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      03-13-2009, 06:04 PM   #67
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Originally Posted by Boosted335 View Post
yo boosted just curious did you lose weight recently? or have you been?

Just a question for you...

I plan on increasing a little mass on me, however i feel like i still have too much fat on me to get to weights. I plan on doing that around 195 pounds or so....Do you think thats too late or should i start now?

Yo fruit cake, you should just listen to us and get an oversight, dont follow eithier/or, use them as a source for info and try them out, and see which works BEST for you. Im telling you listening to a lot of people will do nothing but confuse the fuck out of you. I recommend you do some trial/errors. This is what i did and what everyone does until you come to a solution that works best for you. I know its difficult but 2 months ago i couldnt even give you one piece of info, over time you will educate yourself. Take a piece of puzzle from everyone and build your masterpiece.
I'm currently on a cut diet (just finished bulking on 15lbs, and now I'm trimming off the fat)... my goals might be a little bit different than some on here in that I started cutting at 13%bf and am looking to get down to 8%bf before focusing on lean gains again (I'm currently at 10%bf). I learned through doing a lot of research and trial and error what works for me when it comes to gaining/losing weight. Many people who I know personally who aren't into lifting or anything think that what I'm doing is completely counter productive because they only focus on the scale and weight, but I can care less about that really... I care about body composition and weight is just an indicator of progress from week to week, its not really my only goal.

Through lifting weights/gaining muscle you will only be helping with your fat loss. Again, STOP focusing solely on the scale and think about body composition. 195lbs @15%bf is much different than 195lbs @20%bf so you don't need to have the mindset that if you start lifting weights than you will negatively impact your weight loss... its the complete opposite actually. When you first start lifting you will be able to pack on muscle and lose fat at the same time (ie. "noob gains"), which isn't the case once you get some time in the gym under your belt. I would recommend that you start lifting now... you will need to build a foundation sooner or later so why not start now? An easy way to look at it is that you need something to cut down to. If you have no muscle under the fat then when you shed the fat what are you left with? Just my 2 cents... you seem to have your diet down so it can only help to start lifting IMO.
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      03-13-2009, 06:43 PM   #68
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Ran for a mile and a half straight last night. Feeling GREAT!!!
Planning on running the San Fransico Half-Marathon in July! Anyone going?!?
Originally Posted by Javi335 View Post
saw you comment and i'd lay on my bed and cry, then i put some Yulio Iglesias music, no more problem.

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      03-13-2009, 09:21 PM   #69
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Exercise doesn't work for me because I lack discipline. However, I am losing weight anyway. Slowly but surely.

I aim at 1800kcal/day but ok up to 2100. Nothing special and it is easy for me. Here is my little secret.

I do it 13 days on 14. On the 14th, I just don't care! Like tomorrow. There is always a social thing happening about each 2 weeks. So it is *VERY CONVENIENT*.

So instead of losing 1-1.25lbs/wk, I lose a time-proven 0.75lbs/wk.

I don't care for how long.... I know now that I have to do it for the rest of my life, like a diabetic has to be cautious the same way.

Give it a try.

I thought that 170 would be my ideal weight. Now I know that it is the upper limit of the BMI at 25 (avg frame) and I should bring my weight to 155.

155 here I come!
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      03-14-2009, 03:16 AM   #70
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Whew, glad I wasn't the one who messed up your dedicated thread. I will chime in more about what I ate during my 50lbs loose.

1 piece Chicken Breast, 12oz Non-Fat Milk, 2 Boiled Egg White, Fruits, Mixed Salad, Baby Carrots, 2 Baby Tomatoes.
Every 3 hours, 5 times a day. Nectar Protein shake one in the morning, after workout and before bed Everyday. And 13~14 weeks later, I lost 50 lbs. I know this is little hardcore and not really recommended route. Luckily I didn't get much if not Any loose skin during this period, something I really worried about.

My workout routine was Mon. Wed. Fri. Full-Body weight lifting plus cardio(40mins of moderate running/fast walking or cycle).
Believe me if you want to loose weight do NOT skip full body workout before your cardio session. You will burn so much fat by doing this.
Tuesday and Thursday this is the day I push myself to the limit with High Intensity Interval Training done on Treadmill. It took me quite sometimes to be able to do all of 40mins. Once you get used to this routine, you can kick it up a notch by adding 1.0 speed to below chart.

