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      01-03-2019, 12:13 AM   #2091
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So tonight. A guy spends more time bopping around to the music he has pumping from his phone and texting on said phone than working out. It was chest day for me today and he hogged up one of the flat benches. I finally got an open bench while this dude is still farting around. I finished my sets on the bench and he's still farting around on the bench. Later, I wanted to use the incline bench and guess who's there? This time I had didn't want to just loiter around waiting for him to finish so I interjected. He said he had another set to go but got it done rather quickly.

And a cringe worthy sight. There is this skinny dude that I've seen on occasion. This guy has the worst form/lack of full range motion and uses momentum to move the heavy weights he thinks he's actually lifting. So he's been lately "training" a guy friend and what I assume is his girlfriend. I cringe as to think what future injuries these people are going to get due to this fool's workout technique.
Originally Posted by Lups View Post
We might not be in an agreement on Trump, but I'll be the first penis chaser here to say I'll rather take it up in the ass than to argue with you on this.
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      01-03-2019, 05:33 AM   #2092

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Originally Posted by UncleWede View Post
^ this is why I go to a safe place like Planet Fitness
I dont feel safe at planet fitness.
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      01-03-2019, 05:37 AM   #2093
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Originally Posted by zx10guy View Post
So tonight. A guy spends more time bopping around to the music he has pumping from his phone and texting on said phone than working out. It was chest day for me today and he hogged up one of the flat benches. I finally got an open bench while this dude is still farting around. I finished my sets on the bench and he's still farting around on the bench. Later, I wanted to use the incline bench and guess who's there? This time I had didn't want to just loiter around waiting for him to finish so I interjected. He said he had another set to go but got it done rather quickly.

And a cringe worthy sight. There is this skinny dude that I've seen on occasion. This guy has the worst form/lack of full range motion and uses momentum to move the heavy weights he thinks he's actually lifting. So he's been lately "training" a guy friend and what I assume is his girlfriend. I cringe as to think what future injuries these people are going to get due to this fool's workout technique.
Usually thats how those heads are, gotta light a flame under their ass to see any sort of movement. Theres a similar guy in my gym who refuses to wear earphones and instead just turns his phone all the way up, can't believe some people have the audacity to do that shit lol.

We were talking about training people with improper form a few pages ago, that shit really bothers me. The problem is that guy training them assumes he knows what he is doing and is doing it properly, and most of the time someone of this caliber is not receptive to criticism. Maybe eventually he will come to the realization. Self critic is the most important thing in constant progression in the gym in my opinion.
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      01-03-2019, 10:20 AM   #2094
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Nearly every single person I see in the gym, doing any kind of lift while standing, has their knees locked and using their lumbar for support.

PLEASE, just a simple bend, so that stress point becomes your thigh instead!!!!

I have to go stretch my back now, just thinking of it hurts.
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      01-03-2019, 11:17 AM   #2095
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Last night was working on legs. I start my session and none of the leg machines are being used by the resolutioners....go figure. As I finish the first machine, I wipe it down and headed to the next station where these two "heavier" (and this is me being kind) ladies literally snake me as I'm about to get on the machine. I kid you not, I was less than a foot away from the machine when one just stepped in front of me. She did 1 set of 5 @ 20 lbs. and sat there for 5 minutes. Then the her buddy gets on and does nothing as they just sit there and talk. Then some guy who looks like he should have been a backyard wrestler whose only exercise is 12 oz. curls (black flaming do-rag, mullet, cut off jean shorts and all) comes up to the two homely ass women and starts flirting with them.

As pissed as I was, I ended up doing chest in the middle of my leg session. After I had done everything that I could do to wait on them to move, aprox 20 minutes; I finally went over and asked that if they weren't using the machine would they mind to finish their conversation elsewhere. Of course the thrift store assassin decided he wanted to show these "ladies" how bad he was and give me the stink-eye about it but never actually said a word. The three of them watched me finish my session in the corner while giving me dirty looks.
Originally Posted by jmg View Post
We're Americans. Leave your logic and science witchcraft out of this! Jesus and guns are all we need.

