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      02-04-2017, 08:32 PM   #46289
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Originally Posted by 1MOREMOD View Post
Yep world is out to get us be afraid.
Aren't you armed for that reason?
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      02-04-2017, 08:32 PM   #46290
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Originally Posted by Sara504 View Post
Originally Posted by smoosh View Post
get off tinder sara, meet people in real life...

chances of you finding what you're looking for (a *quality* husband) off social media is slim to none

remember, once you've genuinely learned to live sustainably by yourself, and can find happiness in being alone, then you'll find what you're looking for...
Meet people in real life? And how am I supposed to do that? Just walk up to someone and say "hey let's go out". If someone said that to me, I'd be instantly freaked out. I work from 8-5. Im mommy from 530-745 am. M-f. On Saturdays I work 8-2 and from 230-whenever, I just want me time at home. Sooo it's kinda hard to be strolling the streets of New Orleans looking for a date. I'd much rather screen them through an app. Talk to them for a few weeks before meeting a total stranger. But you say you have a better way???
Alright Sara, here's smooshy's million dollar advice based on my vast experiences with women and dating...I love giving advice (and you'll find that when I'm serious about it and not dicking around, I am usually pretty spot on with my advice), but ONLY if people actually listen to, please, LISTEN, for the first time since you and I've known each other, please, take what I say to heart and actually try to follow it...when I'm serious and not being a dumbass, I only ever give advice that will help others, not harm them or leave them in exactly the same spot they were in...well, I'm serious here...

Mod is absolutely right--believe it or not, there WAS real life meeting people and dating before tinder and bumble...these social media dating apps weren't developed because humanity, since its inception, has been having difficulty in the dating, they were developed for one thing: $$$...they gave us an easy way to do a difficult but necessary task...find someone to love...and it IS a necessary task...according to Maslow's Heirarchy of Human Needs, love and belonging is one of our top human needs, we NEED love and belonging. well, creators of social media dating sites figured, hey, why not give what human beings need, take away the stress from meeting people and potentially being rejected, put it at their fingertips, and let them go at it...? well, by giving us something that makes performing a task easier, we must give something up in return...and that is the human connection of meeting someone in person for the first time, the anxiety of talking to them, seeing them smile for the first time, seeing them blush when you ask for their phone number...just seeing them be human beings...we've replaced these beautiful little things with a damn app on our phone...make no mistake, we can try to dress up dating/love/belonging as much as we want with different shit like apps, but it always works best when it's deduced to its LOWEST, most elementary and rudimentary form...meeting people the old fashioned way, I.e., in real life...

Now, this "am I supposed to go up to people and say, 'hey, will you go out with me?'" is ridiculous...if some dude said that to you on Tinder, would you go out with him then...? absolutely takes time to get comfortable with someone, as you mentioned...ever since I deleted tinder some 8 months ago, I was worried where I would meet women...well, I've meet more women in these 8 months than I did in 1+ yrs on tinder...bars (where people go to socialize!), coffee shops, bookstores, libraries, my freaking line at name it. and I don't go, "will you go out with me?" to them, I do this thing that many Americans aren't familiar with...ready? Small talk..."like your shoes, how are they for running?" "What book ya reading?" "Have you watched so and so movie and read the book?" Even "where ya goin?!? has worked!! Trust me when I say this, human beings are SOCIAL SPECIES...we NEED to socialize for our sanity...there's nothing weird about a girl initiating a social convo with a dude fact, nearly every dude will be nervous as fuck when the girl initiates rather than the matter where you're at, don't be nervous or scared...and tell yourself, "screw it, let's see what this mother fucker's up to.."

Furthermore, you have to gain the ability to put yourself in someone else's shoes...I will not turn this into a political debate...but I've noticed very quickly based on your Insta posts that you simply cannot put yourself in someone else's shoes...what do you think someone's gonna think when they see a thirty-something single mother of one on Tinder...? to stay away from her...farrr away. it shows a lack of self confidence to meet people in real life, it shows where your heart's truly at (meeting and fucking men) and where it's not (your kid, career, and own well-being)...if you approach someone at Starbucks or the bookstore, where will people see your heart's at...? at doing your own thing, perhaps with your kid, and forcing someone else to work to come into your life, not you quickly bringing them in through a quick "send"...we dudes notice this shit easily, as much as women want to believe we're dumb...we're not...and it's only when you lose your chase for something that isn't immediately important, that's when you finally find a way to obtain what you were once after (notice how I said IS important long-term, but love must take its cannot be rushed)

Just a few words on love and I'm done here: like I said before, love and belonging is a human necessity...we simply need our pursuit of obtaining it, we take shortcuts to find it (like Tinder and bumble)...there are NO shortcuts to find true, genuine an age where we feel so comfortable agreeing to meet with someone through our fingers, love is being lost and we wind up finding a lack of fulfillment of our media dating apps should be a last resort...something you go to when you're on your last string of finding the right person...and Sara, I can tell you haven't even ATTEMPTED the first string of finding the right person...meeting someone in real life, because you're not even sure how to talk to a male whom you'd like to meet...