3mins 6.3
4mins 6.7
4mins 7.0
3mins 7.7
1min 6.3
3mins 8.4
1min 6.3
3mins 8.8
1min 6.3
4mins 8.0
1min 6.3
3mins 7.0
1min 7.4
3mins 6.3
3mins 3.5-6.3

Anyways, I'd like to tell everyone who set their goals to loose their weight not to give up! I know this is not an easy task but you just got to fight through it. Now I am so glad I decided to loose weight, if I was still 200+ lbs @ 5'7" my 335i would be slower than now LOL great performance mod for sure haha
If you guys have any questions, feel free to PM me.

In the end, it really is all about what you eat not how much hours you spent on your workout. And NO, I didn't have ANY cheat meals during my diet. If you are gonna do it, do it right.
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      03-15-2009, 01:29 AM   #71
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this thread makes my head hurt for so many reasons.

Originally Posted by Bmoney2K4 View Post
People usually gain all the weight they lost and then some. It is because as you lose weight, your metabolism slows down.
No, it doesnt. At least not to any meaningful degree. Dieting does impair functions like metabolic rate, but this is restored after ~2 weeks of eating at/above maintenance. People's diets fail because they pick up their old habits once the diet is 'over.'

I read all of these posts and none of them makes any sense.
thats because 9/10 of them are retarded. dont feel bad.

Don't take it personally, but I have been studying this topic for some time now and it seems to me the best time to eat is in the day. After about 6 pm, the diet should be limited to fruits and vegetables as the metabolism slows down at night.
So someone burning 2500 calories per day is going to lose more weight (fat) if they eat 2000 calories at noon than if they ate 2000 calories at 6:30? This is not how human physiology works, but humor me by trying to explain how a 500 calorie deficit is affected by the time of day the calories are consumed.

As far as calorie intake, to those people who say you must eat about 2,000 calories a day, give me a break. Like you're going to follow that b.s for the rest of your life. It is all about muscle retension.For every pound of muscle you lose you're body burns 30-50 calories less a day than it used to. The diet should consist of fruits and vegetables and you'll be okay.
Yea because fruits and vegetables are the key to muscle retention. It's not sufficient protein to remain in a positive nitrogen balance, enough EFA's to meet minimum requirements, and carbs to faciliate maximal exercise performance and glycogen resynthesis. Its bananas and broccoli. That's totally it.

Every [fatloss] diet you go on will lead to muscle loss.
The 1 factually accurate sentence in your entire post.*

*the sentence about less muscle burning less calories is only half true. yes, less muscle does require less calories, but the figure isnt 30-50 cals/lb, its more like 15. so if you lose a pound of muscle (which is a whole hell of a lot) that means you have to eat 15 less calories in order to maintain that weight. 15 calories is about 1 bite of a banana. hardly relevant.

Last edited by oldaccount; 03-15-2009 at 01:49 AM..
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      03-15-2009, 01:32 AM   #72
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Originally Posted by wj4 View Post
Have you read the nutrition contents on those items? They're not for helping you melting the pounds away, man. They're for helping you get built.
news bulletin: protein requirements increase while dieting. creatine also helps maintain strength and muscle while dieting.
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      03-15-2009, 01:38 AM   #73
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Originally Posted by BMW E90 View Post
I would not use creatine or take protein shakes unless you're serious about building up your body like crazy.
This is completely blind and meaningless. What if his diet consists of insufficient protein? Durrr, then more protein, maybe from a powder, would be ideal.

Also, when you stop working out for a prolonged period of time all those things are just gonna come back and bite you in the ass (trust me, I know).
Please explain how powdered whey protein (essentially dried milk minus the casein protein, fat, and lactose) and creatine (found naturally in the body and various foods) will 'bite you in the ass' if you stop working out? I guess people that dont work out shouldnt drink milk or eat red meat.
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      03-15-2009, 01:52 AM   #74
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Big Mac Diet ftw?
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      03-15-2009, 02:02 AM   #75
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Originally Posted by Boosted335 View Post
Every bodys body is different.
We're all governed by the same laws of thermodynamics, and our underlying physiology is essentially the same. So no, every body is actually the same.
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      03-15-2009, 06:30 AM   #76
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Originally Posted by Suareezay View Post
We're all governed by the same laws of thermodynamics, and our underlying physiology is essentially the same. So no, every body is actually the same.
lol you must be on your period tonight....

yes yes losing weight comes down to how much intake you got/how much u burn...

