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      02-28-2018, 11:23 AM   #23
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1. This thread is stupid...

2. If an extrovert screams in the woods and no one is there to hear it, does he sound emo?

3. See #1...
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      02-28-2018, 11:54 AM   #24
King Rudi
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A woman knows within seconds whether or not she is going to sleep with you.

You don't need money to get laid. In fact, if you need money to get laid don't expect much from the lady that you're keeping company with. Shallow women may look good, but that's about it.

Womens opinions and feelings change about every 5 minutes with or without reason, cause or justification. Their entire world is ruled by emotion. The quicker you figure this out and learn to make it work to your advantage, the more sex you will have.

Being in great shape only works if she is shallow or if you don't have a brain. If you are comfortable in your own skin and able to have an intelligent conversation and aren't gross; you're good.

Just be honest. You'd be amazed at how well this works. If you're poor, don't try to act rich. If you are only interested in sex, tell'd be blown away at how often this works.

Confidence is key. Be confident, not cocky.

Brush your teeth, smell nice, keep your house and especially your bed clean and smelling nice. Make her feel comfortable and you should have no problems with the ladies. Also, have a large package and make it available to be noticed....don't draw attention to it, let them notice on their own. Drive a BMW.
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      02-28-2018, 12:10 PM   #25
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Originally Posted by Just_Jody View Post

A woman knows within seconds whether or not she is going to sleep with you.

You don't need money to get laid. In fact, if you need money to get laid don't expect much from the lady that you're keeping company with. Shallow women may look good, but that's about it.

Womens opinions and feelings change about every 5 minutes with or without reason, cause or justification. Their entire world is ruled by emotion. The quicker you figure this out and learn to make it work to your advantage, the more sex you will have.

Being in great shape only works if she is shallow or if you don't have a brain. If you are comfortable in your own skin and able to have an intelligent conversation and aren't gross; you're good.

Just be honest. You'd be amazed at how well this works. If you're poor, don't try to act rich. If you are only interested in sex, tell'd be blown away at how often this works.

Confidence is key. Be confident, not cocky.

Brush your teeth, smell nice, keep your house and especially your bed clean and smelling nice. Make her feel comfortable and you should have no problems with the ladies. Also, have a large package and make it available to be noticed....don't draw attention to it, let them notice on their own. Drive a BMW.
Ding ding ding.

Some of the hottest women I've dated I met when I was broke in college and right after graduating. I weighed 140lbs (at 5'10), had an older car, basically broke, and didn't have my own place.

Liked stated above a woman will know pretty quickly if she would sleep with you. Shes attracted to you, not the money, not the cars, not even having your shit together (look at a lot of the losers women date). Having your shit together and being level headed, having a job, a car, not being an asshole, etc is how you keep a woman as a GF.

Ever bang a girl in her friend's apartment after only knowing her a few hours? She knows nothing about your money, your car, or if you own your own place. All she knows is she is attracted to you.
"Yeah, but your scientists were so preoccupied with whether or not they could, they didn't stop to think if they should."

-Dr. Ian Malcolm, Jurassic Park
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King Rudi13071.00
      02-28-2018, 12:32 PM   #26
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I'm not sure what's worse, that Hugo Boss makes fitted suits, or that somebody thinks one will attract the ladies. Is this is a dating version of that joke about the two guys running from the bear?
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King Rudi13071.00
      02-28-2018, 12:59 PM   #27
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Originally Posted by AmericanCollector View Post
She'll fuck the boy toy then marry the rich asshole.
Boy toy still fucked though! Let that rich asshole deal with her ass while I'm on to the next one.
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      02-28-2018, 01:01 PM   #28
King Rudi
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Originally Posted by CTinline-six View Post
Ding ding ding.

Some of the hottest women I've dated I met when I was broke in college and right after graduating. I weighed 140lbs (at 5'10), had an older car, basically broke, and didn't have my own place.

Liked stated above a woman will know pretty quickly if she would sleep with you. Shes attracted to you, not the money, not the cars, not even having your shit together (look at a lot of the losers women date). Having your shit together and being level headed, having a job, a car, not being an asshole, etc is how you keep a woman as a GF.

Ever bang a girl in her friend's apartment after only knowing her a few hours? She knows nothing about your money, your car, or if you own your own place. All she knows is she is attracted to you.
This guy has no problem getting laid! Understanding is key!
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      02-28-2018, 01:04 PM   #29
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Originally Posted by Delta0311 View Post
Single guys steps to getting your dick wet on the regular.

Grab a pen and take notes OP

1. Get jacked. If you need to get this done quickly then invest in some juice.

2. Dress well. You don't have to be running around in a Hugo Boss fitted suit but wear clothes that fit you well and extenuate the physique from step 1.

3. Don't be poor. This one is self explanatory. Broke dicks don't get the pussy wet. It is honestly not hard to make a decent living in the US. If you are past 25 and still broken then you don't deserve to get laid.

4. Have your own place. Bringing your chick to your moms pad is fine when you are in your late teen or early 20s. If you are close to 30 and still doing it then see step 3.

