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      07-21-2021, 09:01 AM   #23
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I've been to Canada, rural Alberta to be precise. Every 2nd vehicle on the road is a Dodge Ram or Ford F something but the roads can handle them. Here everybody drives an SUV or monster truck but our roads cannot handle them. They are all too big, too obnoxious, and too un-necessary!!
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      07-21-2021, 12:02 PM   #24
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Had a good laugh coming home from dinner last night. Not one, not two, but three Prius drivers in a row - literally, one block after the next - doing dumb shit.

Prius #1: Decided to turn left from the middle lane while stopped at a red light. While the light is red w/ a green left turn arrow, cuts across 2 lanes and almost makes someone in the left lane T-bone him, then continues parallel to them all the way into the shopping center at which point they braked to avoid a collision. Prius proceeds to drive ahead and take their lane, then promptly runs the stop sign at which point the light turned green and I had to go.

Prius #2, maybe 500m up the same road, at the next stoplight: Is stopped in the #2 lane. #1 lane is a left turn with a red arrow, straight has the green light. Prius is in one of the lanes going straight. Light changed, he doesn't go. Traffic comes up on him and starts passing him, he doesn't go. I'm stuck right behind him now, honk, he doesn't go. Camaro behind me lays on the horn - he doesn't go. Traffic is moving too quickly and too dense for me to swerve around so now like 5 of us behind him just lay on the horns. He finally goes, swerves left as if to make a left turn, realizes oncoming traffic is still coming, swerves BACK into my lane, continues at about 15 mph in a 35 zone. NEXT INTERSECTION, we (Prius, me, Camaro, others behind Camaro) come up behind yet another Prius. Keep in mind, we're still below the speed of traffic, but can't move over because of the delta and everyone flooring it around us anyway, so this 3rd Prius is going s l o o o o w. BOTH Prius now decide to try and drift to the left turn lane at the next intersection...except, the 3rd one realizes it late and tries to merge left when the 2nd Prius is already almost parallel. Some swerving and juking happens, then they fucking STOP in the middle of the road waving at each other to go. Once again...we're all stuck behind them honking.

I was a bit incredulous and my buddy with me was dying laughing going "FUCKING Prius drivers."
Ego is the anesthesia that deadens the pain of stupidity.
The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place.
Wheel horsepower is just crank horsepower after taxes.
IG: EmFore_650
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      07-21-2021, 05:46 PM   #25
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Originally Posted by NorCalAthlete View Post
Had a good laugh coming home from dinner last night. Not one, not two, but three Prius drivers in a row - literally, one block after the next - doing dumb shit.

Prius #1: Decided to turn left from the middle lane while stopped at a red light. While the light is red w/ a green left turn arrow, cuts across 2 lanes and almost makes someone in the left lane T-bone him, then continues parallel to them all the way into the shopping center at which point they braked to avoid a collision. Prius proceeds to drive ahead and take their lane, then promptly runs the stop sign at which point the light turned green and I had to go.

Prius #2, maybe 500m up the same road, at the next stoplight: Is stopped in the #2 lane. #1 lane is a left turn with a red arrow, straight has the green light. Prius is in one of the lanes going straight. Light changed, he doesn't go. Traffic comes up on him and starts passing him, he doesn't go. I'm stuck right behind him now, honk, he doesn't go. Camaro behind me lays on the horn - he doesn't go. Traffic is moving too quickly and too dense for me to swerve around so now like 5 of us behind him just lay on the horns. He finally goes, swerves left as if to make a left turn, realizes oncoming traffic is still coming, swerves BACK into my lane, continues at about 15 mph in a 35 zone. NEXT INTERSECTION, we (Prius, me, Camaro, others behind Camaro) come up behind yet another Prius. Keep in mind, we're still below the speed of traffic, but can't move over because of the delta and everyone flooring it around us anyway, so this 3rd Prius is going s l o o o o w. BOTH Prius now decide to try and drift to the left turn lane at the next intersection...except, the 3rd one realizes it late and tries to merge left when the 2nd Prius is already almost parallel. Some swerving and juking happens, then they fucking STOP in the middle of the road waving at each other to go. Once again...we're all stuck behind them honking.

