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      01-02-2006, 07:28 PM   #1
I'm Starving , So I Guess You Are What You Eat
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A book that changed my life

I don't normally care enough to share thoughts and personal feelings or opinions or anything like that. But about 2 years ago I read a book that TOTALLY changed my life, and I decided to reread it for fun.
Its called Diet For A New America. It was written by John Robbins. If his name sounds familiar, he was the heir of the baskin Robbins ice cream company. His family wanted him to take over the multimillion dollar company, but after learning about problems related to eating dairy and other animal byproducts, he turned down the company.
Being a vegan, I have read numerous books regarding the topic. Everyone other then this, I would never advise anyone to read. They are all very one sided, citing just one persons opinion of right and wrong.
This book is written completely unbiased, documents only facts, charts, etc., with proof of where everything came from.
Its one of the best written nonfiction books I have ever read by far. I'm only in the first chapter this time around, but its bringing back a lot of memories, the first chapter is just talking about documents cases of animals helping humans and stuff, and its pretty amazing.
I'm pretty much ready to get flamed by most of you, mostly saying uneducated things, but that's ok.
Also, if anyone on here enjoys reading and has an open mind, go out and read this book, and I will read any book that you recommend if you can prove that you read this.
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      01-02-2006, 07:31 PM   #2
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I like to eat animals.
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      01-02-2006, 07:37 PM   #3
I'm Starving , So I Guess You Are What You Eat
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speaking of uneducated responses.
Im glad that you like that.
I used to LOVE that. then i read a book. and i realized that SOMETHINGS are more important then the way something tastes on your lips for 5 minutes.
funny how that happens sometimes.
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      01-02-2006, 07:37 PM   #4

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Originally Posted by shimshimhada
I like to eat animals.

MMMMMM..... Just roasted an 8 lb. prime rib for New Years...Medium rare. MMMMMMM. Yummy!

Must've liked the "Super Size Me" movie too.
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      01-02-2006, 07:44 PM   #5
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Originally Posted by J330i
MMMMMM..... Just roasted an 8 lb. prime rib for New Years...Medium rare. MMMMMMM. Yummy!

Must've liked the "Super Size Me" movie too.
Omg, lamb, pork, and beef FTW!
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      01-02-2006, 07:54 PM   #6

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I thought you were going to say Dante's "The Divine Comedy-Inferno" changed your life. I know it did mine

Ha ha ha! Just kidding. Hey I'm glad you found something like this. I've always wanted to be a vegetarian, and I'm serious! You know I can't stand the fact that they slaughter these animals and they're stuck in pens their whole lives and hardly ever even move.

But I can't do it. I haven't got the self disipline to do that. I KNOW greens and fruits and grains would probably make me live longer and make me really healthy, but I just can't get away from steak, hot wings, burgers, and ham and cheese sandwiches!
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      01-02-2006, 08:00 PM   #7
I'm Starving , So I Guess You Are What You Eat
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im not sure if you are being serious are funny like everyone else sharp, but if you are interested at all, this book is worth reading. at least you see the common sense portion of the whole thing, which obviously most people fail to see. this book will get a little passed that common sense part.
i think i have seen the mud people act out inferno. at the fair thing. haha. good times
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      01-02-2006, 08:09 PM   #8
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cdheaven: all powers to you man
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      01-02-2006, 08:13 PM   #9

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No, believe me I'm being serious! I've had quite a bit of anatomy classes in college...if it's one thing I'm pretty good with, it's human anatomy and physiology! Like I said, I KNOW you can't have a more healthy lifestyle than by being a vegetarian. People get made fun of about it all the time, and they say they're just trying to be different or whatever. But I hope as time goes on and people become more educated, they realize how important healthy eating is. Or else they'll be dead before age 50!

Look, we know by eating the flesh of animals, the energy and vitamins are already "second hand". Put another way, the vitamins and other important minerals we get from an orange or banana are almost double than that of a steak.

I mean, the fact that the human body can't digest (most) seeds is proof enough that food with seeds should be our primary food source. We were biologically built for it!

Of course, then protein is sort of lost if you don't consume meat, and that's where I run into trouble. Sure I could try protein suppliments, but like I said, I just don't have the self disipline.

