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      06-08-2016, 11:47 AM   #23

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Originally Posted by iamwingman View Post
Excuse me if I'm missing something here. But, if I've passed the cyclist and he then proceeds to drive into me as I make a legal right turn (signaling of course). Isn't that completely on the cyclist ??

I'm glad you mentioned this as it was the first thing I thought of when reading the original post. I used to work in Boulder, CO where there are cyclists galore, many of them training. Most of them rode responsibly and I didn't have a problem sharing the road. However, the two issues I would run into on occasion are cyclists riding side by side on a two lane road instead of single file making it difficult to pass, and the right turn "awareness" as I'll put it.

If I am approaching a right turn I need to make and I am near or have just passed a cyclist, I will wait for them to ride past before I make my turn. I don't have a problem with that. I've had a few experiences though when I am making a right turn and what seems like out of nowhere, a cyclist is now cursing at me or even kicking my car because I am turning in front of them. In these situations, I don't recall passing or even seeing a cyclist anywhere. Maybe they just joined traffic from a side street or came out from a building and started riding right behind me, who knows.

This gets to my awareness point. As responsible drivers, we absolutely need to be aware of our surroundings. That being said, cyclists also need to be aware that if they just joined the traffic flow and are approaching cars in front of them, those cars ahead may not yet be aware of their presence which can possibly lead to these right turn issues. Maybe I am assuming a cyclist doesn't want to slow down after picking up speed, but if you are riding a bike and see a car up ahead signaling to turn right, why take the chance of sailing past the car instead of slowing to let it turn?
Delivered in Munich, broken in on the Nurburgring.
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      06-08-2016, 11:58 AM   #24
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^ that's the one my driver's test guy called "concussion kid" and I got in the habit of looking for him each time I made a right, or even a 3-point turn.
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      06-08-2016, 12:00 PM   #25

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Originally Posted by iamwingman View Post
I've noticed cyclists like to have it any way that benefits them. Which makes it hard for car drivers. When it serves them to be treated as pedestrians, they want to be treated as such. When it serves them to be treated as cars, they want to be treated as such. And of course, when they want to be treated as cyclists. It gives them an out if there is an altercation, regardless of the situation. It can get confusing for a driver. And it's really not fair.

This is something I have also noticed much more now that I am working in a downtown environment, as I actually have had more issues with cyclists as a pedestrian rather that when I am driving. As mentioned by a few others already, cyclists are supposed to obey the traffic laws just like any other vehicle on the road, however I've lost count how many times I've almost been hit by a cyclist while crossing the street when pedestrians have the right of way. Apparently, cyclists don't have to obey red lights and some of them have even yelled at me to get out of their way.
Delivered in Munich, broken in on the Nurburgring.
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      06-08-2016, 01:34 PM   #26
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Originally Posted by bimmette View Post
That's very sad and as both a car driver and a recreational cyclist, I really wish cars and bikes did not have to share roads.
They plain shouldn't be IMHO. If you ride on the road i think you're stark raving mad, it's inevitable that one day you're going to have a collision and you will ALWAYS come off second best.
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      06-08-2016, 01:47 PM   #27

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Originally Posted by Alfisti View Post
They plain shouldn't be IMHO. If you ride on the road i think you're stark raving mad, it's inevitable that one day you're going to have a collision and you will ALWAYS come off second best.
This. I would never ride my bike on the street. It doesn't matter how much you may have the right of way and how much of an asshole the driver of the car is... car beats bike... every single time.
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      06-08-2016, 02:00 PM   #28
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Originally Posted by dreamingat30fps View Post
This. I would never ride my bike on the street. It doesn't matter how much you may have the right of way and how much of an asshole the driver of the car is... car beats bike... every single time.
Just out of curiosity, if you wanted to ride about, let's say 20 miles, at a pace of about 15-25 MPH at a consistently elevated heart rate, where would you do it?
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      06-08-2016, 03:30 PM   #29
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I recently attended a house party and this kid was about my age at the time (20) ended up killing two morning cyclists on the drive home around 5-6AM. It wasnt due to alcohol, (BAC was .04 or something) he fell asleep at the wheel. Creepy thing is, the guy kept hugging me that night for no reason what so ever. No idea who he was just another hammered dude acting weird. Now hes facing years in prison and he seemed like a halfway decent guy.
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      06-08-2016, 03:39 PM   #30
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Originally Posted by jtodd_fl View Post
Just out of curiosity, if you wanted to ride about, let's say 20 miles, at a pace of about 15-25 MPH at a consistently elevated heart rate, where would you do it?
The Gym or ride on dedicated bike trails/paths?
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      06-08-2016, 05:35 PM   #31
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This makes me sick.
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      06-08-2016, 06:24 PM   #32

