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View Poll Results: Are you part of the 99%?
Yes 41 29.29%
No 78 55.71%
I don't follow current news and events. 21 15.00%
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      11-08-2011, 11:45 AM   #221
this is the way
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People tend to see the world in blinders. If they have a job they think any can as long as they work hard. They don't know that to find a job is very difficult now with almost one in ten unemployed. Competition out there is tough with everyone fighting for position. They just label everyone else lazy or incompetent. Maybe that makes it easier to comprehend the situation to them; I don't know/care. If they lose their job for whatever reason and don't have any 'friends' to get them one is the only time they'll understand. I gave up on trying to show these people the light.

Some people can see that fire will burn you while others need to put their hand into the fire and learn it the hard way.
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      11-08-2011, 12:37 PM   #222
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Originally Posted by tag824 View Post
People tend to see the world in blinders. If they have a job they think any can as long as they work hard. They don't know that to find a job is very difficult now with almost one in ten unemployed. Competition out there is tough with everyone fighting for position. They just label everyone else lazy or incompetent. Maybe that makes it easier to comprehend the situation to them; I don't know/care. If they lose their job for whatever reason and don't have any 'friends' to get them one is the only time they'll understand. I gave up on trying to show these people the light.

Some people can see that fire will burn you while others need to put their hand into the fire and learn it the hard way.
+1, dead on!
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      11-08-2011, 02:35 PM   #223
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Originally Posted by Questforpower View Post
I partially agree...

Yes, the points you made on net worth are very true but let's remember one thing; I am referring to the difference in net worth of only the 35 and under crowd not comparing the younger to older crowd. It is now 3 times less; 20 something years later. I am sure contributing factors are the fact that 1) houses are much more expensive now, 2) College costs are much more expensive and 3) the fact that solid jobs are nowhere to be found and are certainly not helped by this economy.

How is a young person to buy a house today if they don't have a job? (which they can't find), are massively in debt and have very little savings because expenses have gone up?

The older crowd made money long before the economy tanked so I definitely believe that but the yunguns who are now coming out of college aren't exactly in a similar situation as those coming out of the roaring 80's where the economy was doing very well followed by the 90's where it was even better. The point I am making is that the younger generation is now in a much tougher position than ever and I don't see things getting better soon and it's definitely not all their fault.
just a thought, the fact that so many people go to college right out of high school vs the past probably has something to do with it. Just because the hiring pool goes up doesn't mean that the job pools goes up proportionately. this necessitates underemployment as well as more fierce competition for jobs that utilize degrees. This will in turn lead to higher levels of competition to get into colleges and also a reason to raise the cost of education. A hs grad used to be worth something and now it isnt. A Bachelors degree is the next on the way out and so is the way of the world at this rate. At the end of the day everyone cant have a good job, we still need fast food workers, garbage collectors etc. nothing will solve this issue other than more business and than its only a bandaid. Hard for me to feel too much sympathy.... i go to a very inexpensive college, many of my friends pay the way with menial jobs. im fortunate enough to not have to. i will come out of college with no bills and will be looking for a job. If i cant get a good job i will take a shitty job and such is life... im not going to complain as there is no point. i instead choose to put my nose to the grindstone.

I dont have kids because i bought condoms and invested in birth control
I dont have bills because i work hard and bought everything cash
I dont have to pay for college because i went to an affordable one for my situation.

no sympathy for the devil from me.... 99% 10% 1% fuck it. Keep complaining, it just takes the static away when employers are trying to get a clear picture of what I have to offer.

Disclosure: This wasn't directed at anyone on here specifically, just my thoughts
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      11-09-2011, 12:08 AM   #224
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Like every other day outside the Chicago Board of Trade, a bunch of protesters who looked like they'd never seen a toothbrush, were screaming and pointing at the top of the pedestrian level molding of the Bank Of America building: "Look, there are swastika's on this building! This is a fascist conspiracy against the 99%!"

I kid you not. This actually happened.

I set them straight that those were just mirror images of the Hindi symbol for peace that appears on the front of the building. The Nazi's had chosen to flip that age-old symbol to represent the Aryan race. Further, the building was built in 1883 when that symbol still only meant "peace." Now that the building is an architectural landmark, none of the original craftsmanship or design of the exterior can be changed.

After that, I lost all respect I had for "Occupy _____."

Well, that, and the fact that these protesters assume the 1% is entirely comprised of evil, conniving businessmen. Regular businessmen with ethical practices, sure, but just because a man who wears a suit is rich does not mean he didn't work hard for it, and it certainly doesn't mean he took it away from the 99%, or that it even belonged to the 99% in the first place. Who the fuck are they?

And more, this drastic generalization between the 1% and the 99% is just wrong. It should be more like 87%, 8%, 4%, 1%. I don't like this silly "irrationale" towards dividing the net worth and income brackets of this country.

