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      02-21-2008, 01:05 PM   #1
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Serbian nationalists set fire to U.S. Embassy

Looks like they're pissed that the U.S. is recognizing Kosovo's independence.

The embassy is not staffed, so that's good.
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      02-21-2008, 01:42 PM   #2
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Time to open up some cans of good ole fashioned whupass.

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      02-21-2008, 01:47 PM   #3
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^^^ typical american response. That's the reason why we are always at war.I know its f-ed up what they did and we know they destroyed american property, but what is a good ole fashioned whupass going to accomplish??
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      02-21-2008, 01:56 PM   #4
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it's to see if anyone else has the balls to burn that embassy again

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      02-21-2008, 01:59 PM   #5
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Originally Posted by NYBMW335 View Post
^^^ typical american response. That's the reason why we are always at war.I know its f-ed up what they did and we know they destroyed american property, but what is a good ole fashioned whupass going to accomplish??
I was not entirely serious but what is wrong with retribution? That is the stated reason why we entered WWII (retribution for Pearl Harbor) or was that a mistake? Too many people have a knee jerk politically correct anti-US reaction without a real understanding the realpolitik in which nations and states function.

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      02-21-2008, 02:00 PM   #6
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Originally Posted by NYBMW335 View Post
^^^ typical american response. That's the reason why we are always at war.I know its f-ed up what they did and we know they destroyed american property, but what is a good ole fashioned whupass going to accomplish??
You're an idiot. Countries bomb and kill our people and when the U.S. responds, all we get are "typical american response". Screw u. I'm sick of all everyone constantly attacking our citizens and nothing happening. Like the guy above said. It's way past time to open a can of whupass. Provided the person leading the way isnt clueless.
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      02-21-2008, 02:08 PM   #7
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WOW... Are you guys serious??

You guys take an act as this and compare it to pearl harbor. Lets not even talk about WWII, because we were itching to get into that war.

I am a citizen of this country, I am a very proud citizen, i was also in the comandos ( which is like the navy seals in Portugal), i fought side by side with american marines. I have seen some stuff that many of you will never see.

My response was just trying to explain how fast people come into a conclusion of WAR!!! Is it really necessary over this incident?? Do you realize how bad WAR affects our economy and how many people die and get hurt, only to show that us AMERICANS are strong and should show the rest of the world that we are tuff. Come on give me a break!!!
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      02-21-2008, 02:18 PM   #8
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I agree. When did guns and bombs ever solve anything? Look at the war America and Britain led in Iraq. Not only was it based on lies, but terrorism and hatred have increased all over the world. We've lost innocent Iraqi men, woman, children and our own troops. How shameful...
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      02-21-2008, 02:21 PM   #9
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Originally Posted by hks786 View Post
I agree. When did guns and bombs ever solve anything? Look at the war America and Britain led in Iraq. Not only was it based on lies, but terrorism and hatred have increased all over the world. We've lost innocent Iraqi men, woman, children and our own troops. How shameful...
Says the guy from a country that would have been occupied by nazi's if not for the United States.
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      02-21-2008, 02:23 PM   #10
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I'm not saying war. I'm just saying that when things like this happen, its not just let go. If serbians feel the need to attack our soil, the embassy is our land), then I say light them up. Stop looking the other way when people do these things to us. Of course if the embassy was understaffed, there was nothing they could really do anyway.
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      02-21-2008, 02:33 PM   #11
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Originally Posted by NYBMW335 View Post
WOW... Are you guys serious??

You guys take an act as this and compare it to pearl harbor. Lets not even talk about WWII, because we were itching to get into that war.

I am a citizen of this country, I am a very proud citizen, i was also in the comandos ( which is like the navy seals in Portugal), i fought side by side with american marines. I have seen some stuff that many of you will never see.

My response was just trying to explain how fast people come into a conclusion of WAR!!! Is it really necessary over this incident?? Do you realize how bad WAR affects our economy and how many people die and get hurt, only to show that us AMERICANS are strong and should show the rest of the world that we are tuff. Come on give me a break!!!
Well put. Nothing good comes out of war. It weakens our economy and too many soldiers die for a stupid cause when the issue can be resolved in another way. Thats why everyone hates America right now. War is out only solution? Sad to say.
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      02-21-2008, 02:46 PM   #12
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Originally Posted by ArmyBimmerDude View Post
Says the guy from a country that would have been occupied by nazi's if not for the United States.
That's not a fair statement to make. What makes the any country what it is? It's laws, foreign policies etc. At the moment these things are always changing. Countries values are changing. What America did in WWII or didnt do is irrelevant. The war in Iraq was completely wrong, there's nothing that can change that. Wars solve nothing.

