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      06-22-2007, 03:59 PM   #1
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Exclamation Questions on the new BMW X5! HELP!

hey.... i need help answering these questions... its on the new BMW X5.... i posted it here because no one really uses XBIMMERS.... thanks for your time all!

1)what impression bmw was trying to create with its new slick styling in perception of consumers wants
2)How resilient is the new bi turbo engine and its sophistication to being built stronger than previous versions with its aluminum base
3)Will some key features help in its marketing for sales and what benefits do these features provide such as:CBC (cornering brake control), DBC (dynamic brake control)
4)Does this car achieve a 5 star rating on international standards and which way does this car protect its user
5)Is the cabin shatter proof in the sense that in the event of an accident does the surrounding body parts collapse to insure cabin safety
6)Is the Ecu easy to crack to allow for further tuning modifications since Europe companies such as Vishnu are already doing it?
8)I’ve read that the bi turbos are constructed to offer minimal lag would this be seen as both a comfort also as a safety precaution to new drivers to help insure there safety with the power as compared to other turbo charged vehicles that experience turbo surge. explain.
9)How is the ride quality on the vehicle, plus can you choose damper/rebound/spring rate settings or is it electronically controlled.
10)BMW has for some time not included a limited slip diff in there cars do you see this necessary for this car.
11)Is the technological advancements user friendly or would it need some training to use properly.

thanks for your help guys!
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      06-22-2007, 04:14 PM   #2
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Are you writing a report?

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      06-22-2007, 04:19 PM   #3
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no. its a challenge. just one that i cant do! i dont know much about the new X5.... they knew it was my weak spot.... but stupidly i agreed. fuck if only it was on the E9* series!
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      06-22-2007, 06:16 PM   #4
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fuck you guys are no help. ended up doing it myself . lol here we are:

1- BMW is exhausting itself to appeal to the younger, male drivers with the BMW standard of performance and BMW heritage with the practicality of a SAV.
2- The benefits of the Bi Turbo Engine is a breakthrough in its technology, mimicking the 335i engine with its development and extreme success. In fact, BMW’s bi-turbo design earned BMW the International Engine of the Year award with the BMW 3.0 liter twin turbo in-line six cylinder petrol engine. The twin turbo achieves this mainly due to BMW High Precision Injection, the first jet-guided direct injection system ever to be produced in high-volume production. It enables a particularly precise metering of the air-fuel mixture..
3- Corning Brake Control CBC is an enhancement of ABS that contributes significantly in directional stability as the car is steered through bends. Dynamic Brake Control (DBC) is an active safety system which improves brake effectiveness in emergency "panic stop" situations. These selling points will be a major help when the client has safety in mind. Especially in Trinidad with the constant hazards of maxi taxi’s stopping randomly, pedestrians running unexpectedly and debris flying off unsecure truck beds.
4- The BMW X5 has 5 star ratings in all front, safety cage, head/neck, chest, right/left leg, and restraints. There are overhead airbags that protect the occupants heads in the event of a side collision or rollover, side impact airbags to protect the torso, and stability control that automatically adjustes the vehicle to appropriate stages/settings by reducing engine power/applies brakes if the vehicles limits have been exceeded. The cabin is essentially bubbled and with key crumple zones, the panels will absorb shock protecting the passengers as its cage ensures strength and maximum stability during an impact.
5- Trinidad does not realistically have the technology to manipulate the ECU system. However, a trained technician with the appropriate chips and tools could easily hijack any ECU system, no matter how advanced. The reality is that computers may be better, but still have a weakness.
6- The car is extremely overpowered for the roads in Trinidad. I doubt that any X5 will meet 70% of its threshold in performance. There is no opportunity on these roads to do so. Therefore even though performance may be slightly impaired/improved due to the petrol, Trinidadian clients and its atmosphere will vow that the X5 is overpowered, but this is never a bad thing.
7- The bi turbo eliminates lag time by instead of using one large turbo to force the engine induction, use two smaller turbos that are more efficient and in turn deliver more oxygen efficiently to the engine. Realistically this is a big advantage as there is no unexpected burst of power past 3x rpm. Drivers will notice that the vehicle is eager to speed as the bi turbos are constantly inducing air to the engine eliminating the problem of flooring the pedal, and waiting two or three seconds for a response. If the driver needs power fast, the car will not hesitate to show its true BMW heritage and will shine as an athlete. The reality is that it comes down to the driver
8- The ride quality is superior, however the competition (Mercedes Benz ML) has airmatics which is equivalent/superior to BMW’s hydraulic system scheme. BMW’s computer system however is far more advanced and with its overload of measurements and fail safe systems working in harmony, in the end, the BMW should actually aspire above the competition.
9- Once again, BMW has been leading the way in on board computers and will solely rely on the systems put in place to control nearly aspect of the car to reduce manual parts required. I do not see the need for a limited differential on this vehicle.
10- The technology will require a brief tutorial if iDrive is included. The customers need to get a good feel with it before they leave the dealership with their vehicle.
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