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      03-10-2011, 12:12 AM   #23
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After lunch we decided to take a tour of BBC studios. I guess it was some famous television studio. It sounded kind of boring like going to Universal Studios but with no rides and stuff. I reluctantly agreed to go. I was actually surprised that it was fun. There were all kinds of cool props in the props department. There was an interactive studio where we got to be on film and had turns being a fake news anchor. It was kind of cool. I was being my typical smart ass self and started talking with a fake British accent and clowning their news anchors and had everyone in stitches.

There was a garden that was pretty cool, superstar dressing room, a bunch of galleries of all the famous folks who had been there, and there were tons of hotties cruising around. Most worked there and some were visitors. Bella kept teasing me that I was about to dump her for one of the girls I saw especially this one anchor who I kept noticing. She was actually really hot. But I don't know or remember who the fuck she was.

Then Bella suggested that we do the Wimbledon tour. I was like, "What the hell is a Wimbledon?". I know what it is now, but, that was a time when I definitely was not into Tennis. I'm not into it now, but, I've heard about it enough now cause of TV's obsession with young Eastern European beauties wearing short skirts and tight shorts that I know about it's importance in the Tennis world. Then? No. I guess Bella and Lisa have been playing tennis since they were little and were pretty into it. Lucky I didn't say anything to make fun of the sport else I woulda been kicking myself. I put on my fakest smile and went along. It was just like I thought...pretty boring and alot of the people who worked there were pretty snooty like. But I was with these 2 pretty British girls so I guess I got a pass. No snootiness seemed to be directed at me.

The whole Wimbledon tour was pretty lame to me and even though I played along pretty well it was obvious to Lisa (who was all excited about going) that I was not as enthusiastic and relaxed as I was when we were at BBC studios. She said, "You're entirely bored aren't you" To which I replied, "Nah! What are you talking about I'm having a blast! I thought I'd never get to see a bunch of dudes wearing tight white shorts like EVER! Now I have and it was great!" Bella was busting up laughing and so was Lisa.

Bella - "You're just jealous cause those guys get all the girls."

Me - "I got you didn't I? You must have really low standards then"

Bella - Flirting now... "No I have really high standards"

It felt awkward and corny and Lisa noticed.

Lisa - "OH (pause) MY (pause) GOD. I just ate lunch. You guys are soooo corny..."

Bella - "YOU'RE just jealous."

And Lisa got a bit quiet after that comment. I thought...Hmmm...there is a dynamic between these 2 sisters that so far escapes me. But on the surface little sister is jealous of alot of things about big sister. wasn't really an awkward moment...more like a quiet one for a few seconds. Whatever. But now we were all in a joking mood and were being total smartasses to eachother. After a while we were trying to decide on dinner. Bella started making fun and suggesting that I cook dinner. She was referring to my cooking skills she saw when we were making breakfast. I said, "Sure" to her surprise and Lisa was grilling me on what I was gonna make. Bella seemed equally as interested but she wasn't asking me what I was going to make as much as what ingredients I needed. I thought, "Shit. Now I've done it. If I can't find the ingredients I've commited myself to total embarrassment."

So we were on a mission to get the ingredients. In the car I was listing them off and one by one Lisa and Bella kept saying that they knew where to find that and we could probably get most of that stuff at this asian market they knew of. Hmm...I said, "What is there a huge Filipino community in London or what?" Apparently there were alot of asians there. I didn't know that. In fact, there was no such thing as British food really. Everything was imported including the people who knew how to make the food...Italian, French, Indian (and there were alot of East Indian people and restaurants there), you name it. We get there and I get the ingredients. I insisted on paying for everything cause if I screwed it up I would be less embarrassed.

When we got to Bella's flat we decided to chill for a few and watched some TV. After a while I got anxious and wanted to get started cooking so I got up and started washing the vegetables. Lisa asked if wanted help and I said yes. Because the dish I was making was simple, but, time consuming. I was making a traditional Filipino dish called lumpia. Which is really a type of egg roll, but fatter and more filling than your typical asian egg roll. I had my own recipe passed to me from my mom and her sisters. So I instructed Lisa on how to cut the vegetables but there was only 1 cutting surface so we were elbow to elbow cutting up all the veggies. Bella saw that we were starting to have fun making dinner so she said, "I wanna help.." In a kind of playful but whiny way. I said cool, and instructed her how to cook the ground beef for us. I was having fun. Now I was the star and I had all my ingredients except for the typical white rice dish. I wanted to use a more flavorful less sticky rice that I thought they might like. So I chose one from the store. I also bought some Filipino dessert that I was surprised they had there, ube halaya.

Bella seemed impressed, especially because of how I pretended to be a dunce in the kitchen that morning. I think she realized that there was more to my actions than meets the eye. So she was smiling ear to ear the whole time we were cooking paying close attention to all the stuff I was doing. Then, before you knew it, dinner was served. We sat down and I pretended to be a prissy waiter from an expensive restaurant and had the kitchen towel draped over my forearma and all that. HAHAHA . I served them and then a plate for myself. I poured us all some white wine which I bought from the store and they waited for me to sit down before we ate. They started eating and Bella loved it. Lisa seemed to like it to, but, Bella was more forthcoming with the compliments. Lisa, was just eating...which I guess can be taken as another compliment. Afterall, Lisa didn't strike me as the type to be fake. If she didn't like something you'd know it.

The phone rings and Bella gets up to answer it. Lisa says, "Since when do we start answering the phone during dinner?" and shakes her head.

Bella - "Mom! Hi!...we're eating dinner...yeah. Marc cooked it. Yes his name's Marc...umm...uhh ok. Well can I call you later? OK bye."

I didn't hear the other side of the conversation so that's what I heard. Bella then says, "That was mum." She alternated between mum and mom...why I don't know. "She wants us to come for dinner tomorrow."

Lisa - "Well what did she say?"

Bella - "She just insisted on us coming to dinner tomorrow. She just said that if Marc was good enough to cook me dinner and be introduced to you that they should meet him."

Lisa - "Well what did you say?"

Bella - "I said yes of course. What would you have said?"

and Lisa was quiet. There was no real tension in the air, in fact, everyone seemed jovial still. But we all seemed to know without saying that we were in for it tomorrow.

I thought. "Fuck". That was the LAST thing I wanted.

Lisa then started laughing..."I guess you're meeting my parents tomorrow."

Bella was looking for my reaction and I knew she would be. So on the outside I remained cool and calm. But inside I was the ONLY reason why I even wanted to meet with her sister was so Bella would be more at ease with going out with me and I could get in her panties. I already achieved that goal. Now, meeting Lisa wasn't so bad cause she was funny and easy on the eyes. But now I was gonna meet the whole god damn family. Hahaha... oh well I guess.

To be continued...
Past: '08 E92 335i|ZPP|ZSP|6AT
Past: '15 Mustang GT|401A|PP|6MT
Current: '20 Shelby GT350|6MT
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      03-10-2011, 12:13 AM   #24
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Dinner is finished and Lisa finally compliments me. Apparently she and Bella both love Asian food, mostly Indian food, but others, and have never had anyone they knew cook it for them in person. Cool. Home run. They seemed genuinely stoked. They also dug on the dessert but I didn't make that. Still, just cause I'm Filipino (and a quarter Spanish) I might as well have made it. I got credit for everything that night (as far as dinner was concerned. The rice was pre-made and everything. Hahaha.

We were sitting around the table and I confessed how I was a bit nervous about meeting their parents. What was I supposed to say to them. It would be obvious that I had interest in Bella to say the least. They would be able to tell...and if we told them that we'd been hanging out for days anyone who's even remotely perceptive would realize that I was intent on banging at least one of the daughters. Of course all of this went unsaid. I said something more like, "Well...I'm worried what your parents might think...that's all." And on that note Bella said, "Well I promised that I'd call my mum back tonight...maybe I can talk her out of the idea."

I said, "Cool". You know...the mind gets wishy washy in a situation like that. Because one part of you thinks, "Man I don't want to meet her parents. For what?" Another part of you is like, "Who the fuck cares? What's the worst that could happen? Besides...what if it turns out interesting?" At the time the situation would suck having to meet the probably dissaproving parents, but, I would surely get through it unless the dad blasted me with a shotgun.

Anyhow Bella grabs the cordless phone and starts talking with her mom on the phone. She's walking around the living room at first then eventually wanders off to her room. I assume it was intentional so that I didn't have to hear the obviously funky conversation, at least her side of it. Oh well, I resigned to my choice of attitudes about the situation by not giving a shit really what happened at that point and just go with the flow. Lisa and I decide to watch the tube and sit down next to eachother on the big couch. We were watching TV and it occurred to me that we never really had a serious conversation about her. Every question or comment was about me up to that point. So, I decided to pry. I turned to her to ask questions. Here was the gist of our conversation:

Me - "So it's my turn to ask questions."

Lisa - "Shoot." Turning towards me too she bends one knee and puts it on the couch. Cool now I could see her bare legs when her skirt fell away from her legs. Made for a nicer conversation.

Me - Trying to flirt while asking a question. "You're gorgeous and outgoing but I never hear you talk about having a boyfriend."

Lisa - "I just broke up with a boyfriend about a month ago."

Me - "Sorry to hear that. I guess he was a jerk, right?"

Lisa - "I guess he was, OK. But he was boring."

Me - "So how long were you guys together?"

Lisa - "A few months."

Me - Trying to lighten things up by making fun of her. "So you just used him for sex then...and when he couldn't keep up anymore you dumped him. Right?"

Lisa - "That's a bold accusation from someone who's shagging someone they just met."

Me - Damn she got me good. I couldn't assume that she wasn't witty just cause she acted goofy or playful alot cause she was obviously sharp witted. So I said, "Touche. But I really dig your sister. It just so happens we met on a plane."

Lisa - "On your vacation? Mmmmhmmmm..." As if to say, "Yeah right."

Me - "Be nice. I've been nothing but nice to you. Plus I always mean what I say"

Lisa - "You've been nice to my Bella. And guys always think they mean what they say, but they don't always do what they say."

Me - Damn...bitch is getting the better of me in this conversation. And it seems that she's decided to let me know exactly who she is. That she knows what's up more than I think she does. I just chalked it up to being normal under the circumstances. I mean being the silent observer, so to speak, it's easy to look from the outside and see what's going inside. Until you get in the middle of things it's almost hard not to notice. I decided not to take it further. "Well I can't prove anything to you. You'll just have to wait and see." Doh! What the hell did I just say? I was gonna leave in less than 2 months. It's like I gave her a sword to stab me with. So I waited for it to come.

Lisa - She just laughed gently and her tone changed. "You're just lovers. Leave it at that. But don't worry, I like you still"

Me - "Still? Why thank you your grace...I would surely slit my throat and stab a dagger through my heart if you did not approve." And I moved my hand in a circle towards my chest and bowed pretending to bow like one would do to nobility.

Thankfully this got her laughing. At herself or at me I still don't know, but, she seemed to enjoy a battle of wits especially if the swords were sharp tongues. We all know those types. I wasn't done with the questions yet though and decided to change things up a bit and see where it would go. I asked her what she did for work, what she liked to do for fun, what Bella was like before she met me. She did hair design for a boutique whose main customers were aspiring models. She was the assistant manager. She felt accomplished being so young and haven't gotten so far. She said she knew she wanted to do something outside of her family's expectations and knew hair design was it from a very young age. Her family didn't and still doesn't approve. She apparently could give 2 shits, though.

She liked to go out dancing at clubs. She liked salsa, but, went more often to clubs where pop music was played and less formal dancing happened. And she said, "I like boys but they don't like me. At least after they get to know me after a while. I guess they don't like strong women."

I could see why some dudes would get turned off by her after a while. But I couldn't see any dude even considering not fucking the shit out of her first. Hell naw. If I had met her first I woulda did everything I could to try and rail that ass. I could only picture the way she danced with me when we went out to that Salsa club. I decided to flirt and cheer her up if I could. Although she didn't sound down at all I wanted to put a smile on her face and keep it cheery. Plus flirting was my forte, my MO, and how I got into Bella's pants. I'd flirt with someone's mom if it would get me in the door to nail her daughter. Anyway...I said, "I like strong women. They usually know what they want and if they agreed to go out with you, then they WANT you..." She starts laughing knowing that I was talking about sex. "Maybe guys get intimidated by you on the dance floor cause they don't think they can hang with you. I saw the way you move." I said this smiling while she was laughing.

