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      08-14-2014, 12:07 PM   #265
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Originally Posted by squishy View Post
Thanks for the advice fellas. Everything cleared up, never felt better.

I may be out on a limb with this one, but I think the issue was due to Casein protein. I started taking Casein protein the same time the first time this issue came about. Stopped, it cleared up. Started back up again, more blood from my belly button. Plus that goopy crap always used to do a number on my stomach and cause cramps.

Now if I can just figure out why my forearms won't grow.
I just started again drinking casein last night.. It was so thick I had to drink it 3 times and on the third time I had to add more water, yuck. Back in 2003 I was taking some kind of powder creatine from GNC . It wouldn;t dissolve in water so I just dumped a spoonful of powder in my mouth then washed it down with some water. That was the same time I started having round bald spots on my head. I never knew what was the cause of that but it went away a couple of months after. It could have been stress related or an adverse affect of the creatine.
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      08-14-2014, 12:20 PM   #266
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Originally Posted by Billup View Post
Normally I would, and I hate complaining, but what my SO and I have been going through is starting to put me in a downward spiral. We can't go a week without some sort of fight. Last night it happened again, and now she is telling me that I'll never be the BF she deserves, I don't comfort her, etc. Yet here she is, living off me so she can go to school, treats me like an asshole, then gets mad when I shut down.

It's had a huge impact on myself and my motivations to be better. I've given everything I have for this person, and to be berated and talked down on?

The gym has been far from my mind the past couple weeks. It sucks.
Bro, that's what married life is minus the kids.
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      08-14-2014, 12:26 PM   #267
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Originally Posted by kevinbahnz View Post
Bro, that's what married life is minus the kids.
Which is mostly why I protest marriage in every thread it appears in. I see no reason for me to get married. We have been together over 4 years, and have fought for most of it. I am laid back, I have never fought with anyone in my life, except her. Now I want to break it off.

Unfortunately, it's removed me from things I enjoy doing that make me feel good about myself, like playing hockey every week and going to the gym.
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      08-14-2014, 01:43 PM   #268
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It's a very fine line between love and hate. The wife and I fight like cats and dogs on occasion (my lats still hurt from Sunday because she bugged me so much about the ficus trees touching the house and letting the ants in that I whacked those fuckers by hand with the hedge clippers thinking each time a thicker branch was another of her fingers) but I've weighed it time and again, and she has more positive than negative in my book.
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      08-14-2014, 11:02 PM   #269

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Originally Posted by kevinbahnz
Originally Posted by squishy View Post
Thanks for the advice fellas. Everything cleared up, never felt better.

I may be out on a limb with this one, but I think the issue was due to Casein protein. I started taking Casein protein the same time the first time this issue came about. Stopped, it cleared up. Started back up again, more blood from my belly button. Plus that goopy crap always used to do a number on my stomach and cause cramps.

Now if I can just figure out why my forearms won't grow.
I just started again drinking casein last night.. It was so thick I had to drink it 3 times and on the third time I had to add more water, yuck. Back in 2003 I was taking some kind of powder creatine from GNC . It wouldn;t dissolve in water so I just dumped a spoonful of powder in my mouth then washed it down with some water. That was the same time I started having round bald spots on my head. I never knew what was the cause of that but it went away a couple of months after. It could have been stress related or an adverse affect of the creatine.
Casein protein is pretty chalky, I used to premix it, and throw it in the freezer for a few hours b4 bed, then ate it almost like a pudding....made it more tolerable
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      08-15-2014, 06:48 AM   #270
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Originally Posted by UncleWede View Post
It's a very fine line between love and hate. The wife and I fight like cats and dogs on occasion (my lats still hurt from Sunday because she bugged me so much about the ficus trees touching the house and letting the ants in that I whacked those fuckers by hand with the hedge clippers thinking each time a thicker branch was another of her fingers) but I've weighed it time and again, and she has more positive than negative in my book.
We fight at least once, if not twice a week, heavily. We have argued because of how I kiss her, because I didn't get in the shower with her when I just got home from work, washing the bed sheets and towels together...., not sure if the negatives outweigh the positives, but if not, it's a pretty close match.
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      08-15-2014, 03:20 PM   #271
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since i am gona be out of town this wkd for eminem concert, i had to get my shoulder workout in last night and do my arm today. hit a new PR for the machine shoulder press.
barely reps out 2 plates about 6 weeks ago, finally hit 3 plates for 3 reps. that was after 2 heavy sets. dropset works for me, so i have been doing it whenever i feel good. be consistent guys!!!! dont worry about the #, it's all about making progress. it's you vs you, not the guy next to you.