However everyones metabolic rate, the food they eat, how their body reacts to that food, what kind of food they eat, etc etc etc is all different.

There isnt a formula out there so your body can burn maximum fat, increase metabolism, or know why? Cause everyones body is different it would be pointless. Or else everyone would have a perfect body.

every persons body works differently thats a fact and every bodys body reacts to things in a different way depending on lifestyle,etc, contributing to different results for different people. If everyones body was so similar then there would be only one frecking diet plan for everyone to lose weight or to gain muscle or to get to 8 percent body fat..

Thats why there is wierd fucking people out there, like one of my good friends who eats 4000 calories a day and doesnt do jack shit all day, weights 165 pounds 6'2 and hes having a hard time GAINING weight. He gained 4 pounds last month, eating 4000 calories a day and he doesnt even go to gym, he doesnt work, all he does is study 24/7. You see how everyones body is different, he has an insanely fast metabolism. So now let me eat 4000 calories a dat and lets see what will happen to me? hmmm i bet you i will gain everything back in a matter of a month and more.

so yes, everybodys body is diff.


Last edited by 1cleanm6; 03-15-2009 at 06:51 AM..
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      03-15-2009, 08:29 AM   #77
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Originally Posted by PaCman328 View Post
Big Mac Diet ftw?
It will work, but it won't be an optimal nutrition.
Meet Jared Fogle

I happen to have lunches many times a week in restaurant. Eating one Big Mac or any sandwich with a diet coke, no side dish is a thing I do often and I lose weight, no problem. There are 600kcal in a BM so it fits within my goal of 1800 daily . The days I do so, it gives me much more satiety for the rest of the day, so it is easier to go on the light side.

As for fruits in the evening, I don't think that it is a good idea. There is a lot of fructose/glucose in them that are supposed to give you energy. If I eat a fruit alone, it is almost automatic; I am hungry within an hour. On weekdays, I eat fruits about an hour before lunch.
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      03-15-2009, 11:43 AM   #78
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Originally Posted by Suareezay View Post
We're all governed by the same laws of thermodynamics, and our underlying physiology is essentially the same. So no, every body is actually the same.
GTFO... this thread is for broscience only!

I agree with everything you post on this forum about nutrition, but I do think that some variance does exist from person to person in regard to how our bodies react to certain diets, or at least how they make us "feel." For example, I'm more of an ecto and run great off carbs, and I can notice a huge difference in energy levels/workout intensity by just dropping them off a little bit while cutting. Others swear by keto diets and do fine on them so although the biological processes that govern us are all the same (or very close to the same with some exceptions such as those who are insulin resistant, etc), I think that you could argue that there is something to be said for different people taking different approaches to dieting. Overall though it does come down to meeting minimum macro requirements and overall cals at the end of the day.
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      03-15-2009, 12:19 PM   #79
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Originally Posted by Boosted335 View Post
lol you must be on your period tonight....

yes yes losing weight comes down to how much intake you got/how much u burn...

However everyones metabolic rate, the food they eat, how their body reacts to that food, what kind of food they eat, etc etc etc is all different.

There isnt a formula out there so your body can burn maximum fat, increase metabolism, or know why? Cause everyones body is different it would be pointless. Or else everyone would have a perfect body.

every persons body works differently thats a fact and every bodys body reacts to things in a different way depending on lifestyle,etc, contributing to different results for different people. If everyones body was so similar then there would be only one frecking diet plan for everyone to lose weight or to gain muscle or to get to 8 percent body fat..

Thats why there is wierd fucking people out there, like one of my good friends who eats 4000 calories a day and doesnt do jack shit all day, weights 165 pounds 6'2 and hes having a hard time GAINING weight. He gained 4 pounds last month, eating 4000 calories a day and he doesnt even go to gym, he doesnt work, all he does is study 24/7. You see how everyones body is different, he has an insanely fast metabolism. So now let me eat 4000 calories a dat and lets see what will happen to me? hmmm i bet you i will gain everything back in a matter of a month and more.

so yes, everybodys body is diff.

durrr, you mean there are variations between different people? no shit. thats irrelevant. every normal, healthy human being functions the same on a basic level. everyone loses/gains weight with a caloric deficit/surplus. everyone requires protein and EFA's to survive. there is noone to whom these and other simple laws dont apply.
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