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      06-28-2019, 03:30 PM   #45
King Rudi
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Originally Posted by RS DAVE View Post
I try to park out of the way, if some prick parks next to me, i check my car when i return. Then if they have marked my car, i key theirs and drive away happy.
Originally Posted by IancoleTX View Post
Exactly. It's not the people with nice cars that they care about who are just wantonly flinging their doors open with zero conscious awareness of the world around them.

I have gotten three memorable door dings.

1.) Euro delivery 2011 335i M-Sport, wonderful trip, 2nd to last day I am parked off to the side in a crowded hotel lot in Interlaken, I walk out to not a ding but a full size crease in the door. Someone just fucking flung their door like the Juggernaut into my brand-new 335i with 500 miles on it, and took off. Shitty.

2.) Parking garage at work, parked in a remote area, against the wall, with, I shit you not, 12 open spots next to me. I counted. 12 open spots. I come out from work and there is a Jetta CRAMMED up against my car, with 11 open spots next to it, and a door ding on my passenger side, and no note. I carefully checked that their door lined up with the ding, then took out my pocket knife, and 100% fucked up their driver side door. No regrets.

3.) Weekend parking lot in an office park, some lady crams in right next to me, again, in a completely empty lot, and leaves a HUGE ding in my brand new GT350 with 400 miles on it. She left her Accord unlocked, I opened the door to align with the ding, perfect fit no question. Backed my car out of the spot, left it idling, then bashed her driver's side mirror off and uppercutted her drivers side door. Mmmmm satisfying. I should have pissed in her car.

I have had my doors dinged and petty damage done to my car so many times, that when I've been able to catch the people responsible, it's like instant Viking bloodlust revenge-mode time. Fuck anyone who is so unaware of the world that they go around damaging other peoples' shit carelessly, they deserve everything that they get.
Not cool. Frustration from someone else's lack of concern or accountability gives you the justification to intentionally destroy someone else's property? They damaged your property carelessly yes, but you weren't being careless, you did this in spite of their carelessness which makes you a worse person than they are in my opinion. Ever heard two wrongs don't make a right?

F*ck it lol

Last edited by King Rudi; 06-28-2019 at 03:48 PM..
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      06-28-2019, 03:35 PM   #46
Run Silent
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Originally Posted by Now_Rudi View Post
I suppose the adage that money doesn't buy class rings very true in this instance.
I dunno, that seems pretty accurate. I had to use money to buy my class rings when I graduated.

Perhaps this would be better: I suppose the adage that "Money doesn't buy class" rings very true in this instance.

All in good fun, my friend.

Don't sweat petty things....or pet sweaty things.
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      06-28-2019, 03:46 PM   #47
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Originally Posted by Run Silent View Post
I dunno, that seems pretty accurate. I had to use money to buy my class rings when I graduated.

Perhaps this would be better: I suppose the adage that "Money doesn't buy class" rings very true in this instance.

All in good fun, my friend.

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      06-28-2019, 04:03 PM   #48
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People suck.
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      06-28-2019, 07:26 PM   #49
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Originally Posted by IancoleTX View Post
Exactly. It's not the people with nice cars that they care about who are just wantonly flinging their doors open with zero conscious awareness of the world around them.

I have gotten three memorable door dings.

1.) Euro delivery 2011 335i M-Sport, wonderful trip, 2nd to last day I am parked off to the side in a crowded hotel lot in Interlaken, I walk out to not a ding but a full size crease in the door. Someone just fucking flung their door like the Juggernaut into my brand-new 335i with 500 miles on it, and took off. Shitty.

2.) Parking garage at work, parked in a remote area, against the wall, with, I shit you not, 12 open spots next to me. I counted. 12 open spots. I come out from work and there is a Jetta CRAMMED up against my car, with 11 open spots next to it, and a door ding on my passenger side, and no note. I carefully checked that their door lined up with the ding, then took out my pocket knife, and 100% fucked up their driver side door. No regrets.

3.) Weekend parking lot in an office park, some lady crams in right next to me, again, in a completely empty lot, and leaves a HUGE ding in my brand new GT350 with 400 miles on it. She left her Accord unlocked, I opened the door to align with the ding, perfect fit no question. Backed my car out of the spot, left it idling, then bashed her driver's side mirror off and uppercutted her drivers side door. Mmmmm satisfying. I should have pissed in her car.

