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      08-19-2008, 09:06 PM   #1
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Chris Bangle "Cars are Art"

Taken from a car design website...

"I have heard many designers give talks on design, but none have been so inspiring and thought provoking as Chris Bangle. Flame surfacing opinions aside he is a great designer with a philosophy many would love to follow. I take advantage of hearing anything he has to say and always come away with something. Here is a video of Bangle talking about cars as art/ sculpture. Although he doesn’t actually point out any specific car as art, he does make a lot of relationships with famous artist and art forms.
Although todays cars are not crazy pieces of sculpture in any way, after watching this you will appreciate any car; yes, any car even the Prius as a work of art. It is a long video (20 minutes) so watch it in parts or take a break when that 3 in the afternoon nap starts to take effect."


This is an old video, but I love listening to him. I feel the same way about car design and figured I'd share it with you all. I know there's a lotta Bangle haters out there, but whatever.

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      08-19-2008, 09:18 PM   #2
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Originally Posted by Laszlo View Post
Oh, you must work for BMW NA and trying some rogue PR to help BMW's tarnish "Bangle" reputation... Chris Bangle is the biggest tool ever and had mediocre talent at best - BMW should have fired his a$$ a long, long time ago. He should be working on getting Yugo back on the market in Poland. Even worse, being invited to TED... he's no TED member... that's for sure.

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      08-19-2008, 10:30 PM   #3
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Originally Posted by Laszlo View Post
Oh, you must work for BMW NA and trying some rogue PR to help BMW's tarnished "Bangle" reputation... Chris Bangle is the biggest tool ever and has mediocre talent at best - BMW should have fired his a$$ a long, long time ago. He should be working on getting Yugo back on the market in Poland. Even worse, being invited to TED... he's no TED member... that's for sure.
Are you really sure about that? In the design industry it takes alot of nerve to do what he did. When you have the kind of vision he has, it takes years to realize what he did was great. I think BMW as a company needed the kind of push that Chris Bangle gave it.

If you're so upset of his skills, why continue to drive a vehicle that has been inspired by his design philosophy? Why not switch over to Mercedes which has maintained a more constant predictable path of design?
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      08-19-2008, 10:50 PM   #4
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Originally Posted by 561design View Post
Are you really sure about that? In the design industry it takes alot of nerve to do what he did. When you have the kind of vision he has, it takes years to realize what he did was great. I think BMW as a company needed the kind of push that Chris Bangle gave it.

If you're so upset of his skills, why continue to drive a vehicle that has been inspired by his design philosophy? Why not switch over to Mercedes which has maintained a more constant predictable path of design?
No doubt. I think his designs are great, I love the all of the current models of BMW. However the 7 series is not that great, the E38 trumps it. Also, I love all of the older gen BMWs as well. I don't get why everyone hates this guy?

However the new F01 7 Series is a huge heaping bucket of shit on the BMW name. And I can see why people would hate him for this atrocity.
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      08-20-2008, 12:20 AM   #5
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      08-20-2008, 07:27 AM   #6
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Originally Posted by Laszlo View Post
There will not be one Bangle-inspired BMW that will become a historical masterpiece. Time will pass, life will go on, and so will Bangle. He will be forgotten. I highly doubt he'll be ever be considered an Enzo or a Picasso anytime soon.
Quick: name the head designers of the previous 2 BMW product cycles, without Googling. Or name the current head of design at Mercedes-Benz and Audi. Even if you can, you have to know that hardly anyone else could. Few people gave a damn about BMW design before Chris Bangle set the new direction, or car design in general.

None of the current cars will be historical masterpieces? How common is it for any mass-produced car to become a historical masterpiece? What, you see the E36/E39/E38 being hailed for centuries to come? Those cars are competent feats of engineering and little more. What is there to say about their design? That they're innocuous and inoffensive? That the average person had trouble telling the different models apart? The cars could have been designed by IBM's laptop division during the same period.

Bangle has already succeeded beyond your wildest imaginings. Because of him, people are talking about BMW design, not just other designers and a couple of European car magazines, but everyone. People feel about it, care about it, have strong opinions about it, discuss it - some intelligently, some not so much. People are behaving exactly as they do about art. The only other car designer that's been talked about as much is Harley Earl, dead before Bangle was born, I think.