Remember, let others chase you, don't ever chase someone else...going up to someone at a coffee shop, SOBER, will be the most difficult task, but it's the most rewarding'll find out who you really are from doing it, and you'll find out who HE really is...make not's easy to text and meet someone on Tinder, agree to meet up, throw on some nice clothes...chill with them...fuck them...BUT, you'll find yourself looking in the mirror one day wondering, "did I miss out on being a human being? Did I miss out on the pursuit of love? Did I REALLY find the right person, or is it the creators of Tinder telling me that he/she's the right person for me...?"

real, actual life is incredible, go out and do human things like approach men at a coffee shop...phones are replacing reality and creating this false universe in which everything is made easier...and, what goes up, must go down...if something is made easier, something else is being sacrificed...
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      02-04-2017, 08:34 PM   #46291
///M Power-Belgium
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Originally Posted by Sara504 View Post
A girl like me? What are you implying? A girl like me should not protect herself? You do realize the city I live in has multiple murders every single day for the month of January 2017. You do realize I walk two blocks to and from my car twice a day by myself. People are sick here. There's a real word I'd like to use to describe it but I will refrain.
By a girl like you I meant you're a kind , good and a serious person .
That's why I was thinking why she needs a fucking gun ?
This sounds like someone is in trouble ...for a girl it's even worse .

Over here in Belgium when we hear someone talking about buying a gun ..
It's a...

1- A gangster
2- A pimp dude
3- A coke dealer
4- A bank robber
5- The boss from a Russian whore house
6- Murder
7- Suicide

When cops find your gun in Belgium they put you in jail Sara and for a long time !
That's why my reaction..
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      02-04-2017, 08:35 PM   #46292
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Originally Posted by Sara504 View Post
Originally Posted by 1MOREMOD View Post
I already said it's good for numbers, but why limit yourself. The chase is the fun part of being single. My point is you have to be a real person to meet and pull it off once the online portion is done can also just skip that bs and see what you like in public and make it happen.
My problem with the online contenders is they're all out of state I ALWAYS match the ones just here for a conference. Boston, Germany, PoP was in Los Angeles. Now I finally matched with a dr who actually lives here. Eeeeeeeeeee kinda really excited about that y'all!
ugh, here we go again...

not getting mad here or angry, but for FFS Sara, you've got to learn form your experiences eventually ...
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      02-04-2017, 08:41 PM   #46293
///M Power-Belgium
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Originally Posted by Mr Tonka View Post
My wife ran a good old fashioned background check on me before we went out the first time. Then she asked about what she found to see if I lied about.
Perhaps your wife works for the CIA ?

You saw *True Lies* ?
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      02-04-2017, 08:51 PM   #46294
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Smoosh dropping knowledge
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      02-04-2017, 09:14 PM   #46295
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Originally Posted by smoosh View Post
ugh, here we go again...

not getting mad here or angry, but for FFS Sara, you've got to learn form your experiences eventually ...
Which is why this time I made sure he actually lives here.
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      02-04-2017, 09:15 PM   #46296
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Originally Posted by ///M Power-Belgium View Post
By a girl like you I meant you're a kind , good and a serious person .
That's why I was thinking why she needs a fucking gun ?
This sounds like someone is in trouble ...for a girl it's even worse .

Over here in Belgium when we hear someone talking about buying a gun ..
It's a...

1- A gangster
2- A pimp dude
3- A coke dealer
4- A bank robber
5- The boss from a Russian whore house
6- Murder
7- Suicide

When cops find your gun in Belgium they put you in jail Sara and for a long time !
That's why my reaction..
Louisiana is a gun happy state. My mom just bought her 3rd.
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      02-04-2017, 09:22 PM   #46297
///M Power-Belgium
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Originally Posted by Sara504 View Post
Louisiana is a gun happy state. My mom just bought her 3rd.
That's why Louisiana is dangerous
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      02-04-2017, 09:24 PM   #46298
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Originally Posted by ///M Power-Belgium View Post
That's why Louisiana is dangerous
No, you have a better chance of being stabbed than killed by a bullet.
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      02-04-2017, 09:29 PM   #46299
///M Power-Belgium
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Originally Posted by Sara504 View Post
No, you have a better chance of being stabbed than killed by a bullet.
I'll stay in Belgium.

Here we have Jihadis and terror bomb attacks , I'm sure this sounds bad too ..
"MAX VERSTAPPEN" IS THE 2021+2022+2023+2024 F1 WORLD CHAMPION - #UnLeashTheLion -

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      02-04-2017, 09:38 PM   #46300
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Originally Posted by ///M Power-Belgium View Post
I'll stay in Belgium.