I have had my doors dinged and petty damage done to my car so many times, that when I've been able to catch the people responsible, it's like instant Viking bloodlust revenge-mode time. Fuck anyone who is so unaware of the world that they go around damaging other peoples' shit carelessly, they deserve everything that they get.
This is what these people deserve, but unfortunately is shit you can get in deep trouble for doing.

I once parked alone in a massive corner spot and some jackass fit their car into my spot and the next person's spot because they were too lazy to go up to the next level of the parking garage.

I was livid, and left a 1 inch key mark. When I got home I thought what have I done, I could get into really deep shit if I get caught on camera. Was worried for days and promised myself never to do that again.
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      06-28-2019, 07:32 PM   #50
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Originally Posted by Mason Hatcher View Post
It has to be some subconscious thing. Maybe they feel that they are parking better if they are parked near others.

Same thing when I am cruising along in the center lane of a three or more lane freeway and someone comes up behind me and tailgates. No traffic in either lane...WTF. So I take my foot off of the gas and just let my car gradually slow down. Most people will not move around until I am nearly crawling...
It's easier to park when there's another car to the left of the spot you're targeting. Gives a subconscious point of reference.

Regardless, f*k people who do this in parking lots with many other spots.
-2008 E90 328 black/brown
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      06-29-2019, 10:21 AM   #51
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Originally Posted by Germanauto View Post
This is what these people deserve, but unfortunately is shit you can get in deep trouble for doing.

I once parked alone in a massive corner spot and some jackass fit their car into my spot and the next person's spot because they were too lazy to go up to the next level of the parking garage.

I was livid, and left a 1 inch key mark. When I got home I thought what have I done, I could get into really deep shit if I get caught on camera. Was worried for days and promised myself never to do that again.
True story. I feel where you're coming from. Road rage happens because after 99 people cut someone off, the 100th person to do it gets all the accumulated anger directed at them. So kind of like that I guess. I've had cars dented, backed into, scratched, broken into, shit stolen from them, I've almost wrecked cars twice running over a crowbar and a ladder that people just let fall out of their trailer. It's a constant stream of frustration living in a big city. Same deal. Is keying someone's car because they dinged your door healthy? Probably not. Bit douchebaggy? Sure. Mea culpa.

That said, If someone walks through life like an NPC just screwing up other people's stuff because they're too inconsiderate to think about what they're doing, to notice what they've done, or to take responsibility for it, fuck 'em.

And seriously, the type of person who just flings their door open into your car and drives off, was that a one time thing for them? Or is this braindead person probably driving around using other peoples' property as their door bumper on a regular basis. Like, how much damage are they doing in the course of their life? What kind of person is that? Really, fuck 'em.

Those two stories are from years ago when I was younger and more hot-headed. Would I do something like that again, probably not, do I feel bad for door dingers getting what they deserved when they probably dinged their 50th door, no.
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      07-02-2019, 09:12 AM   #52

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Originally Posted by Run Silent View Post
Dude, you really are a piece of trash, aren't you? Also - probably not the best idea to literally post how you committed a crime on a public forum that can track your IP. Ya know, just sayin'.

Except he didn't do any of these things. Just trying to sound "cool," in the way that 12-year olds think they are cool, by typing all that junk.
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      07-02-2019, 09:30 AM   #53
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I use these and they're awesome.

Ding Bats - Removable Magnetic Car Door Protectors, Car Door Guards, Car Door Protection, Door Ding Dent Protectors (No Security)
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      07-04-2019, 01:54 PM   #54
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Dings can be avoided. We just got rid of an E82 at about 110k miles on it without any dings and my F30 at 115k miles still has no dings.

We follow these rules for parking:
1) Park far far away
2) Park at a spacious spot
3) Always park up against the wind so the door doesn’t catch the wind
4) No parking next to junk cars or family containers
5) If necessary to park next to someone always on the passenger side and preferably next to a clean luxury car with no options for others to park at my passenger side.
6) Never ever skip any of the rules above

Yes, I do walk more than others
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      07-04-2019, 01:58 PM   #55
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Originally Posted by PshhhhhMW View Post
I use these and they're awesome.

