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      08-01-2007, 11:23 AM   #45
Too many Alex's, from now on, call me Beaufort

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Originally Posted by achien View Post
Win or lose, I would have grilled his witness (the cop) on the witness stand.
Apparently you dont know how the courts work. Its ALWAYS the cops word against yours. You can say you were walking a grandmother across the street and the cop will say there was a no-walk sign. You cant win.

Regardless, I wasnt in the mood to start whipping out dicks. I needed to get back to work as well. Whatever, Im going to a driving school which will take my points off and reduce my insurance by 10-15%. Its not a horrible thing.

Originally Posted by Carnage
but driving like a maniac is no way to impress cops or other drivers
Who said I was trying to impress someone? I dont drive to impress, I drive to drive. Secondly, at which point did it indicate I was driving like a maniac or was that your take on the matter?
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      08-01-2007, 11:25 AM   #46
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Originally Posted by HyperM3 View Post
Apparently you dont know how the courts work. Its ALWAYS the cops word against yours. You can say you were walking a grandmother across the street and the cop will say there was a no-walk sign. You cant win.

Regardless, I wasnt in the mood to start whipping out dicks. I needed to get back to work as well. Whatever, Im going to a driving school which will take my points off and reduce my insurance by 10-15%. Its not a horrible thing.

Who said I was trying to impress someone? I dont drive to impress, I drive to drive. Secondly, at which point did it indicate I was driving like a maniac or was that your take on the matter?
Driving twice the speed limit on a busy road is driving like a maniac in any area and don't be surprised or upset if a cop calls you on it. If you want to drive twice as fast as everyone else, take that shit to a track.
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      08-01-2007, 11:27 AM   #47
Too many Alex's, from now on, call me Beaufort

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Originally Posted by Carnage View Post
Driving twice the speed limit on a busy road is driving like a maniac in any area.
Do you have any reading comprehension skills? How about you go back to my OP and reread everything, then come back to this. Its not like I was on a joyride.
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      08-01-2007, 11:39 AM   #48
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Originally Posted by HyperM3 View Post

Ok, just went to court today. Prosecuting Attorney was the biggest douche bag ever(more so than some people on this forum). I have a clean driving record and he wouldnt even let me plea it down. Even the officer suggested something less. I walk in and he starts telling me theres nothing I can say. Im like thanks for giving me a chance.

Anyway, I get points and pay the fine. Fucker suggests I take a driving class at DMV to delete the points. I dont care about points on my license though, its the ones on my insurance I care about. Fucking prick.
Should have gone to trial.........should never have let that piece of shit prosecutor do that to you. A NJ trooper once tried to fuck me, first time ever I got pulled over and DIDN'T agree with the cop that I broke the law. So I told him he was wrong, got in a heated argument with him to the point he tried to start intimidating me, I told him to take his BS and tell it to someone else, I know my rights (thank you law school). Wound up going to court, dumb bitch prosecutor told me all she would give me is a reduction in points, when I never did ANYTHING WRONG, so why should I even pay a fine? I mentioned to her that as a prosecutor she shouldn't get pissed at me because she was too fucking dumb to do better in school so that she could avoid the shitty assignment of NIGHT traffic court. Then suggested that she is still just as stupid because if she had any brains as a NIGHT TRAFFIC COURT PROSECUTOR she would know the basic LAWS OF RECIPROCATION of the surrounding states and understand the points from NJ ARE NOT ACCEPTED by PA, and added, PA does this because they know NJ troopers/cops are fucking morons and assholes and their prosecutors are just as bad, so they don't trust their judgement enough to transfer points.

She responded by then saying, well because of your atitude I just revoked my offer. I said, god you must be retarded or something, it wasn't an offer to begin with, you just offered to take away something that I'm wasn't going to get from the start, you could have given me 10pts, and PA would have just laughed at you, so till you take the monetary fine away you haven't done shit.

I got about 1000 stories, involving men and woman ranging from 18-60 all demonstrating one thing and one thing only-----NJ COPS=fucking dicks.

