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      04-24-2012, 05:19 PM   #23

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Originally Posted by E90SoFlo View Post
Quick write up of what happened

Zimmerman was neighborhood watch (in a neighborhood that has been has robberies previously)
Zimmerman Calls cop on a person standing in the rain wearing a hoodie acting "suspicious" (police ask if the person is black or white)
Zimmerman tells dispatcher that he is following said person. Dispatcher says to stop.
Some kind of confrontation happens
Black kid who is 17 and unarmed is shot AND KILLED
Zimmerman is let go that night without any charges

Black community makes HUGE outcry and forces arrest to Zimmerman.
Fixed it for you since you left off THREE of the most important parts
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      04-24-2012, 05:30 PM   #24
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Originally Posted by direwolfM3 View Post
I like how a lot of you say we should just let the court system work it's self out but then say he will walk free in the same post.
where did I say that? or are you referring to someone else?
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      04-24-2012, 05:49 PM   #25
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Originally Posted by Z3->WRX->335 View Post
I tend to stay away from the news if I can...some stuff on the news is imprtant, but most of the time you have to sift through so much BS... it's not worth my time and all the worrying over stuff you can't do anything about anyways.

My time is better spent doing things I enjoy and bettering my own life.
you and me both brother...
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      04-24-2012, 06:06 PM   #26
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I feel bad for everyone affected by this tragedy. Zimmerman looked like he's lost his mind and the guilt of killing an unarmed teenager is really getting to him. Sucks to be that guy right now. I had to shoot an armed robber last november and I was lucky I didn't kill him because I don't think I would be able to live with myself if i did.
<img src= border=0 alt= />
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      04-24-2012, 08:28 PM   #27

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Originally Posted by mdyaman
Originally Posted by direwolfM3 View Post
I like how a lot of you say we should just let the court system work it's self out but then say he will walk free in the same post.
where did I say that? or are you referring to someone else?
Was referring to ragingclue.
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      04-24-2012, 09:08 PM   #28
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Originally Posted by direwolfM3 View Post
I like how a lot of you say we should just let the court system work it's self out but then say he will walk free in the same post.
Facts are facts. What ragingclue means is that everyone is forming judgements and opinions when nobody but Zimmerman knows what actually happened at this point. Because of this we have to let the court decide what to do with him and the fact is that the prosecution probably doesn't have enough evidence to convict him of murder. The events of that night are too blurry to everyone but Zimmerman.

It really is a shame though that this all has happened.
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      04-25-2012, 01:53 AM   #29
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Originally Posted by ragingclue View Post
Oh good God.

Go hug a tree. Preferably one with poison ivy. Let the justice system do its job, OK? Have you even made yourself aware of the witness testimony and evidence which has been gathered so far?

In many states, yes he would be a murderer. However, unless there's a bombshell on the horizon that we don't know about (GZ reversing his statement and admitting something other than what we already know, new evidence to refute both his statement and corroboration of witnesses, etc...), then the state of Florida is going to rightly let him walk.

Deal with it. If you don't like it, lobby to get the law changed, but if the law says he is not a murderer, then he's not a murderer. You are nobody to say otherwise.

Let the case work itself out. Too much manipulation by the media and ignorant masses to this point.

If he's a murderer, he will be convicted and go to jail. If he's not a murderer, the courts will determine such and you'll just have to drink a tall glass of shut the fuck up already.
Originally Posted by mdyaman View Post
While I respect your opinion on the matter, I think we should let the judge and jury decide if Zimmerman is guilty of murder under the provisions of Florida law at the time.

The media has distorted and manipulated the truth, on both Zimmerman and Martin. Some call it character assassination. This has undoubtedly caused dissent and bi-polar public opinion on the matter based on the manipulation of the truth. While everyone is entitled to an opinion, unless you or someone on this board was there and saw the events unfold first hand, I don't think anyone of us has a right to claim one party guilty or innocent. In this case, calling him a murderer. With the on going trial process, whether the media is accurate or not, the prosecution has yet to bring a valid argument or proof against Zimmerman defense at this point in time. Maybe they will later on. The only real truth that rings throughout is this whole ordeal is a tragedy.