5. Hygiene. Keep your self looking neat. Fix your eye brows, cut the hair, get your dental checkups in, shower etc. Oh and keep your damn house clean.. Nothing worse than bringing in a girl when your house looks like it was occupied by crackheads.

6. Don't talk too much.. Don't brag about yourself. Don't walk around smiling all the damn time (makes you look weak). Being funny\witty help a lot too in these matters but if you don't have that going for you then concentrate on the other factors. And of course don't be a whiny bitch and NEVER say shit about your ex, no matter how crazy of a bitch she might be.

7. Walk with pride. Those who were in the military probably got this down already. Basically, don't walk like you are a 130lb accountant and this is your first day in prison; if this is you then immediately go back to step 1. When speaking, look the girl in the eyes and speak from your chest so you don't sound like you are whispering or someone is squeezing your nuts.
Well said.
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      02-28-2018, 01:15 PM   #30
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Originally Posted by Just_Jody View Post
This guy has no problem getting laid! Understanding is key!
Ever watch those "quick pickup" videos on youtube where guys approach random women? While I'm still convinced those are staged, the point they make is similar to what you should do in real life.

Obviously, standing there asking girls out as they walk by is stupid and will never work (would show desperation), but the witty banter shown in some of their clips does work.

Girls like to be teased. Approaching them in a confident, non-creepy way and making a simple joke followed by some playful teasing will usually win them over if you aren't a gross creepy dude. This is where the extrovert vs. introvert thing comes into play. It's okay to be an introvert if you know what to say and when. Being overly talkative or too loud at first can actually cause women you are approaching to go on the defensive, and they will likely not feel comfortable. Knowing when to walk away when she isn't interested is important too. Like I stated above, you have to know the line between being outgoing and approachable compared to just being annoying and intrusive.

The whole argument of extrovert versus introvert is really just dependent on how someone can handle themselves.
"Yeah, but your scientists were so preoccupied with whether or not they could, they didn't stop to think if they should."

-Dr. Ian Malcolm, Jurassic Park
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King Rudi13071.00
      02-28-2018, 02:19 PM   #31

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Originally Posted by CTinline-six View Post
Ever watch those "quick pickup" videos on youtube where guys approach random women? While I'm still convinced those are staged, the point they make is similar to what you should do in real life.

Obviously, standing there asking girls out as they walk by is stupid and will never work (would show desperation), but the witty banter shown in some of their clips does work.

Girls like to be teased. Approaching them in a confident, non-creepy way and making a simple joke followed by some playful teasing will usually win them over if you aren't a gross creepy dude. This is where the extrovert vs. introvert thing comes into play. It's okay to be an introvert if you know what to say and when. Being overly talkative or too loud at first can actually cause women you are approaching to go on the defensive, and they will likely not feel comfortable. Knowing when to walk away when she isn't interested is important too. Like I stated above, you have to know the line between being outgoing and approachable compared to just being annoying and intrusive.

The whole argument of extrovert versus introvert is really just dependent on how someone can handle themselves.
They are staged. And like other have pointed out. A chick will know if she wants to fuck you in about a second or two of looking at you. How most guy ruin what could have been a fun night is by opening their mouths and letting the stupid pour out or just acting like complete morons.
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King Rudi13071.00
      02-28-2018, 02:23 PM   #32
King Rudi
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Originally Posted by CTinline-six View Post
Ever watch those "quick pickup" videos on youtube where guys approach random women? While I'm still convinced those are staged, the point they make is similar to what you should do in real life.

Obviously, standing there asking girls out as they walk by is stupid and will never work (would show desperation), but the witty banter shown in some of their clips does work.

Girls like to be teased. Approaching them in a confident, non-creepy way and making a simple joke followed by some playful teasing will usually win them over if you aren't a gross creepy dude. This is where the extrovert vs. introvert thing comes into play. It's okay to be an introvert if you know what to say and when. Being overly talkative or too loud at first can actually cause women you are approaching to go on the defensive, and they will likely not feel comfortable. Knowing when to walk away when she isn't interested is important too. Like I stated above, you have to know the line between being outgoing and approachable compared to just being annoying and intrusive.

The whole argument of extrovert versus introvert is really just dependent on how someone can handle themselves.
Very well stated. Perception of the intent from the male is also huge. You can have the best intentions but if the person receiving doesn't understand or misunderstands, it will go south quickly as well. No scenario with a woman is ever "cookie cutter." All depends on the individual and their current mood.
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      02-28-2018, 02:38 PM   #33
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Originally Posted by Just_Jody View Post

A woman knows within seconds whether or not she is going to sleep with you.

You don't need money to get laid. In fact, if you need money to get laid don't expect much from the lady that you're keeping company with. Shallow women may look good, but that's about it.

Womens opinions and feelings change about every 5 minutes with or without reason, cause or justification. Their entire world is ruled by emotion. The quicker you figure this out and learn to make it work to your advantage, the more sex you will have.

Being in great shape only works if she is shallow or if you don't have a brain. If you are comfortable in your own skin and able to have an intelligent conversation and aren't gross; you're good.

