03-12-2008, 02:30 PM | #45 | |
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Sorry man, I can't believe that you have been discriminated more than a non-white person. That's just how this country works. You can't really expect it to be the other way around simply because white people are the plurality. And trust me, I'm not one to use the race card as a crutch.
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03-12-2008, 02:52 PM | #46 | |
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![]() Current: 2010 Alpine White 335D LCI l 19" BBS LMs l KW V2 Coilovers l BMW Performance Grilles l MSport Front/Rear l Karbonwerke Trunk l F1 Pinnacle Tint 35% Former: E92 Space Grey 335i Latest pics |
03-12-2008, 03:05 PM | #47 | ||
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LOL, what do you think he was referring to when saying you people? Pulling me over in a stock car and giving me an exhaust ticket... Car was 2 weeks old even. Car was quiet with stock everything. I guess you can say "YOU PEOPLE" doesn't have to be racist but CLEARLY you don't know my life history and you weren't there, correct? I think I know what context he used it in better than you did based on you "clearly not knowing my life history." ![]()
![]() Current: 2010 Alpine White 335D LCI l 19" BBS LMs l KW V2 Coilovers l BMW Performance Grilles l MSport Front/Rear l Karbonwerke Trunk l F1 Pinnacle Tint 35% Former: E92 Space Grey 335i Latest pics |
03-12-2008, 03:19 PM | #48 |
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The saddest part of America right now (to me) is that you are not allowed to have an opinion unless its the most wishy washy vanilla BS around. What ever happened to people standing up for themselves and their opinions?
03-12-2008, 03:45 PM | #49 | |
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03-12-2008, 10:07 PM | #50 | |
Steve Forte Rio
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Denny's sucks period. Thus, if you're treated bad at their restaurant, it has nothing to do w/ your race. |
03-12-2008, 10:54 PM | #51 | |
drive slow homie
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oh i got pulled over for not signaling to make a left in a left only lane. |
03-12-2008, 11:00 PM | #52 | ||
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328xi Coupe, Montego Blue on Black with Alum, Step, Sport, Premium, CA, PDC, Cold Weather (Damn Pennsylvania winters)
Current Mods: Heavy right foot - Planned Mods: Lightweight right foot |
03-12-2008, 11:58 PM | #53 |
drive slow homie
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That was not my first thought. I came to that conclusion because people usually dont signal in a left or right only lane. I have never heard of anyone being pulled over for that. I also live in a somewhat wealthy town so seeing a BMW is not at all strange in anyway.
I dont think im different at all I just dont think I got that you people line for not signalling to make a left in a left only lane. Oh andd my comments were not towards racism being overblown, it was to the fact that some one stated that the most racially targeted group of people are white males. That was one of the most foolish and absurd things i have heard ever. Its quite funny that people think that way but they never seem to look at the simple things as to what kind of gratitude and acknowledgement you recieve just simply by having white skin. |
03-13-2008, 10:54 AM | #54 | ||
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I was just stating my own experience. I use to get followed by cops in my truck all the time. I mean cops driving the opposite direction, slamming on their brakes and busting a 180 to follow me. Only to find that my record was clean after running my plates and busting another 180 to continue on their original route. I do not think that I've been discrimated against more than someone of color. Nor was I tyring to imply that. The race card just has become so overused and abused. Quote:
![]() Dude that's hilarious man. I think we were in there around the same time. And it was packed. I didn't really get all up in arms about it. My friends were pissed. I was just like whatever, we'll just never go back to that Denny's. It's the only negative experience I've had at a restaurant. |
03-13-2008, 12:29 PM | #55 | |
Brigadier General
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At a lot of intersections around here there are "Right/Left turn signal" signs next to the light for turn only lanes. Probably a state thing that you don't have/isn't usually enforced in NJ.
