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      06-20-2016, 10:49 AM   #463
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Originally Posted by e90m305 View Post
LeBron led both teams in every single category: Points, Rebounds, Assists, Steals, and Blocks.

Kyrie was great but the MVP of the finals is not up for debate. It's unanimously LeBron.
Stats wise yes, but I dunno. I feel like Kyrie was the one who ignited this run they went on. Also it was his shot that won the championship.
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      06-20-2016, 11:18 AM   #464
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Originally Posted by Adem1534 View Post
People need to cut the fucking shit with the conspiricy theories. It's embarrassing that a grown man or woman can be susceptible to that type of stuff. Literally the same basic logic and reasoning ability necessary to believe 9/11 was a setup.

The NBA is not rigged. It's simply bunch of either uneducated or non science folk misinterpreting or not understanding the concept of variation, and that just because a certain string of events happen doesn't mean it was plotted.

I can flip a quarter 10 times and get 7 heads in a row. It's possible. When it happens, don't come bitching and moaning to me telling me "well actually that benefits you and it should be 50/50, and heads shouldn't occur more than once in a row derrppppp"

That's not how this works. That's not how any of this works. That's not how math works. That's not how grown up individuals should reason.

You cannot connect point A to point Z and skip everything in-between just because A and Z together fit a conspiricy sorry.

The theory that the league is rigged is a belief. It's not something I will have success arguing with because it's impossible to disprove because conspiricy theories in nature are generally open ended and the supporters refuse to listen to scientific logic.

Cut the conspiracy shit, or take a math class.
i'll give you a simpler explanation for the tin-foil hats folks. ENTITLEMENT.

All year, they've heard people gushing over their MVP, over their team, over how it is the best team in history. Warriors cruise in the regular season and it's easy to gloss over things when it didn't go your way when you win 72. Who cares about an unfair foul on a game you won by 30?

Now all the sudden they go 15-9 in the playoffs, when it counts, and it doesn't fit the 72-win story line. Warriors had NO answer to when other teams make adjustments. All the sudden the Warrior's couldn't play their game. Their 3's weren't falling, their MVP scores 30% less points, and the REAL MVP shows up and effects the game in every aspect, and all the sudden it doesn't fit the script they've been spoonfed all year.

This is life people, everyone has a plan until they get punched in the face. It's how you react to adversity that matters. And LeBron and OKC kept pummeling Warrior's and their fans in the face...
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      06-20-2016, 11:22 AM   #465
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that LeBron block reminded me of that block Tayshaun Prince had that one year the Pistons won it
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      06-20-2016, 11:23 AM   #466

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Originally Posted by Flying Ace View Post
i'll give you a simpler explanation for the tin-foil hats folks. ENTITLEMENT.

All year, they've heard people gushing over their MVP, over their team, over how it is the best team in history. Warriors cruise in the regular season and it's easy to gloss over things when it didn't go your way when you win 72. Who cares about an unfair foul on a game you won by 30?

Now all the sudden they go 15-9 in the playoffs, when it counts, and it doesn't fit the 72-win story line. Warriors had NO answer to when other teams make adjustments. All the sudden the Warrior's couldn't play their game. Their 3's weren't falling, their MVP scores 30% less points, and the REAL MVP shows up and effects the game in every aspect, and all the sudden it doesn't fit the script they've been spoonfed all year.

This is life people, everyone has a plan until they get punched in the face. It's how you react to adversity that matters. And LeBron and OKC kept pummeling Warrior's and their fans in the face...

i like you.

would've liked to see have seen KD get one.. maybe next year..

Maybe KD leaves okc and heads down the same road lebron took.. who knows..
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      06-20-2016, 11:44 AM   #467
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Originally Posted by TrevorM3 View Post
i like you.

would've liked to see have seen KD get one.. maybe next year..

Maybe KD leaves okc and heads down the same road lebron took.. who knows..
He's taking a pay cut and going to back up Kawhi
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      06-20-2016, 11:52 AM   #468
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Originally Posted by Adem1534 View Post
People need to cut the fucking shit with the conspiricy theories. It's embarrassing that a grown man or woman can be susceptible to that type of stuff. Literally the same basic logic and reasoning ability necessary to believe 9/11 was a setup.

