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      02-08-2017, 10:36 PM   #23
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Originally Posted by SakhirM4 View Post
Originally Posted by M_Six View Post
When I went in, I was making $480/month. That didn't go far.
My first year in the Air Force, my salary was $6,600 and I bought a brand new '71 Corvette for $6,995
: :

it's funny, you take one trip around pretty much any base and you see the young guns driving the brand new muscle cars, and older folks driving the beaters
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      02-08-2017, 10:42 PM   #24
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Originally Posted by SakhirM4 View Post
My first year in the Air Force, my salary was $6,600 and I bought a brand new '71 Corvette for $6,995
I tried to buy a '72 Vette when I got out of AIT at Ft. Knox, but because I was just a kid and had no credit and was leaving for Korea, the bank wouldn't give me a loan. Probably for the best since the car would have just sat in the driveway at my folks for the next year while I was away. I was too stupid then to think about things like that.

"Life is uncertain, eat bacon now."
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      02-08-2017, 10:48 PM   #25
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Originally Posted by smoosh View Post
Hah, I've heard those horror stories: "mopping the rain" and "sweeping the sunshine off the roof"...

luckily (or perhaps unluckily?) I skip basic and do officer development school for 13 weeks and naval justice school for 9 weeks...ODS can't be as bad as army basic, can it?...certainly hope not :

thanks for advice; well-taken!! one of my motivators for joining was chance to travel as much as possible, so definitely looking forward to that...with pay being relatively (with consideration to inflation) higher than what it was for you, should get some spare change to travel...

but you mention don't hang around on base after work...could you elaborate? after my 9-5, hit gym on base and go home and eat/sleep, no?
You probably have most of your education done already. I didn't. I spent almost two years at Ft. Hood, TX and was within easy driving range to Baylor Univ. where I could have taken courses for next to nothing, but I didn't. Wasted an opportunity to get two years of free education at a good school. While I was in Germany I took a couple of courses through Univ. of Maryland, but again, I could have done much more. Nothing wrong with doing as you say, but don't pass up free or low cost education. If you're going the officer route, you're less likely to be a bum like I was and you'll have more income to do what you want. Make the most of it.

You say you're going into the JAG? So you have a law degree? Maybe look at an MBA. Those two degrees make a powerful combo.

I don't want to come off like I'm telling you what to do here. You know best what works. I'm just saying keep your eyes open for opportunities. Take advantage.

"Life is uncertain, eat bacon now."

Last edited by M_Six; 02-08-2017 at 11:09 PM..
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      02-08-2017, 10:51 PM   #26
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Originally Posted by M_Six View Post
I tried to buy a '72 Vette when I got out of AIT at Ft. Knox, but because I was just a kid and had no credit and was leaving for Korea, the bank wouldn't give me a loan. Probably for the best since the car would have just sat in the driveway at my folks for the next year while I was away. I was too stupid then to think about things like that.
Mine "sat in the garage at my folks house" in Houston for a year while I was in Southeast Asia. They somehow put 5,000 miles on it while I was gone - needed to keep it running

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      02-08-2017, 10:59 PM   #27
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I'm sure my younger brother would have put some miles on mine if given the chance. The one I looked at was dark green with a tan interior and T-top. Gawd, it was beautiful. Some captain at Knox was selling it for way below what I thought was market price. When I couldn't get the loan and the sale fell through, he upped the price. That was '77 and I haven't sat in a Vette since.

"Life is uncertain, eat bacon now."
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      02-09-2017, 04:50 AM   #28
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Originally Posted by M_Six
Originally Posted by smoosh View Post
Hah, I've heard those horror stories: "mopping the rain" and "sweeping the sunshine off the roof"...

luckily (or perhaps unluckily?) I skip basic and do officer development school for 13 weeks and naval justice school for 9 weeks...ODS can't be as bad as army basic, can it?...certainly hope not :

thanks for advice; well-taken!! one of my motivators for joining was chance to travel as much as possible, so definitely looking forward to that...with pay being relatively (with consideration to inflation) higher than what it was for you, should get some spare change to travel...

but you mention don't hang around on base after work...could you elaborate? after my 9-5, hit gym on base and go home and eat/sleep, no?
You probably have most of your education done already. I didn't. I spent almost two years at Ft. Hood, TX and was within easy driving range to Baylor Univ. where I could have taken courses for next to nothing, but I didn't. Wasted an opportunity to get two years of free education at a good school. While I was in Germany I took a couple of courses through Univ. of Maryland, but again, I could have done much more. Nothing wrong with doing as you say, but don't pass up free or low cost education. If you're going the officer route, you're less likely to be a bum like I was and you'll have more income to do what you want. Make the most of it.

You say you're going into the JAG? So you have a law degree? Maybe look at an MBA. Those two degrees make a powerful combo.

I don't want to come off like I'm telling you what to do here. You know best what works. I'm just saying keep your eyes open for opportunities. Take advantage.
This is very well said and is great advice for any your man or woman during their tour of service.

Whether an individual serves for the minimum 3 years, or decides to stay in for 20 or more, they should definitely take advantage of the residual perks offers to military personnel like free or low cost education and things like Space A travel.

I never really liked school as a young man, then joined not too long after high school. After all these years of wearing the uniform, I have to admit that I haven't improved my education level much because of my experiences during my high school years weren't really pleasant.

So now, I will have the opportunity to retire at considerably young age, so will still have many years ahead of me to continue working. I'm the type of guy who likes working with my hands and being out in the field, so I will still be able to start another "adventurous" career field as either a consultant or instructor with all of the qualifications I've obtained over the years, but I could imagine that if one continues their education they would be able to work in a bit more leisurely field, once they decided that they have had enough of the rigorous treatment of the body while serving.