Last edited by King Rudi; 01-03-2019 at 12:24 PM..
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      01-03-2019, 12:12 PM   #2096
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^annoyed just reading that lol
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      01-03-2019, 01:42 PM   #2097
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There seems to be something about Judy that just draws in all the heavy hitters
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      01-03-2019, 01:50 PM   #2098
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Originally Posted by UncleWede View Post
There seems to be something about Judy that just draws in all the heavy hitters
There are just an abundance of them here. If one is walking through a red wood forest, the hiker isn't attracting the trees, they are just everywhere.

.....or the fact that I carry beef jerky in my pocket.
Originally Posted by jmg View Post
We're Americans. Leave your logic and science witchcraft out of this! Jesus and guns are all we need.
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      01-03-2019, 01:52 PM   #2099
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Originally Posted by Not_Judy View Post
There are just an abundance of them here. If one is walking through a red wood forest, the hiker isn't attracting the trees, they are just everywhere.

.....or the fact that I carry beef jerky in my pocket.
Is that a beef jerky in your pocket, or am I just glad to see you?

Wait, wot???
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      01-03-2019, 02:02 PM   #2100
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Originally Posted by UncleWede View Post
Is that a beef jerky in your pocket, or am I just glad to see you?

Wait, wot???
These bitches think it's pheromones....nah son, it's Jack Links secret recipe.
Originally Posted by jmg View Post
We're Americans. Leave your logic and science witchcraft out of this! Jesus and guns are all we need.
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      01-03-2019, 03:55 PM   #2101
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LOL some funny stories from you guys here! well all I can say today while I was at the gym before coming into work this afternoon was I had googoo eyes for 1.5hrs on this brunette who was absolutely gorgeous eff'd up my whole workout but was well worth it. i'm not even mad lol! no gains today
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      01-03-2019, 04:44 PM   #2102
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Originally Posted by lsturbointeg View Post
no gains today
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      01-08-2019, 09:25 AM   #2103

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People using equipment for a table for gear, food, drinks. The gym actually had to tell people to stop eating on the gym floor. There is a #backcornercrew that is very annoying.
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      01-08-2019, 09:40 AM   #2104
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Originally Posted by falllguy View Post
People using equipment for a table for gear, food, drinks. The gym actually had to tell people to stop eating on the gym floor. There is a #backcornercrew that is very annoying.
The personal trainer at the gym has a terrible habit of laying his clipboard and drinks on equipment. The first few times his stuff was in my way I asked him if it was reserved. He apologized and moved promptly. I don't even ask anymore. I just started moving it myself and setting it in the floor.
Originally Posted by jmg View Post
We're Americans. Leave your logic and science witchcraft out of this! Jesus and guns are all we need.
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      01-08-2019, 11:15 AM   #2105
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Originally Posted by Not_Judy View Post
The personal trainer at the gym has a terrible habit of laying his clipboard and drinks on equipment. The first few times his stuff was in my way I asked him if it was reserved. He apologized and moved promptly. I don't even ask anymore. I just started moving it myself and setting it in the floor.
Next time move it into the bathroom and leave it there. He'll get the idea.
"Yeah, but your scientists were so preoccupied with whether or not they could, they didn't stop to think if they should."

-Dr. Ian Malcolm, Jurassic Park
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      01-08-2019, 12:04 PM   #2106
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Last night I made a concoction of beet root, BCAA, and d-aspartic acid to wash down my dinner. I think I put way too much dAa in because my heart was all a flutter until Jacuzzi/ice pool time. I couldn't find the little tiny spoon that is in the bottle until AFTER I had dumped probably way too much in.

That beet root powder tastes like dirt, almost exactly.
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      01-08-2019, 10:16 PM   #2107
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Ok...long story here. I don't usually post serious annoyances here but this is worth sharing.

Today I had the distinct pleasure of having some "Instagram celebrity" working out at my gym (I still don't know who this dude is) How they get anything accomplished is beyond me because they are literally on their phone ALL THE TIME.

So squat rack opens up, I set my stuff down- and start warming up with the bar alone- as most know- prevents injury before throwing 4-5 45 lb plates.

One of his posse members (not even in gym clothes- he was like a cameraman) comes up to me and says "you going to be long? We're going to shoot a video and this has the best lighting" to which I responded "yeah...I've got a pyramid set, but we can share the rack if you don't want to wait."