Here we have Jihadis and terror bomb attacks , I'm sure this sounds bad too ..
Probably best. Be a shame for you to survive Caesar's Legion only to be stabbed in the neck by Lil Peanut for $30.
"There is no greater tyranny than that which is perpetrated under the shield of the law and in the name of justice. -Charles de Secondat"
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      02-04-2017, 09:39 PM   #46301
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Best place to find food is next to the temple.
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      02-04-2017, 10:05 PM   #46302
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Need to rant. So I am selling some parts from my Subaru. This local gets ahold 3 days ago and says he wants a few things. He talked me down $35 from my asking price. Fast forward to today and I drove over a hr in traffic with my 2 year old daughter to meet him.

I offered to explain how to install everything and it was raining so he got into my car. Right when we were about to exchange the $180 that we agreed on he starts to tell me how he can get the parts for cheaper on eBay and Amazon. Then tells me he wants to pay $150 and nothing more. I felt very disrespected and I was getting pissed that he was trying to force me to take even less then what we agreed on. We went back and forth and in the end I said no to is offer and he got out of my car and left.

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      02-04-2017, 10:08 PM   #46303
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Originally Posted by obert View Post
Need to rant. So I am selling some parts from my Subaru. This local gets ahold 3 days ago and says he wants a few things. He talked me down $35 from my asking price. Fast forward to today and I drove over a hr in traffic with my 2 year old daughter to meet him.

I offered to explain how to install everything and it was raining so he got into my car. Right when we were about to exchange the $180 that we agreed on he starts to tell me how he can get the parts for cheaper on eBay and Amazon. Then tells me he wants to pay $150 and nothing more. I felt very disrespected and I was getting pissed that he was trying to force me to take even less then what we agreed on. We went back and forth and in the end I said no to his offer and he got out of my car and left.

"There is no greater tyranny than that which is perpetrated under the shield of the law and in the name of justice. -Charles de Secondat"
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      02-04-2017, 10:10 PM   #46304
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Originally Posted by obert View Post
Need to rant. So I am selling some parts from my Subaru. This local gets ahold 3 days ago and says he wants a few things. He talked me down $35 from my asking price. Fast forward to today and I drove over a hr in traffic with my 2 year old daughter to meet him.

I offered to explain how to install everything and it was raining so he got into my car. Right when we were about to exchange the $180 that we agreed on he starts to tell me how he can get the parts for cheaper on eBay and Amazon. Then tells me he wants to pay $150 and nothing more. I felt very disrespected and I was getting pissed that he was trying to force me to take even less then what we agreed on. We went back and forth and in the end I said no to is offer and he got out of my car and left.

should've made him venmo you the money prior to meeting, make sure the money transfers into your bank account, then convey the goods...
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      02-04-2017, 10:15 PM   #46305
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Originally Posted by smoosh View Post
should've made him venmo you the money prior to meeting, make sure the money transfers into your bank account, then convey the goods...
Yeah he was going to pay cash and did not want to pay before he got the parts.

I just did not have the energy to explain to him how Paypal workss

He even had the balls to tell me before we met that he would pay what I was asking if I installed the parts for him.

I told him no on that one too.
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      02-04-2017, 11:11 PM   #46306
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Originally Posted by obert View Post
Need to rant. So I am selling some parts from my Subaru. This local gets ahold 3 days ago and says he wants a few things. He talked me down $35 from my asking price. Fast forward to today and I drove over a hr in traffic with my 2 year old daughter to meet him.

I offered to explain how to install everything and it was raining so he got into my car. Right when we were about to exchange the $180 that we agreed on he starts to tell me how he can get the parts for cheaper on eBay and Amazon. Then tells me he wants to pay $150 and nothing more. I felt very disrespected and I was getting pissed that he was trying to force me to take even less then what we agreed on. We went back and forth and in the end I said no to is offer and he got out of my car and left.

Ugh. Asshole.
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      02-05-2017, 12:10 AM   #46307
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Anyone on Melatonin? Does it help with sleep?
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      02-05-2017, 12:23 AM   #46308

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Originally Posted by Aatish View Post
Anyone on Melatonin? Does it help with sleep?
If they are on melatonin, and it actually works, I'm assuming they wouldn't respond...

But it does work - varies from people to people on success rate vs potency...

Take an edible or smoke some indica... You'll be knocked out and sleep like a baby... Between chi-town and NYC, I'm sure you can get your hands on some...
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      02-05-2017, 12:51 AM   #46309
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Weed doctor shoei
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      02-05-2017, 01:25 AM   #46310
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It's nice to live in Seattle where weed is everywhere

Yes my girl uses melatonin sometimes to sleep. I never have but she says it works for her.
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