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      06-03-2014, 10:09 PM   #1
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Diet help, stuck at 190

I need help on diet advice, i will break down what i do

Past 3 years ive been boxing 3-5 days a week, sparring, mit work, running, bag work etc. , stoped for a couple months and of course gained weight, i am 5,9 190lbs and 22 years old

Diet- not the best, i watch what i eat, try to stay away from bread, junk food, i am a very picky eater and usually only eat chicken lol, i was 197 and went down to 190 and stayed their for about a month now, my goal is 180 so 10 more lbs, i do not count calories

Work schedule is 8-4, i wake up and dont eat, i never really eat breakfast nor have the time in the morning

Any help will be great
Originally Posted by onebadmofo

Some people buy cars to look at them and call them their babies, but not me. This car is my bitch and I bought it to drive it.
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      06-03-2014, 10:40 PM   #2

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Originally Posted by Wittstock View Post
Start eating breakfast, dinner should be your lightest meal, it will speed your metabolism up.
not true.

OP doesn't count calories, wonders why he isn't reaching goals.

News flash OP, your body is a machine that runs on calories.... if you don't track the fuel, how do expect to get results?
Also, there are things called body weight scales. Stand on one every morning... make it go down 1 lb a week on average.

good luck

Check out my YouTube Fitness Channel if your into that
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      06-03-2014, 10:51 PM   #3
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Originally Posted by 325rider View Post
not true.

OP doesn't count calories, wonders why he isn't reaching goals.

News flash OP, your body is a machine that runs on calories.... if you don't track the fuel, how do expect to get results?
Also, there are things called body weight scales. Stand on one every morning... make it go down 1 lb a week on average.

good luck
What should i be shooting for? Also say i shoot for 1600 calories a day and i do my workout that day do.i have to re eat te calories i burn?
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      06-03-2014, 10:57 PM   #4
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Originally Posted by Wittstock View Post
Start eating breakfast, dinner should be your lightest meal, it will speed your metabolism up.
could not be more wrong. breakfast is retarded. and should be eliminated entirely. Post workout should be your largest meal and theres nothing wrong with eating before bed.
Here’s a brief synopsis of hormonal-happenings around 7 AM for the average person. Cortisol levels elevate naturally through the night1-9 and peak2, 9-14. Uh oh, cortisol is catabolic and without food, the body’s going to start eating all that hard-earned muscle, right? Wrong. Catabolic only describes the process of something being broken down for energy. Cortisol, when acting without elevated insulin levels and in a natural manner — so without being constantly elevated like during chronic stress — triggers the breakdown of triglycerides into free-fatty acids (FFAs) for metabolization and triggers lipolysis1, 2, 14-28. Cortisol, in the morning, accelerates fat burning.

Ghrelin, the main hunger-control hormone32, is released in a pulsatile manner through the night with a peak occurring upon waking29-31, which incites hunger. Ghrelin not only causes hunger, but also potently stimulates growth hormone release33-44. As growth hormone levels raise the body releases more fat to be burned as fuel45-49 and decreases the destruction of protein for use as fuel50. Growth hormone levels peak roughly two hours after waking without breakfast51.

Every day the body starts as a fat-burning furnace. Even during exercise, without eating breakfast, the body burns far higher levels of fat than normal52, 53 and causes up regulation of the enzymes necessary to burn fat, allowing fat to be metabolized faster54.

Now contrast with what happens as soon as you eat breakfast, one that contains around 30 grams or more of carbs. As is well known, insulin levels raise with the rise in blood sugar, kick-starting a downward spiral: the early-morning release of insulin reduces fat burning for the entire rest of the day55; while cortisol levels remain high, the insulin release causes new empty fat cells to be created56-64; and the insulin lowers levels of ghrelin and growth hormone29-31, 51.
give your body a huge insulin spike after a period of complete inactivity. your body is actually in a state of lipolysis (fat burning) in the early morning hours. couple that with the fact that most people don't have time for breakfast so instead of eating something even remotely nutritious they have a bunch of processed simple carbohydrates like cereal, doughnuts, bagels, coffee with sugar, and at best a piece of fruit/fruit juice loaded with carbs. then these same peopel take the yolks out of their eggs because they think the cholesterol is and fat is bad for them. Then the kicker is, anyone who is trying to eat at a caloric deficit has now had their biggest meal first thing in the morning leaving only a small number of calories to proportion for the rest of the day making you feel frustrated and forcing. this also leaves you turning down social situations in which food will be served, or just simply going over your calorie restrictions for the day

simply put, if you want to burn fat, you should aim to eat approximately 500 calories less than your total daily energy expenditure. This is your base metabolic rate (the # of calories burnt just by being alive and breathing/existing) + any calories burnt from your activities throughout the day.