She says, "So you think I dance to sexy or aggressive, huh?" I reply, "Not sexy enough" knowing that she would realize I was being facetious. I think we both remembered how hammered and how sexy she was dancing that night. She counters, "Bella doesn't dance aggressive..." And I say, "But she does dance sexy." It was obvious we were talking about something other than dancing but I didn't want to get out of hand with my comments cause I realized that I didn't know everything about this girl and I didn't want it to bite me later.

My last comment seemed to quiet her a bit. It seemed like she got a bit jealous. It's pretty obvious to me by that point that she gets jealous of Bella alot. She was smiling but she stopped talking when just a second ago she would instantly shoot back a reply to anything I said. I decided to move on..."I think you both dance very sexy. Just different."

Lisa - "Very different."

Me - "So what was Bella up to before she met me?"

Lisa - "Well she was broken up from a guy she dated for years. 6 years in fact. He was a cheater and I knew it all along but it was hard to prove it to her. Finally she caught him and I didn't have to tell her anymore. So she decided to go away for a while before she went back to school so she could kinda forget about him."

Me - "Then she met me. I guess I'm her rebound guy then, eh?"

Lisa - Busting up laughing. "That's right."

Me - Trying to give myself an out even if just in jest. "I guess she'll just dump me when she's done with me."

Lisa - "Not quite. Bella would never let you in if she didn't like you. She likes you." Man this bitch didn't make it easy and she had this half smile and half smirk on her face as if to say...uh uh..nope..ain't gonna be that easy.

To tell the truth I didn't really care what she thought about me and Bella. I actually was really digging for real digging on her. I wanted to somehow keep it going past my vacation. I hadn't figured it all out yet, and I was definitely intimidated, but I was aware that I wanted more from her.

Me - "I really like Bella."

Lisa - "Yeah I know. I can tell."

Me - "I like you too when you're not biting my head off."

She snaps her teeth at me pretending to bite something. After a while we start watching some romantic comedy she put on we both start falling asleep. Bella came out finally after about an hour and a half woke me. She apologized for being on the phone so long and gave me a kiss. I was too tired to think about sex and all I could think of was sleeping. In fact I wish I was back at my hotel where all my shit was so I could get a proper sleep. But I wasn't and there was slim chance I would be going back there tonight. Lisa was crashed out but woke up while Bella and I were talking. She asked Bella if she could crash there tonight cause she was too tired to drive home. Bella agreed without hesitation and I imagined how awkward it would be to sleep on the couch if they shared Bella's bed cause there was a chance they might chat about our conversation and Bella's with their mom.

But after I brushed my teeth, I asked Bella for a blanket so I could sleep on the couch and she said, "Nonsense. We can all fit on my bed." I liked the idea and looked at Lisa to see her reaction. She didn't seem to care and was half asleep. I realized I didn't have jammies and would definitely not be able to sleep in my underwear. So I said, "I guess I'm sleeping in my jeans tonight." Bella goes, "Awwww sorry sweetie..." I replied, "If you have a spair pair of guy's jammies please don't tell me bout it. I'll just sleep in jeans thanks." Lisa says half asleep, "She probably does" and starts rummaging through Bella's drawers for jammies. She finds some and heads to the bathroom. Bella just changes in front of me. I would give some details here but I honestly don't remember thinking about anything except crashing out. So I just took of my shirt and plopped down on the bed. I chose the side that Bella usually sleeps on cause I figured they would just sleep on the rest. A couple of minutes later Bella tells me to scoot over. Apparently she REALLY likes her side of the bed. Lisa comes out of the bathroom finally, turns out the lights, and just plops down on the other side. Bella cozies up to me throws a leg over mine and we start to nod off.

To be continued...
Past: '08 E92 335i|ZPP|ZSP|6AT
Past: '15 Mustang GT|401A|PP|6MT
Current: '20 Shelby GT350|6MT
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      03-10-2011, 12:19 AM   #25

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Rest of the story please. Im in !
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      03-10-2011, 12:20 AM   #26
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So we fall asleep. But my mind was racing in my sleep and I kind of toss and turn. I finally wake myself up and Bella is out and turned away from me facing the windows. When I woke up I was laying flat on my back and my head was turned towards Lisa. It was pretty dark so I couldn't see at first but my eyes began to adjust. She was turned to her side facing me. I could feel some of her leg touching mine. I did what every normal red blooded male would do and imagined fucking the shit out of her. My dick was starting to twitch and I could feel a stiffy coming on. I was trying my hardest not to let that happen. It would be sooo embarrasing. Why oh why did I not think of this before I agreed to sleep on the bed. Shit.

Suddenly Lisa breathed in and I see her chest puff up and she exhales. Part of the blanket is off of us cause of my tossing and turning I supposed but it allowed me to get a decent view of Lisa. She was about 5' 3" long legs, fit, but with a little baby fat still due to her youthful 21 years of age. She had bigger tits than her sister but not a D I think. But she had the same flawless olive skin. She was wearing one of Bella's light t-shirts and some shorts that were pretty short and kinda loose bade of sweat pant material. She coulda been wearing a potato sack and I woulda dug on her looks. My eyes had fully adjusted to the low light coming in from the windows by now and I had been checking Lisa out for about 5 minutes now. I was about to try and fall back asleep and think of something else so I wouldn't get a hard on but Lisa breathed in deeply again and when she sighed to exhale her eyes opened. "SHIT!" I thought. I got caught watching her sleep. I was just waiting for her to say something and wake up Bella. But she did a little laugh and ever so slightly shook her head as if she was thinking, "I knew it. You're just like all other guys." She turned away and now both girls were facing away from me. Her ass was totally in full line of sight and the tshirt she was wearing was fitting and very thin. She was wearing no bra so I could see every curve of her body. Normally I would imagine doing the dirtiest things to her, but under the circumstances all I could think was, "Shit!"

I turned to my side and facing Bella and began spooning her. She sighed and smiled not knowing what had just transpired. Secretly I had hoped that I could give some sort of excuse the following morning when I knew shit would surely hit the fan. I was thinking of the lamest excuses when I fell asleep. I remember waking up and Bella was already awake but still in bed. She kissed me good morning and asked me to help make breakfast. I did and soon Lisa joined us. She got a cup of coffee and sat to my right and Bella was to my left. All breakfast long I waited for it but it never came. She never said anything. Maybe I was making it bigger just in my own mind. I dismissed the thought and moved on.

To be continued...
Past: '08 E92 335i|ZPP|ZSP|6AT
Past: '15 Mustang GT|401A|PP|6MT
Current: '20 Shelby GT350|6MT
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      03-10-2011, 12:20 AM   #27
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Lisa didn't hang out with us that day. She went home and went to work. Bella and I were just lounging for most of the morning. At some point she jokingly asked, "So was that the first time you slept in a bed with 2 girls?" I said, "No. But it is the first time with 2 sisters. You should've seen us. We waited for you to fall asleep and were fucking like rabbits right next to you while you slept." I shouldn't have said it so crudely, but I did. Bella was not her sister and was more reserved in how she joked and spoke. More my type really.

But she started ticking me and said, "How dare you!?" she jumped on me while I was laying on the couch and that instantly gets Jr. standing at attention. We have a quickie on the couch which was cool by me, but, she didn't get hers. I wanted to focus more on her but she wouldn't let me. She said we'd be there all day and she wanted to get out. So after me chasing her around the place and her shrieking and laughing trying to get away I decided to leave her be. I asked if I could take a shower with her still and she agreed only if I behaved. I did and decided to act like a gentleman so that she knew she could trust me. We get out of the shower, get dressed, and decide to do our exploring on foot or taxi that day. But I would have to go to my place first and get new clothes. Bella said, "Why don't you just stay at my place from now on? You've already paid for several extra days there and you're never even there?" I agreed that it would be a good idea so we drive there just to get my stuff. I check out and it was another whopping bill to check out. Damn. Oh well...I'd also saved alot of money not flying to other places and not going to other hotels. But this was my splurge nice hotel so I was still bummed. Oh well. At least It should balance out since I would no longer have to stay at other hotels. I get my stuff and we dropped it back off at her place. Then we finally start our day.

We walk for quite a while and it's a little cold and was drizzling off and on. We're holding hands and it feels nice. I ask her the same question I asked Lisa the night before which was, "So what were you up to before you met me?" Her answer was the same as Lisa's. She told me alot about her ex boyfriend who she'd expected to propose but instead found out he was cheating. She seemed over him but it was obvious that the whole failed relationship still had it's affect on her. She said, "You're here now though." I didn't dare take it any further cause I was afraid of where it would go. I don't know if I was ready to think about what happens after my vacation. We spent the day just chillin and walking around random places which is how I like to explore anyway. I like to vacation in a way that I do things the natives would do...not tours and attration sites only. So it was cool and I had a pretty girl on my arm.

It started to rain lightly so we rushed to find a place to go inside. We found some Parisian restaurant and we hung out there for quite a long time. We had coffee and after a while decided to have lunch accompanied with a couple of glasses of wine each. I told her about a failed relationship I had and how I was engaged once and it failed. It made her feel better that I knew what she was going through and that the subject went from her to me. We finally had our alone time that she was craving. We were under no rush because I was no longer leaving in a few days but I could tell that we both appreciated the time.

We decided to get a taxi so that we could watch a movie. We watch the movie (Sorry guys I don't remember the name, who was in it, and what the director's name was, and what the movie was rated.) My mind was all on what to do after my vacation and what I would do. I'd forgotten that I would meet her parents that night. After the movie Bella wanted to take a nap at her place so we took a taxi all the way back. We fell asleep pretty quickly and before you knew it, it was about time to go to her parents.

We were still in bed but wide awake when Lisa called and said that she'd meet us there. Bella threatened her, "You better not leave us hanging. You better be there." It was quiet in the room other than the sound of rain outside and I could hear Lisa reply, "Don't worry. I wouldn't miss it for the world."

We wash up and I get changed and we were on our way. We get there and I couldn't believe the size of their house. It wasn't some huge castle. But I would definitely classify it as a small mansion. Bella's mom answers the door and I immediately notice Lisa leaning on the wall a few feet behind her mom. She has a smile on her face and is obviously curious to see what happens. Bella and I are not holding hands or even remotely showing interest in eachother. I don't really mind. I didn't blame her at all. I also now knew where the 2 girls beauty came from. Her mom was a hot 40 something who I would still bang relentlessy if she were'nt so rich and snooty. She was fit and took care of herself. She had almost the same exact figure as her 2 daughters. She was pleasant at the door and invited us in. Of course Bella needed no invitation and was already walking in, but, it was her mom just being formal. I say hi to Lisa and she gives Bella a hug and then me. I notice their mother hiding a look of shock at our comfort level with eachother. She starts walking and we eventually get to the dining area. I tried my hardest not to be awed by the huge place and expensive furnishings. Doing that would definitely put me out of place. Even more than I already was. I acted as if having a place like that was normal. That was my goal that act as normal as possible without giving too much detail of myself if that was possible considering why I was meet her parents.

We sit down and her dad walks in. He's tall and in his forties as well. Dark hair, and a mustache. Fit and looked like he could kick my ass. He had a touch look about him. I instantly get the butterflies cause I couldn't have imagined how intimidating this all would be. We sit down and they have a cook who starts bringing out food for us. Her dad is sitting at the head of the table and is looking at me the whole time. I was trying hard not to have eye contact. But I didn't know what to look at or what to say. I decided not to be too bold and start talking. I would let the conversation flow from the other end. Bella's mom instantly asks where I'm from and what I did. I told her I came from LA and was a student and that I majored in English with a focus on creative writing. She asked if I aspired to become a writer and I said, yes. In fact I wasn't sure what the hell I wanted to do. But I felt like I shouldn't sound wishy washy or unsure of myself around them. Lisa was sitting directly across from me looking amused. Bella was to my left sitting next to her dad and her mom was right across her. Her mother seems cordial but underneath that facade it felt like she strongly disapproved. Her dad was staring at me the whole time and it seems like he looked at me like I was the help and wondered why his daughters would be mixing with the likes of me. Dad starts talking and asks me how we met. Bella jumps and starts describing how me met on the plane. She's obviously excited and her dad is looking more and more curious. He looks calm but pissed cause I'm sure it's obvious that I'm either banging his daughter or trying to. Her mom seems irritated still but intrigued.