Ding Bats - Removable Magnetic Car Door Protectors, Car Door Guards, Car Door Protection, Door Ding Dent Protectors (No Security)
The X5 is plastic on the doors. They won’t stick.
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      07-04-2019, 02:02 PM   #56
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I have a solution that is better than keying someone’s car. Keep a roll of white duct tape in your car and a marker pen. Put a little message on the tape and stick it to the car that dinged you.

Caution: this driver will ding your car. Park far far away.
Or something like that.

It won’t hurt the car, but will be a bear to remove. In the meantime everyone that parks next to that car and sees the message will know.

It’s okay to be a hothead sometimes, just be a clever hothead.
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      07-13-2019, 01:25 PM   #57

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Originally Posted by Run Silent View Post
I have a friend who owns one of the best PDR companies in the country, so I go to him when I can, but....

- Within 10 days of owning my E93, someone smacked the passenger door in my office parking lot. Didn't see it happen, but saw the dent when I came out at the end of the day. Unfortunately, it was right on the crease, so my buddy was able to minimize it, but not eliminate it. Was pretty grumpy.

- Within 2, yes 2 freaking days, someone smacked the passenger door of my new MINI and put a nice crease in the door. No idea where it happened, but think the grocery store. Got that pulled easily.

- So far, knock on wood, no one has smacked the door of the Ferrari. God rest their soul if they do.....

You think if you get those door ding prevention hangers on your car that is easily removable when parked invites more trouble (some teenagers will think its funny to ding it still showing you your plan didn't work or something. I haven't seen anyone in my whole life have like some door ding attachement that is easily taken off/on.
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      07-13-2019, 01:54 PM   #58

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Originally Posted by Red Bread View Post
Yep, find a good PDR guy. I usually have them go over my cars every couple of years or address anything I don't want to look at right when it happens.
So I know PDR guys have special tools that can really get some odd angles and things you haven't seen before. Is this like going to doctor to get checkup make sure its ok (externally of course). Anyone have PDR reccomendation for Seattle?
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      07-14-2019, 08:50 AM   #59

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Originally Posted by lsturbointeg View Post
is this your first nice car? usually when you buy your first nice car the first thing you learn right away is parked way the ef over at the end of the parking lot! when you do it for years you get use to it becomes second nature
thaaaaats right! and u really dont save any time parking close to buildings. youll spend more time looking for a close park than parking safe far away and walking

plus you get to admire your car thats parked solo with no cars around during the 50-100 yard walk back to it
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      07-14-2019, 11:55 AM   #60

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No door dings here. I go to great lengths to keep it from happening.
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      07-14-2019, 04:57 PM   #61
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Returned back to my e92 after shopping at Becister Village - first thing I saw was a ding in the side and a small chip 🤦🏽*♂️ Damnit
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      07-15-2019, 07:35 AM   #62
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Originally Posted by nakamuru View Post
You think if you get those door ding prevention hangers on your car that is easily removable when parked invites more trouble (some teenagers will think its funny to ding it still showing you your plan didn't work or something. I haven't seen anyone in my whole life have like some door ding attachement that is easily taken off/on.
I dunno - I can see both sides of that question. Personally, I feel that would be a huge pain in the butt. I just accept the fact that it will happen occasionally and have them removed if they occur.

I don't live in a very large town, so it isn't as big an issue for me as some others, I suppose.
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      07-24-2019, 08:24 AM   #63
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Looks like mods cleaned up this thread. Thank you.
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      07-26-2019, 11:07 AM   #64
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I'm coming out of lowes the other day with my wife. I see a guy trying to get out of his car that parked right next to me on my passenger side. He had maybe 16" to open his door and squeeze out. As I walk I immediately comment on how close he parked. He tried to apologize but I wasn't having it. I had to back my car out to let my wife get in. What really burns my ass is there were a plethora of spots and he chose to park next to mine. This is why I sometimes park in 2 spaces.
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      07-26-2019, 11:12 AM   #65
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Originally Posted by john4444 View Post
When possible, I park away from the other cars at the most distant part of a lot. On two different occasions I have returned to my car to find another car parked next to it, one so close that I couldn't open the door. Both cars were occupied by women still talking on the phone. They must have pulled into the lot with their minds on blah-blah-blah-blah, noticed my car, and parked next to it.

You should have hit the panic button on your remote to set off the horn.
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