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      03-09-2008, 01:26 AM   #23

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When it comes to colleges, Asians face the most discrimination. Princeton University deducts points off their SAT scores. For caucasians, they leave the score the same, and for African Americans and Hispanics, they add points.

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      03-09-2008, 01:54 AM   #24
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Originally Posted by sinnet112 View Post
When it comes to colleges, Asians face the most discrimination. Princeton University deducts points off their SAT scores. For caucasians, they leave the score the same, and for African Americans and Hispanics, they add points.
What source do you have that makes this statement true?
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      03-09-2008, 04:04 AM   #25

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Originally Posted by Los Angeles View Post
What source do you have that makes this statement true?

Li said his case is based on a study of admissions processes published by three Princeton researchers in 2004, which found that while elite universities gave African-American applicants an advantage equivalent to 230 extra SAT points and Hispanic applicants 185 points while making admissions decisions, the schools placed Asian-Americans at a disadvantage equal to a loss of 50 SAT points.
College admissions has by far the worst case of racial discrimination. It's only gotten worse as the years progressed.

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      03-09-2008, 04:26 AM   #26
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Originally Posted by FirstClass View Post
It's been like this for a very long time. A minority can call a white person any number of racial slurs and it will just be "oh he's insulting you" whereas if that white person responds to the minority with racial slurs, they're a racist. Same thing with black people calling each other the n-word. They call each other it all the time, but if another race called them it OMG RACISM. (Minorities referring to each other by their racial clurs in a friendly manner really pisses me off because they're too stupid to realize where the word came from and that it's NOT a good thing to be calling your "friend")

We've had bullshit affirmative action for a ling time as well. Can't count the number of stories I've heard about employees that companies *must* keep around because they're a minority even though they're work is shitty. If they do want to eventually fire them they need 10x more evidence than any white person they fire or the minority will turn around and scream "racial discrimination" and sue. The sad thing is many times even though it isn't racial discrimination they'll still get some amount of money. Another example of why we need tort reform in this country.

There shouldn't be racial quotas on anything. If 99% of black applicants are more qualified than white applicants, then the company's employees should be 99% black, and if 99% of white applicants are more qualified than black applicants, the companies employees should be 99% white. Neither case should a racial quota come into effect. The same should apply to colleges.

Anther example is Obama. He himself asks people to discount race in the election (or so I hear, never actually read that anywhere) and for the most part it appears people do, unless they're black. The other races seem to treat him with colorblindness except for his own, which flocks to him in incredible numbers.

Don't interpret me wrongly, I have nothing against minorities in any way. What I vehemently oppose is the differential treatment to people based on their minority status. We're all supposed to be equal, treating a minority better because they are a minority is a clear example of discrimination. Yet somehow nobody seems to mind because it's a majority being discriminated against.

All it really boils down to is this. God bless America, and hope it fixes some of it's discriminating policies soon.
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      03-09-2008, 02:47 PM   #27
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Originally Posted by FirstClass View Post
I have a phrase for you that probably won't sound familiar, but it goes something like this. Economic cycles.

Here, I even found a Wikipedia link for you.
awh, thanks honey

just remember, the rich dont get rich off the rich, they get rich off the poor.

me being poor, im staying away from the rich cause they gonna rape my ass
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      03-09-2008, 06:34 PM   #28
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Originally Posted by sinnet112 View Post
College admissions has by far the worst case of racial discrimination. It's only gotten worse as the years progressed.
I've never heard of deducting points, just adding them.. Thanks for the info.
Originally Posted by Los Angeles View Post

Yeah right!!!!!! Common sense to who?!!

You're nuts!!!

You think you have it bad? Pllllleeeeeaaaaasseee!
Originally Posted by renegade View Post
LOL'z I'm literally dying right now
What race are you two again??
Originally Posted by Kiemyster View Post
awh, thanks honey

just remember, the rich dont get rich off the rich, they get rich off the poor.

me being poor, im staying away from the rich cause they gonna rape my ass
You're poor with a BMW?? Shouldn't you be investing your money elsewhere?!?

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      03-09-2008, 06:40 PM   #29
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Originally Posted by Expired View Post


White Males are the most heavily discriminated against in this country..
Minorities and Females get a curve in life.
I don't see how you think it's absurd when minorities are treated above others, and then come females. I thought everyone knew that this is how it works.. It's common sense that the White Male is on the bottom of the food chain.

Wow...does such stupidity said by a 18 or 19 year old deserve a proper reply?