I didn't dare flirt with her to get her approval. Her dad might shoot me or something. The food is all there now and we have like a friggin 30 course meal. Her dad says grace and we start to eat. Her mom starts asking about me cooking dinner and I describe what we had. Bella's all excited and is talking about how they helped too. Her mom loves to cook too and starts talking about her favorite recipes. Lisa out of nowhere says, "He's a cook and a fighter, dad!" Her mom was surprised by Lisa cutting her off but is looking at me for an explanation. Her dad says, "Fighter ey?" Lisa continues, "Yes. He's a genuine LA gangster." And Bella looks like she wants to stab Lisa's eyes with her pitchfork. Her dad, "Gangster?" I didn't want to look pissed at Lisa, but, I kicked her under the table without being obvious. She just smiles and shrugs her shoulders. Bella is seething. I said, "Well...I got into trouble with gangs. I didn't get along with them. But I grew up around them so I dressed similarly and it caused me some trouble" Her dad surprisingly looks impressed and said, "I've gotten into a couple of fights myself. But I never hurt anybody." I replied, "Me neither. Just a few bruises and black eyes. I was an honorable gangster." I said that kind of as a joke and everyone started laughing. Her dad's frown had turned upside down. So I decided to capitalize on this moment cause it could disappear in a snap, especially with my friend Lisa blabbing her mouth. I said, "So I'm interested in your stories sir. Tell us about them." He says that he doesn't want to get so much into that over dinner but that he grew up in a rough neighborhood in Spain. He got in more than his fair share of fights growing up especially that his parents were not well off. He made it his life's goal to get him and his parents out of that place and he did. You could tell he was proud of his accomplishments. I assumed the wealth they had was at least partially his doing, but, who knows what the mother did. I didn't want to carry on about my background so I didn't try to relate or anything. I just said, "Impressive." I know I'm a kiss ass...but that's how a playa gotta be in a situation like that naw mean?

We started to talk about how long I was staying in London and I said about 1 1/2 months. They asked where and I froze for a second and looked at Bella. Whoops. Lisa noticed something was up and was looking at me funny. I'm sure she figured that I decided to stay with Bella. I pretended that I didn't remember the name of the place so I had my excuse to look at Bella all of a sudden and asked her what the name was. She said what the name was and they said, if they even heard of that place. To them they probably looked at that place as if it was the motel 6. After dinner her dad asked me to join him in the parlor which was a cigar room and offered me one. I said that I didn't smoke but could try one. He insisted on me trying one. It tasted nasty to me but I pretended that I liked it. They had a pool table in the middle of the room and he asked me if I played pool. I thought it would be cool to play pool while we smoked so I asked him if he would like to play a game. He said, "Well I was just about to suggest that." He wants to play some crazy game that has only red and white balls and I had no fucking clue. All I knew was 8 ball and so I fessed up. He had those too and I racked. He broke and this dude knew how to play. While he was shooting he said, "My girls are really special to me. So what are your intentions, son?" He did this all while not even looking at me. I wish Bella and/or Lisa was with me but they were chatting with their mom in another room. Plus I think the alone time with her dad was all planned ahead of time.

We sit down and her dad walks in. He's tall and in his forties as well. Dark hair, and a mustache. Fit and looked like he could kick my ass. He had a touch look about him. I instantly get the butterflies cause I couldn't have imagined how intimidating this all would be. We sit down and they have a cook who starts bringing out food for us. Her dad is sitting at the head of the table and is looking at me the whole time. I was trying hard not to have eye contact. But I didn't know what to look at or what to say. I decided not to be too bold and start talking. I would let the conversation flow from the other end. Bella's mom instantly asks where I'm from and what I did. I told her I came from LA and was a student and that I majored in English with a focus on creative writing. She asked if I aspired to become a writer and I said, yes. In fact I wasn't sure what the hell I wanted to do. But I felt like I shouldn't sound wishy washy or unsure of myself around them. Lisa was sitting directly across from me looking amused. Bella was to my left sitting next to her dad and her mom was right across her. Her mother seems cordial but underneath that facade it felt like she strongly disapproved. Her dad was staring at me the whole time and it seems like he looked at me like I was the help and wondered why his daughters would be mixing with the likes of me. Dad starts talking and asks me how we met. Bella jumps and starts describing how me met on the plane. She's obviously excited and her dad is looking more and more curious. He looks calm but pissed cause I'm sure it's obvious that I'm either banging his daughter or trying to. Her mom seems irritated still but intrigued.

I didn't dare flirt with her to get her approval. Her dad might shoot me or something. The food is all there now and we have like a friggin 30 course meal. Her dad says grace and we start to eat. Her mom starts asking about me cooking dinner and I describe what we had. Bella's all excited and is talking about how they helped too. Her mom loves to cook too and starts talking about her favorite recipes. Lisa out of nowhere says, "He's a cook and a fighter, dad!" Her mom was surprised by Lisa cutting her off but is looking at me for an explanation. Her dad says, "Fighter ey?" Lisa continues, "Yes. He's a genuine LA gangster." And Bella looks like she wants to stab Lisa's eyes with her pitchfork. Her dad, "Gangster?" I didn't want to look pissed at Lisa, but, I kicked her under the table without being obvious. She just smiles and shrugs her shoulders. Bella is seething. I said, "Well...I got into trouble with gangs. I didn't get along with them. But I grew up around them so I dressed similarly and it caused me some trouble" Her dad surprisingly looks impressed and said, "I've gotten into a couple of fights myself. But I never hurt anybody." I replied, "Me neither. Just a few bruises and black eyes. I was an honorable gangster." I said that kind of as a joke and everyone started laughing. Her dad's frown had turned upside down. So I decided to capitalize on this moment cause it could disappear in a snap, especially with my friend Lisa blabbing her mouth. I said, "So I'm interested in your stories sir. Tell us about them." He says that he doesn't want to get so much into that over dinner but that he grew up in a rough neighborhood in Spain. He got in more than his fair share of fights growing up especially that his parents were not well off. He made it his life's goal to get him and his parents out of that place and he did. You could tell he was proud of his accomplishments. I assumed the wealth they had was at least partially his doing, but, who knows what the mother did. I didn't want to carry on about my background so I didn't try to relate or anything. I just said, "Impressive." I know I'm a kiss ass...but that's how a playa gotta be in a situation like that naw mean?

We started to talk about how long I was staying in London and I said about 1 1/2 months. They asked where and I froze for a second and looked at Bella. Whoops. Lisa noticed something was up and was looking at me funny. I'm sure she figured that I decided to stay with Bella. I pretended that I didn't remember the name of the place so I had my excuse to look at Bella all of a sudden and asked her what the name was. She said what the name was and they said, if they even heard of that place. To them they probably looked at that place as if it was the motel 6. After dinner her dad asked me to join him in the parlor which was a cigar room and offered me one. I said that I didn't smoke but could try one. He insisted on me trying one. It tasted nasty to me but I pretended that I liked it. They had a pool table in the middle of the room and he asked me if I played pool. I thought it would be cool to play pool while we smoked so I asked him if he would like to play a game. He said, "Well I was just about to suggest that." He wants to play some crazy game that has only red and white balls and I had no fucking clue. All I knew was 8 ball and so I fessed up. He had those too and I racked. He broke and this dude knew how to play. While he was shooting he said, "My girls are really special to me. So what are your intentions, son?" He did this all while not even looking at me. I wish Bella and/or Lisa was with me but they were chatting with their mom in another room. Plus I think the alone time with her dad was all planned ahead of time.

He seemed perceptive enough to see through my bullshit if I had totally lied and said that I just wanted them to show me around. So I told a half truth. "I really like Bella. We've seem to become good friends while I've been here. But I don't really know how to could be anything more since I'll be leaving soon." He bought it. Or maybe he just didn't care as much if I banged her as long as I left when I was done. I dunno. He said, "That's right son. You 2 are young and you won't be able to maintain any kind of friendship when you go back home. She's not moving there and you're not coming here" You could tell he was used to being in charge. I shook my head yes but didn't agree to anything. I get my turn to shoot and sink a couple of balls. His turn now and he cleans up. The game was done and so he seemed content having beaten me and I think he felt like he'd made his point clear and he probably assumed that I acquiesced to do as he told. Screw him. I would do what I want...maybe not in front of him...but I would do what I want. He suggests we see what the girls were doing so we go to the room where they were at. We walk in the room and Bella and her mom were sitting on some lounge and Lisa was standing nearby leaning next to the bar. Lisa pours a glass of wine and hands it to me while she was sipping hers. She was smiling through her eyes looking at me. I'm sure she knew I could use one right about now. Bella's mom is a little more loose now and I notice that there are a few empty glasses on the bar. I assumed that a couple of them were hers. She was talking to me a bit more comfortable now and was asking about salsa dancing. Apparently the girls were bragging about my dancing. I was talking about it when she cut me off and said you'll have to show me sometime. Everyone in the room seemd to notice that she was a bit inebriate. Their dad instantly replies, "OK. I think it's time for us to retire. You kids stay as long as you like and we'll see you later." The mom denied that she was drunk but she gave me a hug before being swept away by their dad. Weird. They go upstairs and we decide to leave. We walk outside and the cars were far enough away from their parents room that Bella said to Lisa, "Why in the world would you do that?"

Lisa - "I did it to help."

Bella - "How did that help."

Lisa - Looking at me now "Did that not help? What would you 2 have talked about if you had ABOSULTELY NOTHING in common?" She had a point.

Me - "I suppose."

Bella just sighs and shakes her head. Lisa said, "Mum knows. We didn't have to tell her." To which Bella replies, "I know."

Me - "Well I survived." And I started laughing. Bella seems relieved that I didn't care too much. I didn't really.

Lisa - Well...I think we should celebrate! Let's get a drink!"

Bella - "I don't think so. We've had enough fun for tonight. I'll call you tomorrow"

Lisa - "OK fine. But I spoke to Charlize and we're going to through you a party this weekend. Marc you can come too of course."

Bella - " should tell me before you just make plans for me."

Lisa - "Sorry Bella. Don't be so touchy. Besides we can't just ditch all our friends. It'll be fun."

And on that note we all went our separate ways. To be continued... forward to next Friday. We spent the

day prepping for the party at Bella's place. I suggested that we do some typical

barbecue to make it easy. They apparently had not had barbecue that often and

thought it was some kind of chore especially since Bella didn't have a grill. I

asked if we could order some and so we found a place that would deliver some

ready made barbecue. Bella and Lisa both liked the idea of barbecue. They seemed

to think it was some special kind of food or some shit. Maybe they were used to

eating other stuff. I dunno.

We got chips and dips, and all kinds of other crap that people usually eat at

parties. They liked all the ideas and Lisa said, "Cool. A typical American

party." I thought of beer instead of wine and we could put it in a cooler

outside in the small backyard she had. Really it was a small garden in back of

her house. Bella said, "Great! Only I don't have a cooler."

Lisa - "I do. But's it's too heavy to get."

Bella - "Marc can you go get it?"

Me - "Me? I'm not going to drive here. I'd get lost."

Bella - "Lisa could take you and I'll keep getting everything ready."

Me - "Uhhh..ok I guess..."

Lisa and I get in her car and she's cruising along. We finally get there and we go inside. She shows me where the cooler is and it's not even that big. It was kinda heavy but not really. Lisa then says, "Well I'm gonna go ahead and get ready because the party will start soon." She shows me the remote to the TV and I start watching the tube. I was like, "Great now I'm gonna be sitting here flipping through channels while she takes a million years to get ready. I hear the shower turn on. I was watching for about 15 minutes when I hear Lisa, "Hey can you come here for a sec?" I didn't think nothing of it...I put down the control and started walking towards the hallway and around the bend. Then she surprises me and pushes me up against the wall. Not too hard but she's holding me there. She's naked, "Now you can see me. I know you were looking at me when we were sleeping.." I'm like, "Uuuhhh....I don't think we ..."

Lisa - "Bella's not here. It's just me and you."

And she starts feeling groping my dick throug my clothes and kisses me. I kiss her back. I was torn. Then I push her away slightly so I can talk and said, "I can't. Your sister. And you can't."

Lisa - "Don't worry. I won't tell her if you don't. You'll be leaving soon...and I don't want you to go without doing it."

I realized that I had my arm around her back holding her close to me and she had one hand groping my dick. One of my hands was on one of her tits. She kissed me again very aggressively this time and I kissed her back getting an instant hard on. But I couldn't go through with it. I wantd to bang more right then and there more than anything. But I knew that I'm not a person that can look at someone in the eye and straight lie, especially when there is something so big to be guilty of. I knew it would be obvious to Bella that something was up. So I said, "Look. I really want to. But I can't. And I don't know if I could trust you. You haven't been on my side this whole time. We can't. I can't look at Bella after this and she'll know."

But she knew after I'd touched her and kissed her back that she had a chance that I'd give in. Women have that power over men. Pussy is a man's kryptonite. So she grabbed my hand and led it to her pussy and placed my hand over it. Then she said, "I know you'll touch me before you go home and I'm not gonna leave you alone til you do."