Like M_Six said, take advantage of any and all of the opportunities available to you, Smooth. The time goes by fast, so enjoy it and stay safe out there!
Too smart for my own good...
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      02-09-2017, 05:38 AM   #29
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Originally Posted by Samurai of 2day View Post
Don't feel bad OP. I'm not too far behind you. Few more years and I will be hitting the big 40 myself

But after 15 US Army years and counting, I can still give the youngsters a run for their Money!!

Here's to living Army Strong, and to all my fellow service members, past present and future.
Your first picture brought tears in my eyes, from laughter.

My dad and I served in the same place, though 30 years apart. A big part for me volunteering was the stories he used to tell me of his time stuck in the karelian woods. One of his best examples of the stupidity of army was that they, then went skiing (crosscountry skiing naturally) when scheduled in the calendar, it didn't mean they had snow then.

So you see, I didnt have high expectations for the fun I was going to have there, but our first camp was in July, and that July was hotter than hell. People kept fainting on marches, I swear we lost pints of blood because of the insects, well, fun.

The guide book states clearly what to pack, the whole 22 kilos of it. I can still remember how my friend fainted and I got his winter coat, meant for the heats below -25C, to put below his head so he could come around in a cloud of comfort and after he came to, we went chopping woods for the heater to our tent. It was beyond anything one experiences as a civilian. I've kept the family tradition of old stories told to kids thanks to these memories.

Thanks for the pic, it feels great to laugh this much.
Originally Posted by Joekerr View Post
You're still a little new here, so I'll let you in on a little secret. Whenever Lups types gibberish, this is an opportunity for you to imagine it to be whatever you'd like it to be.
Originally Posted by Delta0311 View Post
How would you know this? Did mommy catch you jerking off to some Big Foot porn ?

Last edited by Lups; 02-09-2017 at 03:28 PM..
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      02-09-2017, 11:32 AM   #30
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You are absolutely right. Even though military service can provide us with MANY uncomfortable and sometimes horrific experiences, the fact that we shared those experiences with people we consider to be family for the rest of our lives makes those memories unforgettable.

Those kind of "less favorable" situations help to keep us grounded and also makes us appreciate the good things we experience and accomplish.

If I had my way, more people would see this simple truth.
Too smart for my own good...
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      02-09-2017, 12:08 PM   #31
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Originally Posted by Samurai of 2day View Post
You are absolutely right. Even though military service can provide us with MANY uncomfortable and sometimes horrific experiences, the fact that we shared those experiences with people we consider to be family for the rest of our lives makes those memories unforgettable.

Those kind of "less favorable" situations help to keep us grounded and also makes us appreciate the good things we experience and accomplish.

If I had my way, more people would see this simple truth.
I absolutely agree! Our unit got together through the fainting, the thirst, the bitching and the one Mofo who stuffed his pack back with pillows so he wouldn't have to carry the shit around. I wanted to kill them all for their fucking fainting spells and them being whiny little bitches for the whole week, and I gave them a ton of shit for it right up until the poor sobs had to take a nice midnight stroll because of me. For that one, I still get shit over, every month.

Every male in finland has to go to army, women can if they wish. It is a great experience to make friends in the service since everyone in the beginning is hating life and social status outside the regiment means shit.

Best memories ever, and the flashbacks from the shit you've forgotten always make me happy.

Thanks for that post. I told the tale of the fainting July and how mom got her best friends in life to my kids today, and now they are even more convinced than before that they have the most insane but coolest parent ever (well no, but this is a forum so I'll just claim they think so!)
Originally Posted by Joekerr View Post
You're still a little new here, so I'll let you in on a little secret. Whenever Lups types gibberish, this is an opportunity for you to imagine it to be whatever you'd like it to be.
Originally Posted by Delta0311 View Post
How would you know this? Did mommy catch you jerking off to some Big Foot porn ?
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      02-09-2017, 12:22 PM   #32
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Originally Posted by M_Six View Post
Back in the day. That's me with the cheesy 'stache and shades. The others guys were 3 of my scouts. Good times then. I miss those guys. We had a lot of fun.
Hey MKSixer I think we found our next van driver
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      02-10-2017, 09:20 AM   #33
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Originally Posted by UncleWede View Post
Hey MKSixer I think we found our next van driver
He's in like Flynn!!

But he's still gotta bring his own supplies, clean up thoroughly, and refill the tank when done.
Several actors have played James Bond, Sean Connery IS James Bond...
Sir 7ewis, 7X FIA Formula One World Championship, World Driving Champion. 100 Wins. 101 Pole Positions. 54 Fastest Laps. Actual Rain Master. Leave me to it, Bono. One Race Win in each of his 15 years in F1. Most Laps Led in Formula One. The Centurion.
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      02-13-2017, 01:10 PM   #34
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Originally Posted by MKSixer View Post
He's in like Flynn!!

But he's still gotta bring his own supplies, clean up thoroughly, and refill the tank when done.
No, he only gets to drive, while I am "busy entertaining guests" in the back.
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      03-09-2017, 08:40 PM   #35
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Originally Posted by M_Six View Post
Back in the day. That's me with the cheesy 'stache and shades. The others guys were 3 of my scouts. Good times then. I miss those guys. We had a lot of fun.
I didn't know they had color film back in those days....


***THANK YOU*** to all who have served. You are the pillars that keep our country the shining star it is.
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