. So I rushed in the bathroom finished getting ready and went back in the main room and threw my shirt on. We left for the club.

Turns out it was a salsa club. I didn't even know they had any there...I was ignant and thought they only had those in Miami and Cali. Hahaha. Anyway. Perfect cause I've been a big salsa dancer since I was in Jr. high school. So we get to the bar and grab a couple of drinks. They were trying to see if I was nervous about the dancing. I played coy and acted like I didn't know a thing about it. I said we'd all have to have more than just 1 drink to get me out there. So we did and Bella asked me to dance. I pretended to be shy a bit but only for sec and said alright. We start doing the basic and she can tell that I've done it once or twice before. Soon it was apparent that I knew far more than she did and was turning her with all kinds of shit the other dudes there were'nt doing. It's funny cause it's the same dance but in a different place they do it just a bit differently. Anyway the whole club seemed to be used to how everyone else was doing it, even though there were a ton of dudes there that would put me to shame. They seemed to like my style of it.

I danced with Bella for a quite a few songs and I said that I should go grab Lisa so she wouldn't get bored. She agreed and got snatched up by some other dude right away. I grabbed Lisa and she was eager to dance. In fact she seemed like she wanted to fuck me on the dance floor. I kinda started to get nervous of what Bella might have been thinking so I kept glancing over at her dancing with the other dude. She kept looking at us and smiling, but, I didn't want to jump to conclusions and start thinking it was OK to start groping her sister on the dance floor. Still because of the nature of salsa dancing your really really close, it's sexual, and your hands are all over the girl anyway. So it was cool. We danced for a few hours taking breaks here and there to chill at a booth and sip drinks.

After a while it seemed like we were all ready for something else when Lisa said that she had to go home cause of work the next day. So we took a cab back to Bella's place where Lisa's car was. We were sitting there chatting on the driveway for a bit when I asked if they could call me a cab. Lisa immediately said, "No!. Don't be a wanker Bella take him home!". They constantly used these funky slang words that seemed ultra cheesy to me, but, what do I know. They're British. So Lisa drove off and Bella got her keys and she started taking me back to my hotel. There seemed to be a slight awkwardness in the car so I tried to make it casual again by talking about the day and all the stuff we did. Before you knew it we arrived at the hotel. I had to try was THE perfect timing. So I thanked her and her sis for the day profusely and mentioned how much fun I had. Then I said bye. But as I was stepping out of the car I ever so casually can come up for a night cap if you're wide awake.

To my surprise she agreed. She parked her car and we walked upstairs. I grabbed a bottle of whatever the fuck it was and opened it. I knew it would cost me to open it but it was worth it. We sat on the balcony and slowly sipped it. It was fucking aweful tasting. I said in an ultra sarcastic tone.."Mmmmmm this is greeeaattt!!" and poured it over the balcony. She spit out the sip she had in her mouth in laughter. I opened another bottle and it was a bit better but now it would cost me twice as much. Oh well. We chatted and I could tell there was definitely some sexual tension in the air. You could cut it with a fucking knife. So I got up and sat in the chair next to her and said, "Hi." and just looked at her. She looked at me for a sec and said, "So I noticed you and my sister on the dance floor tonight. So do you like her?" She was smiling while she said that but it was fake. She was wondering if I was a jerk enough to try and hit on her sis when I met her 1st. I said, "Then you must have noticed me keep looking at you." and I kissed her.

BAM!! It was on! I knew I was gonna hit it that night. We didn't stop kissing and groping eachother but managed to make it to the bed. You know what happens next. But I made sure to please her first or else I would blow my load in like 2 seconds flat from being as horny as I was all day. She was a dirty moaning her in bed who didn't hesitate a bit. I was falling in love with this bitch. DAMN!!! I ain't never had an experience like this before. We fell asleep after a while and woke up in the morning.