It was nice, though, to hear from someone who actually took responsibility for himself and his reality. A man walked over to the group of degenerate protesters and talked about how his hard earned money was "taken" from him a few years ago by the government (a broad claim I dare not trust). However, in order to appeal to a court that he should be compensated for his losses, this man studied law for two years. Nobody would represent him, so he spent two years learning about the loopholes and inconsistencies in federal corporate policy.

I say, this man should be the face of the 99%. Who better than someone WHO ISN'T WASTING TIME SLEEPING IN TENTS IN A METROPOLITAN AREA? You're not making a point. You just smell bad.

Last edited by xDrive35i; 11-09-2011 at 12:14 AM..
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      11-09-2011, 06:45 PM   #225

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If you think there can be better faces for the 99%, then YOU be the face and show them how to do it. You fix the problems with our economic system and political system if you don't want stinky hippies doing it.

There are lots of real problems with our economic system and our political system that need to be fixed. Saying that the people who want them fixed are stinky so you won't listen, won't change that these very real problems need to be fixed.

If you don't like how/when/where/how stinky the people who want things fixed are going about it, do it yourself.

Originally Posted by juddholland View Post
Like every other day outside the Chicago Board of Trade, a bunch of protesters who looked like they'd never seen a toothbrush, were screaming and pointing at the top of the pedestrian level molding of the Bank Of America building: "Look, there are swastika's on this building! This is a fascist conspiracy against the 99%!"

I kid you not. This actually happened.

I set them straight that those were just mirror images of the Hindi symbol for peace that appears on the front of the building. The Nazi's had chosen to flip that age-old symbol to represent the Aryan race. Further, the building was built in 1883 when that symbol still only meant "peace." Now that the building is an architectural landmark, none of the original craftsmanship or design of the exterior can be changed.

After that, I lost all respect I had for "Occupy _____."

Well, that, and the fact that these protesters assume the 1% is entirely comprised of evil, conniving businessmen. Regular businessmen with ethical practices, sure, but just because a man who wears a suit is rich does not mean he didn't work hard for it, and it certainly doesn't mean he took it away from the 99%, or that it even belonged to the 99% in the first place. Who the fuck are they?

And more, this drastic generalization between the 1% and the 99% is just wrong. It should be more like 87%, 8%, 4%, 1%. I don't like this silly "irrationale" towards dividing the net worth and income brackets of this country.

It was nice, though, to hear from someone who actually took responsibility for himself and his reality. A man walked over to the group of degenerate protesters and talked about how his hard earned money was "taken" from him a few years ago by the government (a broad claim I dare not trust). However, in order to appeal to a court that he should be compensated for his losses, this man studied law for two years. Nobody would represent him, so he spent two years learning about the loopholes and inconsistencies in federal corporate policy.

I say, this man should be the face of the 99%. Who better than someone WHO ISN'T WASTING TIME SLEEPING IN TENTS IN A METROPOLITAN AREA? You're not making a point. You just smell bad.
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      11-09-2011, 07:14 PM   #226

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Originally Posted by txz4 View Post
I dont have kids because i bought condoms and invested in birth control
I dont have bills because i work hard and bought everything cash
I dont have to pay for college because i went to an affordable one for my situation.
That's one way of looking at it. That is all true, but it isn't the full story. Here is another way of looking at it:

You don't have kids, because people who came before you forced the Religious Right who didn't believe in birth control (every sperm is sacred) to allow condoms and birth control to be freely available in this country.

You don't have bills because you were lucky enough to have parents who could put you in a position to drive an '06 BMW M Coupe (and all kinds of other support) while you are currently going to college.

You don't have to pay for college, because the one you are going to is affordable in your situation due to all of the tax dollars from working people like me that makes it affordable for you. From direct support of state colleges via taxes, to indirect support in the form of trillions in student aid grants and loans, to tax deductions for college expenses and donations to colleges, to federal grants for research, etc... There is no such thing as anyone putting themselves through college all alone by themselves in this country. Every college graduate owes PART of their success to everyone else who helped fund their success.

The problem is that if you allow yourself to see all of this, you might actually think you owe something back to everyone else that helped you get where you are. And that would really suck, right?

Otherwise, you had a lot of good points in the part I didn't quote.

Last edited by 11Series; 11-09-2011 at 07:19 PM..
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      11-09-2011, 07:22 PM   #227
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SoCal Street Cart Vendors Hurting After ‘Occupy’ Group Splatters Blood, Urine

A pair of Southland street cart vendors who were forced to shut down their businesses after “Occupy” protesters vandalized their carts are hoping to get some help from local residents.

Coffee cart owner Linda Jenson and hot dog cart operators Letty and Pete Soto said they initially provided free food and drink to demonstrators, but when they stopped, the protesters became violent.

And according to one city councilman, bodily fluids were used in the attacks.