Originally Posted by ArmyBimmerDude View Post
I'm not saying war. I'm just saying that when things like this happen, its not just let go. If serbians feel the need to attack our soil, the embassy is our land), then I say light them up. Stop looking the other way when people do these things to us. Of course if the embassy was understaffed, there was nothing they could really do anyway.
I think what's wrong with the world is that we dont speak to eachother. Guns and bombs solve nothing. When will people learn that? For the most part we cant say we do talk, and when we do talk both sides never want to compromise with eachother.
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      02-21-2008, 02:53 PM   #13
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Originally Posted by NYBMW335 View Post
^^^ typical american response. That's the reason why we are always at war.I know its f-ed up what they did and we know they destroyed american property, but what is a good ole fashioned whupass going to accomplish??
An attack on a US embassy is a declaration of war, Im not saying go in with the bombers and flatten the country but some military action needs to be taken.
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      02-21-2008, 02:55 PM   #14
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Originally Posted by 325 Baller View Post
An attack on a US embassy is a declaration of war, Im not saying go in with the bombers and flatten the country but some military action needs to be taken.
I agree that in a small picture military action should be taken. But if we look at the wider picture, people dont fight for no reason. We need to sit down, calm ourselves and be prepared to understand eachother and compromise with eachother. This can be applied to almost any conflict in the world.

Dialogue has limits too though. You cant always take the "turn the other cheek" approach and hope talks will solve everything. If someone is genuinly being oppressive and there is NO solution through dialogues etc, then yes military action might be necessary. But can we honestly say we try hard enough? In the world today we have so many liars. Check today's news and see how the UK government revealed one of their lies and apologised.
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      02-21-2008, 02:59 PM   #15
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Originally Posted by NYBMW335 View Post
WOW... Are you guys serious??

You guys take an act as this and compare it to pearl harbor. Lets not even talk about WWII, because we were itching to get into that war.

I am a citizen of this country, I am a very proud citizen, i was also in the comandos ( which is like the navy seals in Portugal), i fought side by side with american marines. I have seen some stuff that many of you will never see.

My response was just trying to explain how fast people come into a conclusion of WAR!!! Is it really necessary over this incident?? Do you realize how bad WAR affects our economy and how many people die and get hurt, only to show that us AMERICANS are strong and should show the rest of the world that we are tuff. Come on give me a break!!!
Chill, I never advocated war and my first response was someone tongue in cheek. It was you who first mentioned war. I was just using Pearl Harbor as an extreme example of retribution being justified and correct. BTW, roughly the same number of people died in the attack on Pearl Harbor as did in the Trade Towers.

Again, I was not advocating war as a justifiable response in this instance.

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      02-21-2008, 03:07 PM   #16
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Originally Posted by hks786 View Post
That's not a fair statement to make. What makes the any country what it is? It's laws, foreign policies etc. At the moment these things are always changing. Countries values are changing. What America did in WWII or didnt do is irrelevant. The war in Iraq was completely wrong, there's nothing that can change that. Wars solve nothing.

I think what's wrong with the world is that we dont speak to eachother. Guns and bombs solve nothing. When will people learn that? For the most part we cant say we do talk, and when we do talk both sides never want to compromise with eachother.
I apologize about WWII. You're somewhat right about iraq. If it was for the right reasons and the plan was sound, then I would have no problem with it. I'd gladly go over there. It is what it is

I wonder if people ever think about that. Instead of an all or nothing mentality, why has there never been a way to compromise with everyone? Is it because humans have this propensity to create violence and nothing can every change that? I would love a world where theres no wars or century old disputes. Unfortunately the leaders dont see that as a priority.
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      02-21-2008, 03:58 PM   #17
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Originally Posted by ArmyBimmerDude View Post
I apologize about WWII. You're somewhat right about iraq. If it was for the right reasons and the plan was sound, then I would have no problem with it. I'd gladly go over there. It is what it is

I wonder if people ever think about that. Instead of an all or nothing mentality, why has there never been a way to compromise with everyone? Is it because humans have this propensity to create violence and nothing can every change that? I would love a world where theres no wars or century old disputes. Unfortunately the leaders dont see that as a priority.
I agree. It's an amazing situation. We advance with our technology, yet we cant even talk to eachother. Also, where's the war on poverty? every government is guilty of not doing enough. Sure you can have charities, but it needs to be solved on a political level. At the moment the poor get poorer and rich get richer. Sad world we live in.
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      02-21-2008, 04:33 PM   #18
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Originally Posted by hks786 View Post
I agree. It's an amazing situation. We advance with our technology, yet we cant even talk to eachother. Also, where's the war on poverty? every government is guilty of not doing enough. Sure you can have charities, but it needs to be solved on a political level. At the moment the poor get poorer and rich get richer. Sad world we live in.
as i say. the rich dont get rich of the rich. and the way our world works, two thirds of the population WILL suffer, in order for that one third of the population to live in a civilized manner (like all of us, who have homes, and computers to go on).