Her pussy was wet and aww man it was nice. I wanted to fucking throw her against the wall and nail her till she passed out. But I couldn't. She left me leaning against the wall and walked seductively into her bedroom. She looked back to see if I was looking. Of course I was fucking looking and she knew it. She smiled a huge smile and went to get dressed. I sat back down tripping out trying to compose myself. I knew that it would be hard to keep a cool face after all that and talk to Bella. Lisa finally gets ready and we were going out the door. She grabbed my arm and pushed me against the wall again and started kissing me. I kiss her back and this time I said "fuck it" and started groping her ass, pussy, and tits. I kiss her back start grinding my dick into her pussy. I lift her up and she wraps her legs around me. I push her against the wall and grind into her hard. She's moaning and says, "Let's go into the room." I said, "No. Not now." And she smiled and is about to french kiss me again so she sticks her tongue out and I suck on it ever so seductively. She starts moaning and I grind into her harder. I let her down slowly and start walking out the door. She's standing there for a sec catching her breath and finally starts walking out the door too. She locks up and we're quiet walking down stairs. Before we get in her car she smiles at me and her grin is ear to ear. She says, "I knew you would."

And we get into her car and head back to Bella's place.

To be continued...
Past: '08 E92 335i|ZPP|ZSP|6AT
Past: '15 Mustang GT|401A|PP|6MT
Current: '20 Shelby GT350|6MT
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      03-10-2011, 12:21 AM   #28
Lieutenant General
Year's_End's Avatar

Drives: 2020 Shelby GT350
Join Date: Feb 2007
Location: FL

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Here we are in the car. I'm quiet and trying to think of what Lisa's gonna act like when we get back to Bella's. I wasn't worried about looking guilty as much as I was worried about Lisa. She was unpredictable. Lisa has one thing on her mind and seems like she's not worried in the least about getting caught. Maybe because women can be great liars when they want to be. Me, I was somewhat used to telling a girl I was dating that I went to do something else like visit my parents or some shit when I really went out clubbing. So, I guess I had my fair share of lies to get some play with other chicks.

Lisa - "So when are we gonna do it?"

Me - "We're not. Not unless I know I can trust you."

Lisa - "You can trust me." Smiling

Me - Me feeling like I had a sense of control over her now. I decided to try and use it. "Not til you do everything I say."

Lisa - "E-V-E-R-Y-thing you say?"

Me - "Yeah E-V-E-R-Y-thing"

Lisa - "I think I like that. So what first"

Me - "You have to prove to me that I can trust you."

Lisa - "How?"

Me - "I seriously don't want Bella to find out anything. ANYTHING!. So don't let on that anything is going on."

Lisa - "That's easy. I thought you were gonna say something sexy."

Me - "Well, you know I still like your sister right? I know you're gonna be jealous."

Lisa - "I can't be jealous if I get to have you too. Besides I'd be jealous if you guys were for real or something..."

And that's when I realized that I royally fucked up. I did like Bella alot and I was falling for her big time and she seemed like she was falling for me too. But no matter what happens now it's tainted. I was starting to get bummed. But I knew that I couldn't focus on negativity cause it would hit me at the party and it would show. We arrive at Bella's place and I feel like I'm forgetting something. Lisa's looking at me strange and goes, "What? You look like you've seen a ghost or something." We forgot the FUCKING COOLER! Shit. There was no time now. Bella saw us pull up and looked through the window. She stuck her head back in and was probably waiting for us to come inside.

Me - "We forgot the cooler."

This got Lisa busting up with laughter and was looking at me like it was supposed to be funny to me too. I wasn't feeling it.

Me - "You better think of an excuse fast. You made me forget."

Lisa - "Oh it's my fault is it? It takes 2 sweetie."

Me - "Here's my first rule. Start being nicer and maybe when there's a chance..."

Lisa - "Okay. Promise. Leave the excuse to me."

I didn't quite trust her, but what was I to do? I was trippin out on the whole situation. What the fuck was I doing? We walk in the door and Bella's asking where's the cooler. Lisa non-chalantly says, "I dug it up and it was moldy. It would've taken too long to clean and get ready."

Bella just says, "Gross. Oh well we'll just use the big cooler (her fridge)." She gives me a kiss on the cheek and I finish walking in through the doorway. Lisa just keeps walking in and I notice there's company. There was a girl and guy there and both were helping straighten up the place to get ready for the party. They both stop and Bella goes, "That's Charlize and her boyfriend Tommy. Tommy, Charlize this is Marc."

Charlize - "I've heard alot about you." while shaking my hand. She was not such a great looker. Red hair, kind of funky teef, nice body, but just average I guess. She was dressed nice and actually everyone was. Lisa was rocking a calf length dress and had a slit to her thigh. Bella was fucking gorgeous in this low cut black dress tight on the top til just below her hips then it was loose and flowy and went to her knees. The other chick was wearing some fucking dress and I imagine it was some expensive for no reason type of dress. It wasn't particularly sexy but maybe I just thought that cause she wasn't that hot. Whatever. Dude had slightly tussled hair and was wearing some conservative looking collared shirt with a sweater over it, trying to look like he was a Beatle who went to Harvard. I decided right then that I would get dressed. I leaned over and whispered to Bella that I wanted to get ready too. She said, "Yeah you're gonna run out of time. People will get her any second." And on that note I headed towards her room. I could tell that Charlize was totally in shock. There was a mirror in the hallway and I could see while I was walking towards Bella's room Charlize's exxagerated expression. Her jaw was dropped and eyes were all big and she was smiling through all that. Then she started pointing at me going towards the room not realizing that I could see her.

Bella was just nodding and smiling as if to say, "Yeah I know can you believe it? He has his stuff here and everything." The dude was smiling and had this look on his face and I imagined him just wishing it were him. I'm sure that fool had thought of banging at least one or both of these 2 girls at one point or another. Even if he never admitted it. Kinda made me chuckle. I made it to the room and jumped in the shower. I get done and start putting on my clothes. Lisa barges in and I look at her like, "Dude! WTF?" I said, "Be good." She said, "I know. Bella went out to grab the beer and Charlize and Tommy are in the garden chatting. I said, "Still... please?" She could tell I was serious and said, "I know." She walked up and squeezed my ass cheek and walked out. I know this girl was going to be trouble. I shoulda saw the signs from the first day I met her. But I guess I never cared to look cause who woulda pictured this? It was certainly not part of my plan.

I go outside and start making small talk with Charlize. Tommy goes inside with Lisa and I hear them start talking. Charlize instantly is prodding to see what I'm all about. At this point I didn't really feel in the mood to talk about myself so I kept the answers kinda short but friendly. I flipped it around and asked about her. I don't remember what she did but it was in some office type job. Tommy and her worked together and is how they met is all I remember. Bella arrives and is happy to see me talking to Charlize. We help Bella bring the beer and and while we're doing that Bella says, "Charlize is my best friend from when we were in elementary." I said, "Wow. That's a long time" and Bella thinking that I was joking comes back, "Hey! Not THAT long" But I didn't mean it that way. We were joking around and it felt comfortable. People started arriving and they were just like I pictured...all white, dressed like they all had money, and looked kinda snooty. Some of their friends were a little older (maybe their thirties) and I could imagine the uncomfortable conversations I might have with them. Everyone was hounding Bella asking her about her trip, blah blah, and one chick asked if she'd met anyone. She was a ditz and everyone knew that something was up between me and Bella except this chick. People were looking at her like, "Duh!" cause now I heard that and put Bella and me on the spot. Bella cleverly goes, "Yeah look! I brought one back!" and calls me over. I thought she would just have me stand next to her while I shake her friends hand, but, she kisses my cheek and hugs my arm. She says, "This is Marc. We actually met on the plane back."

Everyone in the room was impressed it seemed. One cause they probably all knew Bella for some years and I knew her a couple of weeks and we're like this and two because I was the only colored dude in the room. That or I was the only poor dude in the room. I dressed decent I thought, but, I didn't have the $300 pair of shoes or anything like that. Bella made me feel nice. She didn't hide fact she was showing me off. But she also made me feel like shit. I'm here on the verge of slamming her sister in the ass about an hour prior and she's acting sooo fucking sweet to me. I notice Lisa in the corner chatting with someone but not really paying attention to them. She was looking at me and Bella. She was still smiling which was cool so I winked at her and she smiled bigger. I wanted to make sure she stayed happy so I didn't get drama especially in front of everyone.

The party draws on and to my surprise I was wrong about her friends. Well, atleast some of them. Mainly the girls. They all seemed interested in who I was and what I did. Lisa would occasionally jump in say how I was a gang banger and start getting all animated pretending to shoot people. She was sooo lame, but she was fucking funny. I noticed that she was kinda the life of the party. She always had everyone laughing and goofing around. It starts to get late and people are starting to leave. One by one they leave until it's just Bella, Lisa, and me once again. We all plop down on the couch at the same time and sigh like it was some big relief or something. Then we all start laughing. Bella's hugging on me and I started thinking about the situation again. Lisa all of a sudden asks if she can stay the night again. Bella thinks nothing of it and said, "Sure. I won't let you drive home in your condition anyway."

Here we go again. But this time Lisa and me had done shit. Fuck. This was gonna be a tough one. I brush my teeth and Bella and Lisa walk in. Lisa grabs some jammies from the same drawer she did last time and heads off to the bathroom to change. Bella just changes in front of me again and I was just going to plop down on the bed again when Bella said that she had a present for me. She got out a plastic bag and got out some jammies. "I hope you don't mind. I saw a boutique on my way to get the drinks earlier and I knew you needed them." I said, "Thank you. But you didn't have to." Bella, "I wanted to." I put them on and they fit. Then I finally plop down onto the bed and lay on Bella's side hoping she would just sleep there but no luck. Bella comes to the edge of the bed and says, "Hey scoot. It's still my bed." Shit. I knew I was in for a hard night (pun intended). Lisa comes out after what seemed like forever. She's wearing one of Bella's long jammy pants that was thing and kind of see through and a t-shirt with a similar material. No bra and there was nothing to imagine. But you couldn't see the color of her nipples or anything. But you could see the outline of her tits and the jammy pants clinging to every inch of her pussy and legs. Bella just said, "Oh those look cute on you." Smiled and asked Lisa to turn off the lights.

To be continued...
Past: '08 E92 335i|ZPP|ZSP|6AT
Past: '15 Mustang GT|401A|PP|6MT
Current: '20 Shelby GT350|6MT
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      03-10-2011, 12:23 AM   #29
Lieutenant General
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Drives: 2020 Shelby GT350
Join Date: Feb 2007
Location: FL

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Here we are all laying down on the bed. We we're talking about the success of the party and the conversation drifted to her friend Charlize. She began telling stories of Charlize and their childhood adventures and such, then the storytelling drifted to stories about Lisa and her. I was mainly quiet just trying not to get a hard on but also listening to Bella who was doing most of the talking. Lisa was turned to her side facing me with one hand propping up her head and Bella would alternate between laying her head on my chest to laying on her back. Both girls had on jammies that were slim fitting and thin so I was in heaven at the same time I was in hell cause I couldn't allow myself to get excited. But what normal red blooded male wouldn't be thinking about that?

I found out that "all the guys liked Bella" according to Lisa. But Bella said that Lisa always was the one with the different boyfriends. No surprise there. Then they start probing me about my past relationships. Bella at least knew about the one (my ex fiance) but they were teasing that I probably got with a ton of chicks before. I denied it and said that I'd only been with 3 girls. Hahaha. They didn't buy and we're like, "Yeah right. Tell us the truth." I said, "Serious...but with those three girls I had crazy wild unbridled sex with..." They knew I was joking and were laughing. Lisa decided to take the conversation to a different direction and asked what the kinkiest thing I've done was. I was like, "Uuuhh...." while I looked at Bella and she was laughing but kind of trying not to as if we'd done some of that kinky stuff. I guess you could call anal sex pretty kinky. I mean I'd never done that before Bella. So in a way that was the kinkiest physical act I'd done. But, I've done other things like role playing and shit that I was smart enough not to admit. I knew better. I said, " comment..." and Bella was laughing but we didn't admit anything. She turned to her side again with her leg thrown over my mine. She asked, "Why don't you tell US what the kinkiest thing YOU'VE done?" directing her question to Lisa.

Lisa - "I've been with a girl before."

Bella - "Who?" Not doubting her but more to ask who figuring she would know her.

