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      02-27-2008, 08:24 PM   #23
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If you have a latent anxiety disorder, even mild psychadelics like MJ will send you into a paniced state. It's actually kinda an early warning sign. Good idea to go get checked out by a psychiatrist, and see if they feel that a mild anti-anxiety drug would be in order.

Drugs like the ones you mentioned will not induce feelings of anxiety unless those feelings already exist. Their main action deals with the release of seratonin, which should actually suppress paniced feelings, unless some sort of anxiety disorder or brain chemisty imbalance is present.

However, they WILL act to vastly multiply any existing emotions, including those of sadness, unease, anger, etc. This is particularly true of psilocybin and lsd.

It should also be noted that it is impossible to overdose on shrooms, mj, or LSD, or even do permanant physical damage of any type.
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      02-27-2008, 08:32 PM   #24
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whiteee linesssss runninggg throughhh my minddddddd
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      02-27-2008, 10:28 PM   #25
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Originally Posted by Artkitekt View Post
You become consumed by a state of hyper awareness of death and decay.
Good, I am not alone!

Originally Posted by Artkitekt View Post
dude, i listened to only the first half of what this guy was saying and IT"S SO TRUE!!!!!!

i'm either focusing on the too small, or the too large!

Last edited by NoKids; 02-27-2008 at 10:57 PM..
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      02-27-2008, 10:39 PM   #26
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Originally Posted by Kiemyster View Post
man... i think u need a new dealer. your shit is being spiked with experimental crap. its happening all over america and the UK these days. infact, its been going on for years now. lol.

grow you own, and stick to moderate to heavy indica strains of marijuana. That should eliminate your trips. take a multivitamin in the morning, ie. centrum one a day. have a tablespoon of room temperature honey. also eat something light before you toke it up, like maybe a homemade ham sandwich.

on a personal note, your constant near death trips say alot about you. im no shrink, but you seem to be naturally paranoid, weather you notice it or not. im like that too, but im paranoid in the sense that i always tell myself "im in control of the shit, no ones fuckin' wit me. no one can fuck with me if they wanted to anyways". and like that, i sit my high ass in my lazyboy and chill.

do you have a routine? or a series of things you do prior-during-after smoking?
i'm jealous cuz i just want to have a mellow trip, instead i get fucking satan trying to feast on my flesh.
i dont have a routine because i only blaze once a year. i think you're right about growing your own, because the weed up here is strong as hell. doing a whole joint alone will fuck me up. i used to live in the caribbean and the weed was not so strong, and the trips were more chill.

Originally Posted by E82tt6 View Post
If you have a latent anxiety disorder, even mild psychadelics like MJ will send you into a paniced state. It's actually kinda an early warning sign. Good idea to go get checked out by a psychiatrist, and see if they feel that a mild anti-anxiety drug would be in order.

Drugs like the ones you mentioned will not induce feelings of anxiety unless those feelings already exist. Their main action deals with the release of seratonin, which should actually suppress paniced feelings, unless some sort of anxiety disorder or brain chemisty imbalance is present.

However, they WILL act to vastly multiply any existing emotions, including those of sadness, unease, anger, etc. This is particularly true of psilocybin and lsd.

It should also be noted that it is impossible to overdose on shrooms, mj, or LSD, or even do permanant physical damage of any type.
the only problem with this theory is that i should be paranoid every time i toke. but that's not the case, if I'm smoking and making out with chicks I'm totally cool. It's llike poonany calms down the crazines.

i disagree about LSD not capable of doing permanent physical damage; too much LSD will turn you into a vegetable.
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      02-27-2008, 10:43 PM   #27
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Who isn't totally cool when they're making out with a chick?
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      02-27-2008, 10:47 PM   #28
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Originally Posted by GuyOh View Post
moral of the story, drugs are bad for you!!!!
yeah, whenever I drink a lot of alcohol I feel like crap too.

Moral of the story:
heavily intoxicating yourself beyond comfort is bad for you!!!!!!
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      02-27-2008, 11:17 PM   #29
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One time a row of small evergreens turned into a pack of jawas complete with yellow glowing eyes. I've never heard "death trip" before ...we used to call them bad trips. Oh and I've phased through solid material too - that was scary.
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      02-27-2008, 11:23 PM   #30
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Last edited by mpimping; 02-28-2008 at 12:04 AM..
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      02-28-2008, 12:03 AM   #31
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Originally Posted by E82tt6 View Post
If you have a latent anxiety disorder, even mild psychadelics like MJ will send you into a paniced state. It's actually kinda an early warning sign. Good idea to go get checked out by a psychiatrist, and see if they feel that a mild anti-anxiety drug would be in order.