Just be honest. You'd be amazed at how well this works. If you're poor, don't try to act rich. If you are only interested in sex, tell'd be blown away at how often this works.

Confidence is key. Be confident, not cocky.

Brush your teeth, smell nice, keep your house and especially your bed clean and smelling nice. Make her feel comfortable and you should have no problems with the ladies. Also, have a large package and make it available to be noticed....don't draw attention to it, let them notice on their own. Drive a BMW.
Nailed it on the confidence thing. That's critical and how you get in the door. Everything else is secondary. Cars, clothes, money, looks, d*ck size, whatever. None of it matters if you lack confidence.

My little brother is one of the most confident people I know but is completely devoid of cockiness. He cant hold down a full time job, didn't have a driver's license until he was in his mid 20s, is often disheveled and somewhat hygienically challenged, drive's my mom's old (now) beat to sh*t minivan, and he scores more top shelf tail than I ever thought possible. His secret is he truly, honestly, does not give a f*ck. Women flock to that.

They eventually get tired of taking care of him and move on, but it's always too late as he's already long since moved on himself and is seeing someone different on the side. Certainly not the recipe for a long term committed relationship, but it worked great when he was in his 20s. He's now in his early 30s and the whole shtick is getting a little worn and sad.
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King Rudi13071.00
      02-28-2018, 02:44 PM   #34
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Originally Posted by DETRoadster View Post
Nailed it on the confidence thing. That's critical and how you get in the door. Everything else is secondary. Cars, clothes, money, looks, d*ck size, whatever. None of it matters if you lack confidence.

My little brother is one of the most confident people I know but is completely devoid of cockiness. He cant hold down a full time job, didn't have a driver's license until he was in his mid 20s, is often disheveled and somewhat hygienically challenged, drive's my mom's old (now) beat to sh*t minivan, and he scores more top shelf tail than I ever thought possible. His secret is he truly, honestly, does not give a f*ck. Women flock to that.
You're exactly right! I have a close friend of mine who has never been able to keep an actual job, constantly acts like a child, has no sense of what is socially acceptable, lives in a rickety ass house and constantly has 10's. They are not girlfriend or wife material but most men would cut a nut off to spend a night with some of the hotties he brings home. Its crazy!
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      02-28-2018, 02:48 PM   #35
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Originally Posted by Just_Jody View Post
You're exactly right! I have a close friend of mine who has never been able to keep an actual job, constantly acts like a child, has no sense of what is socially acceptable, lives in a rickety ass house and constantly has 10's. They are not girlfriend or wife material but most men would cut a nut off to spend a night with some of the hotties he brings home. Its crazy!
Ha ha ha. Your friend and my brother might just be the same person!
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King Rudi13071.00
      02-28-2018, 03:10 PM   #36
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Originally Posted by Just_Jody View Post

A woman knows within seconds whether or not she is going to sleep with you.

You don't need money to get laid. In fact, if you need money to get laid don't expect much from the lady that you're keeping company with. Shallow women may look good, but that's about it.

Womens opinions and feelings change about every 5 minutes with or without reason, cause or justification. Their entire world is ruled by emotion. The quicker you figure this out and learn to make it work to your advantage, the more sex you will have.

Being in great shape only works if she is shallow or if you don't have a brain. If you are comfortable in your own skin and able to have an intelligent conversation and aren't gross; you're good.

Just be honest. You'd be amazed at how well this works. If you're poor, don't try to act rich. If you are only interested in sex, tell'd be blown away at how often this works.

Confidence is key. Be confident, not cocky.

Brush your teeth, smell nice, keep your house and especially your bed clean and smelling nice. Make her feel comfortable and you should have no problems with the ladies. Also, have a large package and make it available to be noticed....don't draw attention to it, let them notice on their own. Drive a BMW.
Love it. I do think being in shape is important for a lot of girls, but it's more of a "how do you look in a shirt" type of deal rather than being ripped. If she finds you attractive it doesn't matter if you have a bit of a dad bod when you take your shirt off at her place.

The point about women making decisions based on emotion is 100% correct. It's not politically correct, but that's the way their minds work.
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King Rudi13071.00
      02-28-2018, 03:15 PM   #37
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Originally Posted by CTinline-six View Post
Ding ding ding.

Some of the hottest women I've dated I met when I was broke in college and right after graduating. I weighed 140lbs (at 5'10), had an older car, basically broke, and didn't have my own place.

Liked stated above a woman will know pretty quickly if she would sleep with you. Shes attracted to you, not the money, not the cars, not even having your shit together (look at a lot of the losers women date). Having your shit together and being level headed, having a job, a car, not being an asshole, etc is how you keep a woman as a GF.

Ever bang a girl in her friend's apartment after only knowing her a few hours? She knows nothing about your money, your car, or if you own your own place. All she knows is she is attracted to you.
Very true, but I'll add that girls who are more educated and have their shit together are looking for the same in a guy.

On the topic of looking like you have money, I've found more often than not that it just makes you look like a douche. My car and Gucci, Ferragamo, etc. shit has never made a difference. As you said, attraction ultimately comes down to "you."
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