Originally Posted by Kyle B
My thoughts are BMW got really lazy and thought they could turn up the boost on the 335i, slap an M badge on the trunk, and call it a day. The M3 is a shell of its former self. This latest generation is as forgettable as the US-spec E36. Had BMW spent more time engineering competition killing M cars instead of trying to introduce fifty new models by year's end we might not be posting in this thread. Guess we'll have to wait seven more years for something worthwhile.
Have you spent any time around DCT lol [and not that iS dct]... That transmission is insane and dropping 1100lbs over the m5 and if that motor is underrated the same as my M5's 63tu [I put down 560whp-570whp on my pulls] is it'll hang with a lot of s* because of that transmission, and it'll DESTROY a lot of upper end competition depending on how tunable it is.