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      07-12-2007, 10:37 AM   #1
Too many Alex's, from now on, call me Beaufort

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Can off duty police chase you?

So today I was summoned from one office to another because someone had left their keys at home.

So theres still a bit of traffic on route 18(its a 45mph road) and people have a hard time doing 40.

When I see an opening, I just dart for it. I dont pay attention to how fast Im going but I know the car takes off like a rocket where I point it.

So anyway, Im definitely passing cars at a rapid rate of speed when I see this black Murano start weaving behind me trying to catch up. So I go faster trying to get away from him because I dont know if I just cut him off and he was pissed or what. I end up turning off the road to my office and hes right behind me, pulls up next to me in the parking lot.

Starts yelling at me "Are you the registered owner of that car?" Flashing his badge wildly.

I say yeah. And hes going off on how I was doing 85 on that road that was 45. I start saying that I was nervous about him and that I had no idea he was a cop. He said If I had slowed down he would have been able to show it to me. Then I said, if I was scared that you might have tried to run me off the road, hence the fact I was trying to get away from you, why would I have slowed down?

Then he acknowledged the fact that he was in a black murano and wearing street clothes. He then said I should be expecting a warning in the mail.

Im not worried about the warning but in this day and age, anyone can flash a badge that could be fake, especially when they are in street clothes in a normal car. Secondly, he was doing 85 apparently to keep up with me, doesnt that mean he was recklessly driving too and without lights flashing?
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      07-12-2007, 10:41 AM   #2
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What a dick! He's no better than you if he was in a regular car with nof lashing lights... Another reason for having flashing lights is that people will notice it and soon move out of the way so as to be in a safe zone. If he would have caused an accident I guarantee you he would be in a huge pile.
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      07-12-2007, 10:42 AM   #3
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I've been pulled over by an off duty before also, I had almost the exact same experience as you where I told him I didn't recognize him as a police officer and wouldn't have been speeding at all had I known. Basically I think they only really want to scare you into slowing down, if he never looked at your license or anything there isn't much he can do.
I wouldn't worry about it, just watch out more carefully who's behind you from now on...
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      07-12-2007, 10:42 AM   #4
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Yeah, I wouldn't sweat it. The law is pretty clear that an officer must identity himself as such. Heck, if you are feeling unsafe about a marked (or lights flashing vehicle) you are entitled to wait until you get to a safe place to pull over. Your best bet is to call 9/11 and inform them of your intentions that that point though.

An off duty copy could most certainly pull you over, but it's not your fault if you can't identity them.
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      07-12-2007, 10:43 AM   #5
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to long to read the whole thing, but short answer is that in most places
a Police Officer is Never off duty.
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      07-12-2007, 10:43 AM   #6
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Ok, remember I have not had my medication for the day yet. Last time I checked, anyone can chase you on the road. An off duty police officer=anyone. So yes is your answer.
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      07-12-2007, 10:44 AM   #7
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Originally Posted by Scorviss View Post
I wouldn't worry about it, just watch out more carefully who's behind you from now on...
He was pretty blatent in telling me I was driving like that before I passed him(he saw me coming up on him like a "bat outta hell") and that I nearly clipped him by 3 inches(cus hes got his dick out to compare).
13 HD FatBob
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      07-12-2007, 10:44 AM   #8

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yea im sure they can, he could probably write you a ticket too

i had the exact same thing happen to me on a 3 lane (6 total) road (not highway really) people couldnt fucking do the speed limit so i started moving through traffic and then finally we get to a redlight where im infront and i book it

all of a sudden theres this ford something on my ass and im like "wtf" so i speed up, he speeds up, i switch lane, he switches lanes, i switched lanes like 5 more times and he turns his lights on

it was a fucking detective, a detective for gods sake, i was generally polite but i gave him plenty of sas too, he had no buisness pulling me over in the first place
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      07-12-2007, 10:44 AM   #9
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on that note, he cant pull you over in a regular car by flashing a badge, he can follow you and then call a marked unit.
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      07-12-2007, 10:46 AM   #10
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yeah if you stop he can write you a ticket to but depends on the dept. policy
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      07-12-2007, 10:47 AM   #11

