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      02-04-2020, 09:41 PM   #3763

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Originally Posted by floridaorange View Post
Do most member posting in this thread think the massive increase in concealed carry licenses is a positive thing for American life?

(I'm not referring to criminals who are packing vs criminals receiving training on proper technique.)

I grew up around guns and hunting.
I believe CC is a good thing, assuming they understand how to use it properly. A firearm in the hands of a novice CC can be a dangerous thing..
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      02-04-2020, 10:06 PM   #3764
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The law of attraction is an interesting concept to discuss when it comes to the topic of CC. Especially on a BMW message board.

For some reason the tremendous increase in CC rubs me wrong. I'm not sure if it's because the evidence shows that more guns are shown to increase violence or if it's because the conspiracy theorist in me wonders whose agenda is it to push your avg American citizen to arm themselves.

I'll tell you my neighbors who are proud CC people sure have some associated pride or dare I say ego that seems to accompany their weapon holding.

Ehhh but what do I know. I grew up in a family where my moms side all had gun racks in their trucks and it was common for their rifles to be in their Chevy on HS campus. I grew up hunting and shooting skeet, birds, deer, ducks, and taught how to breath while aiming, how to clean and care for my guns etc.

Do I feel the need to have guns now? Not particularly, although I may get a shotgun just to have for hunting with my boys once they are older. But arm myself for everyday life? I don't think so. It's your right to carry and that's fine, it just seems awfully in vogue these days.

City ppl who never were around guns now must have one. Like my friend Josh who told me he had one in his glovebox. Cool 👍(sarcasm)

I went to an ANTIFA rally in Austin accompanied by a green beret special forces member - there was plenty of high powered open carry present that day. The vets were heavily armed. The rally was peaceful and for the most part felt safe, these men were clearly trained - or appeared to be.

But John & Jane Smith driving around with a glock?
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Originally Posted by GrussGott View Post
Sounds pizzagatey.
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      02-05-2020, 02:37 AM   #3765

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Originally Posted by Rhidium View Post
I believe CC is a good thing, assuming they understand how to use it properly. A firearm in the hands of a novice CC can be a dangerous thing..
Agree. At my current expertise I would hesitate to do CC, but if my county actually issued I would do the coursework required to be better equipped to do so. But they don’t, so no urgency to do so, but still need to sign up for courses for home defense techniques as a personal learning. Overall I think if CC laws were more liberal, you’d have more owner’s getting trained because of an incentive to get proficient to earn their permit.
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      02-05-2020, 08:36 AM   #3766
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My wife got me this for Christmas. I finally got around to mounting it. Put it next to the front door in case of emergencies. It has a hidden magnetic lock so it is secure against tampering.


Last edited by twin fed; 02-06-2020 at 08:47 AM..
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      02-09-2020, 03:40 PM   #3767
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Originally Posted by twin fed View Post
My wife got me this for Christmas. I finally got around to mounting it. Put it next to the front door in case of emergencies. It has a hidden magnetic lock so it is secure against tampering.

That is awesome. What brand is it?
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      02-09-2020, 05:12 PM   #3768
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Originally Posted by Grip Addict View Post
That is awesome. What brand is it?
I wouldn't mind having one of those......
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      02-10-2020, 11:11 AM   #3769
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Originally Posted by Grip Addict View Post
That is awesome. What brand is it?
This is where my wife got it

The foam insert is blank and you trim it to whatever you want to put in it.

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      02-13-2020, 04:49 PM   #3770
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I can't see, what kind of gat is that?
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      02-13-2020, 05:40 PM   #3771
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You 80 years old? Gat?
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      02-13-2020, 05:42 PM   #3772
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Originally Posted by 1MOREMOD View Post
You 80 years old? Gat?
Rod, rosco, burner, heater and chunk....
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      02-13-2020, 06:47 PM   #3773

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Originally Posted by floridaorange View Post
The law of attraction is an interesting concept to discuss when it comes to the topic of CC. Especially on a BMW message board.

For some reason the tremendous increase in CC rubs me wrong.

But John & Jane Smith driving around with a glock?
Yea..I know where you are coming from orange. In PA. You need zero training and if your background is OK you can walk in and walk out with your permit.