But thanks, cdheaven. I will definitely read this book (provided there are pictures) just kidding!
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      01-02-2006, 08:20 PM   #10
I'm Starving , So I Guess You Are What You Eat
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haha. there are a couple of pictures actually!!! a few of just some cute animals, and a few from some factory farms.
The book also goes into a lot of detail(with proof) of how you dont need as much protein as doctors and nutrienalists used to think.
actually many articles i have read(not just veg articles, but articles written for body builders, etc) say the human body cant absorb more then 30 grams of protein per meal, and 30 grams is not a lot by any means. i have peanut butters sandwhichs with almost 30 grams of protein. let alone fake meat substitues that have tons of protein. next time you are at the supermarket, take a look. you will see two fake chicken patties will provide a delicious meal and give you all the protien you need.
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      01-02-2006, 08:27 PM   #11
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Originally Posted by cdheaven
haha. there are a couple of pictures actually!!! a few of just some cute animals, and a few from some factory farms.
The book also goes into a lot of detail(with proof) of how you dont need as much protein as doctors and nutrienalists used to think.
actually many articles i have read(not just veg articles, but articles written for body builders, etc) say the human body cant absorb more then 30 grams of protein per meal, and 30 grams is not a lot by any means. i have peanut butters sandwhichs with almost 30 grams of protein. let alone fake meat substitues that have tons of protein. next time you are at the supermarket, take a look. you will see two fake chicken patties will provide a delicious meal and give you all the protien you need.
Suddenly, I want a peanut butter and honey sandwich with a tall glass of milk.
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      01-02-2006, 08:40 PM   #12
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Balance. Too much of anything is bad.
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      01-02-2006, 09:31 PM   #13
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cdheaven, I respect your decision to be a vegan, just as you should respect others' decisions not to be. Assuming that any response that is contrary to your choices is uneducated is, well, uneducated. Lots of us have read plenty of scientific papers on nutrition and have the background to understand them. There are many studies that you must take with a grain of salt (the one where the MMR vaccine causes autism comes to mind).
I honestly congratulate you on your will power, I don't have it. And yes, I have a dog and he is my best bud, but I still do not feel guilty if I eat meat. Lots of other animals do it too.
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      01-03-2006, 07:49 AM   #14
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PETA, People for the Eating of Tasty Animals...
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      01-03-2006, 08:31 AM   #15
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I didn't claw my way to the top of the food chain to eat seeds and leaves. Give me a juicy steak!
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      01-03-2006, 05:59 PM   #16
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Sharp1183-Vegetarian eating is not the best or most healthy lifestyle possible. Your body needs nutrients found only in meats. I work with several "vegetarians" who eat junk food all day and spew all kinds of vegetarian nonsense while they eat potato chips and cookies-and never a protein source. While healthy vegetarians eat better than this, a lot of them use it as an excuse to eat sweets all day.

Also, have you seen many remotely muscular vegetarians? Most are women or men who deserve that label. Not very healthy.
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      01-03-2006, 06:22 PM   #17

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Originally Posted by MonacoBlueNJ
Sharp1183-Vegetarian eating is not the best or most healthy lifestyle possible. Your body needs nutrients found only in meats. I work with several "vegetarians" who eat junk food all day and spew all kinds of vegetarian nonsense while they eat potato chips and cookies-and never a protein source. While healthy vegetarians eat better than this, a lot of them use it as an excuse to eat sweets all day.

Also, have you seen many remotely muscular vegetarians? Most are women or men who deserve that label. Not very healthy.
Yeah, that's kind of what I was getting at. The reason I said it's most healthy is because there's virtually no fat, sodium, or cholesterol associated with most fruits and vegetables. But red meat is very important to a balanced diet, just as seafood is for proper amounts of iodine, for example. An iodine deficiency from a lack of eating seafood would cause the adenohypophysis to secrete thyroid-stimulating hormone, which would then cause problems with your thyroid gland.

Ha! So there!

But you're right. I just was just assuming that if someone knew the importance of eating right, eating junk food wouldn't even have been an issue.
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      01-03-2006, 06:26 PM   #18
I'm Starving , So I Guess You Are What You Eat
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Originally Posted by MonacoBlueNJ
Sharp1183-Vegetarian eating is not the best or most healthy lifestyle possible. Your body needs nutrients found only in meats. I work with several "vegetarians" who eat junk food all day and spew all kinds of vegetarian nonsense while they eat potato chips and cookies-and never a protein source. While healthy vegetarians eat better than this, a lot of them use it as an excuse to eat sweets all day.

