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      02-23-2019, 08:12 PM   #353

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Originally Posted by Rmtt View Post
Solid number man. 4 plate territory is serous business is any lift.
Thanks brother, hitting 400+ pretty consistently now which I am extremely pleased with. I’m not chasing any numbers but just seeing where upping volume mixed with heavy working sets will take me.

I just got some new knee sleeves (Titan Yellow Jackets) those should give me a nice little boost! Haaa
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      02-23-2019, 08:28 PM   #354
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Originally Posted by FlaPatsFan View Post
Thanks brother, hitting 400+ pretty consistently now which I am extremely pleased with. I’m not chasing any numbers but just seeing where upping volume mixed with heavy working sets will take me.

I just got some new knee sleeves (Titan Yellow Jackets) those should give me a nice little boost! Haaa
I need to get some sleeves as a precautionary means. I've never owned a pair.

Years ago I was squatting 365 for reps when this older big guy asked me if I ever wrapped. I didn't know what he was talking about.

He then proceeded to wrap my knees, and I could hardly hobble to the rack they were so tight. My first rep with wraps was crazy.....felt like I had a compressed spring under my butt that let go when I went up.

Those were back in the days when I was ego lifting, so I took full advantage of them. Now I realize it was a crutch like a bench shirt, but I didn't care.

But I do need to get some sleeves. And for those reading this that haven't heard of them, sleeves don't give you any leverage or advantage....just extra insurance of keeping your knee "bits" in place as you squat.

Cheap insurance!
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      02-23-2019, 08:34 PM   #355
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Originally Posted by harris69 View Post
Got a video? And how old are you? 425 lb is shit ton of weight. Do you do any stretches, mobility exercises, and what is your overall approach for doing squats. What do you weigh, and how long have you been lifting.

I can put most people to shame on squat form, and depth but I have never even come close to 400 lbs for my actual 1 RM (not JM way of calculating your 1 RM). I think weight of a person, depth (quarter squats are obviously easier than below parallel), and age plays an important role (and obviously if one is on sauce or not) but no matter how hard I tried I was never actually able to do even 370 lb.
I can't speak for FPA............but have you ever had your form looked at by a professional? Just curious as I train with one everyday. He can take any lift I do and isolate what part of it is holding me back just by watching.

Squats come easy to me. But as an example... My biggest crutch was bench. And it was from the bottom of the lift up for the first 6 inches or so.

So he had me in a rack with the pins set where I could hardly get under the bar....and a second set of pins about 6 inches above that. Then for weeks my bench was training that range of motion and trying to push through the rack.

It really helped break up what was my sticking point.
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      02-23-2019, 08:55 PM   #356

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Originally Posted by Rmtt View Post
I can't speak for FPA............but have you ever had your form looked at by a professional? Just curious as I train with one everyday. He can take any lift I do and isolate what part of it is holding me back just by watching.

Squats come easy to me. But as an example... My biggest crutch was bench. And it was from the bottom of the lift up for the first 6 inches or so.

So he had me in a rack with the pins set where I could hardly get under the bar....and a second set of pins about 6 inches above that. Then for weeks my bench was training that range of motion and trying to push through the rack.

It really helped break up what was my sticking point.
I wish had someone to watch my form (I actually had my PT check my form but that was just by watching videos of it) but over the years I have recorded my self enough times, and have watched enough YouTube strength coaches to kinda have an idea of how to perform it. But you are right about in order to progress you have to constantly make changes, tweak your form, and sometimes even change up your rep range to make strength gains. And if that doesn't work caloric surplus should add some weight on the bar.

My biggest issue is that I get caught in a rut, and never really train as a powerlifter to make serious strength gains. I like hybrid systems that have a focus on strength first but also have enough volume for hypertrophy.

My biggest dilemma nowadays is not having the motivation to go to the gym. I used to never miss a day and whether it was cold, or hot, snowing, or windy I was there 5 days a week. Now I constantly miss days either from being sick, life in general, or not having the motivation to go.

At 41 I think my days of lifting heavy are almost done. Well, I have been saying that for a few years now but for some reason I keep doing the heavy weights, and compound movements. But you are 45, and are still kicking a$$; so that gives me a bit of hope.