Drugs like the ones you mentioned will not induce feelings of anxiety unless those feelings already exist. Their main action deals with the release of seratonin, which should actually suppress paniced feelings, unless some sort of anxiety disorder or brain chemisty imbalance is present.

However, they WILL act to vastly multiply any existing emotions, including those of sadness, unease, anger, etc. This is particularly true of psilocybin and lsd.

It should also be noted that it is impossible to overdose on shrooms, mj, or LSD, or even do permanant physical damage of any type.
I want to toke to fall asleep
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      02-28-2008, 02:26 AM   #32
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Ok.. heres how to Fix the Death Trip..

Im really sensitive to drugs, esp shrooms.. I had the death trip once when i took half an 1/8th one morning. I ended up on the floor trying to puke it up, delerious, my vital signs were failing (in my head), i believed i was going to be stuck in psychosis forever and die. after that even if i smoked a lil green, i would have these shrills of fear run down my back for years..

to fix it, i had to conquer it. to do this, i took a very Small amount of shrooms years later, like 1 or 2 caps, just enough to bring me to the edge of a trip without actually tripping. Must be really careful, it only lasted 1-2 hours, i maintained a light level of awareness, sat at my computer and typed. After i came out of it, the fear, the shrills etc.. disappeared and have never since returned.. I think something from my one very bad experience got stuck in my brain or altered something, and by doing a very Small small amount years later, i fixed whatever that was.. and have been fine since.. sux that I had to go back to that state to fix it, but the amount i took was so little that it was fine and cured me..

On another note, i had a friend who has a major problem with self control esp when he drinks. One night he was a bit drunk, and our guy offered him Jerry Garcia acid tabs.. I warned him, but he didnt listen, and having never taken the acid before, he proceded to take 10 hits at one time and was left alone in his dorm room.. After that he was Never the same. Major depression, wanted to kill himself, etc.. i had him stay with me for a week till he normalized out a bit.. but hes was never really the same after that.. Sad to say, he went on to harder things and is now coping with a heroin addiction.. He was my best friend, but after he stole from me, accused me of being a bad person when in fact i only tried to help him, and killed all the trust we had, i ended my friendship..
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      02-28-2008, 04:00 AM   #33
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my second time on shrooms i got that 'death trip'. i thought i forgot how to breathe. another time i was rolling pretty deep over a couple of days and a week or so later i came down really hard. i got really depressed, stopped eating, couldnt sleep, the usual effects. i never thought i was going to die but i didnt feel like living through that. i havent smoked weed or done anything else in months, im feeling pretty good. altough im planning on rolling again this weekend or next.
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      02-28-2008, 12:40 PM   #34
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Originally Posted by Los Angeles View Post
yeah, whenever I drink a lot of alcohol I feel like crap too.

Moral of the story:
heavily intoxicating yourself beyond comfort is bad for you!!!!!!

OH and seriously if you are just sitting around smoking weed eating whatever substances by yourself? You need to check your head, there's a reason they are called recreational and not lifestyle drugs.

Everything in moderation and be REALLY careful with X... Have a buddy who's no longer who he used to be because of X, never happy, never sad, just sorta there...

But Bring a Babysitter, someone that you trust to look after your dumb ass when your eating certain things, it can really help keep you outta harms way, and they'll feed and water you too, which is nice.
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      02-28-2008, 01:12 PM   #35

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Originally Posted by miamibusta69 View Post
lol one time i was taking shrooms on my boat parked at the dock and the boat next to me was talking to me about gas prices
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      02-28-2008, 01:43 PM   #36
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Originally Posted by GuyOh View Post
well i dont do drugs

but there was one time i ate like alot of brownies not knowing it had weed in them, and holy shit....i thought i was going to die!!!

at first it felt like somebody was behind you spinning your head, then eventualy when i closed my eyes, i literaly imagined myself jumping off a plane and i was like skydiving or wutever, like i could feel that g-force, and for awhile it was pretty fun! but then that feeling was lasting for hours then i was freaking out thinking my "free fall" experience would never end! then i was like...sort of paralyzed, like if moved one bit, even opening my eyes, i felt sooo sick, like i wanted to puke, then eventualy i puked like i've never puked before...i felt like dieing....
I felt the same way after taking several large hits from those home made 16oz soda bottle bongs. Call me weak, that was only my 3rd time trying it. But yeah spinning, nauseau, gravity pull, and free falling. Hated MJ ever since. now even if i smell it from far away or if someone has a trace of it on them, i feel sick.

