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      01-02-2013, 10:52 AM   #23
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Good luck to OP! You often hear people talk about the improved stamina, looks, and physical health, but the biggest change is your sense of personal power. It's worth the pain.
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      01-04-2013, 01:51 AM   #24
hasta la pasta 27
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So in all honesty, I cracked today. Feel guilty but I didn't have the disposable ecig and found a pack in my car. Fml. I smoked one and the second I smoked it was almost peace of mind until I realized my guilt was not even letting me enjoy it. Smoked another later tonight but I feel I kicked the crave for it especially that I have the ecig now. Haven't even touched the ecig since I bought. I feel it was more of a habit to get excited when you find a pack in your car and then the crave came along and I sorta found an excuse to smoke it. Still continuing to stop since there's not point to quit trying. Everyone has a slight hiccup and a buddy persuaded me that no matter if you smoke a cigarette every now and there, make the effort to stop. It's more of a peace of mind than torturing yourself but not to use it as an excuse everyday. Idk just writing my thoughts since I've never felt so guilt for something so minuscule. Hope everyone's doing alright; you're not going to stop overnight but just keep trying.
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      01-04-2013, 02:01 AM   #25
hasta la pasta 27
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Originally Posted by RimasRS View Post
Well same here... Quitting also...
Second day and it is more difficult than yesterday. Specially few hours ago I was feeling even some kind of headache

But now it's better easier specially when I found this thread... I feel not alone.

Let's do THIS
Goodluck! It's for the best man. I've gone through cold sweats, trouble sleeping, headaches, jaw clenching, cramps and craving like hell. You need to wake up in the am and not think of your drive to work with a cig, or try and stay inside more. That's what I try and do. Think of your day as if you we're never a smoker. The BLU ecig was very handy. I keep the disposable one but I order the rechargeable 100 battery, USB charger, and LOW nicotine dose of cartridges. I decided not to go tobacco flavored since I don't want to enjoy that so I went with cherry and ill let you know how it is but if you are going to crack, buy an ecig in all honesty. Finiti is a harsher ecig. Can also look into v2 ecig a; never tried but are highly rated apparently. I'm looking into ordering it. Hope this helps and keep us posted. If you smoke, post it and you can look back at it
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      01-04-2013, 04:00 AM   #26
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Originally Posted by ericruiz911 View Post
Goodluck! It's for the best man. I've gone through cold sweats, trouble sleeping, headaches, jaw clenching, cramps and craving like hell. You need to wake up in the am and not think of your drive to work with a cig, or try and stay inside more. That's what I try and do. Think of your day as if you we're never a smoker. The BLU ecig was very handy. I keep the disposable one but I order the rechargeable 100 battery, USB charger, and LOW nicotine dose of cartridges. I decided not to go tobacco flavored since I don't want to enjoy that so I went with cherry and ill let you know how it is but if you are going to crack, buy an ecig in all honesty. Finiti is a harsher ecig. Can also look into v2 ecig a; never tried but are highly rated apparently. I'm looking into ordering it. Hope this helps and keep us posted. If you smoke, post it and you can look back at it
Well Im still good and you know it feels like second day was the worst the most difficult.
Today it is fourth and it really feels good.
I was afraid yesterday to try coffee but I took a cup and it was just fine. Today I am afraid to try some beer in evening, but I hope it will be fine.
I also stopping my self thinking about the money which I will save I will be able to do some mods for the car

For now it is ok I hope it will be even better in the coming days.
Good luck you to dont loose it and remember every day it feels better and easier
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      01-04-2013, 04:43 AM   #27
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Originally Posted by RimasRS View Post
Well Im still good and you know it feels like second day was the worst the most difficult.
Today it is fourth and it really feels good.
I was afraid yesterday to try coffee but I took a cup and it was just fine. Today I am afraid to try some beer in evening, but I hope it will be fine.
I also stopping my self thinking about the money which I will save I will be able to do some mods for the car

For now it is ok I hope it will be even better in the coming days.
Good luck you to dont loose it and remember every day it feels better and easier
I've quit on and off several times. I'm 25, smoked 1.5-2 packs daily and tried zyban without success. I found that I couldn't drink alcohol. 1-3 bottles of beer and I'd be craving nicotine like crazy, it just magnifies that itch.