Last edited by harris69; 02-23-2019 at 09:04 PM..
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      02-23-2019, 09:04 PM   #357
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Your not too old, keep at it. Just work more reps into the mix along with the heavy stuff
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      02-24-2019, 03:04 AM   #358

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Originally Posted by harris69 View Post
Got a video? And how old are you? 425 lb is shit ton of weight. Do you do any stretches, mobility exercises, and what is your overall approach for doing squats. What do you weigh, and how long have you been lifting.

I can put most people to shame on squat form, and depth but I have never even come close to 400 lbs for my actual 1 RM (not JM way of calculating your 1 RM). I think weight of a person, depth (quarter squats are obviously easier than below parallel), and age plays an important role (and obviously if one is on sauce or not) but no matter how hard I tried I was never actually able to do even 370 lb.
Harris, I’m 47, 5’10 180 lbs. All natural, always have been. I use HMB which I feel has really helped me retain muscle size and strength as I’ve gotten older. I video all my 1rms. I definitely need to see my form and breakdown the movement if it’s a failed rep. Squats most importantly for my depth. I always break parallel (hip crease below knee).

I squat a 2-3 times a week. A lot of variations (Front Squats, Box Squats, Squat Cleans) and of course High bar BS. As for mobility and stretching, I do a ton. I use a mobility program from Kelly Starrett, the guru of mobility and human movement. I focus mainly on hips, hams and back. A lot of shoulder mobility also.

I’ve been working out/lifting/training since High School so over 30 yrs now. Playing collegiate Football and Lacrosse built a strong foundation for leg power, which carried on into my older years. I dabbled in competitive CrossFit for awhile working a lot of Olympic lifts. But I changed all my training around and do more hybrid functional stuff mixed with strength and metabolic conditioning. It is working well. I am by no means an expert but I know what works for me. Hopefully this helped you out a bit.
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      02-24-2019, 04:15 AM   #359
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Originally Posted by harris69 View Post
I wish had someone to watch my form (I actually had my PT check my form but that was just by watching videos of it) but over the years I have recorded my self enough times, and have watched enough YouTube strength coaches to kinda have an idea of how to perform it. But you are right about in order to progress you have to constantly make changes, tweak your form, and sometimes even change up your rep range to make strength gains. And if that doesn't work caloric surplus should add some weight on the bar.

My biggest issue is that I get caught in a rut, and never really train as a powerlifter to make serious strength gains. I like hybrid systems that have a focus on strength first but also have enough volume for hypertrophy.

My biggest dilemma nowadays is not having the motivation to go to the gym. I used to never miss a day and whether it was cold, or hot, snowing, or windy I was there 5 days a week. Now I constantly miss days either from being sick, life in general, or not having the motivation to go.

At 41 I think my days of lifting heavy are almost done. Well, I have been saying that for a few years now but for some reason I keep doing the heavy weights, and compound movements. But you are 45, and are still kicking a$$; so that gives me a bit of hope.
Everything the guys have said above me is correct. It's sounding to me like you are getting in a "rut".... and that could be where most of your problems like. Just because you go to the gym doesn't mean that your heart is in it.

I see it day in/day out, same people who never miss a day, but just go through the motions....and they look and perform the same year after year. Don't let this happen to you!

I think you need a "radical change" in your program. Maybe pick a weight that's 60% of your max and focus on building reps up. Try to never leave a week where you don't at least progress some.

It may be just the thing to ignite that spark again.

I went through something Similiar at about 40....early mid-life crises maybe along with work stress. I spent almost an entire year of maybe averaging 1-2 days a week in the gym....half-assed everything, and just got out as quickly as possible.

At the same time, I just dropped my diet altogether and kind of ate what I wanted, when I wanted. During this time, I lost 37lbs. Now I'm a naturally lean person, and I looked like a skinny kid with a swimmer/gymnast build.

But I was looking through some pics my wife found of me when I did my first bodybuilding contest, and it flipped a switch. I also had/have a great training partner that stayed on my ass.

When I made the decision to go back, it lit a fire in me and I couldn't get enough of it. Plus it helped that my body had carried a lot more muscle in the past, and muscle memory is real. It was hard at first, but after a month it was like love at first sight again.

I was seeing changes weekly which just fueled me even more. And since I had already been there and done that, I made quick progress and then even surpassed my old self as I was watching my diet much more closely.

Long story short, you have to find a way to reignite that fire because to sound more like your burnt out than anything.
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      02-24-2019, 04:54 AM   #360

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Originally Posted by Rmtt View Post
Everything the guys have said above me is correct. It's sounding to me like you are getting in a "rut".... and that could be where most of your problems like. Just because you go to the gym doesn't mean that your heart is in it.