“Both carts have had items stolen, have had their covers vandalized with markings and graffiti, as well as one of the carts had urine and blood splattered on it,” said Councilman Carl DeMaio.

The damages will likely require at least a complete cleaning if not a replacement of the cart covers, DeMaio said.

In addition to the attacks, the vendors also said they recently received death threats.

Proceeds from the fundraiser will go directly to help the two business owners.
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      11-09-2011, 10:04 PM   #228
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Originally Posted by 11Series View Post

The problem is that if you allow yourself to see all of this, you might actually think you owe something back to everyone else that helped you get where you are. And that would really suck, right?

Otherwise, you had a lot of good points in the part I didn't quote.
I see all of it. It makes no difference to me. My parents paid into it, my grandparents, my brother, my sisters, myself.... everyone WHO PAYS pays into it. Everyone pays into it and not everyone collects... such is life. Take the aid away and less people go to college and more wealthy people do compared to less wealthy. Problem? The economic system and the political system are flawed so i say we roll back the strength of politicians. P.s. im socially very liberal. I agree that it is stupid how people can think of birth control etc. Might also be worth saying that the business i currently work at (director of operations) provides childcare to the poor so that they may work. This too is government aided, but the difference is it gives money to myself and my employees FOR WORK, gets the parents out working and spending. good for me and good for them and in turn, good for you. welfare has its place, but that place has been far overstepped. I have no time to bitch and camp out at some location because i have shit to do and in the end there is only 1% of things that these occupy people think, that i agree with.

My parents helped me out and bought my first car for me. I worked my way up the company and ended up turning my first car into a brand new Mercedes and two used BMWs (owned 1 at a time) all cash, im that good of a business man. But you know what, if i had to buy my own first car i would have bought a POS and not have cared one bit that i couldnt afford a Mercedes or BMW as quickly (i still would).

Talk about unfair opportunity or what ever you want.... at the end of the day some will succeed and some will not, just like some are ugly and some are not and some are strong and some are weak. THIS IS LIFE. Its not a perfect world and it never will be, we should absolutely try and make it as perfect as we can but these morons at occupy wall street know nothing about real change. I dont applaud these people for trying to change the nation for the better. They have no idea what they are talking about, they should let those who are capable work and those are not should go home and get a jobs at wendys, though the poetry degree they have might not have properly prepared them. call it callused, i dont care. the fact of the matter is that so many morons who cant even read corporation key statistics think that they know something about business?!?! what a joke.
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      11-10-2011, 03:08 AM   #229
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Alls I'm saying is, it is not my problem that the rungs on someone else's socioeconomic ladder are loose or broken. If that person really wanted to make change, he or she would turn it into kindling and start anew.

My ladder is sturdy because those were the cards that were dealt to me. It is not my responsibility to feel bad because I'm successful where others are not. Don't get me wrong, I'm charitable, but no matter how long a man elects to live in a tent, I will not consider him homeless, and I will not consider him needy.

What he needs is an attitude adjustment and a new perspective. Capitalism is designed to chew up the less capable so that the more capable can thrive and succeed. He should take advantage of the opportunities he's given, and he should not whine about how hard it is to venture towards one choice or another. The point is that he has choices, and I refuse to be held accountable for his timid, frugal, indecisiveness.

I was always told that yelling and screaming makes people listen less, and in general lose respect for you. It is interesting how readily the things we learn as children manifest in our adult lives. Signs, screams, and cries will not make me want to listen any more than if people lined up single file and asked me individual questions (not actually suggesting this happen, nor am I suggesting it would, because humans are degenerates and can't order themselves). If you're uneducated enough to believe that yelling is the only way to get what you want, then I will gladly wait with popcorn to see which takes you first--capitalism, or natural selection.
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      11-10-2011, 03:18 AM   #230
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Originally Posted by 11Series View Post
If you think there can be better faces for the 99%, then YOU be the face and show them how to do it. You fix the problems with our economic system and political system if you don't want stinky hippies doing it.

There are lots of real problems with our economic system and our political system that need to be fixed. Saying that the people who want them fixed are stinky so you won't listen, won't change that these very real problems need to be fixed.

If you don't like how/when/where/how stinky the people who want things fixed are going about it, do it yourself.
Don't get me wrong, I love me some dirty hipsters.

But let's get one thing clear, I am NOT a part of the 99%, a group who, on more than one occasion, has been photographed with signs saying "If you're not angry, you're not paying attention." No.No.No. I'm not angry because I worked hard and now I'm in a great place financially. I am not part of the 1%, whatever this erroneous fabrication actually means, but I'm not angry because I'm in the 5%. I'm not angry because I know I shouldn't be angry about something that doesn't affect my lifestyle or that of those with whom I identify.

