03-25-2010, 02:37 PM | #1 |
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My cop story...
I'm really getting sick and tired of cops lately. I know that they protect us while we sleep and I'm grateful that they do that, but these cops who patrol the highways are total pricks.
Back in January, I got an awesome tailgating ticket while I was trying to avoid an accident. I had just gotten off the highway and I was on the exit ramp when the car in front of me suddenly slams on his brakes. I do the same to avoid an accident and I get ticketed for tailgating. A 5 point ticket that wasn't my fault at all. Ever since then, I feel like the cops on the major highways I drive on to get to school have really had it out for people or maybe I'm just more aware of them. Today, on my way to school I'm doing 65 on a 55 highway. The "de facto" speed limit on the highway is 65, so I should be fine and shouldn't get pulled over. A cop car suddenly appears on the on ramp to my right and me, not wanting to get another ticket, slows down to 60. The cops tail me for a good .5 miles. I was in the middle lane for a bit of that time and then switched to the right lane hoping the cops would go past me, but the driver switched lanes with me. At that point, I said screw it and went right off the next exit so the cops would leave me alone. This is the 2nd time I've been tailed by cops hoping that they could catch me making a mistake or something. Fast forward 3 hours later and I'm on the same highway, this time I'm being pulled over by the damn cops that were following me before. I don't know how the hell I ended up getting pulled over by the SAME cops, but that's what happened. I had gotten onto the highway about 2 miles earlier and I set my cruise control to 60 in half a mile or so of getting on the highway. So, here I am going 60 mph on the highway with cars going by me on the left lane and even the cars on the right lane passing me up. The cops, again, enter the highway through an on ramp and they tail me for another 2 miles or so, but this time they actually pull me over. At this point I'm just thinking "FUCK!" One more ticket with points and I lose my license for a bit of time. Then the fun begins! Officer: License and registration please. Me: Sure, just give me one second. *takes things out of wallet/dashboard and hands the items to the officer* May I ask why I was pulled over, sir? Officer: We've been following you for a while now and you were pacing. You were going 68 mph here in a 55. Me: That's impossible, sir. I had set my cruise control a while back and I had it set to 60* (huge mistake on my part admitting I was going over the limit, but whatever =/). Officer: We have you on camera going 68 mph, so there's not much you can do. Where are you coming from? Me: I'm going home from school right now. Only had one class today and it was an early one. Officer: Have you ever gotten and tickets before? Me: Yeah, I got a tailgating ticket back in January. Officer: Have you ever been arrested? Me: Never, sir. Officer: Never gotten in trouble for drinking or vandalism? Me: Nope, never, sir. Officer: Is it ok if we look around your car? Nothing illegal in here, right? Me: Sure, go right ahead. All I have is my iPod in here and then my store keys in the glove box. Got some video games in the trunk too. *cops start searching my car for illegal things. this goes on for 10 minutes and they find nothing because I don't have anything illegal* Officer: Ok, we're going to let you off with a warning this time. Just make sure you watch your speed. Me: Thank you, sir. *shakes officer's hand* I cannot fucking believe I got pulled over for going 60 in a 55. I REALLY can't. I also can't believe that I somehow talked my way out of a ticket. The thing I can't believe the most is how they tried lying and said I was doing 68 MPH when I never even went past 60. Those cops can blow me. I would have fought that ticket to my very last breath if they did give me one. Why the hell are cops total pricks on the highway? I'm sick and tired of not doing anything wrong and getting pulled over. Just the other day, some guy I know got pulled over for having a radar detector and almost got put into jail for it. I'm pretty sure those things are lega here in NJ. The worst part about all this is that me going 60 MPH isn't even taking into account the fact that my speedometer is always off by 4-5 MPH. In reality, I was only going 55/56 MPH. |
03-25-2010, 03:03 PM | #4 | |
Smiling Politely
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not going to get in to it. but youre wrong in many ways
03-25-2010, 03:14 PM | #5 |
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Dunno man. Being guilty is pretty black and white to the police officers that pulled you over. You were either breaking the law or you weren't (which you were admitting you were).
