Originally Posted by Asianoak
You're exactly right, at the end of the day every individual should use what they feel is right for them. As I said, Apple makes some great products and perhaps my statement was a bit general, I was specifically referring to the iPhone. Many may disagree but being that I work in the wireless industry I can say with confidence that the trend in demographics as to who is actually buying iphones has steadily moved more and more towards kids and elderly... people who either want the name or a very simple device.
The majority of iPhone users that we see these days are confused by things such as the cloud, syncing, iTunes and more often than not can't even remember their own passwords. When asked what they are looking for in a phone, or why they want the iPhone specifically their response is "it's an iPhone." They have no nidea what it does or that other devices do the same thing and often times more. Don't even try to ask them how force touch works or the differences between the standard iPhone and the plus... all they see is the size.
On the flip side the majority of Android users we see know all about what it does, how to add additional apps, widgets etc to get the most out of it. They know how to sync with their computers to download files without additional software, shut down apps and the differences between the different manufacturers.
Obviously there are exceptions to this, yourself being one of them. You have to remember though that just because you and your coworkers are in IT and are educated on how to use tech, the general public is not.
Imn my experience, most Apple users who start with an iPhone and go to Android wind up going back to iPhone. They're just too used to how the iPhone works. The opposite is also true, Android users wind up switching back to Android because they don't like how restrictive the iPhone is. The exception to this being those who's "families" all have iphones so they need it for face time, I message, etc.
Not to belabor the comparison to cars too much, but many people who drive BMWs (or MBs or whatever) do so because "it's a BMW." They haven't got a clue how to really get the most out of the car. This becomes obvious when you see someone driving a new high end car and they're holding their cell phone against their ear. You know the car has BT, but they're clueless about how to use it.