To be continued...
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      03-09-2011, 11:31 PM   #4

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i read this shit a while back
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      03-09-2011, 11:32 PM   #5
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you want the word document?
Originally Posted by LuvMyRide View Post
And BMWM3 ..I will be filing a harrasment suit against you and/or charges. See you in court very very soon. Thanks.. Have fun with your nonsense.
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      03-09-2011, 11:33 PM   #6
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Originally Posted by Blake View Post
i read this shit a while back
its for the n00b '09-'11ers
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      03-09-2011, 11:34 PM   #7
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Originally Posted by bmwmthree View Post
you want the word document?
gots it. copying and pasting it atm
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      03-09-2011, 11:54 PM   #8
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oh no.. not this again -_- fack

i have the word doc saved its on my lap top if anyone wants it I can upload.
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      03-09-2011, 11:55 PM   #9
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good story so far
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      03-09-2011, 11:56 PM   #10
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i fucking love this story. i compiled it into a word document when i first read it. i wonder if i still have it, i might print it out lol
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      03-09-2011, 11:58 PM   #11
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What happens at the end?
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      03-09-2011, 11:59 PM   #12
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i still got it on word. might not have the whole story bc it seems like it got cut short?
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      03-10-2011, 12:01 AM   #13
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excuse me someone post the fucking rest of the story
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      03-10-2011, 12:04 AM   #14
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sean is ADD, pop an adderall and post the rest
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      03-10-2011, 12:08 AM   #15
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holy shit i went on a youtube binge and totally forgot about this. def ADD collin

posting rest
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      03-10-2011, 12:09 AM   #16
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So we woke up that morning and it didn't feel awkward at all. I woke with her turned on her side facing me and smiling. I guess she was watching me sleep. She said, "Sleep well?" I just said, "MmmmHmmm..." she replied "Me too" basically we were saying in so many words that we had a great fuck session the night before.

We jumped in the shower together and she looked even nicer now that I could see every curve. DAMN. Nice long legs, nice C cup, super smoothe olive skin without a blemish. And me..well I almost felt embarrased. Even though I was fit I could hold no candle to her. And I certainly didn't have perfect skin like she did. But we decided to take turns washing eachother so we took a llooooooonnnng shower. It was nice. I was playing with her ass and happened to start playing with her anus. I didn't even mean to. I was just touching her all over and just started with it. I actually wasn't even into anal (pitching that is) like I am now. We were both all sudsy by now and she was moaning with me touching her anus. I kind of wanted to try sticking it in but I was kinda nervous. I didn't know my bounderies. Also, I hadn't done that before so I didn't know what would happen. So I chickened out like a big *** and put it in her pussy from behind while we were all sudsy. It slipped in quite easily cause we were all wet and sudsy but she complained that it stung a little cause of the soap. Shit. I said sorry and she tried to wash herself as best she could. She felt guilty not letting me do what I wanted so she turned around, got down on her knees, and started slobbing the knob. Then by surprise she slid me all the way inside her throat and didn't stop til I came.

When I was finished she was smiling up at me and I almost felt bad cause I figured it must of hurt. She said it didn't cause I was all wet and it went in easily. Dude I swear I was beginning to fall in love with this chick. She taught me something new. I could now use this on future girls in the shower. BAM! We got dressed and dropped by her house or her "flat" as she called it so she could get changed. Nice place and she had a ton of clothes. Nicer place than any other girl's I'd ever been with up to that point. Anyway I was waiting for her to get dressed and laid down on her bed. She was taking off her clothes and started getting shy cause I was watching her. I said, "I've already seen you naked and we've been together already so why are you acting shy?". She said it was different cause we were having sex and I wasn't watching her bend over to put on new panties and all that kind of shit. So I said if she didn't want to feel shy then she should just take her panties off and we should have sex.

So she turned, looked at me, dropped her panties which was all she had on at the time and jumped on the bed on top of me. No sooner than she sat on top of me and guided me inside her do we hear a door open and her sister walks in and had an "oh shit" look on her face. As she's walking outside the door of the bedroom she was like..."I guess I'll just get going then..." She had this look on her face like she was thinking "Ooooooooh buuuuusted". Bella ran out and caught her sister before she got out the front door. All I could think was.."Fuck. I didn't even come yet." I heard Bella saying, "Why didn't you call first?"

Lisa - "I saw your car and figured you were home so I came in. I never figured you two would be shagging in your flat already..."

Bella - "Yeah well he's really nice."

Lisa - "I bet."

Bella - "Yeah well you better not tell mum and dad."

Lisa - "I'm not gonna tell mum and dad. Piss off."

Bella - "Aren't you supposed to be at work?"