Lisa - "Samantha Brown (That wasn't her name but I can't fucking remember what it really I'm just using that as a placeholder)"


Lisa - "I know. I know. It was fun actually."

Bella - "So did you guys do it do it or just kiss and stuff?"

Lisa - "We did everything that girls could do to eachother..."

Bella - "Oh my god.." Jaw dropping in disbelief but actually smiling and excited with the idea. "So did you guys keep doing it?"

Lisa - "You mean more than once? Yeah for about a month or so..."

Bella just sighs shaking her head trying to contain her disbelief with the news of her sister's sexual adventures.

Lisa - "And I've been with 2 guys before.."

Bella - "What? This is too much Lisa. I don't even know you..."

And everyone busts up in laughter for a gets quiet for a second and then...

Bella - "So...what was that like? Were'nt you scared? I mean 2 guys..."

Lisa - "No. It wasn't scary. I was nervous at first but that went away really fast after..."

Bella - Bella cuts her off "I don't even want to fact I don't even want to know who with"

Lisa - Seemingly very proud of herself now cause she has done things that Bella hasn't dared to do... "It was alot nicer than you think and I think every girl has a secret fantasy even if they don't admit it..."

Bella - "Not me.."

Lisa - "Yes you do."

Bella just shakes her head obviously thinking about what that would be like...

Lisa - "I know Marc's had some kinky experiences that he's not fessing up to...I'm not alone..."

Bella was lookinga at me to see what I'd say...

Me - "Like what?"

Lisa - "I don't anal sex...been with 2 girls...2 guys I don't know..."

We all start busting up laughing and Bella and I look at eachother knowing that we'd done the first thing she mentioned. But we still didn't admit to anything. Lisa notices that we looked at eachother...

Lisa - "See you guys aren't fessing up."

Me - "We've had anal sex."

Bella - "Marc!?" As she punches me and tickles me in the ribs...

Lisa - "I knew it! See..."

Me - "But that's it. Haven't been with 2 guys sorry to disappoint you... and laying her in bed with you 2 is the closest I've been to 2 girls..."

Shit I couldn't believe I'd said that. Even though I said it as a joke, Bella might think that I was suggesting it. In my mind Lisa being the obvious freak that she is would probably be down for it. So I decided to play it safe and make Bella think that I'd had enough of the conversation...just so she thinks that I'm on the monogomous tip and that I'm certainly not suggesting a 3way with her sister.

Me - "OK. I think it's time for bed now..." Hinting that the conversation had reached the end..

Bella just laughs and says, "You guys are crazy..". Lisa gets up and starts walking towards the light switch. Her ass and figure are captivating after the conversation we just had. Bella and I were both looking at her as she walked. But just to make sure that it didn't look like I was checking Lisa out I turned to Bella and smiled and just shook my head. She just laughed. Lisa turns off the lights and we all plop down and start to get settled for the night. We start trying to sleep. I think we were all having a hard time sleeping but eventually they dozed off. I was trying hard not to get horny but all I could think about was fucking Lisa's brains out. I had this brilliant idea turn to my side facing Bella who was facing away from me...that way if I get a boner Bella would naturally assume it was because I was spooning her. I was spooning her and started gently grinding my dick against her ass and I can feel her pussy lips spread every so slightly through her thin pants. She moaned and I kept doing what I was doing. Then I see her give a slight smile and whisper, "I'm sooo tired..." I said, "I'm sorry. I'm just so awake right now. I'll let you sleep."

Bella apologized for being to tired. Plus in her sleepiness she probably forgot that Lisa was on the other side of me. "I'm sorry. I'll make it up to you tomorrow. If you're too awake you can go watch TV for a while." I said, "OK.". Gave her a kiss on the cheek and tried to somehow balance myself over her and onto the other side so I could stand up. As I was doing that her eyes were still closed but she gave me a kiss on my lips and said, "Don't stay up too late." I mosied on outside trying to be as quiet as possible not to wake them. I flipped on the TV and the volume was fucking loud. You know when you turn on the tube and forgot that the last time it was on you had the volume way up? Well, I forgot that the TV was on during the party at different times and they must have had to turn it up to hear it cause it was a loud ass party after all. I was like, "Shit!" and I scrambled to get the volume low. I found the volume controls pretty quickly but I'm sure Bella heard that if she was still awake.

Nobody came out and I was like, "Whew.." and started laughing to myself. I proceeded to watch the tube and didn't know what the fuck I was watching. The shows were kind of weird and after several rounds all the way through the channels I gave up. For a second I thought about watching a movie but I would have to open the fucking drawer of the armoir and open the movie, pop it in, figure out the fucking DVD player, all kinds of shit...all while I was trying to be as quiet as a mouse. So I decided not to mess with that and went into the library which was a bit further away from the bedroom. I turned on only one reading lamp and thought that I could sit in the cozy reading chair beside it. I would surely find something interesting. I opened a book on traveling that looked like it would have cool pictures. It did, but it didn't grab me the way I thought it would. I opened another one and it was the same deal. Maybe I just wasn't in the mood for traveling books. So I decided to look for some more intelligent reading that would make me sleepy. I searched for where I saw Existentialism by Immanuel Kant. Probably my favorite book to this day. I began refamiliarizing myself with this book and this man's ideas that so shaped my way of thinking. It had such a profound effect on me that it had alot to do with the philosophical changes that I forced myself through in order to get out of gangs, depression, drugs, etc...But that's another story. I was reading for about 30 minutes give or take when I hear someone at the door of the library which was wide open. But I don't see her really. I only hear a low voice.

The voice - "It is not God's will merely that we should be happy, but that we should make ourselves happy"

Me - "You've read Kant."

The voice - "All the interests of my reason, speculative as well as practical, combine in the three following questions: 1. What can I know? 2. What ought I to do? 3. What may I hope?"

Me - "Always recognize that human individuals are ends, and do not use them as means to your end."

The voice - "Experience without theory is blind, but theory without experience is mere intellectual play"

Me - "So act that your principle of action might safely be made a law for the whole world."

She comes closer so that I could see her was Lisa. Slowly and quietly she kind of kneels down below my feet and lets her feet go off to one side. She's really close now and she lays one arm on my leg and starts rubbing the inside of my thigh. I was worried about Bella in the back of my mind but I was so turned on by Lisa. She says, "Don't you realize by now the I'm a hedonist?"

Me - "What about Bella?"

Lisa - "She's sound asleep. She's not waking up until morning."

Me - "OK"

Now that I've said that she moves directly in front of me now and pulls the strings on my new pajama pants that Bella bought me and slides them down. My dick is hard as a steel post now pointing straight up at her. She hasn't even really looked at it yet but she has her fist around it gently stroking it. She's looking straight into my eyes the whole time. The lighting was cool cause I couldn't even see much else of the room. Almost nothing...just the corner of the end table where the reading lamp was, my body and the top of hers. I could especially see her glossly lips which she just licked so they were wet. She removed her tshirt so that we could be skin to skin and throws it behind her. She said, "I want to show you that I can do it better than my sister." and she puts it in her mouth and starts going up and down. She's takes it out of her mouth and licks up and down the shaft while her eyes were looking at me. She pauses for a moment while holding my dick and says under her breath, "Tell me exactly how you want it..."

Me - "I want to watch you. I want you to take your time and not make me cum yet."

Lisa - "OK." and she keeps sucking.

Meanwhile I'm fucking dying it feels so good. I could feel her nice tits on my leg and her other hand that isn't gripping my dick is feeling my stomache, chest, thighs and generally feeling my body all over wherever that hand could reach.

Me - "Bella put me all the way in her mouth when she knew I was going to come."

Lisa - "In between putting me in her mouth and licking "You want me to put you all the way in my mouth when you cum?"

Me - "I want you to swallow all of it."

And now I know she was trying to show me that she could do it better than Bella. She begins deep throating me the whole time going up until only the tip is in her mouth and slowly going all the way back down so that I'm all the way inside her mouth and throat. I heard her once or twice barely start to sound like she was gagging but she refused to let it happen and kept on putting me all the way inside her. It was toooo much man. I had barely lasted a few minutes and I started to cum. I already started to when I told her, "I'm cumming." and she put me all the way inside her and held it there. She grabbed my hand and put it on the back of her head as if to say that I could do it as hard as I want until I was done. She held her breath until I was done coming. She didn't rush to get me out of her mouth. Her eyes were on mine and she slowly took me out of her mouth.

Lisa - "Like that?"

Me - "Oh my god that felt so good..." I was fucking dying it felt so good. I was about to melt in the chair. I could tell she has done this once or twice.

Lisa - "What do you want me to do next?"

Me - "I want that to be it for now. I want to make sure I can trust you after what we just did."

Lisa - "Are you sure?"

Me - "I want nothing more than to do all kinds of naughty things to you right now. But I want you to prove to me that you can be cool first." This brought a big naughty looking smile to her face.

Lisa knew I meant it but also knew that if she wanted to just go off on eachother sometime soon that she should just do as I say. She said, "OK. I'll prove it to you. You'll see. But don't make me wait too long. I want to show you that I'll do anything." Maaannn....I was about to just turn her around and fucking rip her pants off and ram it in her ass as fast and hard as I could. And something tells me that she woudn't have pulled away or tried to be quiet that she woulda just moaned as loud as she could even it meant waking her sister. But that was only a demented hedonistic thought that I didn't allow myself to endulge. She put on her shirt and was about to start walking away when I grabbed her hand and pulled her to me. I made her straddle me and was grinding on her. I still hadn't pulled my pants up so she could totally feel me get hard again and I could feel every inch of her moist pussy through her thin pajamas.

I was grinding her pretty hard and pulled her face really close to mine and said, "Will you really do anything I want?" She replies while gasping, "Anything". The last thing I said was, "OK. Soon. Be good and we'll find the time to be alone." She said, "OK". and we french kissed for a long time almost triggering me to basically rape her again but I stopped myself one more time and motioned for her to go back to bed which she did. Before she left the room she stopped and said, "From the very first day I met you I knew we would." and I heard her go back to the room. I pull my pants up and was in fucking heaven. I did not get caught and had the best fucking blowjob ever in the history of fucking blowjobs. Atleast as far as I was concerned. I'd never even heard of a girl that just wanted to totally give herself to a guy in that way. Even a whore is usually holding back even if just slightly. She definitely did not hold back. I was blown away (quite literally). I was exhausted but did not want to go back to the bedroom. It would be too fucking much. I planned on telling Lisa that us three could never sleep in the same bed again the next day. But I decided that I would read myself to sleep exactly where I was. I was super fucking comfortable by that point anyway. I pulled up the foot rest, rested my feet on it, and began to read but don't even remember dozing off...I crashed out.

To be continued...
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      03-10-2011, 12:25 AM   #30
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So I'm crashed out for what seems like forever and I wake to a sound of a car turning on and revving the engine. The sound fades away and I'm slowly wiping the sleep from my eyes. I noticed that I was drooling on myself like an idiot and I had a blanket over me. One of the girls must have put it on me and not wanted to wake me. First thought in my head was I hope they didn't see me drooling on myself like a retard. I'm sure that wasn't a pretty picture.

Anyway my back is aching from sleeping on the chair somewhat upright. I get up to stretch and yawn and shit and start walking to the kitchen. Bella's there and she's smiling. She's immediately apologizing for being too sleepy the night before. I was laughing and said, "Well Lisa was there anyway...did you forget?"

Bella - "That's true...but when you're with me I forget about anyone else." Being intentionally corny

Me - "You know if Lisa hears you she'll make fun of us again."

Bella - Laughs "Yeah but she's gone. She had to go to work."

Me - "Oh ok.

Bella - "Figure out the TV last night?" Obviously referring to my mishap with the volume.

Me - "Yeah. I forgot the volume was on high before it wa turned off."

Bella - "I figured."

Me - "I hope I didn't keep you awake."

Bella - "Me? You could have dumped a bucket of water on me and I would have still fallen asleep. But it woke Lisa up. That's why she eventually went outside with you."

Me - That lying bitch Lisa told me that Bella was already asleep and she wasn't yet. She could have just as easily gotten up to see what Lisa and I were up to. "Yeah I got bored with the TV I went into the library. Apparently Lisa has read Immanuel Kant."

Bella - "Yeah. It's required reading in high school." I was like, which high school did you go to? In my high school our required reading was like Dr. Seuss. "So you've read Immanuel Kant too I suppose?"

Me - "Yeah. I read it outside of class when I was reading about different religions, philosophies searching for myself."

Bella - "So have you found yourself?"

Me - "Now I have." And I give her a kiss on the lips..carefully trying to avoid opening my mouth so she doesn't get a hint of the morning stank bref.