Lastly, do yourself a favor and don't mention Enzo Ferrari again when discussing car design. During his time - and long after - the company looked to external design houses for their car exteriors, Pininfarina, Bertone, etc. He couldn't have cared less about car design - his chief interest was in racing; he wasn't particularly good at, or even concerned about, anything else.
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      08-20-2008, 08:21 AM   #7
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I think Bangle aprosch a futuristic design on bmw and that's why we had troubles in understanding the design of bmw . When i saw the first time an e60 i said wtf is that and now i believe is one of the best designs ever !!!
The Chris Bangle designs grows on you and thats art!!!
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      08-20-2008, 08:47 AM   #8
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Originally Posted by Laszlo View Post

There will not be one Bangle-inspired BMW that will become a historical masterpiece. Time will pass, life will go on, and so will Bangle. He will be forgotten. I highly doubt, he'll be ever be considered an Enzo or a Picasso anytime soon.
Wow, that is harsh! I think that it is difficult to say now what will and what won't be considered a masterpiece. I am personally not a big Bangle fan, but I will agree that he definitely had the vision to do something that many other designers would or could not. While I thought that many of his designs were not very visually appealing, that is only a matter of my opinion.

I do believe, however, that many pre-bangle designs will go down as historial masterpieces. The e39 M5 or the e46 M3 are two cars that will live on for a very long time (at least in my mind ). I honestly do not think that the e92 m3 will be one of those cars, but who knows.

To compare Bangle to Picasso or Enzo is comparing apples to oranges. I don't think that analogy is appropriate here. But what I think you mean is that Bangle might be famous, but he'll never go down as a "revolutionary" for the automotive world. And with that, I agree.
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      08-20-2008, 09:12 AM   #9
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Originally Posted by epbrown View Post
Quick: name the head designers of the previous 2 BMW product cycles, without Googling. Or name the current head of design at Mercedes-Benz and Audi. Even if you can, you have to know that hardly anyone else could. Few people gave a damn about BMW design before Chris Bangle set the new direction, or car design in general.

None of the current cars will be historical masterpieces? How common is it for any mass-produced car to become a historical masterpiece? What, you see the E36/E39/E38 being hailed for centuries to come? Those cars are competent feats of engineering and little more. What is there to say about their design? That they're innocuous and inoffensive? That the average person had trouble telling the different models apart? The cars could have been designed by IBM's laptop division during the same period.

Bangle has already succeeded beyond your wildest imaginings. Because of him, people are talking about BMW design, not just other designers and a couple of European car magazines, but everyone. People feel about it, care about it, have strong opinions about it, discuss it - some intelligently, some not so much. People are behaving exactly as they do about art. The only other car designer that's been talked about as much is Harley Earl, dead before Bangle was born, I think.

Lastly, do yourself a favor and don't mention Enzo Ferrari again when discussing car design. During his time - and long after - the company looked to external design houses for their car exteriors, Pininfarina, Bertone, etc. He couldn't have cared less about car design - his chief interest was in racing; he wasn't particularly good at, or even concerned about, anything else.
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      08-20-2008, 09:56 AM   #10

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The only named design that I can remember before the 'Bangle Butt' was the 'Hofmeister Kink'. And that was 50 or so years ago.

Both designs are mass used.

BMWs were not inspired by his design philosophy! He's had an "influence" on a design platform that's been around for a very long time. And although he's mucked up four-years of BMW product life cycle, BMW is going back to a more conservitive approach and brand design that's been a proven model of success. If he was so good, then why are they trying to "clean up" his mess?
Last time I checked, the last concept vehicle BMW unveiled was Bangle centered. Doesn't look too conservative to me.

I don't really see any attempts to 'clean up' his mess. The X6 was mostly designed by Bangle, and it looks as radical as ever.
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      08-20-2008, 12:40 PM   #11
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Originally Posted by Laszlo View Post
...BMW is going back to a more conservitive approach and brand design that's been a proven model of success. If he was so good, then why are they trying to "clean up" his mess?
No one is "cleaning up" his mess. In fact, the more toned-down recent designs are of Adrian von Hooydonk (3er, 6er), Bangle's (lack of a better word) protege. They share the same design philosophy, so the "Bangle-ness" in BMW is here to stay.

As for Bangle himself, I didn't like his designs at all. At first, it was too revolutionary, way outside the norm of what a BMW was. Through time, however, his design made sense... it aged and eventually started to actually look good. I think like all models of BMW, it just takes some time getting used to. After you grow accustomed to the looks of a new BMW car, you start to notice its detail, then you start to appreciate the design of it.

except the X3. that's still teh uber fail.
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      08-20-2008, 12:51 PM   #12
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Originally Posted by epbrown View Post
Quick: name the head designers of the previous 2 BMW product cycles, without Googling. Or name the current head of design at Mercedes-Benz and Audi. Even if you can, you have to know that hardly anyone else could. Few people gave a damn about BMW design before Chris Bangle set the new direction, or car design in general.