Lisa - "I didn't feel like work so called in cause I wanted to join you guys today galavanting around town."

Bella - "Well just sit tight then and we'll get dressed and go out. We were about to go out anyway."

Lisa - "MmmmmHmmmmm...sure"

So I heard Lisa turn on the TV and Bella comes back in flush red in the face. I said sorry and she said I had nothing to be sorry about.

In fact I wasn't sorry but I felt like I should say something. Actually I was quite proud. I got my clothes on and chilled out in the room while she was getting dressed but after a few minutes decided to go outside to let her get finished. She seemed kind of embarrassed. So I go out of the room and sit on the couch and started watching the tube. Lisa had a huge fucking grin on her face and I started to get one too. She said, "Having fun are we?" and we both started laughing.

Bella walks in soon after and we all look at eachother and burst out laughing

]To be continued...
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      03-10-2011, 12:09 AM   #17
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just in case
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      03-10-2011, 12:09 AM   #18
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So now we're kind of at a loss as to what to do. Bella's driving and kinda quiet possibly contemplating all the shit that's going on. I didn't want to worry about it. But Lisa is the type of person that can't stand a moment's silence or awkwardness so she's starting to probe me about what I do, where I'm from, blah blah blah. The mood had definitely changed from yesterday and it was less casual and funny. It had a more personal tone to it. Oh well at least we were talking...and Lisa seemed interested in all my shit.

I told them how I used to be from an asian gang in LA, had my house shot at, born in Phillippines, but grew up definitely a full on Cali beach bum regardless of all the trouble. I didn't wanna share all this cause it usually turns girls off. But Bella seemed all ears and would ask a question here and there. Lisa would ask lame questions like if I'd ever killed anyone, blah blah. Kinda sounded like when some newbie white belt first joins a BJJ class and starts asking all the higher belts if they'd ever snapped anyone's arm. I laughed and said no. Lisa half thought that I was full of shit so I said, "Why in the world would I make that up? If anything it turns people off." I was sitting shotgun and she was sitting behind Bella who was driving. Then I turned to her and showed her a couple of scars I had over my eyebrows from getting hit with a pipe and a mini bat. Then I showed her some obvious teeth marks on both my hands where I'd knocked some fools' teef out. She said, "Wow" and started joking that they had a genuine LA gangster on their hands. I said, "Anyways.." and tried to change the subject to lighten things up again.

We'd been driving aimlessly for a little while now. Bella decided that she would take us wine tasting on the outskirts of the big city so I would get to see more of London. We went and started sipping the wine. It was great timing cause after a few glasses the girls were a bit more relaxed again and before you knew it they forgot the awkwardness of all that had transpired that morning and started being more happy go lucky again. I started cozying up to Bella again and she said, "I wondered when you'd say hi again." Lisa was off getting another glass and she took the time to apologize for her sister if she was a little poky about my personal stuff. I said I didn't care and thought her sister was super cool. She just smiled.

We drank, snacked, ate lunch, picnic'd (minus the picnic blanket) and the question came up of when I was going to leave London. Bella remembered that I had planned to go all over Europe and she never thought to ask how long was the London part of my trip before. I guess we never thought we'd be in the situation where it would matter that much, I guess. Well I was forced to think about it too and said..."well I have 3 more nights in my hotel and I was supposed to be off to the Netherlands for a few days, Paris for 2 weeks, then Italy for the rest and then fly back home.

Lisa was like, "Cool" only thinking of all the cool locations even though she'd been to all of them at least a few times and Bella too. But Bella was a bit more quiet. Obviously she was thinking the same thing I was. It kind of forced us to think of what we were doing. When you're not a male whore which I definitely was not (even though I tried) and you're not a slut (which she didn't seem) an intense sexual encounter might leave you with some intense feelings. Well, I wanted time to think about it to scheme up what I'd wanted to do about the whole thing when not under the I said, "well let's not think about that now. For now I have at least a few days..." Bella smiled but I could tell she was still thinking about it.