I see it day in/day out, same people who never miss a day, but just go through the motions....and they look and perform the same year after year. Don't let this happen to you!

I think you need a "radical change" in your program. Maybe pick a weight that's 60% of your max and focus on building reps up. Try to never leave a week where you don't at least progress some.

It may be just the thing to ignite that spark again.

I went through something Similiar at about 40....early mid-life crises maybe along with work stress. I spent almost an entire year of maybe averaging 1-2 days a week in the gym....half-assed everything, and just got out as quickly as possible.

At the same time, I just dropped my diet altogether and kind of ate what I wanted, when I wanted. During this time, I lost 37lbs. Now I'm a naturally lean person, and I looked like a skinny kid with a swimmer/gymnast build.

But I was looking through some pics my wife found of me when I did my first bodybuilding contest, and it flipped a switch. I also had/have a great training partner that stayed on my ass.

When I made the decision to go back, it lit a fire in me and I couldn't get enough of it. Plus it helped that my body had carried a lot more muscle in the past, and muscle memory is real. It was hard at first, but after a month it was like love at first sight again.

I was seeing changes weekly which just fueled me even more. And since I had already been there and done that, I made quick progress and then even surpassed my old self as I was watching my diet much more closely.

Long story short, you have to find a way to reignite that fire because to sound more like your burnt out than anything.
Yep! I agree...also, my diet although good is still not geared for building alot of mass. And you are absolutely right about stepping back and taking a different approach to spark the interest. I think consistency is more important than pushing big weights all the time. Also, now that I have done just about every routine under the sun I am more interested in for the long haul.

Probably sounds like a bunch of excuses but I can't afford to get injured, and definitely can't afford any time off due to injuries. But hopefully soon I will be giving Nsuns a shot.
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      02-24-2019, 07:18 AM   #361
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Nsuns is great as you can modify it anyway you want. And it works you through all the rep ranges. My de-load was this next week starts my new loading phase.

Not sure what you are looking to do with diet....if you're bulking or cutting.

But if looking to add some surplus.....i think people go overboard. It only takes 200 calories a day extra to swing me towards gaining.

But I'm sure you know that. A surplus is a surplus no matter how small.

That's another reason why I don't factor my training calories burnt back into my diet. My training typically burns on average the same, so I don't add those back in.

I rely on cardio for my deficit as I can get a better feel for it when I start cutting.
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      02-24-2019, 07:36 AM   #362
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Yeah I agree when loading can add way too many calories. I have that issue because the more I eat the more I train but then feel like a fat kid. I haven't counted macros forever and more by feel. Problem is if I train heavy i eat even heavier. I added in daily concept 2 about 2 months ago and has helped me some back and leg endurance as well as a source of daily cardio.
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      02-24-2019, 12:17 PM   #363

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Sunday sesh....Garage Box Squats today

Get it fellas....1MM, Rmtt, Harris!
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      02-24-2019, 12:23 PM   #364
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Originally Posted by 1MOREMOD View Post
Yeah I agree when loading can add way too many calories. I have that issue because the more I eat the more I train but then feel like a fat kid. I haven't counted macros forever and more by feel. Problem is if I train heavy i eat even heavier. I added in daily concept 2 about 2 months ago and has helped me some back and leg endurance as well as a source of daily cardio.
Same here! If I train harder or more volume, I eat more. I don't typically count macros until I'm dieting for the summer....or if I notice I'm starting to get a little"fluffy" during the off season.

Then I see how much I can overestimate at times.

But I'm a creature of wife calls it being a boring eater. But I can eat the same thing day in and day out with no issues. I learned a long time ago that what I put in my mouth was just setting me up for my next workout.
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      02-24-2019, 12:25 PM   #365
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Originally Posted by FlaPatsFan View Post
Sunday sesh....Garage Box Squats today

Get it fellas....1MM, Rmtt, Harris!
My last de-load day was yesterday. So today is an off day and tomorrow starts my new round of progression with my new maxes. Looking ahead at it....its going to be a rough one!
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      02-24-2019, 12:28 PM   #366

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Originally Posted by Rmtt View Post
My last de-load day was yesterday. So today is an off day and tomorrow starts my new round of progression with my new maxes. Looking ahead at it....its going to be a rough one!
Rgr tht Rmtt, then get after it tomorrow then! Enjoy your Sunday rest day.