All I will say is that sure it is stupid how things at times are delt with...but to say what you did is beyond believable.

Ever been to the work force? Company I am currently in, while not racist does favor white males.

Grow up kid and stop saying garbage.
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      03-09-2008, 06:41 PM   #30
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white males have it the worst? wow that was a good laugh change the color of your skin for a day and lets see who really has it the worst i guarantee you will regret making that claim
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      03-10-2008, 01:16 AM   #31
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Could be worse...look at all the problems the UK is having right now because of being overly politically correct.

Their situation is due to religion and not race however it is similar in root cause.

It all boils down to being overly politically correct and making large sweeping overcorrections based upon previous errors in judgement. It's akin to trying to overcorrect when driving - eventually you end up crashing unless you correct sensibly and reasonably.

I've seen how political correctness has ruined this great country. We are now afraid to speak our minds because we might offend some member of some race,religion or creed. Everybody walks around patting each other on the backs saying "great job" and "good for you" but meanwhile the hate and misunderstanding breed in the funk that we call political correctness.

If anything it's time to get real and stop putting on this facade that everyone is entitled to something just because of race, religion or creed.
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      03-10-2008, 09:36 AM   #32
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The problem is forcing places to hire, accept certain races above actual experience and grades. And so on....

I know a lot of people who have been turned down from jobs and schools because of this. You know it's become a problem when the places are admitting to the applicants why they didn't get the job or into med school.

People like Jesse Jackson and Quanell X do nothing but keep the blacks down.
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      03-10-2008, 07:46 PM   #33
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Originally Posted by DasBlitz View Post
Wow...does such stupidity said by a 18 or 19 year old deserve a proper reply?

All I will say is that sure it is stupid how things at times are delt with...but to say what you did is beyond believable.

Ever been to the work force? Company I am currently in, while not racist does favor white males.

Grow up kid and stop saying garbage.
Who exactly do you work for?? What race are you again??
Also, why attribute my age to the "stupidity" of my comment??
I guess it would be fair for me to deem your comment null, since you're probably just an ignorant old man.

Yes.. I've been in the 'work force'.
My first job was as a cart pusher at Wal-Mart, and I can safely say I was fired based on race. Working outside with 3 other Hispanic guys, we had finished cleaning up the parking lot and we were all sitting on a bench resting. An arab guy comes out, looks around and sees a few carts scattered here and there, and asks us why we are sitting down. (Let me add in it had been raining as well, and there were obvious puddles on the ground)
Now lets pause here.. Who do you think he called to the back??
The white guy, in a work force that is about 80% minorities.
On my 89th day of work (Let me add in here that they have to show substantial evidence after your 90th day of work to fire you) I was fired. For no reason other than doing my job, by a black woman and an arab guy. No other people outside were called to the back. They wouldn't even give me a reason why I was fired.

My second job, a laborer at Rain for Rent during the summer. Me and a friend both worked there, and we are both white. While upper management is predominately white, their work force was 90% Hispanic. We had to do a lot of other peoples jobs there, mainly all of the dirty work that they didn't want to do. While they would take hour long breaks, they would tell us to go back to work after 15 minutes. (Not that we needed any more than that) They also did more standing around watching us work, than actual work. During lunch there would be constant racist jokes about us, but it eventually let up after a month or so.. Long story short, I hated work and was tired of my job so I quit after 2.5 months. Doing someone else's work all the time is not fun at all.

My brother recently wasn't hired at a Mexican food restaurant as a BUS BOY, because he "didn't have the right complexion". He doesn't have any acne, and a lot of girls hit on him on a regular basis. Its obviously because of his looks!! No, it's because he wasn't dark enough for them. After his third interview, apparently they were looking for someone a bit darker that happened to speak Spanish, because all of the other bus people only speak Spanish.

My dad has seen more hiring based on race out at Shell than you can imagine. He's seen countless minorities hired over whites that could do a better job any day. Why?? Because they have the skin color that the company needs to meet a quota. Not because they are more skilled, or know how to do their jobs. He's had to train tons of them how to do work that they should already know. He's had to take on tons of their work because they don't know how to do it. Eventually he was fed up and decided to retire. Oh wait, let me add this in.. The company was giving two minorities a nice fat retirement package when he had been there just as long. He had to dig up tons of records, compile it, show them that he is a much better worker, and threaten to sue to get the same package.