We hung out just a bit longer then drove back into town. We visited a photo gallery of some famous local photographer who seemed to only photograph models. It was cool and we were all pretty impressed with the guy's skills. We decided to go shopping for dinner so Bella could cook us dinner. Perfect. I don't have to waste so much money. We did that and went back to Bella's place. Put everything in the "cooler" (fridge to us) and started watching a little TV. They had strange shows and the drama was cheesy to me. We found a game show that we were busting up making fun of the players, host, and music. It was cool just chillin. I got tired and started dozing off. Bella was really cozy with me on the big couch and she noticed I was falling asleep so she laid me down and laid down in front of me so I could spoon her on the couch as we watched TV. I noticed that Lisa crashed out on the love seat and after that I dozed off too.

We must have been tired or drunk, or both cause we all crashed for about 2 1/2 hours. Woke up and it was dinner time. Bella cooked and it was the shit. Seems like cause she was the older of the 2 (23 at the time) that she got more of the motherly skills from her mother. Lisa (who was 21) was more of the wild child, easily impressed with my gangster background, salsa dancing, and ability to tell a good joke. She was always laughing. Anyway dinner was cool and they put on some American romantic comedy and we all watched it. Before you know it, it was late and I didn't want to impose and ask for a ride but I didn't want to assume that I could spend the night. But Bella said very matter of factly right after the movie was over..."You're spending the night." So I guess that was that. Lisa wanted to stay but couldn't find a way to fit into the equation after the movie so she said..."Well I'm off. But maybe tomorrow we could do something again." It was Thursday and apparently she didn't work that day. Bella said, "great" and she was out the door. Bella gave me a new tooth brush and I brushed my teeth and got in my chonies. After all that's all I had to wear to sleep.

She put on a nighty that was super fucking sexy. Not anything fancy over the top with lace and shit. Just silky, kinda tight, but flowy and I see through everything. It pretty much didn't leave much to the imagination not that I needed it anymore with her. She walked next to me where I was lying on her bed and laughed while pulling down my chonies saying I didn't need those. I guess I didn't. We start macking but more gently than the night before this time. And her nighty was of no use now on the floor. We had a passionate fuck session this time which I liked but in my mind I wanted to bend her in half and pound away. But I went with the flow and it was cool. Shit I wasn't complaining. We lasted about an hour or so switching positions and fell asleep.

To be coninued...
Past: '08 E92 335i|ZPP|ZSP|6AT
Past: '15 Mustang GT|401A|PP|6MT
Current: '20 Shelby GT350|6MT
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      03-10-2011, 12:10 AM   #19
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Originally Posted by jh valley View Post
oh awesome. yeah i'm just posting it on this thread so it's in forum-post format. it's easier to read for me for some reason
Past: '08 E92 335i|ZPP|ZSP|6AT
Past: '15 Mustang GT|401A|PP|6MT
Current: '20 Shelby GT350|6MT
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      03-10-2011, 12:11 AM   #20
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It was Thursday morning. We woke up and were on opposite sides of the bed. She was sleeping still and we had somehow kicked off all the blankets while we were sleeping. I had a raging hard on and my dick was kinda sore from having sex so often recently. I hadn't had this much sex since before my last girlfriend and I had broken up. That was about 6 months ago. Her bedroom was on the 2nd floor and 1 entire wall was glass that opened up to the balcony. It made for perfect window light. The morning rays were just creeping over the distant buildings and were bouncing off her glorious tits. I was so in awe of her beauty. But I still had my hard on and I realized that I was holding it while looking at her. Realizing this I didn't want her to wake up and see me and think something weird.

I didn't feel like laying down anymore so I simply walked around her house checking things out here and there. She had a small office room/library. She collected antique books and a lot of travel type books. She also had quite a bit of Philosophy and religious books that I was familiar with and had read like Autobiography of a Yogi by Paramahnsa Yogananda, Existentialism by Emanuel Kant, and why I'm not a Christian by Bertrand Russel. Impressive to me cause those books had a big hand in shaping my beliefs even to this day. She had others but those stood out. I decided to make coffee and found a clean pot. I already knew where she kept her coffee grounds from the night before when we got back from wine tasting so I brewed up some coffee. The coffee starting smelling wonderful. It might have been some Juan Valdez shit but in my mind it was some fresh ground locally grown shit from some local market. Hahaha. Anyway I poured myself a cup. I drink my coffee black with just a bit of sugar. The smell and sounds of me opening her cupboards must have woke her cause I turned around while sipping my coffee and saw her draping herself around the bend of the wall.

