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      03-05-2012, 03:50 AM   #1
JDM Slut
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Mass Effect 3 -=[100 Million Dollars "Hack"]=- - Hex Editing

I couldn't wait for the developers to come out with the save editor so I took the plunge with hex editing. Just got Spectre status and needed money to buy some toys.

Editing is very straightforward. Only edited money. You can edit however much money as you want, but I did 99,999,999 to be safe since I don't know the game limits.

Tools Needed
  1. Party Buffalo (or any other FatX Explorer)
  2. Hex Workshop (or any other hex editor)
  3. LeFluffie (or any other package extractor)
  4. CONcept (or any other rehash/resigner)
  5. Checksum Fix for ME3

0. Make a note of how many credits you have.

1. Open Drive with Party Buffalo

2. Find the ME3 folder with save.

3. Drag drop save to Desktop (or wherever)

4. Open Le Fluffie

5. Open Save
Name:  a.PNG
Views: 4730
Size:  40.6 KB

6. Extract to Desktop (or anywhere)
Name:  b.PNG
Views: 4688
Size:  49.3 KB

7. You will see Root, two .pngs, and a text file. Open Root folder.
Name:  c.PNG
Views: 4837
Size:  107.0 KB

8. Open the the bottom save with Hex Workshop.
Name:  d.PNG
Views: 4676
Size:  104.8 KB
Name:  e.png
Views: 4740
Size:  132.4 KB

9. Search for the amount of credits you have in hex. I had 35,000. Convert 35,000 to hex is 000088B8.
Name:  f.PNG
Views: 4789
Size:  15.8 KB

10. I search for 000088B8.
Name:  g.PNG
Views: 4598
Size:  32.6 KB
Name:  h.PNG
Views: 4584
Size:  20.1 KB

10. Convert 99,999,999 to hex. It's 05F5E0FF.
Name:  i.PNG
Views: 4821
Size:  13.0 KB

11. Overwrite "000088B8" (or whatever your value is) with "05F5E0FF".
Name:  j.PNG
Views: 4699
Size:  18.8 KB

12. Save

13. Open save with Checksum Fixer.

14. Inject save with LeFluffie
Name:  k.png
Views: 4708
Size:  47.3 KB

15. Rehash/Resign with LeFluffie or Concept if you prefer.

16. Result
Name:  IMG_20120305_002914.jpg
Views: 4686
Size:  97.7 KB

Last edited by jasonn; 03-05-2012 at 04:00 AM..
Appreciate 0
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