Regardless of the de facto speed limit on the road, something about you (or your car) makes you a target and easy to pick on. Might want to take a look at those factors. Loud exhaust/tinted windows/loud stereo/really terrible hair-style. ![]() I'm happy you were able to get out of a ticket, but I don't think that you are going to get too much love here about your so called plight. |
03-25-2010, 03:26 PM | #7 |
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I'm not looking for love, really. I'm just wondering why me. I do have my windows tinted and that's the only mod my car has so far aside from Blacklines, which shouldn't make a difference really. I actually had my windows down though, so the cops didn't see me tinted windows. I had cars passing me in both the left and right lanes (meaning they were going faster than 60 or my 55/56 after you take into account the speedometer being off), but they went after me. I'm still wondering "Why me?" There were plenty of cars around me breaking the law in much more severe ways then I was yet they didn't go after them.
03-25-2010, 03:33 PM | #8 |
That Guy
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IDK bout you but ive been pretty good with the cops in NJ. Maybe you just feel that way since that tailgaiting ticket. From what you say it seems like that one wasnt your fault. I have only ever gotten one ticket and that was on the parkway. The cop was hidding in a turn around by exit 129 on the parkway. He was pretty cool bout it. I was going 87 in a 65, he stopped me I was quite respectful to him. He wrote me up for going 69 in a 65 but it makes a huge dif.
Some cops in springfield, NJ are douchebags ( you know who you are ) one has been known to call his on duty buddies on us before when he is off duty. Next thing you know they show up at dunkin giving people tickets for everything. |
03-25-2010, 03:38 PM | #9 | |
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03-25-2010, 03:39 PM | #10 |
BMWCCA #401908
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The cops were just looking for someone to pick on.
My friend was driving in our home town, and ashed his cigarette out the window. A cop pulled him over and accused him of littering. Funny thing wad that the officer went to our school,and they knew each other, but he didn't recognize my friend at first. The conversation: officer: I saw you throw your cigarette out the window friend: you mean "this" cigarette (shows him the lit cigarette) officer: no. You just lit that one. Friend: are you serous? Officer: I saw it. *some bs about the littering laws* friend: dude, it's me, Anthony officer: oooh, sorry man, I didn't recognize you friend: were you seriously going to ticket me for ashing out the window officer: well, it's a slow night.
![]() Vishnu PROcede v3, Vishnu Dual Cone Intake, Code3 FMIC, Riss Racing Downpipes, Riss Racing Exhaust, H&R Sport Springs Best 1/4 mile: 12.583 @ 117.609 mph |
03-25-2010, 03:50 PM | #11 |
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We had an evil cop here. Notorious. His name was, and I shit you not with the irony, Officer Speed. I have no clue if he changed it or was born with it but that was his name. He had ticketed damn near everyone I had ever met. He retired my senior year of high school and we had a huge party to celebrate. I have been pulled over but got out of the ticket because the cop said to me, in front of 3 witnesses in my car, "Sometimes you just gotta pay for driving a fast car." The judge didn't like to hear that. But nevertheless when you are doing something wrong you can't be mad at a cop for doing his job. You can't pull the I killed one person but he killed two so you should leave me alone and focus on him defense.
03-25-2010, 03:50 PM | #12 |
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^^^ And that is the bullshit. I have been lucky lately but I have been pulled over and put in cuffs and had my car searched for 30 minutes cause the passengers in my car "were acting suspicious". Bullshit. The group I hung out with in HS didn't even drink or smoke cigs, let alone anything illegal.