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Originally Posted by jtodd_fl View Post
Just out of curiosity, if you wanted to ride about, let's say 20 miles, at a pace of about 15-25 MPH at a consistently elevated heart rate, where would you do it?
The gym, luckily I've never had that desire.
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      06-08-2016, 07:01 PM   #33
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Sadly....this is a highly political issue.
I for one know what it's like to be a cyclist as I used to commute on one daily for years...and the roads are a dangerous place.
Cars will win almost every time and the debate will never end regarding cars vs cyclist beware!
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      06-08-2016, 07:23 PM   #34
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Originally Posted by natedog7700 View Post
The Gym or ride on dedicated bike trails/paths?
Originally Posted by dreamingat30fps View Post
The gym, luckily I've never had that desire.
Stationary bike is soooo enjoyable. This is after 25 miles on a trainer today.

This is after wringing out my socks. Didn't even bother wringing out the shirt, it looked like i fell in the pool with it on.

"There is no greater tyranny than that which is perpetrated under the shield of the law and in the name of justice. -Charles de Secondat"
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      06-08-2016, 07:37 PM   #35
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Originally Posted by Mr Tonka
Originally Posted by natedog7700 View Post
The Gym or ride on dedicated bike trails/paths?
Originally Posted by dreamingat30fps View Post
The gym, luckily I've never had that desire.
Stationary bike is soooo enjoyable. This is after 25 miles on a trainer today.

This is after wringing out my socks. Didn't even bother wringing out the shirt, it looked like i fell in the pool with it on.

Dude. Ew.
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      06-08-2016, 07:49 PM   #36
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The 5 of 9 who were killed yesterday. 4 others are still hospitalized, 3 are in serious condition, 1 is in fair condition.

"There is no greater tyranny than that which is perpetrated under the shield of the law and in the name of justice. -Charles de Secondat"

Last edited by Mr Tonka; 06-08-2016 at 09:09 PM..
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      06-09-2016, 10:36 AM   #37
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Originally Posted by radiofrequency
I have been a cyclist for 32 years and love the sport, and apologize on behalf of my fellow cyclists who behave like asshats on the road. My town is a training venue for many professionals due to the elevation and terrain. During Spring/Summer/Fall I see many other cyclists on the road, and for the most part, everyone behaves according to the rules of the road. There are always exceptions to the latter, tourists are plentiful here, and sometimes they rent a bike to ride many of the trails in and around town, this is where it gets interesting, and very dangerous. As passionate drivers visiting this board, please take a moment when you do see a cyclist, to drive as defensively as possible around someone on a bicycle. After all, is it worth killing someone to make up a nanosecond of time? As to distracted driving, I see at least 6/10 drivers texting as they pass by me, it has truly made me reconsider cycling altogether. The situation where the five cyclists were killed by a motorist in Michigan is random, I suspect the driver was intoxicated, but still, 5 people lost their lives and several remain in critical condition.

Be aware, that a competent and fit cyclist can ride at the speed limit on urban roads (25 -30 MPH), so be aware of this when making right turns at intersections after you have just passed a cyclist. This situation caused me to collide with a vehicle where, clearly, the driver had not anticipated my speed and decided to turn directly in front of me. Thanks for your time!
Just like when driving, if you see a car going to make a right turn shouldn't you get on the damn brakes?

I know we are supposed to share the road but that's what it means. Share the damn road. Both parties. I also can't stand it when a cyclist decides a stop sign doesn't apply to them. Wtf.

Now if he didn't use his blinkers, that's the drivers fault.
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      06-09-2016, 10:47 AM   #38
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Originally Posted by jtodd_fl View Post
Just out of curiosity, if you wanted to ride about, let's say 20 miles, at a pace of about 15-25 MPH at a consistently elevated heart rate, where would you do it?
On a fake bike in my basement.
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      06-09-2016, 10:49 AM   #39
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Originally Posted by Mr Tonka View Post
Stationary bike is soooo enjoyable. This is after 25 miles on a trainer today.