None of the current cars will be historical masterpieces? How common is it for any mass-produced car to become a historical masterpiece? What, you see the E36/E39/E38 being hailed for centuries to come? Those cars are competent feats of engineering and little more. What is there to say about their design? That they're innocuous and inoffensive? That the average person had trouble telling the different models apart? The cars could have been designed by IBM's laptop division during the same period.

Bangle has already succeeded beyond your wildest imaginings. Because of him, people are talking about BMW design, not just other designers and a couple of European car magazines, but everyone. People feel about it, care about it, have strong opinions about it, discuss it - some intelligently, some not so much. People are behaving exactly as they do about art. The only other car designer that's been talked about as much is Harley Earl, dead before Bangle was born, I think.

Lastly, do yourself a favor and don't mention Enzo Ferrari again when discussing car design. During his time - and long after - the company looked to external design houses for their car exteriors, Pininfarina, Bertone, etc. He couldn't have cared less about car design - his chief interest was in racing; he wasn't particularly good at, or even concerned about, anything else.

And that is the problem exactly. I can't name the guy who does aston martins and recently switched to jag. I can't recall the names of the designers of Alfas. Don't begin to ask me who designed the S5 or the A8 or the CLK black or the latest SL... but I do know Chris Bangle.

I also spent more time learning about Hitler than Lincoln. Bin Laden is probably the best known name in the US right now. The names Erik Harris & Dillon Klebold, Cho, and McVeigh are more recognizable than any "hero" I can think of.

There is a line between being famous and being infamous... and a lot of us believe that Bangle is on the wrong side of that line.
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      08-20-2008, 12:56 PM   #13
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Originally Posted by epbrown View Post
Quick: name the head designers of the previous 2 BMW product cycles, without Googling. Or name the current head of design at Mercedes-Benz and Audi. Even if you can, you have to know that hardly anyone else could. Few people gave a damn about BMW design before Chris Bangle set the new direction, or car design in general.

None of the current cars will be historical masterpieces? How common is it for any mass-produced car to become a historical masterpiece? What, you see the E36/E39/E38 being hailed for centuries to come? Those cars are competent feats of engineering and little more. What is there to say about their design? That they're innocuous and inoffensive? That the average person had trouble telling the different models apart? The cars could have been designed by IBM's laptop division during the same period.

Bangle has already succeeded beyond your wildest imaginings. Because of him, people are talking about BMW design, not just other designers and a couple of European car magazines, but everyone. People feel about it, care about it, have strong opinions about it, discuss it - some intelligently, some not so much. People are behaving exactly as they do about art. The only other car designer that's been talked about as much is Harley Earl, dead before Bangle was born, I think.

Lastly, do yourself a favor and don't mention Enzo Ferrari again when discussing car design. During his time - and long after - the company looked to external design houses for their car exteriors, Pininfarina, Bertone, etc. He couldn't have cared less about car design - his chief interest was in racing; he wasn't particularly good at, or even concerned about, anything else.
Best post ever. Thank you good sir.
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      08-20-2008, 01:22 PM   #14
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I can honestly say I never got on the Bangle bashing train. I even like the 7 series, hell I drive an Mcoupe(which is a polarizing design).
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      08-20-2008, 02:02 PM   #15
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Hated the Bangle cars at first but have come to really love them, especially the 5er. I know think the 550i is one of the best and most mature looking cars on the road.
'91 M42 E30 - All sorts of goodies.
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      08-20-2008, 02:19 PM   #16
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Originally Posted by epbrown View Post
Quick: name the head designers of the previous 2 BMW product cycles, without Googling. Or name the current head of design at Mercedes-Benz and Audi. Even if you can, you have to know that hardly anyone else could. Few people gave a damn about BMW design before Chris Bangle set the new direction, or car design in general.

None of the current cars will be historical masterpieces? How common is it for any mass-produced car to become a historical masterpiece? What, you see the E36/E39/E38 being hailed for centuries to come? Those cars are competent feats of engineering and little more. What is there to say about their design? That they're innocuous and inoffensive? That the average person had trouble telling the different models apart? The cars could have been designed by IBM's laptop division during the same period.

Bangle has already succeeded beyond your wildest imaginings. Because of him, people are talking about BMW design, not just other designers and a couple of European car magazines, but everyone. People feel about it, care about it, have strong opinions about it, discuss it - some intelligently, some not so much. People are behaving exactly as they do about art. The only other car designer that's been talked about as much is Harley Earl, dead before Bangle was born, I think.