Also, be careful with ecigs or smokeless forms of tobacco. You aren't smoking, but are taking in nicotine, so the addiction won't be defeated until you actually go long enough without anything. If you really need gum/inhaler type forms of nicotine to soften the transition, thats fine, but it will make the entire process longer. The blu cigarettes and such are a healthier option, but you still crave nicotine all the time and they're too direct of a nicotine delivery form imo (think crack compared to cocaine). Once you go long enough without ANY nicotine you won't miss it, but in the mean time while you break some of the worst associated habits, I'd stick to something that gives nicotine slower like gum or a lozenge.

Nicorette mini lozenges work well and don't take too long to dissolve, about 10 minutes compared to 30 it takes for regular lozenges or gum. Hang in there! It does get better, and believe it or not, there will be a day when you don't think about it.
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      01-04-2013, 06:41 AM   #28
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my last cig was 16 May 2012, so far so good. it really is all in the mind. spoke to my GP a cpl months before i quit, he referred to himself as a recovering nicotine addict instead of x smoker, for me, almost 8 months later, i dont even think about the sodding things anymore. my family still smokes, i can barely spend 10 min in their company and i have to go outside when i visit.
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      01-04-2013, 09:36 AM   #29
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I was an occasional smoker but it took me somewhere in the vicinity of 2 weeks to finish a pack on a normal basis. Still a smoker is a smoker. I took up mountain biking about 3 years ago and recently got serious about it 4 months ago. My cardio was terrible on the trails and people twice my weight were passing me up like I was a stop sign. So I decided if I wanted to get serious I have to quit smoking. Now, i'm not the greatest success story I do light up on occasion 1-2 ciggs a month if that but I do have it under control now. So in a nutshell, my new found hobby of mountain biking probably saved my life.
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      01-07-2013, 08:38 AM   #30
hasta la pasta 27
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so hows everyone holding up? i feel great and i'm very happy just vaping away. Currently using 0 nicotine vapor cartridges and still doing good!
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      01-07-2013, 08:57 AM   #31
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Originally Posted by jordanE92 View Post
I've quit on and off several times. I'm 25, smoked 1.5-2 packs daily and tried zyban without success. I found that I couldn't drink alcohol. 1-3 bottles of beer and I'd be craving nicotine like crazy, it just magnifies that itch.

Also, be careful with ecigs or smokeless forms of tobacco. You aren't smoking, but are taking in nicotine, so the addiction won't be defeated until you actually go long enough without anything. If you really need gum/inhaler type forms of nicotine to soften the transition, thats fine, but it will make the entire process longer. The blu cigarettes and such are a healthier option, but you still crave nicotine all the time and they're too direct of a nicotine delivery form imo (think crack compared to cocaine). Once you go long enough without ANY nicotine you won't miss it, but in the mean time while you break some of the worst associated habits, I'd stick to something that gives nicotine slower like gum or a lozenge.

Nicorette mini lozenges work well and don't take too long to dissolve, about 10 minutes compared to 30 it takes for regular lozenges or gum. Hang in there! It does get better, and believe it or not, there will be a day when you don't think about it.
Oh well it was difficult on friday after the beer something was not right my friend was smoking I was going out with him which even helped me. Next day I had again some beer but it was much easier.
All I can say every day it feels better and easier now it is one week with out any e cigs or other stuff and it is good I feel good.
I hope I will stay like that or even better.
Thanks to everybody for your support... And good luck to others...
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      01-24-2013, 04:29 AM   #32
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Well now it is 24th and still doing good... And again every day easier and better
How are you guys?
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      01-27-2013, 09:03 PM   #33
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you do a good job,and the data relly convincing.
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      01-29-2013, 01:58 PM   #34

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I started when I was 26 - 27ish. I go through about a pack every 2 - 3 days. Stupid decision to start so late. Turning 30 in two days and I would like to quit. Uh so tough
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      02-07-2013, 11:28 AM   #35
hasta la pasta 27
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Originally Posted by platnumdesi01 View Post
I started when I was 26 - 27ish. I go through about a pack every 2 - 3 days. Stupid decision to start so late. Turning 30 in two days and I would like to quit. Uh so tough
You can do it bud!

Hey guys, well I was good for three weeks and then broke. I've been off For 8 days now. I don't feel like I failed. Just because I broke and started again does mean I failed. I know I can do it because I went almost a month but it was just the scenario and mindset that I have into.
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      02-07-2013, 11:32 AM   #36
hasta la pasta 27
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Another thing to note: I workout every day and eat clean. I have never been able to breathe like that in a long time. 2 days into smoking again, I had a very good comparison between the 2. Just a note. Felt much healthier and all around better but had a bit more stress.
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      02-08-2013, 11:59 AM   #37
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Here's how I did it:

I was smoking from high-school and that's like 11 years, but I wasn't a chain smoker I only did like 10-12 a day. sometime more. After couple of times quiting and then starting back. At one point, I was stressed with work, my 4-year relationship ended and I was getting fucking lazy, fat & unattractive.