The NBA is not rigged. It's simply bunch of either uneducated or non science folk misinterpreting or not understanding the concept of variation, and that just because a certain string of events happen doesn't mean it was plotted.

I can flip a quarter 10 times and get 7 heads in a row. It's possible. When it happens, don't come bitching and moaning to me telling me "well actually that benefits you and it should be 50/50, and heads shouldn't occur more than once in a row derrppppp"

That's not how this works. That's not how any of this works. That's not how math works. That's not how grown up individuals should reason.

You cannot connect point A to point Z and skip everything in-between just because A and Z together fit a conspiricy sorry.

The theory that the league is rigged is a belief. It's not something I will have success arguing with because it's impossible to disprove because conspiricy theories in nature are generally open ended and the supporters refuse to listen to scientific logic.

Cut the conspiracy shit, or take a math class.
to your point on outcomes. Most people who spew out stats don't understand the concept of Independent Outcomes and Correlation and Causation.

Independent Outcomes (Monte Carlo Fallacy) -
Each coin flip is independent of each other. That's why if heads flipped 100000 times in a row, the next very flip can still be heads. Each flip is independent of the prior flip.

Just like all the irrelevant stats spewed out weeks before. No team have ever come back from down 3-1 in a NBA finals series. No team has won a game 7 away in a finals. So tell me how a game 15 years ago is somehow related to this game? Independent events, independent outcomes.

Here's a more absurd analogy in Independent Outcomes taken from a philosophy book I read... If you are getting on a commercial airliner, for safety’s sake, take a bomb with you . . . because the overwhelming odds are
there won’t be two guys on the same plane with a bomb.

Causation (Post Hoc Fallacy)- "After this, therefore because of this" - An error of assuming that because one thing follows another, that thing was caused by the other.

Warriors lost game 5 after Mr. Flex is suspended. Mr. Flex even stated they would have won with him. Now insert Mr. Flex into games 6 and 7. Game 6 he lays an egg with 8 points, Game 7 he has the best game of his career, yet the Warriors lose again. Mr. Flex was NOT single the reason the Warriors won or lost.

Absurd analogy taken from philosophy book:
Every morning, she steps out onto her front stoop and exclaims, “Let this house be safe from tigers!” Then she goes back inside.
Finally, we said to her, “What’s that all about? There isn’t a tiger within a thousand miles of here.”
And she said, “See? It works!”

Last edited by Flying Ace; 06-20-2016 at 12:03 PM..
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      06-20-2016, 12:26 PM   #469
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Originally Posted by TrevorM3 View Post
i like you.

would've liked to see have seen KD get one.. maybe next year..

Maybe KD leaves okc and heads down the same road lebron took.. who knows..
if I were KD, I would stay put for his final option year in OKC.

Just like the Warriors-Cavs series, the Warriors-OKC series was a toss up. Blow outs in games 1-6, with each team deciding to live another day and play a game 7. That final 5 minutes of game 7 of OKC series just didn't go their way. OKC could have been champs this year. Who's to say KD and Westbrook is lesser than LeBron and Kyrie?

OKC has all the pieces together. I'll take KD and Russell over Curry and Thompson any day of the week. They also have Adams who is the perfect matchup with Green, as long as he wears a cup and mask, he can weather the physical and sexual assaults from Mr. Flex. They'll likely meet up with the Warriors (or heaven forbid a full strength Clippers team who may beat the Warriors next year), in the West Finals. Then it'll come down to the final 12 minutes of Game 7.

That's the thing with NBA games, it's long and boring. It's always a 4th quarter game. You can just turn the TV on in the 4th and get the exciting outcome that you need. In the playoff's case, turn on 4th quarter of each deciding game.
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      06-20-2016, 12:28 PM   #470
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BIG UPS to LBJ and the Cavs!! I thought Dubs were going to win it, handily, and I'm so happy to have been proven wrong.

As a Knicks fan it always hurts to see the ex-Knicks get a ring, but LeBron played like a true MVP and with a little help from Kyrie and his team, did the unthinkable for the city of Cleveland.

There are no better storylines. No better outcome. This is the way it should be.

