03-19-2008, 01:49 PM | #67 |
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I've yet to notice a racial upheaval.
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03-19-2008, 01:49 PM | #68 | |
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When an obvious non-white person walks in the room the first thing that is noticed is the race or ethnicity. That starts the prejudgement, then things such as clothing, demeanor.
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03-19-2008, 01:50 PM | #69 |
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Like this sort of upheaval
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03-19-2008, 02:35 PM | #70 |
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Heavin chunks? Mebbe...mebbe not...
that didn't make any sense ![]()
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03-19-2008, 02:47 PM | #71 | |
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Based on how we dressed people use to be sacred of us, we use to get followed around stores by management, we use to get searched because "they saw us steal stuff" when we never did. We use to get hassled by cops and pull out of our cars and sat on the curbs because they "smelt drugs" which was a giant laugh since we where opposed to that type of life style. We use to get asked if we where in a gang, we use to get stared at since we had piercings and tattoos. Just because your white doesn't give you a pass in life. I believe black America still has it the toughest in life out of any minorities and there are demographics to back it up like they are the largest population of inmates, they are the least like racial group to finish high school and so on. However I dont agree with racism from any group. I was not alive 100+ years ago when slavery was here in the US. My family like most where immigrants to the us. My background is French, German and Irish (great great grandparents), non of whom owned slaves or even had anything to do with slavery. They just like most immigrants came to the us with a suit case and nothing else and manged to make something of their selves through hard work and determination. I believe that the slavery excuse is old and just nothing more then an excuse. Im sick and tired of racism there needs to be a end, but there will nver be so untill people 1) let he past be the past and 2) open their minds and judge each person based on their own person. As far as the rich getting richer and the poor getting poorer that has nothing to do with race. Its a simple fact that the rich get richer by the way they choose to spend their money. Rich people teach their kids to spend money on assets and not liabilities, while the poor spend money on liabilities and not assets. For example a rich person wants to buy a new turbo porsche. They dont just run out and get it. They go and find and investment that they can use to put their down payment in that would other wise be used to buy the turbo porsche and make twice the money that a lease payment would be on the porsche, now insted of wasting that money on a liability (the car) they spent the money on a asset(the investment) that will pay for the car and also pay over the car payment/lease and return their initial investment. THe poor guy on the other hand was never taught that and insted spends all his money one the car and struggling to make the payment each month just so he can appear to be "baller" A great book to read that will change your perception on the way you spend your money is "rich dad poop dad" and I highly recommend it to anyone. I think the biggest issue in America's socity today is the lack of knowledge about simple economics. Everyone should be required to take a year of college economics classes and pass the tests with As inorder to be able to vote in my personal opinion becuase the voting majority isnt educated enought to realize the impact on some of the issues they are voting for. Well fair is not good, taxes are not good, tarriffs on imports are not good, unions are not good. Economics teaches us that who ever has the resources to produce the product at the best economic value should produce it and all those impede that. |
03-19-2008, 03:16 PM | #72 |
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03-19-2008, 09:58 PM | #74 |
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Race will always be a touchy subject in this country whether we like it or not.
but Expired you are really delusional if you think the White man is the most discriminated race in America. Men I would like you to switch race with any Hispanic, Black or Asian just for a day, even just for a couple of hours. Have you ever been dressed up going to work in the morning in your bmw and a cop pulls you over to ask whether you own the car you are driving? I wanted to reply no officer "I just jacked this car and put the guy's slacks & tie on also". I mean what kind of disrespectful ish is that? he didn't ask once, he asked me 4 times. I had to laugh it off or I might have been locked up that morning. The fact of the matter is, no matter how much you disapprove of affirmative action, is actually serves a purpose. The white male still RUNS AMERICA!! don't lie to yourself about that. How many fortune 500 companies are run by minorities? probably can count less than ten. The fact of the matter is that, if affirmative action wasn't created, there would be alot of black men, women of all races, Asians over qualified for job and wouldn't get them. THAT IS A FACT, not some stupid rule. Case in point why do women still make less than men, when more than half of them work harder than their male counterparts. If you can't even find your own truth by stepping outside of yourself and taking a look at society at a whole then you have no basis to make such silly over generalized statements. Take some psychology/sociology classes and learn about why human beings are so resistant to change, and why it will take even more than affirmative action or some 40 acres and a mule to change human frame of mind. I went to a predominantly Jewish school in a Jewish Neighborhood and I'm a black muslim. Nothing ever happened to me, no discrimination, if only human being as a race cared more about tolerance than thinking they better than another race or all the stupid inequalities out there maybe we can focus on better things than fucking race!!