This is after wringing out my socks. Didn't even bother wringing out the shirt, it looked like i fell in the pool with it on.

Thats so cool man! I sweat more than you though ill take a pic for you next time!

On a more serious note lol that's gross!! I will give 10$ to the person who drinks half of that sweat!

Last edited by natedog7700; 06-09-2016 at 11:01 AM..
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      06-09-2016, 10:49 AM   #40
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Originally Posted by Alfisti View Post
On a fake bike in my basement.
So different. No wind in your face. No change of scenery. There is something about being 10 miles from home and having to get back... it adds to my endurance. (Not THAT endurance sicko - well, yeah, THAT endurance too, but not talking about that right now.)
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      06-09-2016, 11:08 AM   #41
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Originally Posted by M3 Number 86 View Post
Just like when driving, if you see a car going to make a right turn shouldn't you get on the damn brakes?

I know we are supposed to share the road but that's what it means. Share the damn road. Both parties. I also can't stand it when a cyclist decides a stop sign doesn't apply to them. Wtf.

Now if he didn't use his blinkers, that's the drivers fault.
We covered this a little ways up in the thread. If you wouldn't drive around a car and make a right turn from the middle lane, you shouldn't do that to a cyclist. By law, even if a cyclist is on the far right side of the lane and the lane is narrower than 14', the space in front of them and behind them along with the width of the lane is their space and you must yield to it. Even if that means getting "on the damn brakes".

I'm assuming you are equally as miffed when a driver blows a stop sign or does a California stop? Do you get irate when you see other drivers braking the speed limit? Do you get irate when you see people make illegal U-turns? For every cyclist that doesn't obey every traffic law, there are 1000 motorist doing the same thing. Maybe not the same laws, but they are breaking them non-the-less. I'll fully admit in the past, the 3 or 4 times a year i got stuck behind a cyclist on a busy road i'd be aggravated. But having been in reversed roles, i have no problem waiting that extra 20-30 seconds to pass them safely. But any cyclist blowing through a traffic control device is an idiot and deserves a citation.

I'm pretty sure i speak for all cyclists when i say that i can't stand it when a motorist drives around cyclist with the mind set that the cyclist has no right to be there. The inconvenience cyclists cause the average motorist on a weekly basis is less than 1 minute. Hardly worth getting our nickers in a twist and endangering someone's life by making an irrational decision to pass rather than wait.

Last comment on "Share the damn road. Both parties." If you were to see a lion and a house cat sharing a zebra roast, who do you think is doing the sharing? Who do you think is controlling the portions being shared?
"There is no greater tyranny than that which is perpetrated under the shield of the law and in the name of justice. -Charles de Secondat"
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      06-09-2016, 11:08 AM   #42
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Originally Posted by jtodd_fl View Post
So different. No wind in your face. No change of scenery. There is something about being 10 miles from home and having to get back... it adds to my endurance.
Yeah i'll forgo that to avoid being mowed down. And there's no avoiding it, at some point, someone , somewhere will do something stupid and you'll almost have a fatal collision. I ain't risking that.
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      06-09-2016, 11:13 AM   #43
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Originally Posted by jtodd_fl View Post
So different. No wind in your face. No change of scenery. There is something about being 10 miles from home and having to get back... it adds to my endurance. (Not THAT endurance sicko - well, yeah, THAT endurance too, but not talking about that right now.)
I am such a slack ass on the trainer. Just as Verbiage... my usual Wednesday calorie burn is 1200 or so. Yesterday, just 700 because i hate that stationary devil trainer.
"There is no greater tyranny than that which is perpetrated under the shield of the law and in the name of justice. -Charles de Secondat"
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      06-09-2016, 12:10 PM   #44

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Originally Posted by Mr Tonka View Post

Last comment on "Share the damn road. Both parties." If you were to see a lion and a house cat sharing a zebra roast, who do you think is doing the sharing? Who do you think is controlling the portions being shared?
Probably the house cat. I mean...if its alive right next to a lion, and eating the lion's meal, its probably only because the lion is afraid of it.

So I'm going to go with house cat as my final answer.
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