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      07-06-2016, 06:06 PM   #23
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Originally Posted by UncleWede
For food, if the item isn't right there, I just read the side panel and enter calories as a number directly. Sometimes I have to add each food item in a group because I can't find the whole thing. Like this morning I had a breakfast sandwich from the local coffee house. So I put in an English muffin, 3oz ham, slice of cheese, and an egg. I was over my target for the day as of 6:30 when I got it, but sitting around the office and drinking water I am back in the zone
Don't do that if you can avoid it. Your macronutrients will be severely unaccounted. Search for something as similar as possible and select it so you can track the breakdown.

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      07-11-2016, 08:54 AM   #24
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Because of the diabetes, I have never paid much attention to anything but the carbs in the diet, although I was always on the lookout for protein. FB doesn't track the macros, as best I can tell at this point, so I'm going to have to find something else to do the macros, and soon.
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      07-11-2016, 09:29 AM   #25
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Kudos on the fitness streak.

One thing that helped me immensely was getting my VO2 max tested. This is similar to a stress test with a breathing mask -->

It's a measurement in cardiovascular fitness so while I wanted to lose weight, I was so out of shape, I could barely work out. My first VO2 test was a 27! An average male for my age would be 35-39! As an example, Lance Amstrong's VO2 max was an 86.

I use a Polar M400 with chest strap, the past 2 weeks log has my VO2 @ 34 so I've improved 7 pts in 11 months, dropped 22 lbs in weight (and 2 sizes in my jeans).

One thing about the test that I liked is it provided me witha print out of target heart rates with calorie burn rates. So instead of guessing or calculating the calorie burn for 80%, 90% and 100% heart rate I used the data on the printout on my Polar M400 fitness tracker. So when training, it's not about the HIIT counter or speed but rather keeping my heart rate in the optimal zones for the most efficient burn.

It works for me and it's not an expensive test if your medical doesn't cover it (which it should but hey, check first).
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      07-11-2016, 10:50 AM   #26
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Since the FB isn't getting my heart rate very well for higher rates, not sure I trust it for that. Not sure I trust 220-age as my max either. But thru all of those, my bigger concern for heart rate has always been how fast I can return to my resting rate.
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      07-11-2016, 12:30 PM   #27
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Originally Posted by UncleWede View Post
Since the FB isn't getting my heart rate very well for higher rates, not sure I trust it for that. Not sure I trust 220-age as my max either. But thru all of those, my bigger concern for heart rate has always been how fast I can return to my resting rate.
Keep it up! My HR recovering quickly is what i'm happiest about as a consequence of my first 6 months of cycling. When i started working out, my heart rate graph would spike up and stay up, then when i stopped it would slowly taper off at a 35 degree angle over the course of 4 to 5 min.

Now my HR graphs starts out going up at about a 45 degree angle and when i stop, it pretty much drops down at about 80 degree angle.

A few weeks ago, i was riding for 22 miles averaging 172bpm. I stopped and within 36 seconds my HR was down to 136bpm. (when is when i started up again) Finding that in my data made me smile.

This was strength training about a year ago. HR recovering very slowly. Duration is about 40 min.

This was one of my first mtn bike rides about 8 months ago, totally flat. Duration is about 35min, still not recovering quickly.

This was a few weeks ago in the hills. Total climbing was about 2200ft, duration is about 150 min. I like all the spikes, HR recovering pretty well at this point.

"There is no greater tyranny than that which is perpetrated under the shield of the law and in the name of justice. -Charles de Secondat"
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      07-13-2016, 09:39 AM   #28
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Water - Good
Booze Cruise - BAD

Since water was like $4/bottle on the booze cruise, I stuck with the "Iced tea" Yesterday I started back to drinking the water again, but it wasn't soon enough for last nights run. While I ran the fastest times I have in a LONG time, thinking I was going pretty slow, I definitely felt joints complaining. When I was getting the extra water the past couple weeks, I had none of that joint pain, and zero soreness the day after a run.
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      07-19-2016, 12:18 PM   #29
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Well hydrated before run last night. Ate some magnesium, potassium, and BCAA about 15 minutes before with the last bottle of water. Cut 18 seconds off my best time for the 2.6 miles, and no pain afterwards. First mile I broke back under 9 minutes.
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      07-19-2016, 01:36 PM   #30
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Originally Posted by UncleWede View Post
Well hydrated before run last night. Ate some magnesium, potassium, and BCAA about 15 minutes before with the last bottle of water. Cut 18 seconds off my best time for the 2.6 miles, and no pain afterwards. First mile I broke back under 9 minutes.
"There is no greater tyranny than that which is perpetrated under the shield of the law and in the name of justice. -Charles de Secondat"
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      01-10-2019, 10:17 PM   #31

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I am using Fitbit Flex 2 waterproof fitness tracker, it’s completely waterproof. I use it to track distance, calories burned and time of activity. But it doesn't have built-in GPS and heart rate monitoring.
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      01-13-2019, 07:25 PM   #32
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Originally Posted by sherryvan View Post
I am using Fitbit Flex 2 waterproof fitness tracker, it’s completely waterproof. I use it to track distance, calories burned and time of activity. But it doesn't have built-in GPS and heart rate monitoring.
I got the waterproof with GPS for my birthday in August. Disappointed that GPS doesn't seem to be consistent when I run the same route. Runtracker for distance/time then FB for heart rate
I have romped on her and I giggled like a drunk infant the entire time. - Sedan_Clan
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      01-13-2019, 08:28 PM   #33
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I started out with a FitBit and then moved to a Garmin Vivoactive 3 (VA3). The GPS on it seems better than the FitBit and pretty much equal to the GPS on my Garmin Edge 1000 bike computer. The VA3 is consistent with step tracking, but not so much with stairs. Although I gave up counting flights of stairs ages ago. The VA3 and my Edge 1000 are usually within .01 or .02 after a 20+ mile ride, so I'm pretty happy with the accuracy and consistency of the VA3. I love being able to kill phone calls from the VA3 and take a quick peek at incoming emails and text messages. I don't read them there, of course, but I can usually tell from the title if I need to stop what I'm doing and check the full message on my phone.

"Life is uncertain, eat bacon now."
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      01-14-2019, 11:15 AM   #34
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Originally Posted by M_Six View Post
I started out with a FitBit and then moved to a Garmin Vivoactive 3 (VA3). The GPS on it seems better than the FitBit and pretty much equal to the GPS on my Garmin Edge 1000 bike computer. The VA3 is consistent with step tracking, but not so much with stairs. Although I gave up counting flights of stairs ages ago. The VA3 and my Edge 1000 are usually within .01 or .02 after a 20+ mile ride, so I'm pretty happy with the accuracy and consistency of the VA3. I love being able to kill phone calls from the VA3 and take a quick peek at incoming emails and text messages. I don't read them there, of course, but I can usually tell from the title if I need to stop what I'm doing and check the full message on my phone.
The FB I have now I can glance at the display and know the score update, and whether I need to stop and take a call/text. Where before I was constantly smashing my goal of 12,500 steps, these days it seems to only be on weekends that I also run and do yard work. No more 6000 steps when I get to work if I ride my motorcycle either
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      01-24-2019, 09:38 AM   #35
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My Ionic died last night. Got the FB logo out of the blue on the screen. Then it wouldn't respond to anything. Plugged it in to the charger and it kept faintly showing 0% charged. Left it over night and nada. Going to contact FB and see what happens to a new watch after 5 months.
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