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      10-22-2007, 01:48 PM   #1
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Question regarding insurance rates...

When my 97 honda prelude was killed by an a-hole driver with no patience, I bumped myself up to an 06 Subaru STI. The insurance skyrocketed :eyebulge:and having to find the cheapest (but reliable) insurance I could find. I was told from others that the wrx's and STI's were high because of the high rate of accidents from inexperience young drivers. So my question is this; If I upgrade to the 135i will my rate go down, up or stay the same? I'm 29 years old and pay about $245 per month for full coverage. And it's mostly around the town driving. I've never owned a "luxury" brand before so I don't know how the rates will be, especially for a new model lineup. Any ideas or personal experiences would help.
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      10-22-2007, 06:32 PM   #2

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Since it is a new model for the US, the insurance prices will be all over the place for a few years. The insurance companies need time to establish some actuarial data on their true costs for them to cover the people who end up driving 135i's. The more bastards who run their 135i off the road at 155 mph, the higher the rates. While nice grannies who just drive their 135i to church and back will lower the rates.

I would guess that the best way to estimate insurance from any company would be to go out and get a quote on a 335i coupe. That would be my guess for a reasonable starting point, considering nobody knows the MSRP yet.

I went to and gave it a bunch of bogus personal information, and left the Social Security number blank. They quoted 538.00/6mo for insuring an 07 335i coupe for a married male born in 1970 with good credit, no tickets, etc... by comparison, with the same driver and the same coverage, Esurance quoted 457.00/6mo for a 2006 Subaru Impreza WRX STI. Esurance also provided 3 other companies for comparison, which strangely stayed at the exact same quote for both cars:


Really it is a crap shoot until the insurance companies start listing the 135i - which won't even start to happen until they know what the MSRP is.

The only sure way to know will be to wait (I know that isn't a popular word here...) until the insurance companies can give some quotes.

Like with any car, get your quotes BEFORE you buy!

(disclaimer: I don't speak for, or have any financial connection with them.)
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      10-23-2007, 06:12 AM   #3
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Drives: 2008 E90 M3 AW
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Hey, thanks for the info. I was thinking about getting quotes for the 335i to kind of get a feel for what they might be asking for the 135i. I would guess that it would be a little cheaper than the 335i in comparison. I have been looking to switch insurance companies anyway and was considering Esurance. So hopefully it will turn out cheaper for the 1er. Thanks. Oh, if anyone can, post what your rates are regarding the 335i or other new model Bimmers.
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