Bella - "Now who's being corny?" and we both start laughing.

Me - "So what are we going to do today?"

Bella didn't have any ideas..and neither did I naturally. I don't know the place. We decided finally that we'd go out dancing that night. But until then we would just play it by ear. She asked if I would like her to make breakfast and I said, "Sure. Do you mind if I shower?" and of course she said, "No. Course not."

And I go into the bathroom to do my business (#1 & 2) and brush my teefs and jump in the shower. I left the fan off so that the shower would steam up. I like that feeling sometimes for some reason. A couple of minutes in Bella comes in the bathroom and drops her clothes on the floor and starts to come in the shower with me. I ask her to shut the door so the steam would stay in the bath room. She does and then finally goes in the shower. She's instantly giving me a massage. I say, "What about our breakfast? Isn't it gonna burn?" Bella, "I haven't started it yet. It can wait." I think she wants to make up for last night.

This time I had a sense of guilt. I didn't feel as carefree as when we previously been together. I knew fucking around with Lisa would do this to me. But I did it anyway. Guys tend to do this...they always fuck themselves up to a certain degree even if they don't admit it to anyone. I decided that the best way to rid myself of some of the guilt was to focus on her feeling good. So she's trying to be all frisky and naughty with me, but, I tactfully stopped her and just started kissing her passionately. In a more romantic way than ever before..sorry OG it was not in the pornographic way that all of you would hope. I washed her all over her body and washed her hair and massaged her body as I washed her. I gave her a kissing massage all over her body and was just focusing on her. She wanted to make me feel good to but I would stop her. I said, "I want today to just be about you.." and she reluctantly agreed by gently nodding her head.

We get out of the shower and I dry her off gently. I'm treating her like we're in some kinky spa where the workers who are pampering you can touch you wherever they want. She's keeps saying how sweet I am and is just thoroughly enjoying herself. And I was enjoying myself. We lay down on her bed and continued my kissing massage all over her body. She's laying on her tummy with her face turned to the side. I'm massaging her lower back and kissing her thighs and ass. She spreads her legs for me a bit and I can barely reach kissing her pussy. So I give up on that for a bit and start working my kisses higher up her back. I reach my left hand underneath her body and grip her tit on that side, squeezing it just enough to get her to gasp and moan. Now my kisses have reached her upper back and my dick is about 2 inches from her pussy. I move up and guide my dick inside her pussy as I start kissing her ear and gently breathing into it. She's moaning now in such a hot way and gasping for air. I'm going in and out ever so slowly and it feels so fucking good from this position. But I wanted to be lined up a bit better. So while I'm still inside her I grab the pillow next to her and lift her tummy and slide the pillow underneath her lower tummy so that her ass is now sticking up slightly in the air. Perfect fucking position. She's digging it and wants me to go harder. So I do...I last about 5 minutes before cumming. She feels me cumming and reaches behind with both hands and pulls me into her and doesn't let me go until I'm done.

To be continued...
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Past: '15 Mustang GT|401A|PP|6MT
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      03-10-2011, 12:28 AM   #31
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I just kind of slump over her kissing her and stuff but I'm like fucking spent. But I'm definitely not done for the session. I haven't made her cum yet. I start touching and kissing her all over again and she excuses herself to go the bathroom for a second. She's gone for a few minutes and comes back out. I assumed that she would just plop down on her back and I was gonna pick up where I left off from that position. But she jumps on the bed playfully with a huge smile on her face and goes right back to laying on her tummy and adjusts the pillow under her tummy again so that she's right in the position where we stopped last. Her face is to the side and she's smiling big almost shy that she did that. I guess she liked that position and just had to go pee and wanted to keep doing it when she was done. I was happy to oblige.

One problem. Try as I could, I could not get hard again because I had just came a gallon and needed a few minutes to be able to get going again. I didn't want to disappoint and I wasn't worried cause I had a number of weapons in my arsenal. I started kissing her thighs again and she gently spreads them again for me so I could reach her pussy. This time I could reach it due to the pillow. I start licking her and sticking my tongue inside her as far as I could reach. She was instantly back in the groove. I was doing this for some time when I decided to lick her anus too so that she wouldn't forget that I was into that. She was moaning so sexily. I would switch from her pussy to her anus, spending most of the time on her pussy. Soon she couldn't stand it anymore and her body started twitching.

She was like, "oh my god...oh my god...oh my god..." doing that whole bit...Her body was in small convulsions and suddendly froze and she pushed herself back onto my mouth pretty hard. I saw this coming and stuck my tongue out so that it would just slide inside her. She screamed and moaned like I hadn't made her do to this point. When she had finished this initial climax I didn't stop. You see fellas when a girl is in this state...if you keep going and doing it right you can get her to cum over and over quite a few times. Depends on the girl of course. But for Bella this was the magic trick. I had her coming off and on for like 5 minutes. Then she slumped back onto the pillow and was spent. I however was turned the fuck on by her excitement and was ready to go again by that time. So, while she was slumped I moved up again and slid myself inside her which instantly made her gasp for air and open her mouth. I could reach her open mouth with mine cause her head was turned to the side so I was trying to french her as well as I could from that position. I couldn't quite align so well, but, no matter. I was pumping in and out of her pretty good and I had her going again. She was so wet and excited from just having cum and umpteen times that she wanted me to go as hard and fast as I could. Not a problem. I was working it like a champ.

And..since I had recently climaxed myself I was lasting soooo long this time and she kept begging me not to stop. I lasted what seemed like forever and finally came. Again she reached back and pulled me into her. This time she pulled me into her as hard as she could. She was totally horny and I was soo proud of myself like I'd just won the spelling bee. Mission accomplished.

To be continued...
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Past: '15 Mustang GT|401A|PP|6MT
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      03-10-2011, 12:30 AM   #32
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She finally let's me go and I lay down next to her satisfied like I've never been in my life. I look at her and I realize that tears are in her eyes. Not a whole lot but still. I'm like..WTF? what did I do?

Me - "What's wrong?"

Bella - Nothing..and seemingly kind of embarrassed "Nothing. Nothing. It just felt so good it kind of made me cry. I'm OK trust me."

Me - "Are you sure I didn't do something wrong?"

Bella - "No no. Trust me."

Me - "OK. I thought I hurt you"

Bella - There's a quiet moment and she's just looking at me the whole time and then she says, "I love you."

Me - "I love you too" And I meant least I thought I did. But I was young and dumb and messed around with her sister. How could I really love her? Even if I did, how could I fix this? Can't...

We're just laying together and she's holding me really close now and really tight. Her previous man probably didn't know how to put it down like I did so she fell in love. That's what I like to think anyway. By now I was fucking starving. It was late morning and we still hadn't eaten breakfast. I decided to make her laugh since I was good at it. At least with her.

Me - "Now go make breakfast!"

Bella - "What?" And she jumps on me trying to hold me down and starts tickling me...

Needless to say we were having a wonderful time. After a while I stopped letting her tickle me and I pulled the classic gracie jiu jitsu oopa sweep and start tickling her. But I'm on top and was also between her legs. I start getting hard again and although I would normally be down to do it again, I was fucking starved. Plus we had all day to keep doing it. So I stop and say to her that was just joking and that I would cook breakfast for us. She feels me getting harder and so she reaches down and puts me inside her again. At first I'm going along but I said, "No. We should stop for now. We'll be here all day."

Bella - "That's not so bad is it?...Oh ok, but I'll cook breakfast for us"

Me - She said this so sweet. I didn't know what else to say but "Really?"

Bella - "Yeah. I'll do anything..." and she pulled me close to her so that we could kiss. I was still inside her and it took all I had not to start pumping her again. I think she was trying to convince me to start doing it again, too. But I held out.

We go to the kitchen nekkid and we're cooking breakfast. I'd never done that before and it felt surprisingly liberating and awesome too because it was with a new lover. Someone who I had just fallen for. We eat breakfast that way too and get dressed. We decide to just walk that day again so that we could just hold hands and snuggle everywhere we went. We just did random stuff like shop for dinner at a flea market, she bought me a nice shirt for that night since we were going dancing, ate lunch and lingered at the table drinking wine, and just walked and walked and talked. Lots and lots of talking. We were connecting in so many ways and I was truly in love with her and I knew the feeling was mutual the way we were.

Before you knew it night fell. We cooked dinner together and had a candle lit dinner. Someone called and she decided to let the answering machine pick it up. It was Lisa wondering what we were up to. Bella decided not to pick it up and we were both just looking at the phone. When she hung up Bella said that if I was OK with it, she'd like it to be just us that night. I was OK with that. Besides, it means no drama for me that way. Plus I just wanted to be with Bella that night. Bella offers to let me drive and I'm like, "Hell no." I would crash not being used to driving on the wrong side. It would throw it off for me. It's strange enough sitting passenger. She's laughing and was saying how easy it is. She lets me off the hook and drives us to a club where they were playing alot of the current R&B and hip hop hits the US clubs played. The music was actually current which surprised me.

I was surprised to know that Bella actually really dug on hip hop music and that made me kind of happy cause I grew up on it. I've long since turned myself on to other music but still. Just another thing to enjoy together. So we drink a glass or two just people watching and she asks me to dance. Actually she hears a song she really liked and she yanks me...not really asks me. I have to kind of scramble not to spill my drink and I manage to put it on the bar. I look at the bartender girl and she's smiling at us. I motion to her to set the drinks aside and she just nods and smiles. Didn't want the drinks to get spilled or some OG fool to slip a roofie in it.

Anyway we start dancing and Bella's groovin to the hip hop music like I didn't think she could. She's not dancing like girls in the US do, but, she's moving so sexy and she's groovin. She catching all the guys eyes and I notice that alot of girls there were able to dance similarly. Surprisingly different than American girls dancing to the same music, but, hot nonetheless. And the girls aren't hatin on eachother either. Everyone was just happy. We were goofing around while we were dancing and trying to talk (Yelling really) and I ask her if they knew all the old hip hop dances and she did. I started goofing around and doing the running man, roger rabbit, and robocop, and all kinds of shit. For all you dudes who grew up on some farm in Idaho just skip to the next paragraph. You won't know the dances I'm talking about. She's busting up laughing and so is anyone who is around us who sees me. Then, noticing a couple of girls dancing with eachother next to us, I start screwing around and start dancing between them. It's obvious to everyone that I'm screwing around and Bella's practically on the floor by now but still dancing.

But I go back with Bella and keep dancing with her. We'd take breaks here and there, have a drink, but dance most of the night. It was a great time. The club was about to close and the DJ says that it was time to slow it down and puts on a slow song. We were at the bar but Bella grabs my drink and puts it back on the bar and drags me out to the dance floor. Actually it was a surprise cause slow songs hardly play at popping clubs...atleast not in LA. It's hard, loud dance music the whole time. But here, even fools who were wall flowers came out for this one and the floor was packed. She's hugging on me and has her head on my shoulder while we're swaying back and forth. Imagine the feeling you get when you just get with a girl and it's your first slow dance and it's not just some girl. It has a very distinct feeling of closeness...and that's what it felt like...but times 10 to me.

We go back home and make love. It wasn't just sex now. This was the real thing boys. Ain't never had it like this before. Well...maybe once or twice. But still. It was the shit...just for grown folk kinda lovin. I gave her a massage one more time before we went to sleep.

Bella - "Good night. I had a wonderful day with you."

Me - "Me too."

Bella - "I love you."

Me - "I love you too."

And we went to sleep holding eachother. No Lisa. No party guests. Nothing...everything else was completely outta mind. I almost forgot that I was in another country. It kinda felt like I was in some apartment in the US somewhere with my girlfriend. But I wasn't. It was a good night's sleep.

To be continued....
Past: '08 E92 335i|ZPP|ZSP|6AT
Past: '15 Mustang GT|401A|PP|6MT
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      03-10-2011, 12:32 AM   #33
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We wake up and it was mid morning...damn it felt nice...This is what I call a vacation. There were no phones (atleast not ringing), no irritating tourists to join on a tour, no need to spend money, and a gorgeous girl to wake up next to. Bella had this idea of running a bath and eating breakfast in the bath.

Me - "Okay..never done that one before." Actually I could keep saying this in all my experiences with Bella so far. She was my first for so many things you'd think I was just de-virginized.

I run the bath and and she makes breakfast. I get the bath running pretty hot cause I know girls like it that way. I find a foot stool from the library and bring that into the master bath so that we would have something to put the food on. I pour in the bubbles and she has this coconut bath bubbles thing...smelled absolutely fucking edible I wanted to take a shot of it. Of course I would die a horrible death so I decided not to. But anyway it smelled good. I go out to the kitchen since I was done and she was there making breakfast. Before I was fully into the kitchen she was already saying, "I'm done. Can you help bring it in the room?" And so I did. Everything was on 2 silver server trays.