Two weeks later.. get this.. They call him up asking him to come back to work. Why?? Because nobody out there can do his job. He agreed because of the amount of money they offered him, they hire him back on and he goes out there to 'work', aka baby sit. They tell him to train a group of minorities that they hired based on color, over several white males that already knew how to do their job. THEY HIRED HIM BACK TO TRAIN THE PEOPLE THAT THEY HIRED, TO DO THEIR OWN JOBS.

My god, it's so competitive out there that you can get hired based on color for a job that you can't do..
Why am I even going to college, let me just save up money and get someone else's skin grafted to my own.

You may see things differently based on your geographic location, but here in Texas reverse racism and affirmative action is off the charts.

Originally Posted by out4scrilla View Post
white males have it the worst? wow that was a good laugh change the color of your skin for a day and lets see who really has it the worst i guarantee you will regret making that claim
I doubt I would.. I would probably end up qualifying for a full ride scholarship based on my race.. It's funny how people deem a White American's Scholarship Fund as racist, but there are college funds for every other race out there.

Originally Posted by cars4lyfe View Post
Here's my two cents on the topic. Personally I think racism will be part of America's character for as long as it exists because slavery is rooted deep into America's history. It IS a pessimistic outlook-but it's also the reality. People would like to believe that this problem will fade away-but it would probably take thousands and thousands of years for that to happen. Hey, Jesus was around 2,000 years ago and people still talk about him like he was just here yesterday. Do I wish slavery never happened? ABOLUTELY. Do I believe blacks should forget the past? NO. Here's why. I believe the American government should do more to make things "right." I don't know how, don't ask me. But maybe they should give the Blacks their fourty acres and a mule to start off...I am a fair guy and I believe people should be treated fairly and equally. I know the Whites today had nothing to do with the Blacks of 500 yrs ago. But STILL. I sympathize so much with Black people and any other oppressed people.

This is MY view and I know some people don't like my view but so what. I'm not anti-White or anti-Black, I just like to see justice served.
I completely agree, I like to see everything fair and equal as well.
I just don't see how black people can hold a grudge for so long, even after we admitted our wrongs. I don't see how they can talk about slavery when slavery is still going on in the world, and they don't care as long as it doesn't effect them.
Slavery ended in 1865, thats 142 years ago. Lets go ahead and add 35 years of burden to that to be pretty fair.
So thats 107 years ago, and people are still bitter.

I'm all for giving a nice lump sum to any previous slave, and any immediate son or daughter of a previous slave. Then all of America WILL agree that everything has been made right, everything will be much more equal, and all blacks can stop bringing race/slavery into issues.

Let me also add in that the holocaust occurred in 1938-1945, thats over 62 years ago and you don't hear them bringing it into every issue, granted it only lasted 7 years, but IMO was much worse.

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      03-10-2008, 07:58 PM   #34
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^^ Your always asking ppl 'what's your race?' I'm starting to wonder what's your gender w/ all this whining your doing...take this shit to Dr. Phil or stormfront where ppl will actually agree w/ you.
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      03-10-2008, 08:04 PM   #35
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Originally Posted by renegade View Post
^^ Your always asking ppl 'what's your race?' I'm starting to wonder what's your gender w/ all this whining your doing...take this shit to Dr. Phil or stormfront where ppl will actually agree w/ you.
I'm just trying to see a part of the reason why people are replying the way they are. It's cool if you don't want to reply.

White Male, 19. Located South East of Houston, TX.

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      03-10-2008, 10:47 PM   #36
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Originally Posted by Expired View Post
Why am I even going to college, let me just save up money and get someone else's skin grafted to my own.
Yeah, I would recommend a very very dark shade of brown.

I think you'll be pleased with the outcome.
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      03-11-2008, 10:36 PM   #37
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Originally Posted by Expired View Post

You're poor with a BMW?? Shouldn't you be investing your money elsewhere?!?

spent every last dime on my 70k 320i.
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      03-11-2008, 11:39 PM   #38
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Oprah is biggest racist on television. She only likes and favours black people. 80% of her show has to do with black people and it's not right because if a white person were to do that it would be all over the news.
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      03-11-2008, 11:40 PM   #39
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i think the holocaust is not brought up as much because it happened in europe? Also you say that there is scholarship for every other race except white. Thats because were not expected to succeed. Were expected to not finish school and basically become another scum of the earth. So why not give a chance to the people that actually want to better themselves? Is that not fair? Not everyone can afford college as I am sure you can. And if you focused more in school I am sure you would have recieved a scholarship. I do agree with you that slavery is brought up alot as a source of excuse and i do not agree with that. But what i also dont agree with is the promise to all the freed slaves and african american soldiers of the north of granting them 40 acres of land and 1 mule. That never happened did it?

