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      04-04-2016, 03:06 PM   #23
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It's those 16" chromies man.....and your in Jersey....that's it.
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      04-04-2016, 03:08 PM   #24
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Around 2 A.M. my girl amd me came back from a friends party and as always we used the shortcut to our home. We had about 1 mile left to drive, when all of a sudden I realised two cars blocking the road. Immiditely I understood this situation was setup. I stopped (around 8 car length ) infront of me some mean figures started jumping out the cars, heading towards me.
I had enough time turning and flooring it.
OP isnt paranoid, he just did the right thing.
No need to end up in the sever, with your throat sliced up.
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      04-04-2016, 03:10 PM   #25
Mr Tonka
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Originally Posted by JoyRin View Post
Key phrase: "I think"

So i was leaving a buddy's house after a house party around 2:30am sunday morning. I was on the road that led me out of his neighborhood. The road is completely straight (neighborhood is grid set up). I notice a car heading into my direction about 1/3rd of a mile down as i come up to the 2nd to last stop sign before the road ends onto the main road. As i leave the stop sign, i notice the car slowly turning around (k-turn). By the time the car is facing the same direction as me, I was still at least 100yds away. Instead of just going, the car just kind of sits there toward the right side of the street as im slowly approaching. As i pass the car, i notice its got either small 16" chrome wheels or those chrome hubcaps and the windows are tinted. As soon as i fully pass the car, it's immediately on my ass. Im thinking the car screams bad guy and his behaivor was very suspicious. Now we're only about 50-75 yds from the main road (also signifying that he decided to turn around when hes already 50-75yd into the neighborhood), so as i was slowing down to the last stop sign, i decided im not going to take any chances. As soon as i could see both ways on the main road, i floored it, blowing thru the last stop sign and onto the highway exit. As im on the on-ramp, i look at the rearview and notice that the car is still at last stop sign and didnt follow me onto the highway. I didnt call the cops bc i had no idea what kind of car it was. I just focused on the red flags (tinted windows and chrome wheels) and we all know the road is plentiful with those kinds of cars.

So do ya'll think i made the right choice in overtly displaying that im suspicious of that car and that they're going to have to earn it, by flooring it like that in front of them?

Please share your opinions and please share any experiences you guys have had!
There was this one time when i borrowed my mom's last car and went into this predominately white neighborhood on the edge of the sketchy part of town to mess with some of them. I'd pull into the neighborhood about a block or so and sit on the side of the road. When a single white dude drove by in a flashy car, i'd whip a U turn right after they passed and get on their ass. This one guy had a priceless reaction to this U turn. You could see the he was panicked and that he was worried as he passed me. But since my windows were tinted and my wheels were reflecting light back in his face, there was no way he could see that I was just another white guy punking him. So i stay on his ass through the stop signs and you can almost smell the panic sweat from his pitts. He gets up to the last stop sign and slows down a little ways before it. Obviously to check if the cross road is clear. Then, (i could have called it BTW) he stabs the throttle, getting a little bit of tire chirp after the turbo was done lagging. Clearly he thought he ran the last stop sign in a last effort to ditch me. But i just sat there at the stop sign cleaning up the chocolate milk that came out of my nose from laughing at his paranoid ass. lol
"There is no greater tyranny than that which is perpetrated under the shield of the law and in the name of justice. -Charles de Secondat"
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      04-04-2016, 03:10 PM   #26
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Originally Posted by P1et View Post
You are a very paranoid person.
Or he's just used to more urban areas? Either way, yeah it sounds like he over reacted. Wait until you take a few turns at least to start pulling away.

On another note, i have had people try to chase me down for a few various reasons. It never ends well when they try to keep up with a 500whp BMW in a eco box

Last edited by natedog7700; 04-04-2016 at 03:16 PM..
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      04-04-2016, 03:12 PM   #27

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Originally Posted by Mr Tonka View Post
There was this one time when i borrowed my mom's last car and went into this predominately white neighborhood on the edge of the sketchy part of town to mess with some of them. I'd pull into the neighborhood about a block or so and sit on the side of the road. When a single white dude drove by in a flashy car, i'd whip a U turn right after they passed and get on their ass. This one guy had a priceless reaction to this U turn. You could see the he was panicked and that he was worried as he passed me. But since my windows were tinted and my wheels were reflecting light back in his face, there was no way he could see that I was just another white guy punking him. So i stay on his ass through the stop signs and you can almost smell the panic sweat from his pitts. He gets up to the last stop sign and slows down a little ways before it. Obviously to check if the cross road is clear. Then, (i could have called it BTW) he stabs the throttle, getting a little bit of tire chirp after the turbo was done lagging. Clearly he thought he ran the last stop sign in a last effort to ditch me. But i just sat there at the stop sign cleaning up the chocolate milk that came out of my nose from laughing at his paranoid ass. lol

There was this one time at band camp .......