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Originally Posted by buschy View Post
on that note, he cant pull you over in a regular car by flashing a badge, he can follow you and then call a marked unit.
fuck that shit, im not pulling over for any asshole who flashes a badge out the window, i can get a really authentic looking badge if i wanted
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      07-12-2007, 10:48 AM   #12
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Metro off duty..speeder???? Here in Dallas the only way to get an off duties attention would involve a gun, knife, brutal beating or serious collision. I have a feeling it was one of these guys...but w/o a real badge. Barney had one bullet.
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Last edited by gonzo; 08-07-2007 at 12:51 PM..
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      07-12-2007, 10:53 AM   #13
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Don't worry about it - he probably didn't have anything better to do on his day off.

Last fall - my sister was driving with her little one in the backseat (strapped in a car seat). She saw a guy come outta no where with a black trench coat pointing something at her which looked like a gun. She switched lanes and accelerated to get away from him. Then she had an unmarked police car behind her with asking her to pull over. She didn't stop until another unit was called with a marked police park. She was terrified, in defence - she starts yelling at the officers for scaring the hell out of her. They asked why she was speeding? She thought it was someone pointing a gun at her - it was like a movie. In defence, she argued that the cop should've been wearing a uniform in order to pull her over - not a black long trench coat. She didn't get a ticket because they believed it was a valid reason. Just thought I'd share a story - She was scared outta her mind.
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      07-12-2007, 10:53 AM   #14

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they have to call a uniformed officer if you request it. maybe slow down next time!

his following you through traffic in an unmarked car w/o lights is pretty moronic and borderline dangerous.
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      07-12-2007, 11:06 AM   #15
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You should have dialed 911 and told them there is a nut possibly impersonating a police officer flashing his "badge" next to you trying to scare and intimate you into pulling over.

You are afraid and not sure what to do, please send a marked police car to this location immediately.

They would have really ruined that guys days in short order, plus it would have been on the 911 tape as public info and evidence if it weren't further.

That could get out of hand real quick this type of scenario.
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      07-12-2007, 11:13 AM   #16
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Originally Posted by HyperM3 View Post
So today I was summoned from one office to another because someone had left their keys at home.

So theres still a bit of traffic on route 18(its a 45mph road) and people have a hard time doing 40.

When I see an opening, I just dart for it. I dont pay attention to how fast Im going but I know the car takes off like a rocket where I point it.

So anyway, Im definitely passing cars at a rapid rate of speed when I see this black Murano start weaving behind me trying to catch up. So I go faster trying to get away from him because I dont know if I just cut him off and he was pissed or what. I end up turning off the road to my office and hes right behind me, pulls up next to me in the parking lot.

Starts yelling at me "Are you the registered owner of that car?" Flashing his badge wildly.

I say yeah. And hes going off on how I was doing 85 on that road that was 45. I start saying that I was nervous about him and that I had no idea he was a cop. He said If I had slowed down he would have been able to show it to me. Then I said, if I was scared that you might have tried to run me off the road, hence the fact I was trying to get away from you, why would I have slowed down?

Then he acknowledged the fact that he was in a black murano and wearing street clothes. He then said I should be expecting a warning in the mail.

Im not worried about the warning but in this day and age, anyone can flash a badge that could be fake, especially when they are in street clothes in a normal car. Secondly, he was doing 85 apparently to keep up with me, doesnt that mean he was recklessly driving too and without lights flashing?


When I was in high school, the kid who drove me to school was driving down a side street after picking me up. We were going ~60 in a 35 in a Jeep (hey we were in high school!) and this guy started chasing us in a dodge ram. Friend sped up to 75 trying to get away from him because we thought he was crazy. He wound up being an off duty cop, who wrote down the plate number and my friend got his license suspended. He took it to court and won the case, all charges dropped. The judge said that an off duty police officer was reckless in racing after him, and that caused him to speed even more, so the off duty cop was at fault for causing the kid to drive recklessly and speed.