I believe 2A gives us that right and since any criminal can carry illegally I believe we need the right of self devense. But in the majority of self defense efforts in a public place. The untrained is just as likely to injure an innocent.

I know on gun boards that these untrained folks feel they need a 14+ round mag...totally wrong. (IMHO). You are responsible for every piece of lead out of your muzzle.

I am a NRA pistol instructor. But that is only in the basic course wich is not really good enough. I have been take lessons at our Law Enforcement Center for 5 years. In terms of my skill level..I feel I am much better trained in this area than cops. But really there is so much to know that I still feel I need to know more.

In a serious threat you will most likely have inadequate time to react or you should get out of dodge. That is what these "John Waynes" don't understand.

The horses have left the barn.
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      02-14-2020, 08:40 AM   #3774
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Originally Posted by 1MOREMOD View Post
You 80 years old? Gat?
fire stick?
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      02-14-2020, 08:41 AM   #3775
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      02-14-2020, 10:55 AM   #3776

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Can someone explain to me why none of these cool semi-auto tacti-cool $500ish shotguns are not in any B&M stores? At least not here.

Also, why are people trying to sell me a Kel-Tec Sub 2K for more than new all the time? They are $289 at a local B&M shop. People keep asking me for $325+
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      02-14-2020, 11:12 AM   #3777
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Originally Posted by FuriouslyFast View Post
Can someone explain to me why none of these cool semi-auto tacti-cool $500ish shotguns are not in any B&M stores? At least not here.

Also, why are people trying to sell me a Kel-Tec Sub 2K for more than new all the time? They are $289 at a local B&M shop. People keep asking me for $325+
Because people are dumb. Many just want a "gun" and think $XXX is what a "gun" costs. They are not part of the gun culture that knows a semi handgun can run from $50-$5,000 depending on what you want. Many don't know a Hi-point from a Sig. Many guns are sold on price point alone. They find the cheapest gun in the case and say I'll take it. When shop owners figure out that this is how it works - why have a $100 gap between the cheapest and second cheapest when $25-$50 gets the same sale.

uninformed shoppers always pay more, no matter what they are buying. Including BMW's. LOL
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      02-14-2020, 11:30 AM   #3778
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Originally Posted by floridaorange View Post
The law of attraction is an interesting concept to discuss when it comes to the topic of CC. Especially on a BMW message board.

For some reason the tremendous increase in CC rubs me wrong. I'm not sure if it's because the evidence shows that more guns are shown to increase violence or if it's because the conspiracy theorist in me wonders whose agenda is it to push your avg American citizen to arm themselves.

I'll tell you my neighbors who are proud CC people sure have some associated pride or dare I say ego that seems to accompany their weapon holding.

Ehhh but what do I know. I grew up in a family where my moms side all had gun racks in their trucks and it was common for their rifles to be in their Chevy on HS campus. I grew up hunting and shooting skeet, birds, deer, ducks, and taught how to breath while aiming, how to clean and care for my guns etc.

Do I feel the need to have guns now? Not particularly, although I may get a shotgun just to have for hunting with my boys once they are older. But arm myself for everyday life? I don't think so. It's your right to carry and that's fine, it just seems awfully in vogue these days.

City ppl who never were around guns now must have one. Like my friend Josh who told me he had one in his glovebox. Cool 👍(sarcasm)

I went to an ANTIFA rally in Austin accompanied by a green beret special forces member - there was plenty of high powered open carry present that day. The vets were heavily armed. The rally was peaceful and for the most part felt safe, these men were clearly trained - or appeared to be.

But John & Jane Smith driving around with a glock?

"evidence shows that more guns are shown to increase violence" - I am still not sure I buy this. I grew up around guns as you did and live in a state that is very welcoming to guns, live in a semi rural area that has LOTS of guns and even work in the shooting industry. So I am around guns literally all the time. I never see violence or even the threat of it.

I think if you think of 500 60 year old country guys talking about fishing and the good old days and then give them all 2 guns each - I think your brain like mine would never expect that to cause any trouble at all. I don't anyway.

Take another 500 guys, young men angry at life and give them a reason to hate 1/2 the group they are in (gangs, religion, politics, name it) and give them all 2 guns each - would you feel the same way? I wouldn't. But if you think of this as a scientific experiment - what changed the situation? It was not the guns right?