if you're looking to cut body fat there are a number of different 'diets'/eating schedules/strategies to consider/combine, but if fat loss is the goal, they all have some things in common with how you'll implement them. carbohydrates would be the smallest portion of your macronutrient intake and you will be consuming about 500 calories per day fewer than you burn. trying to shoot for huge caloric deficits just leaves you burning muscle and slowing your metabolism further. 1lb of fat is 3500 calories. 500 a day deficit=1lb a week give or take. its not complicated

so those diets/eating schedules. google these

1. intermittent fasting
2. Ketogenic diets - google but pretty simply is a high fat high protein very low carb diet. fat is your friend. don't be fooled by mainstream bullshit nutrition/bro science. fat doesn't make you fat, excess carbohydrates that can't be used to restore muscle glycogen raise cholesterol in the blood as and eventually become stored as fat. eat egg yolks etc.
3. Carb back loading - google this as well but this basically involves having all of your carbs during a post workout/exertion period.

as far as exercise is concerned, a weight training program is going to help you maintain lower body fat than anything else. if you want to do cardio walking and interval training are your best bets. Never jog. its retarded for many reasons which i can go into further.

but yea most people out there trying to lose weight are being told to eat breakfast to 'kick start' their metabolism its complete bullshit. humans have always been nocturnal eaters. your body heals/rests/repairs itself at night. provide it with nutrients and you will wake up feeling refreshed instead of feeling like shit and getting a quick fix of 'energy' from a doughnut. and the whole 'several small meals throughout the day' is a crock of shit too. Eat later in the day, preferably have most of your calories after a period of exercise/activity. if you eat them almost entirely in one meal great, if you need to split it up thats fine too. use this calculator to help figure out how many calories you need and how much of each macronutrient group you should be eating.

mainstream nutrition/diet advice/bro science is so ass backwards it hurts my brain. someone wants to lose weight, people tell them to eat throughout the entire day. Yep, thats a great way to control your caloric intake... eat constantly, seems legit.

all these breakfast eaters then love to talk about what pre-workout supplement they need to take before working out... because you know... they have so much energy from breakfast that they need some bullshit stimulants to get them through their workout of half reps and isolation exercises.

Last edited by jeffblue; 06-03-2014 at 11:04 PM..
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      06-03-2014, 10:59 PM   #5
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dieting is really simple, u just have to find that sweet spot and work your way down. u gona have to count your macros if you want to get it right. get on myfitness pal, set up like i duno, 2100 calories and do 40p/40c/20f. follow that for a week, if no drop, lower your carb. keep going until you find yourself lossing .8-1lb a week, i personally go for 1.5-2 a week. i rather diet for a month or so and be over with. do cardio 3x a week if you like, cuz cardio is not necessary. and plz dont waste your money on those fat burner supplements.
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      06-03-2014, 11:02 PM   #6
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invest in a food scale, you gona have to weight a lot of shit on a diet. haha

eat lots of eggs, cheap + high protein + healthy fats.
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      06-03-2014, 11:07 PM   #7
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Originally Posted by Wittstock View Post
^Say what you will I have always felt more energy and stay leaner when I have my larger meals earlier in the day then eating a big meal at night.
everybody is different anyway, what works for you may not work for him. i usually have most of my carbs up to my workout, then last carb meal postworkout, n maybe sth small about 1-2 hrs b4 i sleep. worked for me so i m gona do the same next time i cut
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      06-03-2014, 11:11 PM   #8
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check out quest bars, highly recommended to snack on.
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      06-03-2014, 11:26 PM   #9
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Originally Posted by richardbb85 View Post
check out quest bars, highly recommended to snack on.
yes, make sure you eat constantly. helps with cutting calories.
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      06-03-2014, 11:29 PM   #10

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Originally Posted by ThatGuyMikee View Post
I need help on diet advice, i will break down what i do

Past 3 years ive been boxing 3-5 days a week, sparring, mit work, running, bag work etc. , stoped for a couple months and of course gained weight, i am 5,9 190lbs and 22 years old

Diet- not the best, i watch what i eat, try to stay away from bread, junk food, i am a very picky eater and usually only eat chicken lol, i was 197 and went down to 190 and stayed their for about a month now, my goal is 180 so 10 more lbs, i do not count calories

Work schedule is 8-4, i wake up and dont eat, i never really eat breakfast nor have the time in the morning

Any help will be great
Help, maybe. Make this a priority in your life. Make the time in the morning for eating something. Exercise at a regular time, 4-5 times a week. Eat more unprocessed fruits and vegetables.