The police department is 2/3 revenue center and only 1/3 protection, it's truely sad. Last edited by Hawkeye; 03-25-2010 at 03:56 PM.. |
03-25-2010, 03:59 PM | #13 |
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hawkeye. haha that reminds me of something I totally forgot about. Right after I got my car, maybe the day after. I get pulled over for 'perception of excessive speed'. Before I know it I am on the curb in handcuffs because I am in a "stolen vehicle." I still had the envelope with al the paperwork from the dealership with me, so I told them to take a look. I explained that the car was registered when I was at the dealership, and they gave me the tags (not temps but hard tags). The cop, who may have even been younger than me said that this was not legal practice in the US. Long story short after 2 hrs on a curb in summer heat while I was on my way to a meeting with a client, the cops supervisor shows up and offers me an apology. Did the cop eff up my day, Yup. But am I going to call him a douchebag for trying to do his job properly? no.
03-25-2010, 04:08 PM | #14 | |
That Guy
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According to US law ( state law maybe diffrent) Im not saying your story is or is not BS. I have heard crazier shit and am in no place to call you a liar. What I am saying is that the actions taken by that officer that day were not of a professional standards at all. Case in point " cop was a douch" his job is to serve and protect not make false acusations. |
03-25-2010, 04:22 PM | #15 |
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this just goes back to the 5/95 rule. 5% of cops might be decent, well reasoned, intelligent human beings, but its the 95% that give them a bad name. remember that crowd in HS that didn't really do well academically, and didnt have much lined up post-graduation? well there you go, that is the pool of applicants that probably feeds most police departments. once you give someone a little bit of power over their fellow human, it pretty much goes downhill (multiple psychology studies have corroborated this).
go bears
03-25-2010, 04:25 PM | #16 | |
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‘23 RRS First Edition
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03-25-2010, 04:25 PM | #17 |
Faster in the Corners
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Ha, dude you wern't pulled over for speeding, you were pulled over to get searched. They only have the rights to search your car if you give it to them ("Do you mind if I look around?" "Sure"). You just gave up a hell of a lot of rights, and if they found anything that even looked illegal (an aspirin, etc) they can put you in jail, impound your car, and charge you with possession. From personal experience they can even plant evidence or claim they found illegal substances if they want.
You would not believe how many people they take to jail because folks "had nothing illegal to hide" yet cops found something to question. You weren't pulled over because you were speeding, even though that was the excuse they gave you, they just wanted to search your car. When they found nothing, they released you. I really want to love police but the majority I've personally ran into are complete scumbags. Sorry to those officers who aer trying to do right.
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03-25-2010, 04:28 PM | #18 |
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In MD perceived excessive speed can get you pulled over. It is one of the boxes a cop can check when they give you a ticket. Whether or not it would hold up in court, it never got that far because his supervisor dismissed it on site when he apologized. The cop was nothing but polite and "please and sir" when speaking to me. He was just trying to do his job, at which he obviously didn't have much experience. He made a mistake... Anyone who denies ever having made a mistake when new to their job is less than truthful.
03-25-2010, 04:35 PM | #19 | ||
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03-25-2010, 04:39 PM | #20 | |
That Guy
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That is a quite true statement |
03-25-2010, 06:09 PM | #21 |
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When I was younger I used to get pulled over for anything and everything. Too slow, too fast. I even got pulled over for driving with my fog lights on (they matched my head lights) on a non-foggy night and the officer wanted to search my car.
There are a bunch of things you have to ask your self to figure out why you're being pulled over. No pun intended, and not meant to be racist but you know how shit works. a) Are you young? Do you look like your 16? Does it look like mommy and daddy bought you a BMW? b) Are you white? Do you look like a scum bag, crack addict, meth junkie? c) Do you drive like a douche bag but refuse to admit it? d) Do you have a bunch of ricey mods on your car? We all know cops fuck with younger people for any little thing they can. The key is to not give them any reasons. |
03-25-2010, 06:20 PM | #22 |
That Guy
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Hmmm i see this forum is very pro police or many be anti young stupid kids giving BMW drivers a bad name ( not calling OP this). Are there any cops here who would like to voice an opinion Id love to hear it.
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