And for the record, I say smelly because they were actually smelly, and I also use it to illuminate the hygienic condition of those who live in tents at Occupy Wall Street.
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      11-10-2011, 03:20 AM   #231
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And if I could just say, I am shocked that over 16% of you voted that you don't follow current events. Get out, you mouthbreathers.
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      11-10-2011, 11:00 AM   #232
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i agree with all of the above three posts. Well said juddholland.
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      11-10-2011, 11:55 AM   #233
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this poll question itself is very flawed. it is not specific, and can be interpreted in many different ways. OP fail. lol

ohh, and that new south park episode is priceless. for those who arent following on whats going on, check out the new episode and you'll basically get an excellent idea of whats going on these days.
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      11-10-2011, 01:34 PM   #234
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Originally Posted by Kiemyster View Post
this poll question itself is very flawed. it is not specific, and can be interpreted in many different ways. OP fail. lol

ohh, and that new south park episode is priceless. for those who arent following on whats going on, check out the new episode and you'll basically get an excellent idea of whats going on these days.

Loved the 1% episode! matt and trey have a pretty good take on most issues.
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      11-10-2011, 01:50 PM   #235
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Originally Posted by 11Series View Post
If you think there can be better faces for the 99%, then YOU be the face and show them how to do it. You fix the problems with our economic system and political system if you don't want stinky hippies doing it.

There are lots of real problems with our economic system and our political system that need to be fixed. Saying that the people who want them fixed are stinky so you won't listen, won't change that these very real problems need to be fixed.

If you don't like how/when/where/how stinky the people who want things fixed are going about it, do it yourself.
Everyone knows that there are some pretty big problems with our country right now. Protesting with a large group of people that do not have any clear objective or cause (besides showing displeasure with rich people and corporations) and costing the cities in which you protest in a whole lot of money to police you is really only self-serving, selfish whining.

Yes, there are changes that need to be made within our country in many different areas. But protesting, regardless of how big the movement gets, is not going to change the fundamental problems that the country faces. In this case it doesn't even shed much more light on the issues, because everyone already KNOWS the issues.
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      11-10-2011, 02:03 PM   #236
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Originally Posted by txz4 View Post
Loved the 1% episode! matt and trey have a pretty good take on most issues.
Cartman episodes are always the best ones lol
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      11-10-2011, 04:34 PM   #237

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how many ways can you interpret being the 1% or 99%? unless you have a split personality, you are either one or the other.

getting news events from cartoons aren't exactly the wisest thing you can do, as they are subject to heavy opinions and extreme bias-interpretations.

Originally Posted by Kiemyster View Post
this poll question itself is very flawed. it is not specific, and can be interpreted in many different ways. OP fail. lol

ohh, and that new south park episode is priceless. for those who arent following on whats going on, check out the new episode and you'll basically get an excellent idea of whats going on these days.
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      11-10-2011, 04:56 PM   #238

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Originally Posted by achien View Post
how many ways can you interpret being the 1% or 99%? unless you have a split personality, you are either one or the other.

getting news events from cartoons aren't exactly the wisest thing you can do, as they are subject to heavy opinions and extreme bias-interpretations.

I feel a little left out because I am in the 1% but I don't seem to have the power to control the world. I think they forgot to send me my membership card and instructional video on how to screw over the planet when I got my spring bonus. Hopefully it was just an oversight and will be corrected soon. If I'm going to be demonized by those I support with my massive annual tax bill, I should at least wield the super powers they believe I possess.
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      11-10-2011, 04:59 PM   #239
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Originally Posted by achien View Post
how many ways can you interpret being the 1% or 99%? unless you have a split personality, you are either one or the other.

getting news events from cartoons aren't exactly the wisest thing you can do, as they are subject to heavy opinions and extreme bias-interpretations.
Ah yes, because local/national news outlets aren't (generally) heavily swayed either right or left? These lead to the exact same thing you are saying that getting your information from a cartoon is doing.
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      11-10-2011, 08:02 PM   #240
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Hard work alone does not make one successful. You are missing a number of other variables.

Many of you claiming to not be in the 99% are delusional. Unless you make in excess of 380K a year you are not in the 1%. And you parents don't count.

I believe in free markets but the distribution of wealth in this country is not a natural distribution.
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      11-10-2011, 09:00 PM   #241
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Too busy trying to become that 1% to give a fuck about these protests.
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      11-10-2011, 10:57 PM   #242

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1, the true 1% will be too busy lining their pockets will tax payers money.

Many of us would like to be as rich as the 1%, but I doubt any of those 1% will spent time on this forum because they are too busy stealing.

Originally Posted by bmw-nj View Post
Hard work alone does not make one successful. You are missing a number of other variables.

Many of you claiming to not be in the 99% are delusional. Unless you make in excess of 380K a year you are not in the 1%. And you parents don't count.

I believe in free markets but the distribution of wealth in this country is not a natural distribution.
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