Last edited by M2BMW; 04-04-2016 at 03:51 PM..
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      04-04-2016, 03:16 PM   #28

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Originally Posted by The Wind Breezes View Post
Ooops, I was thinking of a J turn.
All good bro, and if he really did a j-turn...i probably would've let him ass rape me
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      04-04-2016, 03:21 PM   #29
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Originally Posted by JoyRin View Post
Key phrase: "I think"

So i was leaving a buddy's house after a house party around 2:30am sunday morning. I was on the road that led me out of his neighborhood. The road is completely straight (neighborhood is grid set up). I notice a car heading into my direction about 1/3rd of a mile down as i come up to the 2nd to last stop sign before the road ends onto the main road. As i leave the stop sign, i notice the car slowly turning around (k-turn). By the time the car is facing the same direction as me, I was still at least 100yds away. Instead of just going, the car just kind of sits there toward the right side of the street as im slowly approaching. As i pass the car, i notice its got either small 16" chrome wheels or those chrome hubcaps and the windows are tinted. As soon as i fully pass the car, it's immediately on my ass. Im thinking the car screams bad guy and his behaivor was very suspicious. Now we're only about 50-75 yds from the main road (also signifying that he decided to turn around when hes already 50-75yd into the neighborhood), so as i was slowing down to the last stop sign, i decided im not going to take any chances. As soon as i could see both ways on the main road, i floored it, blowing thru the last stop sign and onto the highway exit. As im on the on-ramp, i look at the rearview and notice that the car is still at last stop sign and didnt follow me onto the highway. I didnt call the cops bc i had no idea what kind of car it was. I just focused on the red flags (tinted windows and chrome wheels) and we all know the road is plentiful with those kinds of cars.

So do ya'll think i made the right choice in overtly displaying that im suspicious of that car and that they're going to have to earn it, by flooring it like that in front of them?

Please share your opinions and please share any experiences you guys have had!
I'll be the dissenter that says you weren't profiling. This actually sounds like a set-up I have heard about.

Someone in a beater will "accidentally" rear-end you. You stop, put the car in park and get out to confront them - as you get out of the car, the buddy who is hiding in the bushes jumps in and takes off, or they jump you, take your keys and take off. Either way, end result is you lose your car.

Nothing wrong with being cautious.
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      04-04-2016, 03:28 PM   #30
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This reminds me of this one time I was shopping at the mall around Christmas. I had a pretty common car back then, a Jet Black 335i.

I had just finished a full days shopping, when I got back to my car to put all the stuff in the trunk. As I approached the car I noticed someone sitting in the back seat. I cautiously checked the plate to see if it is indeed my car, as it is a popular model and color. The car is indeed mine, and so I got closer and saw that it's an old woman sitting in the back seat.

I asked the woman how and why she is sitting in my car.

The old woman replies that she had been shopping with her son and family but felt unwell and returned to the car to rest. She obviously had mistaken my car for her son's, as it was the same model and color. The old woman then asks to be driven to a hospital, as she is still feeling unwell. I originally agreed.

As I got into the driver's seat something made me very nervous about the situation and I asked the old woman if she is feeling well enough to direct me as I back the car out of the parking place. The old woman agrees, gets out of the car and proceeds to direct the reversing maneuver.

As soon as I got the car out of the parking space I sped out of the car park, leaving the old woman stranded. I then drive straight to the nearest police station and reports the incident.

A police officer then searched the car and found an axe concealed under the driver's seat.

I had had a lucky escape!
This space for rent.
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      04-04-2016, 03:42 PM   #31
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Axius is dressing up as an old lady AGAIN???
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      04-04-2016, 03:46 PM   #32

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It's kids like this that shoot up schools.

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      04-04-2016, 03:50 PM   #33
Mr Tonka
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Originally Posted by jtodd_fl View Post
This reminds me of this one time I was shopping at the mall around Christmas. I had a pretty common car back then, a Jet Black 335i.

I had just finished a full days shopping, when I got back to my car to put all the stuff in the trunk. As I approached the car I noticed someone sitting in the back seat. I cautiously checked the plate to see if it is indeed my car, as it is a popular model and color. The car is indeed mine, and so I got closer and saw that it's an old woman sitting in the back seat.