The so called "celebrity" comes up to me and says "hey man, not sure if you've seen me on IG or know who i am- it's totally cool if we split the rack but we're going to throw real weight on- just so you know. Don't get me wrong or anything- you look in shape and know what you're doing- but yeah."

To which I responded "no offense, but I have absolutely no idea who you are. And I work for universal music- so i work with/run into people of name all the time. And don't worry about the weight, I'll get out of your way once it becomes too heavy" (in my head knowing I'm working my way up to a 455x5x2 set)

This dude throws the biggest attitude with his reaction- and off we go. They immediately start at 225 with good form, then I went- took 2 plates off, and started at 135.

Then they jumped to 315. Form ok, but not breaking parallel anymore- I then go to 225.

They repeat 315, at which the guy says "how much do I take off?" To which I responded "nah...let's keep it there" and finally put on my inzer belt. 315x8

They then move up to 365 with a shaky walk out, and at this point, I was nervous for the guy, cause the form was no bueno, head way up- and barely able to reach parallel x3.

I change the 25s for 35s. 385x6 ass to grass no problem.

He then attempts, and since I guess his pride got in the way- attempted for depth, and had to bail- WHICH PISSED ME THE FUCK OFF, because we now have to unrack- and rerack everything. I told him "i hope your talent on IG isn't for fitness, because you definitely need to stop training your ego".

After i which put 405 on the bar- and they thankfully let me finish my sets by myself, leaving the area with their footage with their tails between their legs.

Some guy from afar then comes up to me and says "that seriously made my day" to which I was amused and annoyed by the whole situation. But seriously, fuck these social media "celebrities"

End rant.
I'm always sunny, hunny.
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      01-08-2019, 10:19 PM   #2108
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Darwin almost won tonight at the gym.

While doing dumbbell curls, I see in the mirror these two guys behind me on the bench press. The bar was loaded to 315lbs. While the guy attempting the weight isn't weak, there's no way he could come close to benching that amount of weight. So I watch as you would train wreck. His buddy spotting him could barely bench 155lbs. But that's not entirely why I'm bringing up his buddy. His buddy has been gimping along the gym for a couple of weeks now on crutches. Not sure if he messed up his ankle or knee. Needless to say he's not putting weight on that leg.

So the dude was able to lift the loaded bar off of the bar holder. He slowly brings the bar down to his chest I guess doing a negative. As the bar touches his chest, he tries to push the weight back up. And you guessed it, bar goes up maybe an inch and drops right back down on his chest. Gimp tries to spot and almost falls over trying to balance on one leg. I don't know how but the both of them managed to get the bar up to the first set of hangers/holders on the bench.
Originally Posted by Lups View Post
We might not be in an agreement on Trump, but I'll be the first penis chaser here to say I'll rather take it up in the ass than to argue with you on this.
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      01-08-2019, 11:02 PM   #2109
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My gym moved to a brand new location, all i see now is ass ass ass...makes going to the gym so exciting, every day i see a new ass
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      01-08-2019, 11:39 PM   #2110
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Originally Posted by F30dud View Post
My gym moved to a brand new location, all i see now is ass ass ass...makes going to the gym so exciting, every day i see a new ass
Love seeing new pooping dispensers too.
I'm always sunny, hunny.
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      01-09-2019, 08:44 AM   #2111
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Originally Posted by Mr.SugarSkulls View Post
But seriously, fuck these social media "celebrities"

End rant.
Agreed. These people annoy the fuck out of me, and I call them out whenever I can.
"Yeah, but your scientists were so preoccupied with whether or not they could, they didn't stop to think if they should."

-Dr. Ian Malcolm, Jurassic Park
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      01-09-2019, 12:02 PM   #2112
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Not much to contribute here, but I travel a solid bit for work. Hotel gyms are annoying as hell, just the fact that they lack equipment and usually only go up to 50lbs on the dumbbells. Also everyone who goes in there is so laxidasical sometimes it makes getting them off certain equipment a problem. Presense of a solid gym is usually my deciding factor when choosing where to stay, but even then the options are sometimes limited. I need to just start buying week long passes to actual gyms while on travel, I never have the motivation that I do in an actual gym compared to an hotel gym.
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