I could see her long legs, pussy, tummy, tits, and smile. Here eyes were smiling too which made me smile. I said, "I hope you don't mind. I didn't want to wake you." She said, "Not at all. It's nice seeing a stranger making coffee naked in my home." and laughed gently. I said, "I bet I'm not the first one..." and to this day I don't know if it was a good idea or a bad one to have said that last joke.

Bella - "What do you think of me?" she said genuinely curious...with a smile and a serious tone to accompany it.

Me - I thought "Here we go..." and said, "What do you mean? I think you're the most beautiful girl I've ever met...and not just your looks."

To which she replied, "But your last you really think I do this all the time.?"

Me - "No. I was just being insecure hoping I was special somehow." Doh! What the hell was I saying? Where was I taking this? But the conversation seemed to be flowing to that direction and it felt natural to say it.

Bella - "You're the only one ever."

Me - "I don't know how to take that..."

Bella - "Me neither."

She could tell I didn't know what else to say so I think she spared me and asked if I'd like her to cook breakfast. I asked if I could help her. I wanted to lighten things up so I was screwing around and messing up on purpose pretending not to know what the hell I was doing in the kitchen...she got a kick out of it and my facetious play worked. We started flirting again and being kissy huggy again. We made omelettes, toast, with fresh vegetables, and yogurt for dessert. We made small talk again and it occurred to me that I didn't a fucking clue what she did for a living. I knew she went to school but thought that she must have had a job. Turns out that she didn't. Her parents gave her an allowance as long as she focused on school and that was all she did. In fact she would have to register soon because she was back from her vacation. Apparently Lisa didn't get the same allowance even thought it was offered to her cause her mind was in and out of school.

After breakfast I said, "Maybe we should call Lisa sometime soon. She's expecting to hang out today."

Bella - "I really wish it could be just us today. I know you'll only be another couple of days.."

Me - "You know I've been thinking about that...Would you be cool with me staying in London for the rest of my trip and hanging out with you? Unless you've had enough of me and just want me to scram now." Yup was my big idea.

Bella - She was ecstatic.."Are you kidding? I'd love that. Yay!!!" and she jumped up on me with her legs wrapped around me above my waist.

Her excitement only fueled our excitement about what to do that day and I came up with and idea. "Why don't we go to my hotel and swim around the pool to start of the day? We can plan what we wanna do for today and the next month and a half. Then we can call Lisa and see what's up." She thought that was a great idea and we started our day. We thought of taking a shower before we left for the hotel but it wouldn't make sense since we were going for a swim as soon as we got there. I got dressed and she got a big bag, stuffed a bunch of clothes, swimsuit, and a makeup bag. It was all kinds of shit with a couple of different outfits. Maybe she didn't want to have to come back to her place afterwards. Whatever...

We got to my place and I walk in only to have the front office folks say that I have a message. That seemed to perk her interest. We walk upstairs and I play the message. The message said, "Hey how's your trip going. You haven't called so I just wanted to hear all about it." It was a girl's voice. My sister. She said, "Who was that?" I replied, "My sister. We're close. She's just checking on me. Trust me."

I didn't want to call because I didn't want to mess with having to figure out all the long distance crap and the hotel phone and all that but told her that I'd let her talk to my sister later. She seemed to like that idea a lot.

Anyway I get to my bag, which I still hadn't really unpacked, and take out 1 of 2 board shorts that I brought on the trip. Before I knew it she'd taken out her bikini bottom and top from her bag. She said, "Don't peek and ran into the bathroom..." I just dropped my clothes on the floor and pulled on my board shorts. A couple of minutes later she came out of the bathroom with her arms open wide and said.."What do you think?"

I know we'd fucked a ton of times now and I'd seen her nekked so many times but seeing her in a tight off white 2 piece with strings tied in a bow to one side for the bottom piece and the top was a more traditional cut with the strings tied in a bow in the middle of her back. My jaw just about dropped... We grabbed our towels and went to the pool. We found out that the pool was technically not open yet but we went to the front office and the dudes there could NOT say no to her. I don't think they even heard what she said. All they heard was pool keys blah blah. They were staring like a motherfucker and not even trying to hide it. She acted like she didn't even notice and snatched the keys from the fool holding them out. With a quick turn she was off to the pool. I was just walking slowly enjoying the view of her running and bouncing. I took a second look at the dudes at the front office and they were just smiling. I smiled and just followed her to the pool. I got there and she was standing there with her hands on her hips saying..."come on.."