Has ayone else been chased by gremlins? that was the worst trip ever. add to it, it was raining, the f!@#ers kept mult.
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Get out and drive
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      02-28-2008, 11:11 PM   #37
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Originally Posted by rambino View Post
Ok.. heres how to Fix the Death Trip..

Im really sensitive to drugs, esp shrooms.. I had the death trip once when i took half an 1/8th one morning. I ended up on the floor trying to puke it up, delerious, my vital signs were failing (in my head), i believed i was going to be stuck in psychosis forever and die. after that even if i smoked a lil green, i would have these shrills of fear run down my back for years..

to fix it, i had to conquer it. to do this, i took a very Small amount of shrooms years later, like 1 or 2 caps, just enough to bring me to the edge of a trip without actually tripping. Must be really careful, it only lasted 1-2 hours, i maintained a light level of awareness, sat at my computer and typed. After i came out of it, the fear, the shrills etc.. disappeared and have never since returned.. I think something from my one very bad experience got stuck in my brain or altered something, and by doing a very Small small amount years later, i fixed whatever that was.. and have been fine since.. sux that I had to go back to that state to fix it, but the amount i took was so little that it was fine and cured me..

On another note, i had a friend who has a major problem with self control esp when he drinks. One night he was a bit drunk, and our guy offered him Jerry Garcia acid tabs.. I warned him, but he didnt listen, and having never taken the acid before, he proceded to take 10 hits at one time and was left alone in his dorm room.. After that he was Never the same. Major depression, wanted to kill himself, etc.. i had him stay with me for a week till he normalized out a bit.. but hes was never really the same after that.. Sad to say, he went on to harder things and is now coping with a heroin addiction.. He was my best friend, but after he stole from me, accused me of being a bad person when in fact i only tried to help him, and killed all the trust we had, i ended my friendship..
that's actually a really good idea.

sorry to hear about your friend. 10 hits is insane. i think most i did was 3 or 4, and i felt like i was in the movie Natural Born Killers; yes i thought i was going to die there too. lol.
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      09-16-2008, 05:10 PM   #38
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I can't smoke MJ by itself, I did in college a few times and I just get waaay too paranoid. . .unless of course I've got a solid buzz on from drinking. . .now thats a quality synergy.
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      09-16-2008, 06:19 PM   #39
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Man you people are fucked up. You people actually do/have done drugs? LOL! Morons...

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      09-16-2008, 10:09 PM   #40
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fool me once shame on you (drug ) fool me twice ( + every year just to see if the death trip is gone ) damn, you're dumb.
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      09-16-2008, 10:24 PM   #41
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We were somewhere around Barstow on the edge of the desert when the drugs began to take hold. I remember saying something like "I feel a bit lightheaded; maybe you should drive...." And suddenly there was a terrible roar all around us and the sky was full of what looked like huge bats, all swooping and screeching and diving around the car, which was going about a hundred miles an hour with the top down to Las Vegas. And a voice was screaming "Holy Jesus! What are these goddamn animals?"

Then it was quiet again. My attorney had taken his shirt off and was pouring beer on his chest, to facilitate the tanning process. "What the hell are you yelling about?" he muttered, staring up at the sun with his eyes closed and covered with wraparound Spanish sunglasses. "Never mind," I said. "It's your turn to drive." I hit the brakes and aimed the Great Red Shark toward the shoulder of the highway. No point mentioning those bats, I thought. The poor bastard will see them soon enough.

-HST, Fear & Loathing in LV
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      09-16-2008, 10:55 PM   #42
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I bugged out tripping

was never enjoyable
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      09-16-2008, 11:43 PM   #43
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wtf hell no. no death trips here lol. then again, I don't do anything 'cept bud.
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      09-16-2008, 11:44 PM   #44
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btw I've only smoked by myself once. it was stupid. I didn't get half as good of a feeling as when I do with other people. it's a social thing for me, that's the only way I'll do it.
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