2011 E92 Space Grey/black + Tech + Premi + Heated Seats
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      08-18-2014, 10:01 AM   #272
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Had the national referee course and testing this past weekend. Passed the physical test with ease. I got labeled somehow as a "sprinter" and "fit" because when we got to the 50m run (it wasn't) I ran a test lap with the 2 teenagers and almost beat them, then walked back and ran my actual test run. We had 9.5 to cover the 50m, I did it in the low 6 range.
After that test run with the kids, I whispered to the proctor that there was no way I got 2 seconds faster by taking a week off. She just nodded and said go run your real test.

Now, the written test was different. I knew I wasn't properly prepared, but took it anyways. Pleasantly surprised to score 86%. One of the teens was bugging all day yesterday to get one more point so he could be even with me

I'm glad I spent the weekend in this class. If nothing else, I think I learned that I am not of the right temper to regularly referee U-19 games.
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      08-18-2014, 09:13 PM   #273
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Training is easy...
Eating clean is the hard part.

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      08-18-2014, 09:17 PM   #274
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Originally Posted by UncleWede View Post
Had the national referee course and testing this past weekend. Passed the physical test with ease. I got labeled somehow as a "sprinter" and "fit" because when we got to the 50m run (it wasn't) I ran a test lap with the 2 teenagers and almost beat them, then walked back and ran my actual test run. We had 9.5 to cover the 50m, I did it in the low 6 range.
After that test run with the kids, I whispered to the proctor that there was no way I got 2 seconds faster by taking a week off. She just nodded and said go run your real test.

Now, the written test was different. I knew I wasn't properly prepared, but took it anyways. Pleasantly surprised to score 86%. One of the teens was bugging all day yesterday to get one more point so he could be even with me

I'm glad I spent the weekend in this class. If nothing else, I think I learned that I am not of the right temper to regularly referee U-19 games.

Congrats on your results! Once you get bit with the bug it's never enough as I think you're seeing. The extra second, the extra pound, the extra meter make all the difference for ourselves.

Be happy with your results but not satisfied... keep pushing.

Again..Congrats on your success
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      08-19-2014, 09:18 AM   #275
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I really made no advances in the run-up to this. The real rubber meeting the road happens this weekend when regular season starts. I'm still way to heavy to finish the season unless I only do one game a weekend.
I prodded my son to go to the gym last night, but his buddy was over and I didn't think I could swing a week pass for both of them. So neither of us went. At least I avoided the pizza at the ref meeting. . . baby steps.
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      08-20-2014, 07:44 AM   #276
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      08-20-2014, 07:59 AM   #277
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Originally Posted by richardbb85 View Post
since i am gona be out of town this wkd for eminem concert, i had to get my shoulder workout in last night and do my arm today. hit a new PR for the machine shoulder press.
barely reps out 2 plates about 6 weeks ago, finally hit 3 plates for 3 reps. that was after 2 heavy sets. dropset works for me, so i have been doing it whenever i feel good. be consistent guys!!!! dont worry about the #, it's all about making progress. it's you vs you, not the guy next to you.
Damn! Thats very true, i've never looked at it like that.
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      08-20-2014, 08:12 AM   #278
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Originally Posted by Billup View Post
We fight at least once, if not twice a week, heavily. We have argued because of how I kiss her, because I didn't get in the shower with her when I just got home from work, washing the bed sheets and towels together...., not sure if the negatives outweigh the positives, but if not, it's a pretty close match.
Damn sorry to hear dude. It sounds like she's very spoiled. She is using you while she is going to school.
@Billup , you should really dig deep within yourself and ask if she or the relationship is worth it? If it is this bad already, after marriage it only gets worse.
She is using you dude. You are weak, you cover up your weakness by saying you're "laid-back"!
I'm not trying to insult you, i'm just trying to make you realize what you're missing. How old are you? If you're under 32yrs then you just wasted 4 yrs of your life.
In that 4 yrs you could've done all the fun and exciting things life has to offer. Hockey, gym, travel, heck you'll even meet so many other Women.

I suggest you start dating other Women, (hot and attractive Women). You are not married so you ARE NOT CHEATING! A girlfriend/boyfriend is just a mental delusion. There is nothing solid holding the two of you together.
Once she see's you're dating/talking to hotter girls... it will make her realize that she has been BS'ing with you and she needs to brush up before she looses you because you truly sound like a nice guy.