I was gonna say something to respond but as I got closer she shoved me in the pool and jumped in after me. I'm sure the other people in the hotel hated us cause we were making a ruckus and it wasn't past mid morning yet. Oh well..They're problem not ours. Hahaha. She seemed extra giddy like I'd never seen her. Perhaps it was the news that I was gonna stay to chill out in London just for her. I couldn't believe that she would be so happy because I decided to stay with her. I know that sounds kinda lame...but up to that point I hadn't ever experienced a girl who did not hesitate with me one bit. There was no apprehension from the get go. It was a HUGE turn on...and to be honest. I felt like I was falling for her too in a big way. Make fun you jackasses and wannabe pimps. But you all know that shit happens.

We were talking and excitedly making plans to do all this shit for the rest of my stay, some of it sounding unrealistic even, but most sounded cool. Whatever it was it sounded cool as long as I would do it with her. One idea she had was to go to Paris or Ireland for a few days. Both were only an hour or 2 plane ride away..The hell if I knew. Europe was literally foreign to me. But I thought, "Hey maybe I'll get to see more of Europe after all."

After spending about an hour and a half at the pool we went back up to my room. She gets in the shower and I follow her in. It was one of those standing only showers and there was a separate bath tub next to it. She was teasing me a bit and assumed the position with both her hands on the shower wall about shoulder width apart. I wanted to feel that feeling again of being all sudsy like the first time we showered together so I stood really close behind her, got the liquid soap, and began rubbing it slowly all over her body. I was kissing her ear and she was loving it. She began reaching back and spreading the suds to my body. She saw what I was trying to do so she turned the water down a bit so we wouldn't wash away the suds. I felt sooooo dope and seeing how turned on she was I started playing with her pussy and anus again like I did the first time. My thoughts immediately began swirling around the idea of sticking it up her ass. I kept it up with rubbing her clit, thighs, and anus. Occasionally I would play with her nipples and gently pull them.

I decided to get brave and start rubbing the head of my dick against her anus. Still touching her everywhere with the other hand I would breathe in her ear which only made her gasp and get more turned on. I knew that was the time so I pressed my dick harder against her anus and whispered in her ear, "Can I?" She said, "Okay. But get that bath oil by the bath tub. I get out of the shower and had a tiny slip cause of the wet floor. That would fucked things all up if I'd fallen. Thank god I didn't. She didn't even seem to notice or didn't care cause she was thinking of what we were about to do. She opened it for us and turned around. She began washing of the suds from me and poured some of the oil on me. Then she turned around and instead of putting her hands back on the shower wall she was leaning on her forearms with her face turned to one side...if you can picture that. She rubbed a little oil on her anus and basically waited for me to do it. But I didn't want to jump immediately into it after the awkward bottle opening and all that. So, I began to play with her again and touching her all over especially her anus. It worked to turn her on again and I pushed it into her slowly. I didn't pull it back out until I was all the way in. She kind of grimaced a bit and asked me to be gentle. I was. But I began stroking in and out while reaching around to play with her nipples and clit when I could reach it.

I lasted about 3 minutes before I was telling her I was about to cum. When she realized that I was a second away from cumming she reached behind and pulled me in closer to her. She wanted me to cum inside her. Cool cause I wasn't planning on pulling out. That was the first time I'd done anal before. It's still probably the best time in my mind. I know you fools are gonna crack on me for only lasting a few minutes but don't worry. We did it again before we got out the shower...I lasted closer to 7 minutes... It was the fucking bomb. And she did not hesitate to smile when we were done. It was too fucking much, man...

To be continued...
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      03-10-2011, 12:11 AM   #21
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Originally Posted by Nikkahtropolis View Post
oh awesome. yeah i'm just posting it on this thread so it's in forum-post format. it's easier to read for me for some reason
no, definitely. i think some of the appeal of reading the story the first time was going through the thread
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      03-10-2011, 12:12 AM   #22
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We finally got out of the shower and dried off and layed on the bed naked. She was laying on my chest and she thought it might be a good time to call Lisa cause it was starting to get late. It was about noon now and she would wonder if we had ditched her. So she grabs her phone, starts the call, and hands it to me while it was already ringing. She seemed content to just lay her head on my chest. She said, "You call her".