We set up the trays in the bathroom and went into the room again to drop our clothes on the floor. I was making funny faces at her while we are undressing and making her laugh. I was pretending to ogle her body and licking my lips and such...

Bella - "'re making me shy.." Laughing.

I didn't let up until we were in the bathroom. I get in first and she smacks my ass hard, so much so that I almost fall in face first. We start busting up and I let out a loud "Ooow". Bella's busting up almost in tears now.

Bella - "That's what you get for messing with me." She's obviously feeling a bit bad cause she didn't guage her slap that well and hit me a bit too hard. Meanwhile I'm rubbing my ass underneath the water and she's trying to hard not to laugh while trying to get in herself. It's a huge clawfoot tub separated from the shower in it's own little section. The fosset is in the middle of the length of the tub and not at the end. This made it perfect for us to face eachother. While she was getting in I kept motioning that I was gonna smack her but and she was in tears trying not to fall in. I've never in my life had such a funny bath moment.

Finally we settle down and we're just looking at eachother and we made a truce so that we could eat breakfast. We had toast, orange wedges, yogurt, jelly, coffee (for me) and tea (for her). As I was eating the toast I started busting up again out of nowhere (still thinking of the funny butt slapping incident) and started kind of choking on the toast. It went down the wrong pipe a little and I was coughing and laughing at the same time like a retard. She started spitting some of her tea right into the tub which made me laugh even more. It was fucking hilarious.

Me - "Great now we're having a tea bath."

Bella - "It's your fault."

Me - "This is the most romantic bath I've ever had." And that had us in stitches again.

It was a goofy morning. Finally we actually get over all the shenanigans and start talking about our day. She breaks the news that the following day and actually the 2 after that she would have to register for her courses. Great now I was gonna be totally missing her. Even if I got to see all kinds of shit that I had originally planned it would be boring without her. She seemed bummed but not as much as I was. She also seemed excited about her courses so I didn't want to spoil her excitement by being a downer. I didn't mention it again and said that I would be fine exploring around by myself. She said that she would give me keys to the house so that I could come and go as I pleased. I knew how registrations went so I didn't want to be a clingy *** and say that I'd meet up with her during lunch or something. I would let her make that suggestion. But I was hoping she would. Instead she made another suggestion.

Bella - "Why don't you take Lisa with you. She'll show you around. She knows of all these neat places that I've never been. I'll call her and ask her if she could."

Me - "Why would she have been to places you haven't? You both grew up here."

Bella - "Because she's straaaange and has all kinds of strange interests, and friends. SO she finds all these places that I don't dare go."

Me - "Ahhh. I see. So it's OK for me but not for you, huh?"

Bella - "You two are a strange pair." An obvious poke at my sense of humor. I know this trick with my hands that I use to squirt water at her. I squeeze my palms together and a stream of water squirts in the direction of my choice. Hard to explain this one. But she's laughing and at the same time is interested in this new trick she had never seen. So she asks me to show her how. As I'm showing her my mind is on Lisa. Kind of guilty feeling, but, at the same time I'm excited about the prospect of banging her finally cause I know it would finally happen. Afterall, we would be alone, Bella had suggested it (being alone with her sister that is), and I knew Lisa would be down, in fact pushing hard for us to finally do it.

We start noticing how long we've been in the tub by looking at our hands and feet. We're starting to look older than Jesus. We finally get out and take a shower cause we didn't actually get clean in the tub. We just chilled out and horsed around. Spit tea into the tub and all that...we didn't make love in the shower. I did this on purpose. Although she is always down when I want her to, I wanted to show her that this was not always what was on my mind. So, I just washed her and she washed me. She was looking curiously at me cause I wasn't trying anything. In fact when we got out of the shower I was just getting dressed. I was acting so casually about it that it was probably obvious to her that it was intentional. As I was zipping up my jeans she snuck up behind me and pushed them down.

The combination of my feet being stuck together cause of my jeans around my ankles and her kind of tackling/hugging me we fell on the bed. She was kicking off my jeans from my feet with hers and I helped her get them off. We spent the rest of the morning and the better part of the 12 o'clock hour making love. Eventually we got out of the house. She wanted to go visit her parents and talk to her mom about her school for a bit. I was kind of like, "Uhhh...I guess so..." and she said, "Don't worry. My dad goes golfing with his buddies on Sunday. My mom is my school guidance councelor." Apparently her mom's a big pusher of education and has always helped guide her and tried with Lisa to take the right approach to achieving their scholastic goals.

I reluctantly agreed. But I figured it wouldn't be too bad without the brash not so subtle ways of her father. He's usually gone the entire day apparently...joining his rich homies in smoking ridiculously expensive cigars that probably taste nasty patting themselves on the back because they're oh so wealthy. Bella took exception to this attitude by her dad and said that he only makes such a big deal of being wealthy because he came from a poor upbringing. Basically she was saying that he acts like he's "new money". Her mom's family was wealthy as well but they've been for some time. Her mom seemed more in her own skin it seemed to me.

Anyway we finally get dressed and head to her mom's house for lunch. She calls her mom telling her that we would come by. Her mom says that she won't have lunch ready in time and we could just go out. When we get there her mom is still getting ready. Bella has the key however and we're waiting in the parlor room where they usually entertain guests. Bella asks if I want a drink of some of her favorite white wine that she used to sneak when she was too young to drink.

Me - "You naughty little underage drunk."

Bella - Laughs "I would. I would. I would hide behind the sofa and drink from directly from the bottle so my parents wouldn't notice a missing glass."

Me - "Only if you will have a glass with me. Maybe we could go behind the sofa." Kind of hinting that drinking wouldn't be the only thing we would do behind the sofa...

Bella - "Naughty naughty. My mum will be down any minute."

Me - "So what let her watch."

Bella - "Eeeeww. Well I will have a glass with you. It's been a while since I've had this wine."

Bella pours us each a glass and we start drinking. She says, "Down the hatch" and pounds the glass and starts laughing. I'm like, "Wow. OK." and I pound mine. Bella pours us both another glass each and this time we're giggling like little school girls and sipping it a bit slower. Her mom unexpectedly starts coming around the corner into the room and says, "It's a little early for wine isn't it?" We're both quiet a little and just looking at her as she's walking closer to the bar where we were standing.

The mom - "Pour me a glass." Bella does and the mom starts drinking. Bella's happy as a clam now cause her mom is being casual with us. "You know Marc...Bella still thinks that she had us fooled when she used to drink this same wine when she was just a tot. Well...she may have had her father fooled but I always knew better." And winks at Bella.

Bella's just giggling standing next to her mom...she obviously doesn't know what to say. We decided to go out after we drink the glass and her mom is being a bit more casual than when we went to dinner at her house. Before long they're talking about Bella's classes and how she should plan this semester. It's boring talk for me, but, I pretend to me interested. Bella's mom asks me about school and how I liked my English major. I told her and also mentioned how I had side interest in linguistics. I didn't know what I wanted to do with it, but, it certainly sounded interesting.

The mom - "Really? Bella also has this interest. She speaks French, Spanish, and a little Italian but her accent is horrible."

Me - "You never mentioned you spoke all these languages Bella."

Bella - "Well we both speak English so there was no need to speak in another language. Plus mum is exaggerating my abilities. I haven't spoken those languages in ages."

Her mom says some fany shmancy french shit to Bella and Bella responds with an equally fancy schmancy french snippet. Bella's mom looks at me to see if I understood a lick of any of it. Shit like I have the faintest clue.

On queue I respond with my ultra exaggerated version of a french accent, "Hungrh hungrh stomache is growling...let us go to ze restaurant and eat...hungrh hungrh hungrh.." I did a pretty funny rendition of a stereotypical Pierre from France and both were laughing pretty hard. Her mom seemed to take a liking to me because I was not the least bit pretentious. I'm sure after a while that pretentious crowd of rich folks they hang out with get old even to those who belong to that crowd. But I'm sure Bella got her intelligence, level headedness, and non-elitist attitude must come from somewhere. Who's to say she didn't learn it from her mother.

Anyway, her mother pays keen attention to every little detail of everything I notice. She's very attentive. She notices that I still have not called her by any name or title. While driving she says, "You know Marc. You can call me Sarah." looking back in the rearview mirror at me. I said, "OK. I was wondering what to call you."

Sarah - "Hey! Watch it young man. Don't get smart with me!" She was joking, pretending to think that I was being a smart ass. But it was obviously just a joke on her part. I surely wouldn't be that bold to say something like that to Bella's mom. Bella was just turned around with her arms over the passenger seat, looking at me in disbelief how comfortable her mom was being with me. I just shrugged my shoulders as if to say, "The hell if I know...she's your mother."

Anyway. We get to the restaurant and it was one of her Sarah's choice. It was kind of a tea and cookies place but not overly snooty. She was obviously a frequent customer because the waiter knew her by her last name. Sarah insisted on ordering for everyone, but, asked if I was allergic to anything or if I didn't like certain types of food. I'm like the human garbage disposal and I eat everything so it wasn't a problem. Food is like my drug so I was all for having someone order some good stuff for me. Bella says, "He eats everything..." and so the mom begins to order for us...but not before she gives this look to Bella as if her comment about eating everything was a subtle sexual joke between me and her. Bella looked shocked and was embarrassed by her mom's mood this morning. She just looked at her mom with big buggy eyes and said, "Mom" and had this look on her face like, "Oh my god. I can't believe you said that." The waiter was about to piss his pants and her mom was obviously pleased with herself letting us know that although she was in her forties, she had not lost her wit nor her sense of humor.

I motioned Bella to just chill using my hands. Kind of the motion you give to someone when you want them to slow down. She still has this look on her face like, "Oh my god." It was entertaining to say the least. We eat lunch and they try to keep the school talk to a minimum. Plus it seemed that Bella's semester plan had already been layed out. Sarah said, "We'll go shopping for clothes for you after this." I forgot that Bella doesn't work. She just gets an allowance from her parents so she could just focus on school. I'm sure her mom didn't want her to use the money she gave her for bills and other shit for school necessities. But I thought, "She has more clothes than any girl I've ever known. She hasn't even worn the same pair of underwear since I've known her."

We eat lunch and stroll around the neighborhood where there are tons of boutique shops with nice clothes. We go through 3 stores but the clothes looked to stuffy for school. Bella wanted something a bit more casual. She found a place where they sold more of that style and Bella was just picking stuff left and right and the worker would put the stuff in a dressing room. Finally she goes in there and began trying stuff on. There were a few chairs nearby with a small coffee table in the middle of them for a waiting area. I sat down and didn't feel like a magazine so I just sat there looking out the window and at the other clothes. Sarah sat down next to me. She grabbed a magazine, pretended to read it and said to me, "You know. She really likes you. Surely you know about Chad by now" I nod my head. "She was never like this with him. And you know I've known Chad since he was a boy. I know his mother and father and he was never even this comfortable with Bella. They all seemed to be intimidated by her...even if they had her interest."

Me - "She is intimidating. She's so smart...and beautiful."

Sarah - "But you're not."

Me - Being candid with her now. "Well...I guess it's because from a young age I decided never to be intimidated by anyone...specially women. So now I will go up to anybody and not feel so intimidated"

Sarah - "So you make it a habit to go up to random women do you?"

Me - "No. I didn't mean it like that...I"

Sarah - cutting me off...with a smile on her face"Oh I know. I'm only kidding with you. I have to give you a hard time. You're dating my daughter. And you're this stranger from another country who met my little girl on a plane. Now you're staying at her house...running around town with her...being a complete distraction. Bella's never like this"

Me - "Uhh...what makes you"

Sarah - Cutting me off again, "Her father wasn't sure if either of the girls was interested in you...but I know my girls and I saw the way you looked at eachother when we asked where you were staying."

Me - I didn't know what to say "Uh.."

Sarah - "I wasn't that drunk now was I?"

Me - "Obviously not. I suppose you're going to tell her father or something."

Sarah - "No. I'm not. I like you. You're both young...and I like seeing my little girl happy. I haven't seen her like this since she got her first bike. And she's been through enough lately. But you know...what are you going to do when you have to leave? Have either of you thought of that? You're young of course not. One can't just up and move to another country on the drop of a hat...and it's important for her to continue her education here. She can't go to California."

She was being logical but I hated hearing it. I still felt like I was being scolded. I was just kinda looking down shaking my head.

