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      09-22-2008, 11:02 PM   #1
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Help me choose...

Gah... I'm almost sick and tired of making these threads so help me out so I can hurry up and make up my mind! I'm torn between the Nikon D60 and the Rebel Xti... I already have a Canon 18-55mm lens and CF card from my old Xti (should have never sold it..) But I like how the Nikon D60 feels in my hands... It feels somewhat better built than the rebel. The plastic body is rugged and solid, while the rebel feels a bit.... how can I put this... cheap. bleh the megapixels shmegapixels, I don't care too much for this as they are almost identical. Also, the thing I am interested the most is which one has better wide angle lens's? Looking for the lens to be affordable. Thanks!
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      09-22-2008, 11:05 PM   #2
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It's always going to be a war between Canon and Nikon. Personally, I shoot with a Canon, so I say go Canon. IMO, Canon carries cheaper and better lenses than Nikon.
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      09-22-2008, 11:58 PM   #3
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I've been through the same thing just recently. I was choosing between an XSi (since it's only about $30 more than XTi on Amazon) and Nikon D60 & 80. In the end I just buckled down and ordered an XSi. This is after I've read countless reviews, looked thru countless pictures and thought about every little thing.

I know it's important because most of the time you tend to stick with whichever brand you picked at the beginning. But it is hard because you're not choosing between 2 brands at differnt ends of the spectrum; you're choosing 2 very comparable brands. So I say just go with your instinct. Below are some things that helped my decision.

D80- has focus problems. A few XSi have a similar problem but I think it's just very limited to a small number and I think Canon will replace or fix it. D80 also has older technology.

D60- less MP and fewer features than XSi.

Honestly, there aren't too many negatives about those Nikon models. In fact, I was seriously considering one of them. In the end, I've always liked Canon and wanted the new technology and features so I went with the XSi. I would love a Canon 50D or Nikon D90 but they're both out of my range.
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      09-23-2008, 12:18 AM   #4
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Originally Posted by BMWE90 View Post
I've been through the same thing just recently. I was choosing between an XSi (since it's only about $30 more than XTi on Amazon) and Nikon D60 & 80. In the end I just buckled down and ordered an XSi. This is after I've read countless reviews, looked thru countless pictures and thought about every little thing.

I know it's important because most of the time you tend to stick with whichever brand you picked at the beginning. But it is hard because you're not choosing between 2 brands at differnt ends of the spectrum; you're choosing 2 very comparable brands. So I say just go with your instinct. Below are some things that helped my decision.

D80- has focus problems. A few XSi have a similar problem but I think it's just very limited to a small number and I think Canon will replace or fix it. D80 also has older technology.

D60- less MP and fewer features than XSi.

Honestly, there aren't too many negatives about those Nikon models. In fact, I was seriously considering one of them. In the end, I've always liked Canon and wanted the new technology and features so I went with the XSi. I would love a Canon 50D or Nikon D90 but they're both out of my range.
Meh, I liked how the d60 felt in my hands, after holding that, the rebel xti kind of felt a bit bulkier... I'm most liekly going to just pick up a used one on Craigslit. A D60 goes for about 420-460 for jsut the body and around 500-600 for the set, while the rebel xti is around 400-450 for the body and 450-500 for the set. I supposed the D60 is more expensive because its newer...
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      09-23-2008, 11:28 PM   #5
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Get a D90, you won't regret that
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