I was a bit incredulous and my buddy with me was dying laughing going "FUCKING Prius drivers."
There’s the other side of Prius drivers that want to ride your ass to catch your wake and get caught in your draft but they can’t keep up. I hate them. But I hate everyone lately. These damn people that haven’t driven in a year. Shoot me.
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      07-21-2021, 06:08 PM   #26

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Originally Posted by cmyx6go View Post
There’s the other side of Prius drivers that want to ride your ass to catch your wake and get caught in your draft but they can’t keep up. I hate them. But I hate everyone lately. These damn people that haven’t driven in a year. Shoot me.
No, those fuckin' drivers have always existed and nothing to do with the pandemic unfortunately. But yes, Prius drivers are something special. I've also noticed a lot of moronic Camry drivers as well. Don't get me started on the previous gen 3 series drivers when they see a G20. Ridiculous.
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      07-21-2021, 06:15 PM   #27
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Originally Posted by TiMSport View Post
No, those fuckin' drivers have always existed and nothing to do with the pandemic unfortunately. But yes, Prius drivers are something special. I've also noticed a lot of moronic Camry drivers as well. Don't get me started on the previous gen 3 series drivers when they see a G20. Ridiculous.
I get a kick out of all the assholes that see the ///M badge on my ride and want to screw with me. I just look over and laugh and watch their antics.
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      07-21-2021, 06:17 PM   #28

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Originally Posted by cmyx6go View Post
I get a kick out of all the assholes that see the ///M badge on my ride and want to screw with me. I just look over and laugh and watch their antics.
Lol, yeah. Then leave them in your dust to their astonishment.
Ironically you then become the theme of this thread. Lol.

Last edited by TiMSport; 07-21-2021 at 07:11 PM..
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      07-21-2021, 08:01 PM   #29
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What a steaming piece of shit of an article, Joe Santos. I've been hit twice on my motorcycle. Both times by Prius drivers. Maybe BMW drivers are just aggressively trying to get away from the dangerous, checked out, Prius drivers who shouldn't be allowed to operate a washing machine, much less a motor vehicle.
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      07-21-2021, 08:08 PM   #30

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Originally Posted by DETRoadster View Post
What a steaming piece of shit of an article, Joe Santos. I've been hit twice on my motorcycle. Both times by Prius drivers. Maybe BMW drivers are just aggressively trying to get away from the dangerous, checked out, Prius drivers who shouldn't be allowed to operate a washing machine, much less a motor vehicle.
It's a fucking joke of an "article" if you can even call it that. I mean the beginning of it talks about "high end cars" yet somehow it jumps to BMW drivers. If you click on that random quote and link to the alleged "assholery", it's an article from f'n 2013!! Is this moron Joe Santos that hard up to get his byline in black and white? You just know this dude drives a Nissan Sentra.
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      07-22-2021, 06:14 AM   #31
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Originally Posted by TiMSport View Post
Lol, yeah. Then leave them in your dust to their astonishment.
Ironically you then become the theme of this thread. Lol.
No, it's usually a youngster in a honda or a RRS. If I have open space, I'll jump on it just to show who's the boss and then let off. A guy in a RRS was doing his best to show me what he had during the evening rush one night. He had no where to go, but every time he saw the smallest hole, he would change lanes only to get frustrated because my lane would start moving again leaving him behind. Each time his lane moved up a bit and he was next to me, I'd just look over, shake my head, flip my hair and laugh. It's too bad he had dark tint and I couldn't see his face.
I thought I was a good person but the way I react when people drive slowly in the left lane would suggest otherwise
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      07-22-2021, 08:17 AM   #32
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Its not BMW drivers. As soon as you look at the car's styling, you know whether or not there is going to be a race. Tinted windows, loud exhaust, aero mods. The more poorly the styling, the better the chance for a chase or a race. The most reckless weaving through traffic drivers I see are driving WRXs. The full-throttle speed-rip drivers I see are BMWs. I would gladly deal with any of these over a drunk driver.
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      07-22-2021, 08:22 AM   #33
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Originally Posted by BMWILUVU View Post
Its not BMW drivers. As soon as you look at the car's styling, you know whether or not there is going to be a race. Tinted windows, loud exhaust, aero mods. The more poorly the styling, the better the chance for a chase or a race. The most reckless weaving through traffic drivers I see are driving WRXs. The full-throttle speed-rip drivers I see are BMWs. I would gladly deal with any of these over a drunk driver.
Yep, fuck the drunks and the texting assholes.

