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      03-17-2016, 06:43 PM   #23
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Originally Posted by BMW F22 View Post
^ dang that is one expensive course!!
I don't know why the price is so high on the website. If you're truly interested PM me and I'll send you contact info to someone who should be able to get you a deal.

Besides having been through it, knowing what I know now, I'd spend 2-3 times that price -- its worth it. Or lets put it this way, while it technically doesn't cost me anything to come back and help as a leader, I don't get paid for it, and I have to take time away from my business to do so, to the tune of close to what the website MSRP of the course is. Of course, networking with the other leaders often leads to future business opportunities, so it is worth it from a business perspective long term as well.

Edit: also as a leader, I know most of the material pretty well, but it is worth it to me to see new people get the breakthroughs that they came for.

Looking at Tony Robbins site, the prices are about on par for one of his 3 day events. Except there is no "levels" of seating... sit as close as you can find a seat. And the crowd is much smaller than it looks like on Tony's page. Last CSE there were about 400 people, including leaders. (Looks like there are thousands in Tony's audience).
- Michael

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      03-17-2016, 07:37 PM   #24
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Saw him in Vegas one time walking past me. He's a pretty large man.

I can see the appeal for people. Some people need something or someone to guide them. Some people need someone or something to motivate them. So if you are the type of person who needs a clinic to get you over a hurdle, then by all means attend.

However, if you are the type of person who has tried every fad diet expecting the next "one pill" trick to work, you may want to reassess your perspective and expectations.
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      03-17-2016, 08:12 PM   #25
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Originally Posted by longress View Post
I've been to his event a few years back. The highlight was walking on hot coals. The most powerful speaker I've ever seen. So much so that he put my coworkers in a trance. It's real high energy with activity and music, definitely motivating. My company paid for my entrance as it wasn't cheap and like everything else if you don't use it or practice the techniques it's worthless.
I've been to the Fire Walk and Feel the Power Within because the company I was with at the time purchased a corporate package and, as a leader, I was expected to attend.

As stated by many, you will get out of this what you put into it. It's like walking into the tool pick the tools you need and apply them consistently.

As a leader, I have never believed in wholesale changes and become very concerned if someone proposes something similar every 45 days. What I like and believe in, is uncovering one or two places to improve and working assiduously to master those until they become ingrained then moving forward to the next challenges.

OP, if the cost is not onerous, go to the seminar and see what you think. Take the advice above but form your own opinions based on your experiences and knowledge.

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      03-17-2016, 09:24 PM   #26

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Originally Posted by ScottSinger View Post
There was a good book that came out a few years back by a Los Angeles Times consumer columnist Helaine Olen titled 'POUND FOOLISH'.
One of the chapters was on Orman, here are a few points from the chapter.

1) she didn't make her money by investing but by selling self help books.

2) she hawked her own debit card with monthly fee, which she falsely said could "aid" your credit score. and it carried surprise fees.

3) she promoted new car loans for G.M., when her advice up to that period was to buy used.

4) She was endorsing for profit the MONEY NAVIGATOR newsletter that promoted stocks when she herself invested in municipal bonds.

To read the chapter is to get a better sense of the contradictory and selfish self-promoting that Orman as an entity is.
On #1: She doesn't provide investment advice as her core advice. She may from time to time provide some investment advice, but that's not what she is known for and, as I recalled at least on TV, she always caveated any investment advice as not being her area of expertise and that she tended to be more conservative. Her core advice is personal finance advice (debt, home loans, purchases, savings, etc.), so I wouldn't have expected her to make money as an investor or investment advisor.

On #2-4, okay, so she made questionable endorsement decisions. While it may water down the credibility of her character (like making money on endorsements, which is what many high-profile people and celebrities do), it doesn't mean her advice is wrong.

Look, I'm not saying she's perfect, but generally-speaking, I found her advice to be pretty useful for a large percentage of the population.
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      03-17-2016, 10:53 PM   #27
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Tony is in it for Tony. A criminal. His foray into personal finance was repulsive and inaccurate. Save your money and time.
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      03-17-2016, 11:19 PM   #28
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Originally Posted by schoy View Post
On #1: She doesn't provide investment advice as her core advice. She may from time to time provide some investment advice, but that's not what she is known for and, as I recalled at least on TV, she always caveated any investment advice as not being her area of expertise and that she tended to be more conservative. Her core advice is personal finance advice (debt, home loans, purchases, savings, etc.), so I wouldn't have expected her to make money as an investor or investment advisor.

On #2-4, okay, so she made questionable endorsement decisions. While it may water down the credibility of her character (like making money on endorsements, which is what many high-profile people and celebrities do), it doesn't mean her advice is wrong.

Look, I'm not saying she's perfect, but generally-speaking, I found her advice to be pretty useful for a large percentage of the population.

She had been an adviser fur Merrill early in her career - but I realize what your saying.

This story was amusing when she was doing the G.M. promotion

For fun Google ' Suze Orman controversies ' - you can find negatives on any high profile person but still think Orman is interesting when researching her advice details.
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      03-18-2016, 08:09 PM   #29
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Originally Posted by ScottSinger View Post
She had been an adviser fur Merrill early in her career - but I realize what your saying.

This story was amusing when she was doing the G.M. promotion

For fun Google ' Suze Orman controversies ' - you can find negatives on any high profile person but still think Orman is interesting when researching her advice details.
Interesting to see the comments and how people thought it would hold it's value very well. Can buy them for 30% off right now.

Also, she had sound advice as the guy was 45 years old with $90k in retirement. yikes!
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      03-19-2016, 04:12 AM   #30
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get the audio book "no excuses" by brian tracy. everything you need to know is right there.
Instagram; @roastbeefmike
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