its just the way it is. everything works in a chain of command, or a social pyrimid. break those rules, and you break down the way society, and humanity has evolved throughout the years.

now, when we talk about it, of course, its crazy talk! but hey, whos gonna clean the floors at that burger king? or whos gonna be the stock boy in a walmart?

i compare society to the pyramid of the animal kingdom. there is always someone on top, and the chain flows accordingly. you take away ONE element that comprises the pyramid, and all the shit falls apart.

as for the situation? yes, attack on an embassy is grounds for war. but i dont support it. and HOW can you say a US embassy is our "soil" in a foreign country? consider the embassy a guest, and the host can ask them to leave whenever they want.

as for China being a superpower: china has ALWAYS been a superpower. today, if they flood the market with their monetary reserves, every other country's money's values would drop considerably into a fraction. inflation would rape EVERY economy. a loaf of bread would probably cost 700US (i dont know exactly how much, but you get the idea).

SO. i would NOT fuck with china. they dont need military action to take over the world. they just need a few phonecalls, some paperwork, and BAM. the world is at their mercy. unlike the american government, fighting every dumbshit in sight. WE do NOT have the right to invade any country and enforce democracy. how would u like someone to come in your house, throw all your electronics and shit on the floor, smash it, and then point a gun at you and say "pick the shit up". you wouldnt have a choice, but you wouldnt be too happy. infact, you probably would try to fight back if u knew you could.

look at it from the perspective of a local. to their family, they are hero's for picking up arms and fighting an INVADING force. fuck that! i know if any country fights with trinidad, i will resign my american citizenship, and join arms for trinidad (im not saying going to war with america, but if any other carribean country or even a greater force, ie. venezuela). Under NO circumstance, will i tolerate ANY country coming and fighting trinidad. FUCK THAT! even if i am outnumbered 30:1, i will not hesitate to fight for this country. this is my home, and no one is going to come here and tell my people how to live. so again, just with my mentallity, i have already admitted to a "all or nothing" way of thinking.

so, just think about everyones side of the situation before you jump to conclusions.
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      02-21-2008, 04:41 PM   #19
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I say throw water balloons at them when they try to do it again. Let's see them try to set fire to the place when there are hundreds of water balloons splashing on them. Can you imagine if that actually happened? All those Serbs would probably run to the store pick up their own balloons come back and throw them instead. It'd be a big water balloon orgy and afterwards maybe we could actually talk to one another without things escalating out of control. Ah, who am I kidding... bring in the F-15's.
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      02-21-2008, 05:50 PM   #20
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Originally Posted by gum5h03 View Post
I say throw water balloons at them when they try to do it again. Let's see them try to set fire to the place when there are hundreds of water balloons splashing on them. Can you imagine if that actually happened? All those Serbs would probably run to the store pick up their own balloons come back and throw them instead. It'd be a big water balloon orgy and afterwards maybe we could actually talk to one another without things escalating out of control.
lol I'm down with that.
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      02-21-2008, 06:25 PM   #21
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Originally Posted by Kiemyster View Post
as i say. the rich dont get rich of the rich. and the way our world works, two thirds of the population WILL suffer, in order for that one third of the population to live in a civilized manner (like all of us, who have homes, and computers to go on).

its just the way it is. everything works in a chain of command, or a social pyrimid. break those rules, and you break down the way society, and humanity has evolved throughout the years.

now, when we talk about it, of course, its crazy talk! but hey, whos gonna clean the floors at that burger king? or whos gonna be the stock boy in a walmart?

i compare society to the pyramid of the animal kingdom. there is always someone on top, and the chain flows accordingly. you take away ONE element that comprises the pyramid, and all the shit falls apart.
I dont think anyone has to lose out for anyone to gain. Look at it this way. A lot of people have luxuries such as TVs. If we were to share our wealth properly (needs to be addressed on political level) then we wouldnt have poor people like we do today.

There are more than enough resources across the world for us all to live in a civilised manner. I dont mean all of us living with M3s and huge houses, I mean food, shelter etc. then worry about the rest lol.

Of course it wont happen though. There will always be a hierachical system in humanity.
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      02-21-2008, 06:28 PM   #22
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Originally Posted by hks786 View Post
I dont think anyone has to lose out for anyone to gain. Look at it this way. A lot of people have luxuries such as TVs. If we were to share our wealth properly (needs to be addressed on political level) then we wouldnt have poor people like we do today.

There are more than enough resources across the world for us all to live in a civilised manner. I dont mean all of us living with M3s and huge houses, I mean food, shelter etc. then worry about the rest lol.

Of course it wont happen though. There will always be a hierachical system in humanity.
I agree. Comunism has just been proven to fail in the real world too many times.
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