Also, have you seen many remotely muscular vegetarians? Most are women or men who deserve that label. Not very healthy.
unfortunately there are alot of nonhealthy veg's out there. those are also the same people that will stop being veg in 6 months and talk shit about that lifestyle, giving us a bad name, when in fact they werent smart enough to pick the right foods themselvs.
There definitely isnt ANY nutrients found ONLY in meat.
here is an expert from the book this thread is talking about...
actually, i dont wanna qoute, cause its like 17 pages long, so i will summarize
Dave scott of davis california,won hawaiis ironman triahlon 4 times, 3 years in a row, no one else has ever won it more then once. it consits of a 2.4 mile swim, a 112 mile cyel and a 26.2 mile run. he is a vegattarian.
Sixto Linares set the world for the longest single day triathlon while a vegatarian. when he went vegan he broke the world record for one day triathlon by swimming 4.8 miles, cycling 185 miles and then running 52.4 miles.
Robert sweetgall from delware is the worlds premier uldtradistrance walker. in the last 3 years he walked 24,900 miles. vegatarian
Edwin moses has dominted the 400 meter hurdles. Olympic gold medalist went 8 years without losing a race, sports illustrated gave him their 1984 sports of the year award. vegatarian.
Paavo Nurmi set twenty world records in distance running, won 9 olympic medals. vegatarian.
Bill Pickering set the world record for swimming the english channel. at 48 set a new records for swimming the bristol channel. vegatarian
Murray rose was only 17 when he wont three gold medals. vegatarian since two years old.
Stan price holds the world record for the bench press. vegatarian.
Pierreo verot holds the record for downhill endurance skiing.vegatarian.
This goes on for a while. hopefully i proved my point. unless you are gonna say something like "there are always exceptions" or something like that.
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      01-03-2006, 06:52 PM   #19

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I like to take everything in moderation...except of course alcohol ...but I'll admit I really do love meat.

But I'd say the biggest problem that I have with it nowadays is definitely the horomones these places pump into the animals. I mean, the horomones are then passed on to us...kinda disgusting if you think about it.

But then again, you're eating all kind of pesticides when you eat fruit or veggies. Kind of a lose-lose situation
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      01-03-2006, 06:57 PM   #20
I'm Starving , So I Guess You Are What You Eat
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yea. i definitely see what you are saying. hormones is a big deal, and one of the reasons i dont eat meat.
Pesticides of course is a big problem also. the difference is i eat a lot of organic fruits and veggies. which is hard to do 100% of the time. lemme rephrase, impossible to do 100% of the time. also i wash off my fruits and veggies, you cant wash the hormones out of meat, just like you cant wash out the mercury out of fish.
but i see what you are saying.
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      01-03-2006, 07:41 PM   #21
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People who eat meat can remain healthy just as how people who abstain from meat can remain healthy if they do it right. By the same token, people who eat meat can also be unhealthy if they're not doing things right - on the same level with tyro vegans. Of course, we are subjective in what "healthy" is.

People who refrain from eating meat for the sole concern of "animals" amaze me. By the same token that person must also refrain from any animal byproducts, including leather, fur, and skins. That includes the leather used in BMWs. Or the ostrich feathers used to wipe off the frames of the BMWs in the factory. So in summary, a BMW owner is involved in the slaying of ostriches.

Championing the ideals of veganism for the sake of animals is a poor excuse and that inevitably is the bottom line. Now they're trying to be a bit more fancy and insinuate health issues as a way to divert the focus of "sparing the animals".
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      01-03-2006, 08:00 PM   #22
I'm Starving , So I Guess You Are What You Eat
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i agree that people that eat meat could be healthy, just like vegans can. its sorta like some people smoke all their lives and live to be very old. but we all know smoking is bad for you. heart attacks and cancer are the two leading causes of death. And we already know that eating animal byproducts leads to these two things.
The only reason i bought a bmw is because mercedes and bmw are the only car manufactures that let you build a decent car, and keep fake leather as an option. i couldnt afford a mercedes.
Is the picture in your profile thing your dinner?
it looks delecious
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