I guess all I am trying to say is that you may not notice it but there are more simple things that more or less dont affect or appeal to you that deal with your race. You ever walked down the street and seen a woman clinge her purse as you walk past her? No? I have. It seems cliche but its a reality. It almost feels as if I'm deemed to do wrong by the color of my skin so people jump to conclusions before even meeting me. You still wanna be black for the day? So yeah you dont have it hard man. Get your education and if texas is so bad then move somewhere else.
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      03-11-2008, 11:41 PM   #40
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Originally Posted by borsalino View Post
Oprah is biggest racist on television. She only likes and favours black people. 80% of her show has to do with black people and it's not right because if a white person were to do that it would be all over the news.
they already do. Its every other show on tv
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      03-12-2008, 12:07 PM   #41
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Originally Posted by borsalino View Post
Oprah is biggest racist on television. She only likes and favours black people. 80% of her show has to do with black people and it's not right because if a white person were to do that it would be all over the news.
You must not closely watch television, do you?

Hello, it happens everyday!
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      03-12-2008, 12:08 PM   #42
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Originally Posted by KenB View Post
Let people be judged on their own merits and nothing else.
Unfortunately, we don't live in a perfect world.

And America, was fueled by slavery and Racism so it will never die.

That's just the way it is.
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      03-12-2008, 01:46 PM   #43
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Originally Posted by GH32335i View Post
My nephew graduated from high school 2 yrs ago. He played free safety, and was all state. He had a bunch of colleges recruiting him, but was told since he was white, they probably wouldn't offer him a scholarship because they get so much more money to give scholarships to black kids. He wore black UnderArmor (matched team colors), so a lot of the scouts thought he was black.

The University of Colorado coaches came to his school to meet him, and talk about offering him a scholarship. He walked in the office for the meeting, being a blonde haired, blue eyed kid, and the coaches literally told him they thought he was black and got up and left.

He was a very good player and could easily have played Division 1 ball somewhere, but I guess to be white and get a full ride, you have to be exceptional these days. If you're marginal, and you're white, you're out of luck.

I went to my alma mater's (a major, divison 1 university) gathering to hear the new university president speak. I went there on a basketball scholarship. All I heard through the whole presentaton was diversity, diversity, diversity, and how many scholarships they give to non-white kids. So after the presentation, I went up to him and said, "being the father of 4 white males, what's the best way to get them into your school when that time comes?" He laughed and said, "well I guess they better be as good as you were at basketball, because if they're not, it 'll be pretty hard to get them in". Thanks, pres!!

The fact is, the group that faces discrimination more than anyone else, is white males.
Originally Posted by Los Angeles View Post
I'm sorry, this statement is completely absurd.

You have to be pretty ignorant to say such a remark. I'm not one to pull a race card but until you are the other race, you don't really know.

Walk into a restaurant and everyone stares at you b/c you aren't white? Driving and minding your own business and people yell racist things at you? I've experienced racial remarks in Elementary school, Jr High, High School, and College. I've had plenty of white friends since I was pretty active in sports. The ones that hung around their non-white friends will definitely agree that they don't experience as much racism.

You ever get pulled over for having a scented tree hanger in your mom's Volvo for obstruction of vision? Ever get an exhaust ticket for a stock exhaust? Please.

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      03-12-2008, 02:04 PM   #44
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Originally Posted by OC 335i View Post

You have to be pretty ignorant to say such a remark. I'm not one to pull a race card but until you are the other race, you don't really know.

Walk into a restaurant and everyone stares at you b/c you aren't white? Driving and minding your own business and people yell racist things at you? I've experienced racial remarks in Elementary school, Jr High, High School, and College. I've had plenty of white friends since I was pretty active in sports. The ones that hung around their non-white friends will definitely agree that they don't experience as much racism.

You ever get pulled over for having a scented tree hanger in your mom's Volvo for obstruction of vision? Ever get an exhaust ticket for a stock exhaust? Please.
I have been in several places that have looked at me because I was white.

My friends and I were even refused service. We sat in the booth at Denny's for over 45 minutes. The waitress came by twice saying she would be by to take our orders. She waited on every single table around us. Except ours. We were the only white customers there.
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