After a week of solidarity driving cross-country, I decided to start a new leash of life and moved to an new neighborhood, new job and started running. I stopped carrying ciggarette to work. I would smoke in morning & couple in evening but none during work. This worked!!!!! I craved to get home, just so I can smoke. Slowly I started working out and wouldn't smoke before going to gym.

It was a gradual cutdown for a year and last new years Dec 31 2012, I told my buddies that this will be last cig of my life. They LoL'ed real hard. The next day I was proud of myself. I chose a better life over leath misery.

I also cut on fatty foods, no more beef, duck, kangaroo or pork meats. Just chicken & lamb and that too non-greasy.

It's the WILL to accomplish what you already know is lame & hard.
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      02-08-2013, 12:37 PM   #38
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Good for you ... you should do it...

My only advice is to stay away from non-smokers... they always feel like they have the best "quit smoking" advice...and you'll feel like lighting up again just to irritate them

Like that post on the first page saying “I take the same courses as you and I don’t smoke”.
I had a roommate like that in college always on the soap box… he’d would insist that if he smoked he could quit anytime…”it all about will power!!” Strange as it sounds, he never successfully quit being a douche even with all that will power!

Also... after you graduate and become a ex-smoker...please don't be the kind that walk around unsolicited going "I quit, so can you!!"

Good news is that when you are done you’ll realize that to quit smoking is one of the hardest things that most people will do in their lives…so it is quite an accomplishment that only smokers and ex-smokers can appreciate…

I wish you luck and hope to join you in the ex smoker’s club later this year
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      02-08-2013, 09:15 PM   #39
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I started smoking when I was 12 turning 13 so 6 years now

I've been trying to quit with e-cigs for a while but I found they were all BS and didn't work too well so I let off that until recently. For anyone trying to find a good e-cig just search for "ego-C electronic cigarette" on google they're made by a bunch of different brands but the main one is "Joye". Gives a nice hit, it's refillable, relatively cheap and is probably the most satisfying e-cig I've tried so far.

When I have it with me I don't really need to smoke, maybe one before bed if I can't sleep.

There's like 8 people in my family using these and we've all cut down to around 1-2 (most of us smoked a pack) a day since December.

Hopefully I'll have quit by the end of 2013
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      02-12-2013, 08:35 AM   #40
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Originally Posted by gallian93 View Post
Good for you ... you should do it...

My only advice is to stay away from non-smokers... they always feel like they have the best "quit smoking" advice...and you'll feel like lighting up again just to irritate them

Like that post on the first page saying “I take the same courses as you and I don’t smoke”.
I had a roommate like that in college always on the soap box… he’d would insist that if he smoked he could quit anytime…”it all about will power!!” Strange as it sounds, he never successfully quit being a douche even with all that will power!

Also... after you graduate and become a ex-smoker...please don't be the kind that walk around unsolicited going "I quit, so can you!!"

Good news is that when you are done you’ll realize that to quit smoking is one of the hardest things that most people will do in their lives…so it is quite an accomplishment that only smokers and ex-smokers can appreciate…

I wish you luck and hope to join you in the ex smoker’s club later this year
Thx bro. It is def hard. I won't be the person telling others "I did, So can you". We're all adults and can take decisions ourselves.
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      02-12-2013, 08:58 AM   #41
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Good luck. My dad quit smoking when he had a heart attack at age 34. It was the right push he needed to get healthy.
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      02-12-2013, 09:30 AM   #42
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Originally Posted by Templar View Post
Good luck. My dad quit smoking when he had a heart attack at age 34. It was the right push he needed to get healthy.
I wish everybody else would stop before that happens in 34 age... oh my...

and again for me 1 month and almost two weeks.... still doing good and feeling better it is like new more interesting life started even to drive a car now feels different
Good Luck to others
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      02-15-2013, 05:51 AM   #43
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Originally Posted by wrickem View Post
There is NOTHING good about smoking. Seriously...nothing. Nope, not one single good thing about it.
Welllll, it can do wonders for your social life. I don't regularly smoke but once every four or five months I'll be at bar or some cool hangout place and be offered a cigarette by one of those worldly fellows who always has a story and everyone loves to be around. Why is it that the smoker of the group is always the coolest?
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      02-15-2013, 10:33 PM   #44
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Count me in
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