328xi Coupe, Montego Blue on Black with Alum, Step, Sport, Premium, CA, PDC, Cold Weather (Damn Pennsylvania winters)
Current Mods: Heavy right foot - Planned Mods: Lightweight right foot |
03-13-2008, 01:59 PM | #56 | |
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And yes I do know what it's like to have racial remarks yelled at you. And I do know what it's like to be discriminated against because of my white skin color. I played basketball for a major division one college, and I was discriminated against every day, on and off the court. Try playing at Grambling University on the road, when you're the only white guy on your own team, and listen to what the fans are yelling at you. When I got home my g/f asked if she heard what she thought she heard over the radio broadcast. Try playing basketball when you're the only white guy on the team. I can't tell you how many times I was wide open and didn't get the pass because I was the white guy. I had to listen to oh you can't play as well because you're white. I had to beat every single guy on our team in one on one to get the respect. We had other white guys come through but they usually quit because of the racial tension. Fact is every day at practice was nothing but taking cheap shots at the white guys. I lasted because they knew I wouldn't take it and I could be just as dirty as they could. If they bloodied my nose, they knew theirs was coming before practice was over. In the end I had the respect of my teammates and we were friends and still are to this day. I've had many a dinner by myself in an athletic dining hall by myself because I was the white guy. I've walked across a campus with black teammates and had to hear the "N" word yelled at them. I've nearly gone into the stands on the road because of what white fans were saying to my teammates. I have no doubt you have been descriminated against, but you aren't the only one. And I'm willing to freely admit that you have probably had to suffer through more of it than I have. And I truly feel bad that you have to endure that crap. There is no reason for it at all. But don't tell me I know nothing about it. You have no idea what I've seen and experienced. Try being a white male and getting a small business loan. Try being a white male and getting a scholarship to a good college when you aren't a great athlete. |
03-13-2008, 03:10 PM | #57 |
drive slow homie
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damn grambling was one of my top choices for college. I think that you have certainly been through alot but you also did attend in all black college. Im not saying that thats an excuse for it but what did you expect by enrolling. All that I am trying to say is that the white mail is not the most racially targeted group of people on this earth end of story.
03-13-2008, 04:56 PM | #58 | |
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03-13-2008, 05:46 PM | #59 |
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Look, I've had a lot of racist shit thrown my way since I was growing up. Sometimes it was from whites, sometimes it was from blacks, a lot of times it was from Arabs and yes I even got it (and still continue to get it) by my own race. From my personal experience there is no racial upheaval. It's always been there. i guess maybe this is the first OPs experience but growing up with it all the time I can say is that racism is here to stay and it's NOT going anywhere. When I was in college we used to have a lot of sensitivity/diversity training (I was an RA) and I was always arguing with these "lets hold hands and sing kumbayaa" people.
My favorite "diversity" story comes from my trip to Purdue. I went there after my undergrad just to see the campus and just checking things out. Walking around I noticed that there weren't many minorities there (i guessed it was b/c it was located in W.Lafayette Indiana) but I just wanted to know what percentage was. Honestly, it was just an innocent question the percentage really didn't matter, I knew it was low. They really didn't have a grad tour program so the College recuiter and I were just hanging out when the group was going over the undergrad stuff. So I asked my question and then she turns to me and I quote: "Oh there aren't that many minorities here. But that's because you guys don't do so well on the SATs." I just stared at her with a blank expression on my face with my jaw to the floor...how could a college RECRUITER say something like this?? I guess she saw my expression and then tried to cover it up by saying "there are proven statistics that blacks don't do well on the SATs." Like David Chapelle says, when someone says something that it so utterly racist you really have no idea what to say. I was in shock and probably didn't get over it until a half hour later. I then walked out, never finished my application and haven't looked back since. In terms of racism, here's my take on the situation: As long as we are different there will be discrimination. We are all told we are "special" as children and believe it or not, this is ingrained into our psyche. As we grow older it is natural to gravitate towards those who go through the same experience as we do and most times they're people who happen to be of the same race. If eventually everybody screws everybody and we all eventually become the same color guess what?? We will STILL find a way to discriminate. It would then probably go to wealth levels, religion, or even something as dumb as what school you graduated from. This is life. Whether you are a white guy trying to get a sports scholarship, an asian getting into a college or a black guy driving a nice car racism is going to suck. I dunno why but I've always seen that life is a system of checks and balances so I always try to remember something I find/get easily might be a struggle for someone else. Just be happy with what you have and if someone is being racist towards you it's probably b/c their either ignorant and/or afraid. There really is no reason to get all riled up all the time. It's just a waste of energy. More often than not, they're afraid b/c they are seeing you succeed and they're going no where. And sometimes they're just a hater. |
03-13-2008, 05:50 PM | #60 |
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on the flip side though, I hate it when ppl are extra nice and courteous to me just b/c I'm different. Just treat me normally this political correctness has just gotten a little ridiculous. People need to stop being so sensitive.