Perhaps the real issue at hand is the Florida Stand Your Ground Law. But once again, the media has only sent a sound bite to the masses on how controversial the law is, and alluding that anyone can shoot and kill someone in the name of self defense. This isn't accurate. The law states that there are certain pillars, or criteria, that must be met before one can execute Stand Your Ground. Per Florida Law 776.012 - 776.013:

776.012 (1) force is necessary to prevent imminent death or great bodily harm to himself or herself or another and meets a condition described in 776.013.
776.013 (3) A person who is not engaged in an unlawful activity and who is attacked in any other place where he or she has a right to be has no duty to retreat and has the right to stand his or her ground and meet force with force, including deadly force if he or she reasonably believes it is necessary to do so to prevent death or great bodily harm to himself or herself or another or to prevent the commission of a forcible felony.

That is my two cents.
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      04-25-2012, 11:06 AM   #30

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All of you gun-toating, tobacco-chewing 'Mericans need to shoot yourself. I know it's just another dead black kid, something this country is already immune to anyways. Perhaps if the tables were turned, and little Becky was shot by a minority neighborhood wannabe superhero, or perhaps, Travis the skateboarder, you'd show more outrage? Hmm. There is nothing in the state of Florida's law that allows some untrained, flashlight-hero to use deadly force on the premise of an assumption. Nothing. The Stand Your Ground law doesn't apply because the deceased cannot defend himself. All you have is Zimmerman's account and hearsay by witnesses in which their testimony will probably not be admissible in court. At least not in full. You cannot use your personal paranoia as reasonable ground to murder a child. I don't care how black and scary he looked that night. The labeling of black men as thugs makes this cold-blooded murder of this child more easy to accept, hence the idiot who told me to hug a tree, not knowing I'm a Veteran.
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      04-25-2012, 11:17 AM   #31

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If the media has distorted anything, what is your source of information that provides you a more informative broader prospective? Are you privvy to information the masses are not? Fair question.
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      04-25-2012, 11:18 AM   #32

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Originally Posted by 48Laws View Post
All of you gun-toating, tobacco-chewing 'Mericans need to shoot yourself. I know it's just another dead black kid, something this country is already immune to anyways. Perhaps if the tables were turned, and little Becky was shot by a minority neighborhood wannabe superhero, or perhaps, Travis the skateboarder, you'd show more outrage? Hmm. There is nothing in the state of Florida's law that allows some untrained, flashlight-hero to use deadly force on the premise of an assumption. Nothing. The Stand Your Ground law doesn't apply because the deceased cannot defend himself. All you have is Zimmerman's account and hearsay by witnesses in which their testimony will probably not be admissible in court. At least not in full. You cannot use your personal paranoia as reasonable ground to murder a child. I don't care how black and scary he looked that night. The labeling of black men as thugs makes this cold-blooded murder of this child more easy to accept, hence the idiot who told me to hug a tree, not knowing I'm a Veteran.
I don't mean to insult you, but that post is full of ignorance. No one is saying "who cares" to Trayvon's death. A family lost a son, and that is incredibly sad, no matter what race, so don't act like the media and make this about race. You complain about assumptions, but then you assume to know what went on when you admit that Zimmerman's account is all there is. Go re-read the statute. Florida's law allows one to defend his or her self with deadly force if he or she "reasonably believes it is necessary to do so to prevent death or great bodily harm to himself or herself...." In this instance, there is no apparent evidence that Zimmerman unreasonably believed his life to be i danger. The statute is not the problem and it is ridiculous to blame it.
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      04-25-2012, 11:31 AM   #33