Sarah - "Cheer up. You'll be here for a while still. Just don't distract her studies. She's starting her classes soon."

Me - "Yes. I know. I wouldn't dream of it. My mother is big on education as well."

Sarah - "She's a smart woman. You should hear her voice when you make decisions that could have such an impact."

Me - "Are we cheery yet?" Now I was definitely being a smart ass.

Sarah - "OK. I guess I earned that one. But think about it."

Bella finally comes out and suspects something by the look on my face. I'm a bit melancholy but I try to smile and compliment a dress she tried on. She chose a bunch of other stuff, mainly jeans, a few blouses, and some sweaters.

Bella - "Mother. What did you do?"

Sarah - "Nothing sweetie. I just told Marc that I'm aware of your interest in eachother."

Bella - "But we're not.."

Sarah - "Oh sure you are. Why else would you bring along a 'stranger' with you to visit your mother and go shopping on a Sunday afternoon."

Bella looks stunned at her mother's frankness. But she realizes that it's obvious to anyone who's looking that we were seeing eachother and just nods to her mother. Sarah doesn't let on about the rest of the conversation and I don't say anything either. She didn't say anything wrong in my book, and it did make sense even if I didn't want to admit it. Soon we are eating dinner at an Italian restaurant and the mood is definitely lighter. There's a jazz band there while we're eating and people are dancing in a center dance floor. After a while it goes from Jazz to the old stuff from Rosemary Clooney, Dean, and all this swingy type music. I'd never done swing but had danced all my life so it didn't seem like a stretch to try it. I knew Bella would be pulling my hand to the dancefloor at any second. She took any opportunity to show me off to her mom. Before you know it, she was dragging me to the dance floor. At first I was not sure of the steps but soon catch on to the basic swing and foot work. The turns were easy cause Salsa was really similar...just a different rhythm. Soon Bella was dragging me back to our table but only to lift her mom up who was smiling from ear to ear. She was trying to stay seated but she yanked her mom up and said, "Mom's a great dancer. Trust me..." And puts our hands together and we feel dupped into dancing together.

Still we were smiling at eachother and soon Sarah was showing her stuff. She actually knows swing and was pretty good. She was sexy too, the way she moved. I know where Lisa and Bella got their stuff from. It was definitely her. I know why their dad would have chased her tail when they were young. Anyway we only dance 2 dances and sit back down. Sarah seemed glad to have danced.

Sarah - "It's been a while since I've done that."

Me - "You're a great dancer. Taught me a thing or two."

Sarah - "You're not too bad yourself."

And Bella was gleaming obviously happy that we were hitting it off. It was starting to get late and Sarah decided that it was time to go before the dad got home and wondered what was up. Afterall, Bella's car was at their house and Sarah's car was gone. We got back and the dad was still gone. We said goodbye and Sarah just looked at me and smiled. She knew that I wouldn't forget our conversation while Bella was in the dressing room. So she didn't need to say anything. We drove off and Bella was ecstatic about all the events of the day. She couldn't believe that I danced with her mom. I can't either..
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      03-10-2011, 12:32 AM   #34
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Bella was gleaming on the ride home because she thinks me and her mom hit it off so well. She had never been so casual with anyone else. Really there was only one of note (Chad) but whatever. She might have dated other guys before but I didn't really care. Suddendly we're a bit quiet and she realizes that she was supposed to register for her courses the following day and had also forgotten to call Lisa to see if she was free to hang around with me. She says, "We'll stop at Lisa's flat on the way home." And so we do. When we get there it's slightly raining...just a little...not enough to get drenched, but, enough to feel it. Bella didn't want to get wet so she says, "Hey why don't you run up. Lisa likes surprises. She'll like that." I agreed and run up to her apartment. I knock and after a couple of rounds knocking she opens the door. She's in her jammies...the same ones she had on the night we had our little encounter in the library at Bella's place.

Me - "You stole those."

Lisa - "Why yes. I did." Looking kind of smug. "Actually when you were still sleeping I asked Bella if I could borrow them. I thought they looked cute on me."

Me - "They do."

Lisa - "You guys have been busy. I haven't seen you."

Me - "Yeah I know. Bella wanted to spend a little time with just us." By now I realized the best way to be with Lisa was to be frank. She saw through bullshit like it was a window anyway.

Lisa - "Did you like that?"

Me - "Yes. I did actually. I do still like your sister you know."

Lisa - A bit irritated now "So why are you here then? Where's Bella?"

Me - "She's in the car. She has to register for her courses for the next couple of days and she thought it might be a good idea for you and I to hang around so I won't get bored."

Lisa - "You sure I won't be too boring without Bella?"

Me - In a more serious tone "You're anything but boring." Remembering her promise to me..."I thought it would be a perfect time to get to know eachother a little better, too. But you don't seem in the mood."

Lisa - "I'm sorry. I just felt kind of ditched."

Me - "What could I have done? Anyway, if you're free tomorrow would be a wonderful time. But if you're not in the mood it's OK. But I'll call you at least to say hi. I'll get your number from Bella." And I turned and started walking away. "Good night"

Lisa - "Wait." Pause. "I have work tomorrow."

Me - "So it wouldn't have worked out anyway."

Lisa - "The owner is my best friend. He'll let me go. Especially I told him about you. But only on one condition..."

Me - "Yes..?"

Lisa - "You have to come by so he can meet you. Then he'll know I wasn't making the whole thing up."

Me - "Are you going to be nice again?"

Lisa - "Yes. I promise." She motions me to come to her back at the door where she had draped herself leaning on the beam. She pulls my chin and gives me a kiss on my lips. "Promise you'll come?"

A car horn blows. And with the rain nobody was out in the streets so it seemed loud. It was surely Bella wondering what was taking so long.

Me - "Promise." I wink at her break away and turn to go downstairs to the car.

Bella had a curious look on her face and when I got in the car my suspicions were correct. She wonders, "Were you two having a drink?". "No. No. She wasn't dressed so she had to go get something on while I waited." I responded. Bella, "She's always walking around naked...ever since we were little children." She seemed to have bought my little lie. Lying was becoming easier in this situation. So it seemed at the time anyway. When I look back now I realize that it gets harder and harder the more you do it. And it all starts with the first one. On the ride home I was suddendly confused. I had lost a bit of interest in Bella that seemed impossible just a few hours earlier. But her impatience had kind of rubbed me the wrong way a bit. Or maybe it was that I was completely engulfed in the thought being alone with Lisa the following day. It was a weird feeling and it didn't go away that night.

We got home to Bella's place and without saying too much we were getting ready for bed. Finally I was in bed looking up at the ceiling. Bella as usual came out of the bathroom a few minutes afterwards. She settled in and turned to her side facing me. I was just kind of quiet and after a couple of minutes she says, "I'm sorry if I acted rude in the car. I noticed you were kind of quiet on the ride home. I hope you're not dissapointed."

Me - "Bella. You weren't rude. Besides, I don't sweat small stuff like someone honking a horn for me to hurry up." I was laughing a bit at her suggestion that I would be upset by that.

Bella - "OK." She laughs at herself a bit and is instantly cheerier. Then she kisses me goodnight. She french kisses me I think to see if I wanted to make love to her that night. And I kiss her back but after a while didn't take it any further.

Me - "You have a long day tomorrow. We should get some sleep." It was a kind of awkward moment. I know we both felt it. I'm sure she wondered why since I had just said I wasn't upset about anything. If she only knew the real reason why I was in a funny mood. But I couldn't tell her and didn't want to. After what seemed like forever I finally fell asleep.

To be continued...

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      03-10-2011, 12:33 AM   #35
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Last post from solaris9:

Originally Posted by Solaris9
"Wait, didn't you explain that they called her Bella, short for Isabella and how it was weird the first time you heard her called Isabella? Thats a lot of work for a fake name when you could have just chose any name."

""My real target was Bella or Isabel which turns out is her real name. But she went by Bella to everyone else."

Why would you say that if it wasn't her real name or not made up."

Excuse me but...HEH? Maybe it's my reading comprehension or something...but her real name is Isabel. Short for Bella. I never heard her called by the name "Isabella". I knew her by Isabel on the plane. NOT Isabella. Thus the reason why I said the following from the 2nd chapter:

"I was thinking I got dissed until a girl picked up the phone and it was her. "Bella speaking" She sounded so fucking cute I wanted to fuck her through the phone but I wasn't quite sure it was her just yet. She sounded a bit different over the phone and she told me her name was Isabel on the plane."

So what am I missing? So everyone and their mother knows her by Bella. For all intents and purposes that's her real name. Everyone that she knows calls her that. Technically, on paper, her real name is Isabel, which I stated. But some of her friends don't even know that. Everyone calls her Bella. Hahaha. So where is there any inconsistency in that? Pardon me if it's just my reading comprehension. But if it's yours...go easy and read it again. Relax. Anyway...this whole thing is starting to just annoy me now anyway. People like nodickwhitebelt who swears on his mommy's shit stained knickers that this is just boring but keeps coming back probably 30 times a day to check the thread...if I could somehow type out in my best retard voice I would say to you, "STOP READING THE THREAD IF IT IS THAT BORING. GET A LIFE!" And other conspiracy theorists who really really really want this to be fake. For those people I say, "If you really think that someone could on the fly just write something up like this in so much detail and not step on their own foot and show everyone undeniably that it was fake...then you have a whole lot of confidence in people's writing abilities. Maybe I should be a freestyle rapper. Then ask yourself, 'Why am I trying SOOO hard to prove it wrong?'"

Look at the writing style...the typos...the misformatting. So if I could be so terrible technically it would seem obvious to me that the errors were all by accident...that I didn't go over the details with a fine tooth comb...that I just typed it and posted it. The only editing I ever did (and Kirik or any mod can vouch for this) was to line wrapping. The details were always the same. Ask a mod So if this is not obvious to you, then, maybe you have yet another conspiracy that I manufactured all the typos, formatting, grammatical errors, etc...because I anticipated people doubting the story and I could use that angle to defend it. I said a long time ago in the thread. Believe what you want. It is the internet afterall. So here. For the people that think the story is made up're right. I have no life so I made it all up just to make some people on some random forum happy. It's abosolutely fulfilling to get the compliments that I got on this forum. It just makes me feel sooo good about myself. OK, there. now move on and don't read the thread anymore For the people that think the story is true then I say that this story is in fact something that really happened both fortunately and unfortunately. I spent quite a bit of time writing everything out. At first it was cool for me cause I could relive the events in my mind through the writing. But now I already have and some people are just annoying. So I might finish the story sometime but right now I don't feel like it anymore.

And there's no way that I'm showing pictures of the girls to people for obvious reasons. This story already hit other forums and it will just cement my assholeness to the girls for writing our little story on the internet for all to see if they were ever to get word of it. I have no doubt that they will somehow see it if what some of you say is true...that it got around on tons of other forums.

Anyways, See ya!
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      03-10-2011, 12:45 AM   #36
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I will upload another set of great stories from a guy named KaptnKrunch on the forums if anyone is interested just say.

His stories are fucking epic and there are so many of them it's ridiculous. Kept me up at night reading them damn things on so many occasions.
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      03-10-2011, 12:49 AM   #37
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Originally Posted by DougLikesBMW View Post
I will upload another set of great stories from a guy named KaptnKrunch on the forums if anyone is interested just say.

His stories are fucking epic and there are so many of them it's ridiculous. Kept me up at night reading them damn things on so many occasions.

Originally Posted by LuvMyRide View Post
And BMWM3 ..I will be filing a harrasment suit against you and/or charges. See you in court very very soon. Thanks.. Have fun with your nonsense.

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      03-10-2011, 12:51 AM   #38
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I'm halfway, Ill read more tomorrow
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      03-10-2011, 12:59 AM   #39
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holy crap that's a lot
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      03-10-2011, 01:41 AM   #40
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okay wait i read that all (took a fucking long ass time, like 2 hours...maybe I read slow?)

So he just cut the story short because people were being assholes?
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      03-10-2011, 01:46 AM   #41
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i want answers
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      03-10-2011, 01:47 AM   #42
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this is the worst ending since The Perfect Storm
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      03-10-2011, 02:40 AM   #43
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Originally Posted by bmwmthree View Post
There we go...although the word doc contains just his stories so you don't have to read other's comments.

if anyone wants the doc after they preview the thread then just say.

man I miss his stories
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      03-10-2011, 02:40 AM   #44

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BTW The story never ends. Solaris never finishes it. You are left with a cliffhanger at the end.
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bav requests more gay, do not read this story, irememberwhennikkawasbl, piitb ftw no ending

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