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03-22-2008, 04:02 PM | #75 | ||
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Do you know why they are called the Fortune 500?? Because they are the largest corporations in America at this time. Do you know what it takes to produce a Fortune 500 company?? A lot of time, effort, money, and ingenuity. (They have been around the longest, so of course they are going to be the most wealthy, and predominately white.) So what you are saying is that things wont be right until minorities are GIVEN (Let me emphasize that word, because that is the word a lot of minorities like to hear) a spot in the Fortune 500, and any other position of high power in this country?? White's have been running this country much longer than any other race, so of course they are going to be in a position with the most power.. The same as if you were to go to Japan, most of the power is held by people of Asian decent. Why?? Because they have been there the longest and have the most interest in their own country. Unfortunately most minorities attribute any "attack" on them, to the color of their skin. The cop could have had a BMW the same model and color as yours reported stolen, and neglected to run the plates before he asked you that question or asked for license and registration. He could have asked you because of the age of the person driving the BMW. UNFORTUNATELY most minorities see race as the only reason for anyone approaching them in a cross manner. You should be the one looking at the picture in a broad spectrum. Affirmative action does serve a purpose, to make most things equal in this country and it has SERVED just that. It's time to do away with this idea based on race that just so happens to most adversely affect White Males. What a shock.. White Males being the most discriminated against in the work environment, who would have thought.. Maybe you should open your eyes. You also brought up people who are over qualified for a job, not getting the job. Do you know why that is?? Because companies aren't willing to hire someone with a P.H.D. in dog training and a Bachelors in Engineering that thinks they should earn more money because of a major not related to the job. They would much rather hire someone with just a Bachelors in Engineering and pay them much less. Although not Affirmative action, this is also helping the classes less well off financially get pretty decent jobs. Company's are much more willing to hire someone straight out of U.T. than Yale, because of the difference in the paycheck they are looking for. People from less well off colleges also seem to want to learn more, and have much more knowledge in their field. Why is this?? Because they dislike living in a poor way of life, and want to be financially sound. The fact of the matter is (as you would say), that regardless of color and race, you can do almost anything you want in life if you are determined enough. It just so happens that there are probably only a few minorities so inclined to make it big in life, and that could be a factor in the small amount of minorities in the Fortune 500. Good point, why do women make less than men?? Although I'm not going to do any research right now, i'll try to answer your question.. Women are making roughly 23 cents less than men in the work place. This can be attributed to any number of things associated with being a woman. Male nurses are being paid more than females because most are able to lift more in the work place if needed. When a woman becomes pregnant she has to make frequent visits to a doctor, and don't forget to add in the paid leave during and a good part after child birth. Women might also be unable to perform some job requirements when pregnant such as lifting heavy objects, etc.. This amounts to a major loss for any company, and a way for getting that money back over the long run is to pay women less. Most of these studys probably involve women in high paying environments, which happen to be the only ones with paid leave for pregnancy's. I guarantee you that any woman working at a low paying job is getting paid the same as any male, unless it involves labor. It's quite funny how so many people want things given to them based on their color or gender. Women are probably making much more than males because of benefits, if company's were to disregard the fact that they are women I bet that they would have it much worse off. Why do men pay more for car insurance?? ![]() Not everything is related to a persons race or gender at face value, it's problems or benefits associated with them unfortunately.. I would take a bit of your own advice if I was you.. -Nathan
Last edited by Expired; 03-22-2008 at 04:29 PM.. |
03-22-2008, 09:25 PM | #76 |
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That is exactly the point; that being white is the norm, whether one is white or not. What is laughable is that proves exactly the counterpoint to your argument that whites are discriminated against. And personally, I think most non-whites that I know would point out that a person was white or another race. Only caucasians assume race when it is not denoted. That in itself may be racist but there it is.