I asked the woman how and why she is sitting in my car.

The old woman replies that she had been shopping with her son and family but felt unwell and returned to the car to rest. She obviously had mistaken my car for her son's, as it was the same model and color. The old woman then asks to be driven to a hospital, as she is still feeling unwell. I originally agreed.

As I got into the driver's seat something made me very nervous about the situation and I asked the old woman if she is feeling well enough to direct me as I back the car out of the parking place. The old woman agrees, gets out of the car and proceeds to direct the reversing maneuver.

As soon as I got the car out of the parking space I sped out of the car park, leaving the old woman stranded. I then drive straight to the nearest police station and reports the incident.

A police officer then searched the car and found an axe concealed under the driver's seat.

I had had a lucky escape!
Not sure if srs....
"There is no greater tyranny than that which is perpetrated under the shield of the law and in the name of justice. -Charles de Secondat"
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      04-04-2016, 03:55 PM   #34
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He was probably one of The Mexicans supernoob was talking about just trying to say hello
I'm always sunny, hunny.
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      04-04-2016, 03:58 PM   #35
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Originally Posted by Mr Tonka View Post
Not sure if srs....
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      04-04-2016, 03:59 PM   #36
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Originally Posted by Mr Tonka View Post
Not sure if srs....
Hehe... this is an old urban legend. I literally copied and pasted from some urban legend site. Sorry... sometimes, it is a little TOO obscure to recognize as humor. If I wanted to frighten someone... you know what I would do... and it would terrorize MKSixer .
This space for rent.
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      04-04-2016, 04:01 PM   #37
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Originally Posted by Mr.SugarSkulls View Post
He was probably one of The Mexicans supernoob was talking about just trying to say hello
I heard "The Mexicans" are often in these "Urban" areas with their "Chrome wheels" and their "tinted windows" doing their "k turns".
This space for rent.
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      04-04-2016, 04:01 PM   #38
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Originally Posted by jtodd_fl
Originally Posted by Mr.SugarSkulls View Post
He was probably one of The Mexicans supernoob was talking about just trying to say hello
I heard "The Mexicans" are often in these "Urban" areas with their "Chrome wheels" and their "tinted windows" doing their "k turns".
Only one way to verify-

If car is lowered on hydraulics, definitely one of the Mexicans
I'm always sunny, hunny.
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      04-04-2016, 04:02 PM   #39
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So this is what I am picturing...the guy obviously took a wrong turn from the main highway onto some road he didn't recognize. You were fairly far so he kinda pulled a u turn. By the time he was going back you were right there so he let you pass so he doesn't cut you off. And you notice the chrome and tint and your tin foil hat starts vibrating or whatever the hell they do and your paranoia kicks in for no reason and you illegal ran a stop sign and the speed limit from the sound of it for no reason.

I kinda wish you had called the cops cause I would have loved to hear what they had to say to you haha. Stop being so paranoid. And if what the OP did isn't paranoia then you guys need to get of States. lol. I think there are days when I go to bed with my door unlocked or garage door open without many issues. Hopefully I don't jinx it though ahah.
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      04-04-2016, 04:03 PM   #40
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      04-04-2016, 04:10 PM   #41
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I've driven through your country a couple times alone, in a flashy car and without a gun.

Stop being so damn afraid.
Originally Posted by Joekerr View Post
You're still a little new here, so I'll let you in on a little secret. Whenever Lups types gibberish, this is an opportunity for you to imagine it to be whatever you'd like it to be.
Originally Posted by Delta0311 View Post
How would you know this? Did mommy catch you jerking off to some Big Foot porn ?
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      04-04-2016, 04:18 PM   #42
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Originally Posted by Lups View Post
I've driven through your country a couple times alone, in a flashy car and without a gun.

Stop being so damn afraid.
Yeah but your like a fifty year old truck driver with blue hair, tats and a Norwegian animal skinning knife on your belt. The people my mother warned me about are the ones that are scared of you.
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      04-04-2016, 04:20 PM   #43
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Personally, if I have the option to "profile and survive" versus "trust and die," I'm gonna pick Door Number One.
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      04-04-2016, 04:23 PM   #44
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Originally Posted by jtodd_fl View Post
Hehe... this is an old urban legend. I literally copied and pasted from some urban legend site. Sorry... sometimes, it is a little TOO obscure to recognize as humor. If I wanted to frighten someone... you know what I would do... and it would terrorize MKSixer .
I am out.

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