Between that and Game of Thrones last night, man what an awesome night!
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      06-20-2016, 12:36 PM   #471
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Originally Posted by John Tanglewood View Post
BIG UPS to LBJ and the Cavs!! I thought Dubs were going to win it, handily, and I'm so happy to have been proven wrong.

As a Knicks fan it always hurts to see the ex-Knicks get a ring, but LeBron played like a true MVP and with a little help from Kyrie and his team, did the unthinkable for the city of Cleveland.

There are no better storylines. No better outcome. This is the way it should be.

Between that and Game of Thrones last night, man what an awesome night!
They're probably going to make a movie about this series. It was breathtaking.

My delivery experience and beach photoshoot here.
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      06-20-2016, 01:20 PM   #472
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Originally Posted by Verbiage View Post
They're probably going to make a movie about this series. It was breathtaking.
Definitely a 30 for 30 at the minimum.
2.0l ecosmackkaa
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      06-20-2016, 02:06 PM   #473
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Originally Posted by kprocivic
Originally Posted by Verbiage View Post
They're probably going to make a movie about this series. It was breathtaking.
Definitely a 30 for 30 at the minimum.
I admit- OJ: made in America is freakin goooood.
I'm always sunny, hunny.
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      06-20-2016, 02:14 PM   #474
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Nah.... I'll wait for the Harrison Barnes MIA documentary.
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      06-20-2016, 03:36 PM   #475

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Originally Posted by TreyTwoEight View Post
Stats wise yes, but I dunno. I feel like Kyrie was the one who ignited this run they went on. Also it was his shot that won the championship.
Kyrie may have made the final shot and had 2 great games, but you cant honestly say after watching all the games that Kyrie should be the Finals MVP over Lebron.

Kyrie shot terribly in Game 7 and had poor stats overall for the game.
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      06-20-2016, 04:23 PM   #476

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Originally Posted by csu87 View Post
Kyrie may have made the final shot and had 2 great games, but you cant honestly say after watching all the games that Kyrie should be the Finals MVP over Lebron.

Kyrie shot terribly in Game 7 and had poor stats overall for the game.

The shots he made were big. Forget the stats. His shots were clutch
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      06-20-2016, 04:27 PM   #477

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Originally Posted by TrevorM3 View Post
The shots he made were big. Forget the stats. His shots were clutch
a couple big shots vs a guy carrying the team though. Without Lebron stepping it up, Cavs lose that series. The games Lebron did well, they won. Where when only Kyrie did well (game 4) they lost.
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      06-20-2016, 10:46 PM   #478
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I wouldn't say a little help from Kyrie and love. Love didn't score much, but was pounding the glass, and keeping balls alive. Kyrie was another scoring option, and destroyed every switch Warriors put on him. I'm not a Lebron fan, nor a Cavs fan. However, I don't know what happened to the Warriors, but Cavs wanted it more. Curry looked like he was on sedatives, and disengaged. I'm a Knicks fan, and see no hope for them.
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      06-21-2016, 01:15 AM   #479
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First of all, I am a Warriors fan. Rigged or not, we got what we deserve. As I always tell my daughter, "if you don't fight hard enough, you won't bring home the trophy! Therefore your will get what you deserve". Forget about what happened in the regular series, forget about the first and the second round, forget about the conference finals, forget about everything else. Let's talk about the final 3 mins or so. The fact that there are a couple of opportunity to score but didn't, that simply means that the team didn't fought hard enough to win the trophy. Therefore, we got what we deserve! So hats off to the Cavs! They deserve what they got. These doesn't mean that I am abandoning them, I still am and will always be a citizen of the Dub Nation. I'm just being a mature member of the society that is stating the fact.

Now, about the MVP. I think I have to agree to one of the poster that Kyrie had to be the one. First of all, he is the one who exploded at the second half. Second, he did the game winning shot! Yes, LeBron did what he did. But that's what happened last year without Kyrie. I don't know, I just thought that Kyrie is the real game changer in this series. Just my opinion.

