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      04-18-2009, 06:51 PM   #23
I'm kind of a bitch
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I remember I was coming from a job interview once right when I graduated, and this guy came up to my window. (I'm a chick.) He was kinda scary and asked me for some money to get food. When I opened my wallet and gave him $5 and he saw I had more money, he was like, "Can I get some money for the bus too?" And I'm like, "Dude, I'm coming from a JOB interview."
Then he stuck his head, like IN the car and goes, "Damnnnnnnnn you smell good." I took off soooooo fast!
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      04-18-2009, 06:52 PM   #24
I'm kind of a bitch
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Originally Posted by SoYank View Post
When I'm in Florida next can I follow you?
LOL, you bet. Sunshine Skyway Bridge in St. Pete!
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      04-18-2009, 06:57 PM   #25

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Originally Posted by MontegoGoGoGo View Post
I remember I was coming from a job interview once right when I graduated, and this guy came up to my window. (I'm a chick.) He was kinda scary and asked me for some money to get food. When I opened my wallet and gave him $5 and he saw I had more money, he was like, "Can I get some money for the bus too?" And I'm like, "Dude, I'm coming from a JOB interview."
Then he stuck his head, like IN the car and goes, "Damnnnnnnnn you smell good." I took off soooooo fast!
that was me! As you can see I've done better for myself now. Thanks for the $5, it made me real full that day. your so nice...and smell so nice...
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      04-18-2009, 07:04 PM   #26

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Originally Posted by samwoo2go View Post
that was me! As you can see I've done better for myself now. Thanks for the $5, it made me real full that day. your so nice...and smell so nice...

this thread kicks ass. i do a lot of nice small things but ive been inspired to be a real help and kind person

2012 Toyota Highlander SE - PAST - 2008 e92 335i, 2006 e90 325i
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      04-18-2009, 07:04 PM   #27
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i was driving my E36 to class one day (april fools of all fucking days) when a woman completely lost her mind and drove right in front of me in an intersection. i t-boned her old suburban and totalled my car. my airbag didnt go off and i was feeling dizzy. i got out and sat on the sidewalk and when i looked up i saw that the crazy bitch had left. i sat there, dazed for a few minutes. it was nice, though. it was 8am on a weekday and my car was in the middle of a busy street and dozens of people came up to me to see if i was alright. some people even pulled over to check on me. one guy who lived in the area said he would call the police if he saw that car with that damage driving around. that made it a little better
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      04-18-2009, 07:10 PM   #28
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another time, about a year or so ago, there was a meet / canyon run here in socal. there were a bunch of E46 M3s and such. during the run, one of the E46 guys tires blew out. he had to get it towed but the tow truck driver said 1 hour till it would arrive. we figured it would probably be longer than that as we were on the top of the most difficult section of the canyon and he was driving in a big ass flatbed. it was getting dark and he was all alone on the side of the road. instead of saying 'GL, ttyl bai' about 8 of us in 6 cars parked and hung out with him for about 3 hours. it was actually kind of fun. the truck eventually came and he was on his way home
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      04-21-2009, 04:50 PM   #29

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bump bump
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      04-21-2009, 05:30 PM   #30
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Someone was moving out of my apartment complex on Sunday, and the moving company dudes just left bunch of shit sitting by the elevator on my floor.

File cabinet, 2 pairs of brand new ski's, some boxes, closet organizers and some other shit. All this shit sat there for good 6-7 hours, and things started slowly disappearing. People figured out that they have been sitting there for a while, with no one claiming them, so its free for all. At 11pm half of it was gone, so i figured before someone else steals them, ill take the skis.

Next day i open my front door and see that shit is still sitting there. I opened the file cabinet, and pretty much all of these people's important stuff was there. Receipts, invoices, tax returns, some other paperwork and even a birth certificate! I felt really bad for these people, found a phone number on the paperwork called them up to tell them about it and got pretty much interrogated by the lady who picked up the phone!!

She asked for my name, phone number, how did i know that the stuff is hers, where did i get her number and what items i found. Then she goes on this long tirade how you can't trust movers and how they spent the whole night looking for their things.

the best part? they moved into another apartment IN THE SAME BUILDING!!!! why the hell did they need to hire movers and why they did not even bother to come back to the old place and look for their shit, i have no idea. And she did not even thank me. "Will come up and pick it up. Bye", like she was doing me a favor....
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      04-21-2009, 05:43 PM   #31
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Wow, what an ungrateful bitch! I would have called her out on her attitude/lack of appreciation and told her to put them skis where the sun don't shine. You did give the skis back, right? LOL.
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      04-21-2009, 05:55 PM   #32
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Originally Posted by Rick View Post
Wow, what an ungrateful bitch! I would have called her out on her attitude/lack of appreciation and told her to put them skis where the sun don't shine. You did give the skis back, right? LOL.
yeah. i returned the skis too. did not wait for her to show up, though, was fashionably late for work (2+ hours, as usual). so just got them out of my apartment and put them next to the rest of her stuff.

i wonder if she would start calling me tomorrow, demanding to know where the rest of the stuff is...