03-14-2008, 11:50 AM | #61 | |||||
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I'm sure if I were dressed in a suit and walked past a woman, I would probably get a smile or something. If I were to throw on some torn up clothes with dirt on them and dress like a hobo, dress like a gangster with my pants around my knees, or dress like a foreigner, she would probably be clenching her purse as tight as she could or giving me weird looks. It also depends on the facial expression you have at the time, and body language. You can't attribute everything to the color of your skin, like a lot of black people seem to do.. -___- Also, I did receive a scholarship for school.. Enough to get my basics knocked out. I'm just saying that there isn't a scholarship fund out there directed towards whites alone. A few years ago when someone did start one, and had several hundred thousand dollars donated in a day from people across the nation, it was shut down because it was "racist". Who do you think deemed it as racist?? That's right, Jesse Jackson and his group of black supremacists. Quote:
I do however know a lot of people regardless of race that dislike others for their actions. They dislike 'gangsters' because they are rude, loud, and have no regard for others. They wear their shorts/pants to where they are about to fall off and they have to hold them up all the time. They are always talking shit to people and picking fights. They spend money on subs and rims for their car when they should be saving it up for something better. They dislike 'hicks' because they are ignorant, dress that way just to be different, and say racist shit just to be cool. Their click also mods out their trucks in the typical hick fashion with the rebel flags, huge grills on the front, flood lights on the roof, and huge antennas for their CB's. They dislike 'jocks' because they think they are better than everyone, always fucking with people, talking shit because they think it is funny. A lot seem to have the typical "roid rage" that is associated with them. They think that they can threaten people to get their way and others will back down. They basically think that they are hot shit. The list goes on.. I can tell you that most whites don't hate based on color, they hate based on actions. It is the minorities that do the hating based on color, mainly blacks and hispanics. All of this just to fit in with one another.. Quote:
Hence the "think you own the road and that you can drive however you like?". It's a common stereotype that people in nice cars think that they can drive however they like. Do you think that just because you are black that you shouldn't have been given a ticket just like any other person?? ![]() My brother received a 400$ ticket for not using his blinker. He turned it on, waited a bit and then pulled around a guy to pass him up on a two lane road. He then turned it on again to get back in the lane and it only blinked twice. A cop then wrote him a ticket for failing to blink three times before he changed lanes. Blinking three times in on coming traffic?? That sounds like a death warrant. Anyways, he got this BS ticket when he is white and the cop is white as well. The moral of the story is that cops are just ass holes in general. Their job was invented to protect citizen's, but it ended up being nothing more than a source of revenue for the city. A lot of the time they themselves think they are above the law as well.. Nothing pisses me off more than seeing cops habitually speed, a cop turn on his lights just so he can speed or get out of traffic via the shoulder, and the general BS stuff they do. Quote:
What I'm saying is that there has been more talk about race in the past few months than in a long time. -Nathan
Last edited by Expired; 03-14-2008 at 12:15 PM.. |
03-19-2008, 12:45 PM | #64 | |
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03-19-2008, 01:25 PM | #65 |
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Interesting that the OP would use the term Jap in a title of a thread. Either does not know it is derogatory or does, not sure which is worse.
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03-19-2008, 01:40 PM | #66 |
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Point of fact, slavery existed in many societies and nations long before the US and some after and race is not the issue that it is here.
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