Lastly, do yourself a favor and don't mention Enzo Ferrari again when discussing car design. During his time - and long after - the company looked to external design houses for their car exteriors, Pininfarina, Bertone, etc. He couldn't have cared less about car design - his chief interest was in racing; he wasn't particularly good at, or even concerned about, anything else.
I totally agree, you couldn't have said it better. I believe Bangle set up a new era in design and at the very best example of design,... CARS. Because there are some other great designers, Karim Rashid, Phillipe Stark, etc. But their apportion to design is different, one thing at a time,... furniture, ergonomics, living spaces, living complex, product design, silverware, etc... one at a time,... a car combines every single aspect of design, and it moves!.... that's why he's so focused on creating a piece of art.

I just got a Z4 which has been soooo criticized for it's design, but when you observe the car shapes and proportions, you understand what Bangle did and keeps doing,... I honestly think he's the greates influence in car and overall design.

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      08-20-2008, 03:06 PM   #17
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i think many people know Chris B. cuz his designs are TERRIBLE at best, hence all the HATE. there are plenty of great designs out there that everyone raves about even though we may not make the effort to learn the designers' names.

Seriously, how many bmws in the market place today can one consider beautiful? i would say.. NONE, and i drive a E92 (which i love btw). many, inclding myself, drive bmw cuz it's mechanical engineering not because it looks beautiful (and there are those who just buy it cuz the name). Now, personally, i think E92 looks decent stock.. not beautiful. With mods, it makes it stand out and look alot better.. but in stock form? it's plain.

don't even get me started with the 7 series (current and upcoming), Z4, E90 sedan, 6 series, X3, 1 Series, on and on and on.. they are all design failures. the rest, like the X5 and 5 series are ok.. but again, not beautiful in any way or form of imagination.

BMW has had much better (thogugh at times a bit conservitive) design before Bangle messes it all up.

If Bangle is so great, how come no one ever talks about how beautiful the recent bmws are? however, everyone raves about Audi, Mercedes, austin Martin, and so on..

i love bmw hence the harsh words. I want it to be great in all aspects of the game, not just a great performance car.
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      08-20-2008, 03:43 PM   #18

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Where is he from? Minasooda?
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      08-20-2008, 04:28 PM   #19
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Originally Posted by bubbletea 4 me View Post
If Bangle is so great, how come no one ever talks about how beautiful the recent bmws are? however, everyone raves about Audi, Mercedes, austin Martin, and so on...
At least people TALK about his designs. They invoke emotion, something that cars don't really do these days. Whether it be good or bad, it garners attention rather than indifference.

Car design has fallen dramatically. It's more about profit, so car firms 'play it safe' rather than do something daring. Audi? Good looking, but I wouldnt say beautiful at all. Mercedes? Not good looking at all. Aston Martin? Sure, it's good looking, beautiful in some aspects, but nothing innovative. Their entire line looks exactly the same.

It's really hard to point out a "beautiful" car these days. Dare i say it, but even the recent ferraris are ugly. The last pretty ferrari was the 355. Other than the Alfa Romeo 8C and the AM V8 vantage, i find no other car to actually be considered "BEAUTIFUL".

The peak of car design was truly in the 60's.

Then again, anyone can argue back and forth since beauty/art is subjective.

Except for the X3. I think I mentioned it already on this thread
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      08-20-2008, 05:00 PM   #20
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i believe Bangle is a really good designer. see the thoughts that he provoke in all of us? i think his design does what an art piece do to people when people see one. not necessarily making sense or appealing but attracts criticism.

isnt he the one who started raising the trunk of the BMWs and now a lot of cars have the same trunk design?
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      08-20-2008, 06:14 PM   #21
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Originally Posted by Gearcraft View Post
isnt he the one who started raising the trunk of the BMWs and now a lot of cars have the same trunk design?
My '85 VW Jetta had this "raised trunk" you speak of.

In regards to Bangle designs, I must say that pictures don't do them justice. You have to look at the car and around the car from all kinds of different angles to see the beauty in them. Initially I hated the E90 design, yet now I drive one.
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      08-20-2008, 06:29 PM   #22
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Originally Posted by shaddai View Post
In regards to Bangle designs, I must say that pictures don't do them justice. You have to look at the car and around the car from all kinds of different angles to see the beauty in them. Initially I hated the E90 design, yet now I drive one.
Yes, the flame-surfacing effect plays with light and I think it's hard to capture that in a 2D photograph. I was not a fan of the Z4 based on pictures I saw in magazines, but really liked them once I started seeing them on the street. I've bought two of the things. Every Z4 owner will tell you they get a lot of positive comments on the cars from passers-by, and my M Coupe turns heads daily.
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