'07 Monaco Blue 335i ordered 9/4 built 9/21 shipped 9/28 arrived 10/12 at dealership 10/18 vroom 10/19 christened 11/3... |
03-23-2008, 08:02 PM | #77 | |
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'White' isn't considered the norm, and I don't know of anyone who thinks like that. You will see 'White' more in this country, because 'White's' have been in this country in abundance for the longest period of time. If you were to go to Africa, what would the "norm" then be Taittinger?? There are "norms" in every country in the world, but for some reason it is only the predominately white ones that have to deal with equality issues. America: White or Other. Africa: Black or Other. Asia: Asian or Other. South America: Hispanic or Other. It seems as though people are complaining because they want to be the "norm" in this country as you would say. Why then not go to a country where said persons "color" is the one in abundance?? People should not expect others to accommodate them because they are not the "color" at large in a country. All people in the world assume race when it is not obvious, not just Caucasians.. There are pretty much four shades of skin color in this world, so of course it is pretty hard for someone to not assume what a persons origin is. Whites are the most discriminated against in America; there is so much pressure in this country from minorities for everything to benefit them because they themselves want to climb to the top. Then what Taittinger?? Once everything is 50% white, 50% other, then what will happen?? The 'other' wont be happy until they are the one's in the majority, and then single races in that 'other' class will fight for the majority after that as well. I don't see white immigrants in Asia, Africa, or South America complaining because they want to have everything catered to them because they are the minority. It seems as though you have some grudge against white people for no apparent reason, just like a good amount of people in this country. -Nathan
03-24-2008, 07:11 AM | #80 | |
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03-24-2008, 12:11 PM | #81 |
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Look at HS graduation rates as well as the ratio of race/population and it makes sense it's this way.
328xi Coupe, Montego Blue on Black with Alum, Step, Sport, Premium, CA, PDC, Cold Weather (Damn Pennsylvania winters)
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03-24-2008, 09:55 PM | #82 | |
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03-24-2008, 10:20 PM | #83 |
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How do you think it is possible for a high school kid to see the world for what it is? You have so little experience, such limited knowledge and so narrow a perspective that you can't possibly have any idea how the world works.
03-24-2008, 11:28 PM | #84 | |
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Tell me, whom is the more intellectual of the two.. A child who has walked around in the world for several years, or an old man who has walked around in a cave all of his years?? -Nathan
03-24-2008, 11:37 PM | #85 | |
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So you've walked the world? And I'm the guy in the cave? Well, let me give you a quick education, by the time I was your age I'd already lived in 15 different countries. How many have you lived in? I'd bet it's 1. I wouldn't be surpirsed if you haven't even lived outside Texas. And yet you have the gall to belive you've gathered enough knowledge and experience to glean the workings of the world (or at least the US). Hysterical. |
03-25-2008, 12:05 AM | #86 | |
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![]() Nah, what I said didn't relate to us in any way. I was just trying to show you that knowledge can't be attributed to age. Jaiman, you could have lived in every major city in the world, but that doesn't mean that you have more knowledge than me. Anyways, it's true that with age comes wisdom.. and to obtain wisdom you first need knowledge.. It's funny however that I have yet to meet anyone that is truly considered wise. It's probably because such a person doesn't exist.. -___- Thus everyone relies on knowledge. This discussion is based on nothing more than knowledge by the way. If anyone of us were 'wise', then there would no longer be anything to argue because one of us would have proven their point beyond a shadow of a doubt. -Nathan
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