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The statute is meaningless when the deceased cannot defend him/herself comprehensively. Zimmerman, by default, has the advantage. Everything in this country is about race. Now, all of a sudden, we, the media, and the law looks through a none-colored lense? LMFAO. don't be so dense. Not to insult ya...
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      04-25-2012, 11:49 AM   #34
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Originally Posted by 48Laws
The statute is meaningless when the deceased cannot defend him/herself comprehensively. Zimmerman, by default, has the advantage. Everything in this country is about race. Now, all of a sudden, we, the media, and the law looks through a none-colored lense? LMFAO. don't be so dense. Not to insult ya...
You're missing the point entirely.

You weren't there, so you cannot say without a doubt Zimmerman is a murderer

The point of myself and other posters here are saying to let the judge and jury decide. NOT YOU.
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      04-25-2012, 11:51 AM   #35
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Originally Posted by direwolfM3 View Post
I like how a lot of you say we should just let the court system work it's self out but then say he will walk free in the same post.
I base my assumption of how I think the case will end up on what information is available. Like I said:
However, unless there's a bombshell on the horizon that we don't know about (GZ reversing his statement and admitting something other than what we already know, new evidence to refute both his statement and corroboration of witnesses, etc...), then the state of Florida is going to rightly let him walk.
I am definitely allowed to have an opinion on where I think the case is heading, based on what I know. You are allowed to have an opinion too. In the end, both your opinion and my opinion aren't worth shit anyway in terms of the verdict, as we have no hand in the verdict. Which brings us full circle to my original point: the courts will decide.

Originally Posted by 48Laws View Post
All of you gun-toating, tobacco-chewing 'Mericans need to shoot yourself. I know it's just another dead black kid, something this country is already immune to anyways. Perhaps if the tables were turned, and little Becky was shot by a minority neighborhood wannabe superhero, or perhaps, Travis the skateboarder, you'd show more outrage? Hmm. There is nothing in the state of Florida's law that allows some untrained, flashlight-hero to use deadly force on the premise of an assumption. Nothing. The Stand Your Ground law doesn't apply because the deceased cannot defend himself. All you have is Zimmerman's account and hearsay by witnesses in which their testimony will probably not be admissible in court. At least not in full. You cannot use your personal paranoia as reasonable ground to murder a child. I don't care how black and scary he looked that night. The labeling of black men as thugs makes this cold-blooded murder of this child more easy to accept, hence the idiot who told me to hug a tree, not knowing I'm a Veteran.
Stop making it a race thing! Based off of the unedited recording (you do know there's an un-doctored version, right?), it doesn't appear race was a motivation in this case, and even if it was, what in the holy hell does that have to do with the legality of the situation given the evidence and testimony that exists (that we know of) at this point in time? You sir, are VERY ignorant in this case, and your blindness seems to be coming from the same spot that is afflicting so many, making it hard for people who want to NOT BE IGNORANT of the case to get pertinent, unslanted information. As long as people like you feed off the media drama, the media will keep doing its best to feed it to us.

A kid got killed. Whether it was "murder" or not, it shouldn't matter if the kid was white, black, hispanic, whatever.... Why don't you get that.

Congratulations on your service, but it's irrelevant. It has nothing to do with the conversation. I knew plenty of hippie tree hugger types even in the Corps when I was in, so the fact you served means zip, zero, zilch, nada.


Last edited by ragingclue; 04-25-2012 at 12:21 PM..
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      04-25-2012, 11:54 AM   #36
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Originally Posted by 48Laws
If the media has distorted anything, what is your source of information that provides you a more informative broader prospective? Are you privvy to information the masses are not? Fair question.
I'm not privy to any insider information and that is the point. Neither are you. Hence the reason in my comment to let the courts decide.

There is so much mis-information out there that has causes differences in opinions. That's a fact.