Last edited by Boxtyp3; 06-21-2016 at 01:27 AM..
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      06-21-2016, 05:49 AM   #480

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Originally Posted by csu87 View Post
a couple big shots vs a guy carrying the team though. Without Lebron stepping it up, Cavs lose that series. The games Lebron did well, they won. Where when only Kyrie did well (game 4) they lost.
Kyrie layed the game winning shot and no doubt came alive in the second half and his shots were a master class display of skills in the last two games, but his three pointer was a game winning play because Lebron blocked TWO shots running from across court when every Cav sat there with there mouth open. Those two blocks in the last few minutes were just as crucial or even more as Kyrie's three point play.

While Kyrie is to be commended, the "series" MVP is clearly Lebron to me. It was his leadership and his determination, consistently pushing plays, he played 46 or 47 minutes in game two iirc....he left his soul on the court.

I don't think we should also put this in a negative light of this vs that. Let's not bad mouth one player to favor another. These guys won as a team, Kyrie was indeed a standout but if you take Lebron off the team, I seriously doubt the Cavs would win a game with the competition GSW brought.

Both were great, both were in beast mode, Kyrie made video game shots and Lebron played as if he had mutant powers, but one was a greater factor to rally and lead a team and be a greater impact. That is Lebron, congrats to both for their effort, because more than the MVP title they are the Champions.

Lebron played for the championship not the MVP award. Remember the soccer World Cup 2014, Germany won, and Messi was a beast, by far the best player of the series and as such won the MVP award.....but not the cup. He received the MVP award with somberness.
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      06-21-2016, 08:08 AM   #481

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i think we can all agree we saw kyrie grow up during these finals games.

dude is only 24. while LBJ is in his prime, this could very well be another d wade/lbj combo..
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      06-21-2016, 10:09 AM   #482
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Originally Posted by Boxtyp3 View Post
First of all, I am a Warriors fan. Rigged or not, we got what we deserve. As I always tell my daughter, "if you don't fight hard enough, you won't bring home the trophy! Therefore your will get what you deserve". Forget about what happened in the regular series, forget about the first and the second round, forget about the conference finals, forget about everything else. Let's talk about the final 3 mins or so. The fact that there are a couple of opportunity to score but didn't, that simply means that the team didn't fought hard enough to win the trophy. Therefore, we got what we deserve! So hats off to the Cavs! They deserve what they got. These doesn't mean that I am abandoning them, I still am and will always be a citizen of the Dub Nation. I'm just being a mature member of the society that is stating the fact.

Now, about the MVP. I think I have to agree to one of the poster that Kyrie had to be the one. First of all, he is the one who exploded at the second half. Second, he did the game winning shot! Yes, LeBron did what he did. But that's what happened last year without Kyrie. I don't know, I just thought that Kyrie is the real game changer in this series. Just my opinion.
You had me until the second paragraph. Kyrie played great. But the MVP has to go to Lebron James and it did.
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      06-21-2016, 10:34 AM   #483
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Originally Posted by sygazelle View Post
You had me until the second paragraph. Kyrie played great. But the MVP has to go to Lebron James and it did.
Well, like what I've said, it's just my opinion. At the end of the day, it wouldn't matter anyway.
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      06-21-2016, 11:16 PM   #484
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In virtually every interview I saw this year each Warrior player just came across as so damn cocky. Too damn cocky for a really good team that had a too-short track record. This article pretty much sums it up.

5. Joe Lacob's quotes in the New York Times Magazine

The coup de grace of self-inflicted cosmic pain: these Joe Lacob quotes from an April piece in the New York Times Magazine:

When I asked him about the previous night's game, he could hardly contain himself. He boasted that the Warriors are playing in a far more sophisticated fashion than the rest of the league. "We've crushed them on the basketball court, and we're going to for years because of the way we've built this team," he said. But what really set the franchise apart, he said, was the way it operated as a business. "We're light-years ahead of probably every other team in structure, in planning, in how we're going to go about things," he said. "We're going to be a handful for the rest of the N.B.A. to deal with for a long time."

You win one title and a bunch of regular season games and start bragging like this? The God of Swag may smile, but the God of Humility is always nearby and ready to strike. And strike he did.

I wrote about this amazing quote back in April, and noted that Narcissus died admiring his own reflection. Yep.

The Warriors have been humbled. May they come crawling back into the pews soon.
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