EDIT: I am actually surprised that anything was left there at all. My apartment complex is full of jackasses. They vandalize the elevator, rip the wallpaper off the walls, urinate in the corners. For a longest time I had a door mat that said "Hi. I'm Mat". It got stolen. My dumbass goes and buys a new one. It got stolen in 3 days, and i even wrote "PLEASE DO NOT STEAL ME. THANKS, MAT" on the reverse side
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      04-21-2009, 08:51 PM   #33
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Originally Posted by solefald View Post
For a longest time I had a door mat that said "Hi. I'm Mat". It got stolen. My dumbass goes and buys a new one. It got stolen in 3 days, and i even wrote "PLEASE DO NOT STEAL ME. THANKS, MAT" on the reverse side
The girl across the hall from me stole my mat over spring break. I get back and notice its gone and sitting right across the hall (literally 5 feet away). So I move it back to my door. A few days later it is back in front of hers!

So I waited until I see her car downstairs and go knock on her door. I told her if she ever steals my mat again I'll make her choke on it and casually walked away.

But yeah, living in apartment complexes will teach you that people are pigs, scum, and jackasses.
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      04-21-2009, 09:14 PM   #34

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Originally Posted by Seminole View Post
The girl across the hall from me stole my mat over spring break. I get back and notice its gone and sitting right across the hall (literally 5 feet away). So I move it back to my door. A few days later it is back in front of hers!

So I waited until I see her car downstairs and go knock on her door. I told her if she ever steals my mat again I'll make her choke on it and casually walked away.

But yeah, living in apartment complexes will teach you that people are pigs, scum, and jackasses.
LMAO! what a bitch...hahahaha!

2012 Toyota Highlander SE - PAST - 2008 e92 335i, 2006 e90 325i
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      05-01-2009, 12:18 PM   #35

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      05-01-2009, 02:05 PM   #36

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This's 1 time back in college, me and my roommates have a banging party at the house (we have like 3 a week). and everything is cool and gravy, having a good time tossing a couple back. about 1am shit load of people still at my pad, gotta go piss, long ass line at the outside bathroom. so I go to the master bathroom, walks in...BAM this fucking bitch passed out taking a shit on the can (shes not really a friend, but a waitress I invited to the party). So im like Fucking fuck, debated then pissed in the tub next to her.
Fast forward 5AM.
Party's over this fucking bitch is still passed out on my roommates toilet with her pants down. So we decided to make our gfs pick her up and BAM we got floaters (but no toilet paper lol) so they dropped her ass and was like ewwwww no way so we had to to it. fucking flush for her drunk ass (she was marinating for prob as least 4 hours). pulled her pants up for her (didn't wipe tho lol) and tossed her on the couch in the living room, so my roommate can brush his teeth and shower and shit. Next morning we got up at like 4pm and she was gone already.
Fast forward a week later.
we go eat at the restaurant she works at, shes all fucking angry and shit like "what do you want?" as in what would you like to eat? and I was like "what the fuck is with the attitude?" so she goes, "I passed out at your party and somebody touched me." WTF this bitch passed out bare ass naked in our bathroom for 4 fucking hours and we put her pants on for her and put her on the couch, and to top it all off, my roomates room is always locked, she asked if she can use the inside bathroom and my roommate oped the door for her. so no one at the party could've touched her, and we all got gfs that all spend the night that night. So I was like "WTF fuck you you stupid skank, no1 fucking touched you, you passed out...and we blah blah blah". She goes "whatever, Imna press charges." whatever fucking fine, so we left (didn't feel like having some rice with spit). She never filed the charges, and we never went back. Later we were talking about it during a session and it all made sense. When we put her pants on for her, we DIDN'T want to touch her, so we didn't put her panties on, we just dragged it up along with her pants and we didn't really button it or anything, just pulled it up enough so it will stay on and tossed her on the couch. I can see some1 that doesn't remember passing out on the toilet and woke up at a strangers house after a party on the couch with her pants unbuttoned and panties all twisted think some1 touched her. So Im not really pissed at her, but fuck man.
we learned our lesson from that day. We "borrowed" some traffic cones and road blocks from the street and bought some crime scene tape at spencers. whenever bitches pass out anywhere in the house (and it happens alot) we would baracade her ass with cones and road blocks and tape it up, then get a sharpie and write on their forehead 'no one touched you' and to top it off, we would duck tape their waste band so tight alot of times when they get up in the morning to piss they can't get it off and would piss themselves.
After a while our parties were kind of known for it and bitches would say shit like "damn i finished all my finals, imna get fucking taped at samwoo's pad" lol
true story
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      05-01-2009, 02:38 PM   #37
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I was at costco the other day walking to the food court to pick up a chicken cesar salad. I saw a woman walking out with a flat bed cart full of 36pack waters. She asked the worker if she could get some help out. He said "lady i'm on break" she slowly walked past him and myself. While waiting in line I said fuck this and found her parked right next to my car. I spent the next 10 minutes loading all 30 of those damn things into her SUV. Turns out she had just had a back surgery and couldn't lift more than 10lbs. It felt good to help out.
Originally Posted by Javi335 View Post
saw you comment and i'd lay on my bed and cry, then i put some Yulio Iglesias music, no more problem.