An example of media manipulation is showing innocent childhood photos of Travon and showing dated photos of Zimmerman while incarcerated. There is a subtle theme being presented and if you don't see it, you're blind. Now fast forward, they show are more recent photo of Travon as a young adult and he is not so little anymore or innocent looking. Catch my drift?

The media presented photos of an innocent looking boy being killed. Come to find out those pictures are dated and he's actually 6ft tall and well built.
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      04-25-2012, 01:00 PM   #37
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Originally Posted by smyles View Post
I'm not sure this will be the evidence of "system working as intended", at least the part related to the initial arrest, or rather lack of thereof
Yeah I agree, the process definitely was fucked up from the beginning, but I was referring specifically to the trial period.

And I do realize sometimes criminals walk, and sometimes innocent people get locked up, but I really don't believe any system will ever be perfect because we simply cannot eliminate the mistake- and judgment-prone human element.

I'm not saying we should rest on our laurels; of course when something ill comes from the justice system, we should analyze what happened and what we can do to prevent it from happening again, but flaws will forever be inherent to a system like that. It's just how things are.
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      04-25-2012, 01:02 PM   #38

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It may not be a race issue in the sense of Zimmerman seeking out black people because of a racist agenda, HOWEVER, it is a race issue when walking while black in a neighborhood in which your father resides can translate to a death sentence and a good portion of this nation is cool with it.
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      04-25-2012, 01:04 PM   #39
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Originally Posted by 48Laws View Post
It may not be a race issue in the sense of Zimmerman seeking out black people because of a racist agenda, HOWEVER, it is a race issue when walking while black in a neighborhood in which your father resides can translate to a death sentence and a good portion of this nation is cool with it.
You must be trolling....

Quoted as a perfect example of anti-progress.

You'd rather undermine the justice system itself. Wow.
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      04-25-2012, 01:10 PM   #40

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Originally Posted by PINeely View Post
Because of this we have to let the court decide what to do with him and the fact is that the prosecution probably doesn't have enough evidence to convict him of murder.
This is pretty funny.

How can you start a sentence by saying to let the courts decide and then end it by saying there is not enough evidence to convict him.
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      04-25-2012, 01:15 PM   #41

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Originally Posted by 48Laws View Post
It may not be a race issue in the sense of Zimmerman seeking out black people because of a racist agenda, HOWEVER, it is a race issue when walking while black in a neighborhood in which your father resides can translate to a death sentence and a good portion of this nation is cool with it.
Here you go:

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      04-25-2012, 01:28 PM   #42
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Originally Posted by direwolfM3 View Post
This is pretty funny.

How can you start a sentence by saying to let the courts decide and then end it by saying there is not enough evidence to convict him.
I did not say that there is or isn't. I said that there probably isn't, which is my personal opinion. What the courts decide is what will happen so we can have our opinions but they don't necessarily mean anything. When his trial is over some people will be right and some will be wrong.
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      04-25-2012, 01:29 PM   #43
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Originally Posted by 48Laws View Post
It may not be a race issue in the sense of Zimmerman seeking out black people because of a racist agenda, HOWEVER, it is a race issue when walking while black in a neighborhood in which your father resides can translate to a death sentence and a good portion of this nation is cool with it.
As a black man, I understand the frustration this can bring, however this example would be anti-progressive because I can walk (while black) in an all black neighborhood (white, hispanic, asian, etc...) and still be shot and killed.

Matter of fact, it was quite common for shootings that lead to death in my surrounding neighborhoods growing up.

I am not cool with anyone being shot and killed and wish violence never had to a perfect world.
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      04-25-2012, 01:48 PM   #44

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Originally Posted by mdyaman View Post
You're missing the point entirely.

You weren't there, so you cannot say without a doubt Zimmerman is a murderer

The point of myself and other posters here are saying to let the judge and jury decide. NOT YOU.
He killed an unarmed child while playing neighborhood superhero. Protecting what, the illegal sale of skittles and ice tea????
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