Lisa - "Lisa speaking"

Me - In a low breathy voice..."This is your lover..."

Lisa - "Oh yeah...then what kind of underwear do I wear..."

Me - "You don't wear any...and you like wearing short flowy skirts so the wind will blow it up and everyone can see you."

Lisa - "Then you ARE my lover...What are you up to? Shagging my sister?"

And although Bella was not on the phone the volume from the earpiece was loud enough that she heard the whole conversation. She reacted by gasping and having a shocked look like she couldn't believe she'd said that. But it was all play and Bella grabbed the phone. They immediately start chatting and she seemed happy to hear from her sister. After a while Lisa got impatient and said..."So what are going to do today?" Bella said, "Well let's have lunch and talk about it."

Everyone seemed to agree in lack of a better plan and we decided to have lunch at the same place where I had first met both sisters (The outdoor cafe). This time we were there first and it was Lisa who arrived afterwards. Bella and I were all smootches and didn't notice Lisa approaching. We only noticed when she was standing almost directly over us. She said.."Sorry. No flowers"

And Bella pretended to stab an imaginary pencil at Lisa. Lisa was only half amused and seemed more interested in how much we'd gotten closer. She noted how every time she saw us that we were more and more mushy. Which of course was an exxageration because she only saw us a couple of times together. But it did seem like alot.

While we ate Bella said.."I have news Lisa. Mark is gonna stay here in London for the rest of his trip. Lisa replied, "Reeeeally? That sounds nice. So what of the rest of your plan?"

I was thinking, "Bitch don't make this hard." But I didn't voice that. I said, "Well I try not to set hard schedules when I vacation so my only commitment is that I have to fly outta Italy for my plane ride home."

Bella said, "Isn't that sweet?" while she was hugging my arm. Lisa replied, "Verry sweet." With a smile on her face and slight hint of sarcasm in her voice. I was thinking, "What the fuck's her problem? That time of the month or something?" Bella didn't seem to notice and I wasn't about to bring it up and make things uncomfortable. All I cared about was that Bella was digging my company and I hers. That's it. But I did wish that I had Lisa's approval cause she was fun and very cute when she was playful with me like she'd been before.

Lisa said, "Bella. You DO know that we have friends right? You can't simply ignore them for a couple of months. You've already been gone 2 months from your trip and you still haven't called anybody. Charlize called and was wondering about you. She wants to throw you a welcome back party. Are you gonna call her?"

Bella shrugged her shoulders like she didn't really care and said, "Yeah. Maybe later today." Lisa kind of shook her head and just laughed gently as if to say that Bella was lost in her own world. I was looking at Bella at the time so Lisa put her hand on top of mine to get my attentiona and said, "Well, since you'll be here a while. Maybe it's a good idea you meet our friends. We'll throw you and Bella a party." I said, "Cool." But really I was dreading the idea. I imagined a bunch of rich snooty fucks looking down on me. It seemed like I had won the lottery running into these 2 rich girls who weren't above hanging out with me...a poor (compared to them), american, ex-gangster, and not white like I imagined all of their friends were.

Bella noticed our waiter was AWOL for a long time so she went to flag him down for more iced tea. I decided to let Lisa know that I noticed her little attitude. "You're being a pain in the ass. There's no reason. What's up?" She said, "I know..I'm sorry. I don't know what's gotten into me. I guess I'm just a bit jealous of you guys." She seemed genuinely apologetic so I left it at that not wanting to drag it on. I joked with her just to lighten things up again before Bella got back and noticed something was up. I said, "You BETTER be sorry!" And she moved her hand from mine and started pretending to tickle me. Bella walked back and was happy that we seemed to be laughing and getting along. All seemed cool now except I wasn't looking forward to that party. Oh well, maybe it would fall through. Afterall, it had not been officially decided or planned that it would happen yet.

To be continued...
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bav requests more gay, do not read this story, irememberwhennikkawasbl, piitb ftw no ending

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