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      05-01-2009, 04:17 PM   #38

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Originally Posted by Heinzftw View Post
I was at costco the other day walking to the food court to pick up a chicken cesar salad. I saw a woman walking out with a flat bed cart full of 36pack waters. She asked the worker if she could get some help out. He said "lady i'm on break" she slowly walked past him and myself. While waiting in line I said fuck this and found her parked right next to my car. I spent the next 10 minutes loading all 30 of those damn things into her SUV. Turns out she had just had a back surgery and couldn't lift more than 10lbs. It felt good to help out.
I would've said I'll help you...for 30 bucks
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      05-01-2009, 04:55 PM   #39
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Originally Posted by Heinzftw View Post
I was at costco the other day walking to the food court to pick up a chicken cesar salad. I saw a woman walking out with a flat bed cart full of 36pack waters. She asked the worker if she could get some help out. He said "lady i'm on break" she slowly walked past him and myself. While waiting in line I said fuck this and found her parked right next to my car. I spent the next 10 minutes loading all 30 of those damn things into her SUV. Turns out she had just had a back surgery and couldn't lift more than 10lbs. It felt good to help out.
shouldve bought her a pur filter
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      05-01-2009, 04:57 PM   #40
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Originally Posted by samwoo2go View Post
This's 1 time back in college, me and my roommates have a banging party at the house (we have like 3 a week). and everything is cool and gravy, having a good time tossing a couple back. about 1am shit load of people still at my pad, gotta go piss, long ass line at the outside bathroom. so I go to the master bathroom, walks in...BAM this fucking bitch passed out taking a shit on the can (shes not really a friend, but a waitress I invited to the party). So im like Fucking fuck, debated then pissed in the tub next to her.
Fast forward 5AM.
Party's over this fucking bitch is still passed out on my roommates toilet with her pants down. So we decided to make our gfs pick her up and BAM we got floaters (but no toilet paper lol) so they dropped her ass and was like ewwwww no way so we had to to it. fucking flush for her drunk ass (she was marinating for prob as least 4 hours). pulled her pants up for her (didn't wipe tho lol) and tossed her on the couch in the living room, so my roommate can brush his teeth and shower and shit. Next morning we got up at like 4pm and she was gone already.
Fast forward a week later.
we go eat at the restaurant she works at, shes all fucking angry and shit like "what do you want?" as in what would you like to eat? and I was like "what the fuck is with the attitude?" so she goes, "I passed out at your party and somebody touched me." WTF this bitch passed out bare ass naked in our bathroom for 4 fucking hours and we put her pants on for her and put her on the couch, and to top it all off, my roomates room is always locked, she asked if she can use the inside bathroom and my roommate oped the door for her. so no one at the party could've touched her, and we all got gfs that all spend the night that night. So I was like "WTF fuck you you stupid skank, no1 fucking touched you, you passed out...and we blah blah blah". She goes "whatever, Imna press charges." whatever fucking fine, so we left (didn't feel like having some rice with spit). She never filed the charges, and we never went back. Later we were talking about it during a session and it all made sense. When we put her pants on for her, we DIDN'T want to touch her, so we didn't put her panties on, we just dragged it up along with her pants and we didn't really button it or anything, just pulled it up enough so it will stay on and tossed her on the couch. I can see some1 that doesn't remember passing out on the toilet and woke up at a strangers house after a party on the couch with her pants unbuttoned and panties all twisted think some1 touched her. So Im not really pissed at her, but fuck man.
we learned our lesson from that day. We "borrowed" some traffic cones and road blocks from the street and bought some crime scene tape at spencers. whenever bitches pass out anywhere in the house (and it happens alot) we would baracade her ass with cones and road blocks and tape it up, then get a sharpie and write on their forehead 'no one touched you' and to top it off, we would duck tape their waste band so tight alot of times when they get up in the morning to piss they can't get it off and would piss themselves.
After a while our parties were kind of known for it and bitches would say shit like "damn i finished all my finals, imna get fucking taped at samwoo's pad" lol
true story
lol simple bitch
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