Stop being a push over boy and make manly statements. Make her realize you're the man and she has to respect you. (keep in mind i didn't say be abusive).

Stay strong. I have faith in you.
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      08-20-2014, 09:02 AM   #279
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Originally Posted by Whostheboss View Post
Stop being a push over boy and make manly statements. Make her realize you're the man and she has to respect you. (keep in mind i didn't say be abusive).

Stay strong. I have faith in you.
Everything you said is spot on. People don't know why I've put up with it for so long, but I guess since I moved her down here, I feel she is partially my responsibility. I need to stop thinking like this. I know it would be better for us both if we parted ways, it's just building up the courage to do so.

I tell myself, today is the day, and then somewhere along my hour commute home, my mind gets twisted and I back down like a bitch. It's pathetic.
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      08-20-2014, 09:30 AM   #280
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Originally Posted by Billup View Post
Everything you said is spot on. People don't know why I've put up with it for so long, but I guess since I moved her down here, I feel she is partially my responsibility. I need to stop thinking like this. I know it would be better for us both if we parted ways, it's just building up the courage to do so.

I tell myself, today is the day, and then somewhere along my hour commute home, my mind gets twisted and I back down like a bitch. It's pathetic.
ohhhhhhh! That changes everything. Now i understand more of where you're coming from.
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      08-20-2014, 09:37 AM   #281
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Originally Posted by Whostheboss View Post
ohhhhhhh! That changes everything. Now i understand more of where you're coming from.
Granted she is more than able to move back home with her mom, I know she wants to stay down here and go to the school she got accepted to.

So yeah. It's a situation that I should have never gotten myself into, now the stakes are high.
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      08-20-2014, 10:26 AM   #282
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I don't want to sound callous or insensitive to your situation but you're both adults, crap like this happens and, really, it is not fair to either of you to continue on this path you're one.

You might feel bad about parting ways however it is only do you a disservice at this point.
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      08-20-2014, 10:31 AM   #283
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Originally Posted by 954Stealth View Post
I don't want to sound callous or insensitive to your situation but you're both adults, crap like this happens and, really, it is not fair to either of you to continue on this path you're one.

You might feel bad about parting ways however it is only do you a disservice at this point.
Trust me, I have gotten the blunt truth (in much harsher words) from my friends. I understand the significance of what has gone on, and I am now ready to put my foot down, for both our sakes. It's just a hard thing to do for me.
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      08-20-2014, 10:46 AM   #284
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Originally Posted by kevinbahnz View Post
Bro, that's what married life is minus the kids.
You cannot generalize like that mate. I've been married for 10 years and I can count on two hands the times my wife and I have fought. And we both work from home, so we're around each other ALL DAY LONG. It's about who you're married to, not marriage itself.
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      08-20-2014, 10:50 AM   #285
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Originally Posted by P1et View Post
You cannot generalize like that mate. I've been married for 10 years and I can count on two hands the times my wife and I have fought. And we both work from home, so we're around each other ALL DAY LONG. It's about who you're married to, not marriage itself.
This is how I view it. My parents have been together since Jr. High and they are in their late 50's now. They very seldom have argued for as long as I can remember. This is how a healthy relationship should be.
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      08-20-2014, 10:54 AM   #286
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Originally Posted by Billup View Post
Trust me, I have gotten the blunt truth (in much harsher words) from my friends. I understand the significance of what has gone on, and I am now ready to put my foot down, for both our sakes. It's just a hard thing to do for me.
Relationships are supposed to be optional and very fun and exciting. You MUST NOT be in a relationship. Being in a relationship is a choice not a must and when i say choice i mean it has to be so much fun and exciting that you'll CHOOSE to get into one.

For example, the sole purpose of a business is to MAKE MONEY! If year after year after year the business is not making money?... Then they close it out and start a new one.

I feel the pain you're going through. Back in 2012, i talked/dated a girl for 6months. I really fell in love with her personality but when it came to her physical appearance, i was turned off. I knew that there is no way in hell i can date someone that couldn't make my dick hard. It was very difficult to explain and break up with her. But i had to do it. I wasnt being selfish because i didn't want to continue the relationship if both of us weren't happy equally.

This was only 6months, yours is 4yrs so DAMN! i understand the pain you mst be going through.

Anyway back to thread topic.
Every 3 or so weeks of working out, i take a week off. This is my off week.
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