Moral of the story: The cop can get in a lot of trouble weaving through traffic to chase you, and you trying to get away from him is justified.

Good Luck w the situation!
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      07-12-2007, 11:13 AM   #17
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Originally Posted by 533ogetnom View Post
it was a fucking detective, a detective for gods sake, i was generally polite but i gave him plenty of sas too, he had no buisness pulling me over in the first place
Why can't he pull you over? On-duty (probably), driving a police vehicle (unmarked), and has emergency equipment. Detectives are cops too. Detectives have done their time on the streets as a uniformed, patrol officer before going to investigations.

To the OP: I don't know if he was allowed to do what he did, but it was a bad idea to try to enforce traffic laws in his personal vehicle.
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      07-12-2007, 11:18 AM   #18
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You definitely have a case with unmarked police cars especially the sherrifs unmarked cars. If the car doesn't scream police car with big letters on the side that spell POLICE, I sure as hell would not stop. Lights on the dash, or in the grill don't make it a police car;any hillbilly can get those things at Walmart to impersonate an unmarked car.
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      07-12-2007, 11:41 AM   #19
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In the old days, I had several badges flashed at me. Only 1 pulled me over, though; he had flashing lights on his unmarked car. Gave me a warning.

One time on the NJTP was speeding ('racing') with an Alfa Romeo, dude and his girlfriend/wife. He flashed the badge when he passed me, and he kept speeding by me; I just followed him a 1/4 mile back, no problems.

Yeah, yeah, don't race. I know that now. That was 20 years ago. Young and stupid. Fortunately, now I'm wise (but still immortal).
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      07-12-2007, 11:42 AM   #20
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Originally Posted by techlogik View Post
You should have dialed 911 and told them there is a nut possibly impersonating a police officer flashing his "badge" next to you trying to scare and intimate you into pulling over.

You are afraid and not sure what to do, please send a marked police car to this location immediately.
The only problem with that is Im sure I would have gotten a ticket at that point. You know how they all back each other up. The off-duty would have coraborated his story and the on-duty would have been able to write me up. Probably could have called it a citizens arrest at that point.
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      07-12-2007, 11:42 AM   #21
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I had a little Vigilante Security Guard attempt a traffic stop one night. He was all BLUE FLASHING LIGHTS. So I pulled over, as he approached though it was obvious he WAS NOT a LEO, No Sidearm No Hat. This sent me up the tree, Tampa isn't a BAD city really but it is a high crime city and I wasn't going to loose my wallet to some tool-shed playing dress up. Long story short, he got himself lightly seasoned, then later that night, numb nut was arrested at his home...

So It is creepy, here in Washington they have a lot of unmarked units... My better half has been instructed to NEVER roll down the window more than a crack during any traffic stop, and not to open a window, or unlock a door until there is a uniformed officer in a marked car on scene.

Best advice, is to call 911 if you are uncertain... Yeah it's kinda screwed up, but 911 will be able to determine who is who in short order. At least in your bigger areas. FWIW.

But an Unmarked Murano, tardstick waving a badge? Has no business attempting to stop you and in fact if you had gotten his badge number that would probably result in some harsh words from his higher ups. Unless you had just committed a felony.
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      07-12-2007, 11:47 AM   #22
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Originally Posted by HyperM3 View Post
(he saw me coming up on him like a "bat outta hell") and that I nearly clipped him by 3 inches(cus hes got his dick out to compare).

Same thing happened to me when I was in high school, someone started riding my ass and it ended up being a cop, but I didn't know what the hell to do so I drove faster. The cop should get a reckless driving ticket for causing more danger than you were, just to pull you over. Wonder why police chases will seldom follow you in heavy traffic....they aren't suppose to make the situation more dangerous! That cop is an idiot.
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