My question always falls back to what happened to us as Americans (or human beings for that matter) that we can't handle opposing views on anything? Why do others need to agree with us or die? I don't see guns as the problem. I'd rather give those old guy 2 guns each than toss 25 knives into the other group. The weapon is not the problem to me - the hate is.

Of course that is just my opinion and we all have our own. In my opinion the more non-criminals with firearms and the training to use them the better.
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      02-14-2020, 02:01 PM   #3779

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Originally Posted by unluky View Post
"evidence shows that more guns are shown to increase violence" - I am still not sure I buy this. I grew up around guns as you did and live in a state that is very welcoming to guns, live in a semi rural area that has LOTS of guns and even work in the shooting industry. So I am around guns literally all the time. I never see violence or even the threat of it.
I am highly pro gun. But a gun in a home is overwhelmngly more likely to kill a family mamber than a bad buy.

Pro gunnershate to hear this but it is true:

But statistics not witstanding. I have a firearm and I have the right and the duty to protect me and my family-period!!
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      02-14-2020, 02:12 PM   #3780
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Originally Posted by unluky View Post
"evidence shows that more guns are shown to increase violence" - I am still not sure I buy this. I grew up around guns as you did and live in a state that is very welcoming to guns, live in a semi rural area that has LOTS of guns and even work in the shooting industry. So I am around guns literally all the time. I never see violence or even the threat of it.

I think if you think of 500 60 year old country guys talking about fishing and the good old days and then give them all 2 guns each - I think your brain like mine would never expect that to cause any trouble at all. I don't anyway.

Take another 500 guys, young men angry at life and give them a reason to hate 1/2 the group they are in (gangs, religion, politics, name it) and give them all 2 guns each - would you feel the same way? I wouldn't. But if you think of this as a scientific experiment - what changed the situation? It was not the guns right?

My question always falls back to what happened to us as Americans (or human beings for that matter) that we can't handle opposing views on anything? Why do others need to agree with us or die? I don't see guns as the problem. I'd rather give those old guy 2 guns each than toss 25 knives into the other group. The weapon is not the problem to me - the hate is.

Of course that is just my opinion and we all have our own. In my opinion the more non-criminals with firearms and the training to use them the better.

My opinion, and it's just one man's opinion, this all started by having parents/authority figures steppin in. It used to be you got into a disagreement with a fellow classmate and you worked it out. Sure, sometimes it resulted in pushing or shoving but you worked it out. In today's world someone jumps in and puts a label on one, or both, of them and the parents take over. Those children never learned conflict resolution when they were younger and now they just hate.....

Again, just one persons opinion.

And to another part of your post, guns aren't the problem. It's a tool used by the "problem".
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      02-14-2020, 02:41 PM   #3781
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Originally Posted by adc100 View Post
I am highly pro gun. But a gun in a home is overwhelmngly more likely to kill a family mamber than a bad buy.

Sadly this stat is most likely true. One of the biggest changes in my life was dealing with children and grandchildren and having to make our home safe. In a home without children or grandchildren I think this stat is not accurate.
Well, other than when a person uses a handgun on their spouse.

Originally Posted by adc100 View Post
Pro gunnershate to hear this but it is true:

As a math guy, I stand by the old adage that you can prove anything with statistics. Not saying there isn't truth in that article but I read a few sections where one person said "A" and another said "B" and then the author took "B".

Originally Posted by adc100 View Post
But statistics not witstanding. I have a firearm and I have the right and the duty to protect me and my family-period!!

And that is the ultimate answer. When called to protect, I want the very best tools at my disposal.
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      02-14-2020, 05:48 PM   #3782

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Originally Posted by andrewmr View Post
And that is the ultimate answer. When called to protect, I want the very best tools at my disposal.
We agree there
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      02-15-2020, 05:19 AM   #3783
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Just got a new semi auto rifle for the 'range' after completing the long reg process.
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      02-15-2020, 06:51 PM   #3784
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Originally Posted by M5theonlyone View Post
Just got a new semi auto rifle for the 'range' after completing the long reg process.
Oh good a guessing game. semi auto, Brit, I’m going to go with.........L1A1
"The Constitution was never construed to authorize Congress to infringe the just liberty of the press, or the rights of conscience; or to prevent the people of the United States, who are peaceable citizens, from keeping their own arms.” Samuel Adams
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