I’m testing 1rm DLs tomorrow. Big day for us both!
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      02-24-2019, 01:44 PM   #367
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Originally Posted by FlaPatsFan View Post
Rgr tht Rmtt, then get after it tomorrow then! Enjoy your Sunday rest day.

I’m testing 1rm DLs tomorrow. Big day for us both!
I hope you crush it man!
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      02-25-2019, 09:36 AM   #368
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Today was "Secondary Exercise" day. Primary exercises are of course Squat, Deadlift, Bench, Overhead Press.

Secondary Exercises are programmed in to help progress on the main lifts, and to promote hypotrophy.

1st was Rack Dead Lifts. Progressively heavier weights each set until the last set which is as many as possible. This then sets your new 1RM for that secondary exercise. 365 X 11 Reps

Second Set was Bent Over Rows - 225 X 9

Tomorrow is Overhead Press and Incline Bench which is a variation of Bench I chose for this progression.
Everybody has a gameplan....until they get punched in the mouth.
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      02-25-2019, 12:24 PM   #369
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Figured I would put this out there in case some of you guys have never heard of him.

You want to talk about someone who will inspire and light a fire under you. have a look at some of his videos.

Plus he has some great training tips on setting up the big he backs this stuff up.

I watch some of his stuff before hitting the gym.

Brian Alsruhe
Everybody has a gameplan....until they get punched in the mouth.
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      02-25-2019, 02:04 PM   #370

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Rmtt, 1MM, Harris....Big Monday for DLs

Wasted no time and didn’t mess around with wasted reps. Built up to 1rm...475!!

Was slow but smooth, very happy. This really reinforces that my programming is working. Next up....Front squat and power cleans!
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      02-25-2019, 02:07 PM   #371
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Nice work, I'm month or so from going for my 1rm on all 3 lifts. Want 405 squat, 330 bench and 500 dead. But will settle for 1200 total. Bench gives me some wiggle room on other 2.
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      02-25-2019, 02:35 PM   #372

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Originally Posted by 1MOREMOD View Post
Nice work, I'm month or so from going for my 1rm on all 3 lifts. Want 405 squat, 330 bench and 500 dead. But will settle for 1200 total. Bench gives me some wiggle room on other 2.
Thanks man, I prob had a little more in the tank but I felt great and wanted to end on a high note. Sometimes you need to know when to to say when. I def think 500 is in my sights!

Look forward to hearing your numbers. Keep working that volume and percentages!

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      02-25-2019, 04:27 PM   #373
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Originally Posted by FlaPatsFan View Post
Rmtt, 1MM, Harris....Big Monday for DLs

Wasted no time and didn’t mess around with wasted reps. Built up to 1rm...475!!

Was slow but smooth, very happy. This really reinforces that my programming is working. Next up....Front squat and power cleans!
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      02-25-2019, 05:08 PM   #374

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Originally Posted by FlaPatsFan View Post
Harris, I’m 47, 5’10 180 lbs. All natural, always have been. I use HMB which I feel has really helped me retain muscle size and strength as I’ve gotten older. I video all my 1rms. I definitely need to see my form and breakdown the movement if it’s a failed rep. Squats most importantly for my depth. I always break parallel (hip crease below knee).

I squat a 2-3 times a week. A lot of variations (Front Squats, Box Squats, Squat Cleans) and of course High bar BS. As for mobility and stretching, I do a ton. I use a mobility program from Kelly Starrett, the guru of mobility and human movement. I focus mainly on hips, hams and back. A lot of shoulder mobility also.

I’ve been working out/lifting/training since High School so over 30 yrs now. Playing collegiate Football and Lacrosse built a strong foundation for leg power, which carried on into my older years. I dabbled in competitive CrossFit for awhile working a lot of Olympic lifts. But I changed all my training around and do more hybrid functional stuff mixed with strength and metabolic conditioning. It is working well. I am by no means an expert but I know what works for me. Hopefully this helped you out a bit.
What's HMB? 2-3 times a week squatting is the reason I switched from SL 5x5 to JW 5x3x1. I am 5'10.5", 198 lb and I although I carry decent muscle mass on my legs, my upper body is nothing impressive.

With years of pounding my body with squats, ohp, deadlifts, and bench I just now listen to my body on how heavy I want to go instead of forcing myself to do heavy weights

If you don't mind throw some of your videos on YouTube. I used to follow SquatUniversity's YouTube channel to improve my squat form but haven't watched any of the new content in a while.
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