None of these changes need to be huge. Remember, something beats nothing. Set achievable goals, but stick to them. Maybe shoot for losing 1 pound per week, and don't expect to get there every week.

Good article, solid source.

Good luck. :-)
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      06-03-2014, 11:29 PM   #11
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This is good stuff!

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      06-03-2014, 11:38 PM   #12

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This stuff worked wonders when I was stuck at 220lb... I managed to get down to 185lb.
Originally Posted by jtodd_fl View Post
NEFARIOUS would totally rock the dreads if he could.
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      06-03-2014, 11:40 PM   #13
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Originally Posted by NEFARIOUS View Post
This stuff worked wonders when I was stuck at 220lb... I managed to get down to 185lb.
wat.....i hope your kidding
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      06-04-2014, 12:19 AM   #14

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Originally Posted by richardbb85 View Post
wat.....i hope your kidding
I'm dead serious.
Originally Posted by jtodd_fl View Post
NEFARIOUS would totally rock the dreads if he could.
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      06-04-2014, 12:26 AM   #15
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Calorie counting is for people who want to hate life, Low carb is way more do-able. Steak, bacon, chicken and fish... and some veggies. No sugar, bread, pasta, soy, potatoes...
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      06-04-2014, 12:54 AM   #16
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Originally Posted by bmwperson View Post
Calorie counting is for people who want to hate life, Low carb is way more do-able. Steak, bacon, chicken and fish... and some veggies. No sugar, bread, pasta, soy, potatoes...
countin macros is a flexible diet, there is really no such thing as "bad food". like my last cut, i had pasta like 3-5 days a week.
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      06-04-2014, 07:08 AM   #17
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Thank you guys for all the help, ill try the low carb diet and see how that goes, but i hope i have enough energy for my workout while i spar and train
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      06-04-2014, 08:53 AM   #18
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I guess to each it's own but the best diet is the one you can follow. Low carb has been great for me, it's the stuff I like eating anyway. You actually get more energy in the morning(especially at the beginning).

I think the biggest problem with the calorie diet is that everything now has tons of sugar, they eliminate the fat but in order to make it taste like anything other then cardboard the mfr adds bunch of sugar. Calorie count goes up, carbs go up.
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      06-04-2014, 09:25 AM   #19
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You really need to start figuring out what your current caloric intake is. I bet you'll be surprised and it is a lot more than you think. It is hard to know what to do and where to go if you don't know where you are starting. Figure out what your maintenance kcal amount is and then take that down by 500-1000/day and see how your body reacts.
Do you know your current BF%, BMI, etc.? You want "diet help" but what is your specific goal?

Low carb has it's place, yes, but it is not a healthy sustainable diet. You can do low-carb for short term. Lean Gains is good as well but just make sure you're getting in your calories when indicated.

It sounds to me like you need some more structure. Get your diet in check and then find a good workout plan that you can follow and be able to track your progress
Originally Posted by Billup View Post
You know you're getting bacon, when you're cooking bacon.
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      06-04-2014, 11:12 AM   #20
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Looks like we have some bull*^$& in this thread... Stupid fads that don't work because nothing is "one size fits all" when it comes to fitness. I bet some of you are "certified" Crossfit instructors too, right?

OP, what were you doing when you were losing weight before? Do it again... Put yourself in a deficit and start working out again. Don't stop working out for two whole months and expect to lose weight, especially after you've already lost some. If/when you hit a plateau, change it up. Workout harder or do something different, maybe something you've never done before. Your body WILL adapt to whatever you're doing and eventually you'll stop losing.
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      06-04-2014, 11:45 AM   #21
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Originally Posted by bmwperson View Post
Calorie counting is for people who want to hate life, Low carb is way more do-able. Steak, bacon, chicken and fish... and some veggies. No sugar, bread, pasta, soy, potatoes...
lol.... calorie counting is for people who want to hate life? rofl if you consume more calories than you burn in a day you're not going to lose any weight.

Keeping track of your macros and caloric intake is the only way you're going to consistently lose weight. you make it sound like you have to take out a pen and paper and write down and weigh everything you eat. its just a guide.... you use an app and then you start to get a better understanding of how many calories and how much of each type of macro-nutrient group are in the foods you eat. You start to get an understanding of how much you have been eating vs how much you should be eating.
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      06-04-2014, 12:03 PM   #22
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You missed a big part of what low carb is, when you eat low carb foods your body uses fat for energy(ketosis) so you can eat as much as you want, as long as it's low carb food. You can literally have 4 burgers and 2 streaks every day and it's still gonna work.

It's very sustainable since at no point do you go hungry and you slowly add carbs up until you find a good spot. Low carbs=lots of meat=/me happy
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