I'm not really an aggressive driver, but I will just go around the idiots not paying attention. If you can't decide if you want to go 20 mph or 55 mph, are all over the road, or seem lost, I'm going around you. Have some courtesy for those driving around you. I worked on a farm in high school, and was often the slow guy driving a tractor down the road to another field. I'd always pull over and let people go by because I know what it's like to be stuck behind those who don't.
"Yeah, but your scientists were so preoccupied with whether or not they could, they didn't stop to think if they should."

-Dr. Ian Malcolm, Jurassic Park
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      07-22-2021, 09:27 AM   #34
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Can we bag on the young and clueless with their phones?

Last Friday, I'm coming home from my massage, taking back roads in the Beetle. This "young lady" comes up behind me, plugs in her ears, eyes in her lap. At the first stop light, I want to mess with her a bit, and since Beetle is stick, I put in neutral and take my foot off the brake as she glances down at her phone. Her car starts to move forward and I go hard on the brake again. Now, *I* never moved. Drive ahead thru that light, and I have to slow at the next red. I look up in the rearview, and she suddenly has the BIG EYES as her vision moved up from her phone and I've stopped. I literally put it in neutral, took off my seatbelt, got out of car and yelled at her to put the damn phone down, gesticulating wildly at her bumper, my bumper. Then I'm so worked up I can't get the seatbelt/door combination to function, and pull over to the side of the road. So much for a relaxing massage.

Yesterday, I'm into my neighborhood. As I crossed the freeway, Joe Cool in a white merc is pulling off the freeway as I'm passing the exit. He nearly misses the stop line/side of my car. As I going down the frontage road (25MPH) I see him on his phone, but also glancing around me like he thinks he's gonna pass. There a delivery truck full in the lane ahead. As we pass that, sure enough he goes around. I put my hand out the window to slow him, he glances over at me OVER his cool mirror shades that he's not even looking thru, and MAYBE 25yo goes by, on the trying to pass the next vehicle on the curve.
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      07-22-2021, 09:43 AM   #35
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He does mention at the end: "But ultimately, it’s all speculation, considering that anyone behind the wheel of any car can drive like an inconsiderate jerk."

So he is basically speaking out of his a$$ and he knows it. We all love to hate a type of cars, why not hate one you can't afford?

I always are mad at BMW drivers doing stupid things, because we all give us a bad name.
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      07-22-2021, 12:30 PM   #36
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Originally Posted by frchdragon View Post
He does mention at the end: "But ultimately, it’s all speculation, considering that anyone behind the wheel of any car can drive like an inconsiderate jerk."

So he is basically speaking out of his a$$ and he knows it. We all love to hate a type of cars, why not hate one you can't afford?

I always are mad at BMW drivers doing stupid things, because we all give us a bad name.
I used to drive 100 miles a day for my commute, and right out of college I worked as an auto insurance adjuster. I've seen idiot drivers in all make and models of vehicle. I'd say more of my "encounters" with bad drivers were related to age and the area where I was driving over vehicle type.
"Yeah, but your scientists were so preoccupied with whether or not they could, they didn't stop to think if they should."

-Dr. Ian Malcolm, Jurassic Park
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