Sorry Hyper that you got screwed.
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      08-01-2007, 11:57 AM   #49
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You should've called TICKETBUSTERS. We have them here in Vegas and they can plea a speeding ticket down to a parking ticket. I'm sure you guys have something like that in NJ?
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      08-01-2007, 11:57 AM   #50

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Originally Posted by mesier1111 View Post
Should have gone to trial.........should never have let that piece of shit prosecutor do that to you. A NJ trooper once tried to fuck me, first time ever I got pulled over and DIDN'T agree with the cop that I broke the law. So I told him he was wrong, got in a heated argument with him to the point he tried to start intimidating me, I told him to take his BS and tell it to someone else, I know my rights (thank you law school). Wound up going to court, dumb bitch prosecutor told me all she would give me is a reduction in points, when I never did ANYTHING WRONG, so why should I even pay a fine? I mentioned to her that as a prosecutor she shouldn't get pissed at me because she was too fucking dumb to do better in school so that she could avoid the shitty assignment of NIGHT traffic court. Then suggested that she is still just as stupid because if she had any brains as a NIGHT TRAFFIC COURT PROSECUTOR she would know the basic LAWS OF RECIPROCATION of the surrounding states and understand the points from NJ ARE NOT ACCEPTED by PA, and added, PA does this because they know NJ troopers/cops are fucking morons and assholes and their prosecutors are just as bad, so they don't trust their judgement enough to transfer points.

She responded by then saying, well because of your atitude I just revoked my offer. I said, god you must be retarded or something, it wasn't an offer to begin with, you just offered to take away something that I'm wasn't going to get from the start, you could have given me 10pts, and PA would have just laughed at you, so till you take the monetary fine away you haven't done shit.

I got about 1000 stories, involving men and woman ranging from 18-60 all demonstrating one thing and one thing only-----NJ COPS=fucking dicks.

Sorry Hyper that you got screwed.
... Good story, did you win?
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      08-01-2007, 12:00 PM   #51
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Although you should not have been going so fast.(Not going to preach, since at times I am no better) But the fact that he had no lights on is really bad.

I would of did the same thing as you did too. Speed off more and when he confronts you say why you sped. That guy needs to watch himself though. He does that to the wrong person and they get freaked out he might get stabbed.
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      08-01-2007, 12:13 PM   #52
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Originally Posted by mesier1111 View Post
I mentioned to her that as a prosecutor she shouldn't get pissed at me because she was too fucking dumb to do better in school so that she could avoid the shitty assignment of NIGHT traffic court. Then suggested that she is still just as stupid because if she had any brains as a NIGHT TRAFFIC COURT PROSECUTOR she would know the basic LAWS OF RECIPROCATION of the surrounding states and understand the points from NJ ARE NOT ACCEPTED by PA, and added, PA does this because they know NJ troopers/cops are fucking morons and assholes and their prosecutors are just as bad, so they don't trust their judgement enough to transfer points.

She responded by then saying, well because of your atitude I just revoked my offer. I said, god you must be retarded or something, it wasn't an offer to begin with, you just offered to take away something that I'm wasn't going to get from the start, you could have given me 10pts, and PA would have just laughed at you, so till you take the monetary fine away you haven't done shit.
That's hysterical. It's not too hard to see why she was pulling that duty.
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      08-01-2007, 01:57 PM   #53
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Originally Posted by HyperM3 View Post
Do you have any reading comprehension skills? How about you go back to my OP and reread everything, then come back to this. Its not like I was on a joyride.
Who give a shit if you were on a joyride or not? The facts don't change if you were going to a office or church or joyriding.

As far as comprehension goes, it appears you are lacking and only pull out the things that take fault away from you. Here are the highlights from your OP...

"So theres still a bit of traffic on route 18(its a 45mph road) and people have a hard time doing 40...When I see an opening, I just dart for it. I dont pay attention to how fast Im going but I know the car takes off like a rocket where I point it...So anyway, Im definitely passing cars at a rapid rate of speed when I see this black Murano start weaving behind me trying to catch up. So I go faster trying to get away from him...and hes going off on how I was doing 85 on that road that was 45. "

You admit to darting in an opening and passing cars at a rapid rate of speed and the cop states you were doing 85 in a 45.

My statement was "Driving twice the speed limit on a busy road is driving like a maniac in any area and don't be surprised or upset if a cop calls you on it. "

Looks like my reading comprehension skills are pretty solid.

If you are looking for sympathy, a hug, or someone to tell you "bad cop & prosecutor, how dare they do their job", then go call your mom, dad, wife, favorite aunt, best friend, I don't care. But if you post something like this on a public forum, don't be surprised when people call you out for being a dumbass in this situation and getting what you deserved.

Newton's 3rd law, any action has an equal and opposite reaction. Your actions forced the cop to do what he did, so you have no right to throw any fault at him or anyone else for your problems. You brought it on yourself.

Nothing personal, if my wife, brother, sister, or whoever called me with this story I'd tell them the same thing.
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      08-01-2007, 02:00 PM   #54
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Meister, you are a funny, funny man.
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      08-01-2007, 02:00 PM   #55
Too many Alex's, from now on, call me Beaufort

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Originally Posted by Carnage View Post
You admit to darting in an opening and passing cars at a rapid rate of speed and the cop states you were doing 85 in a 45.

My statement was "Driving twice the speed limit on a busy road is driving like a maniac in any area and don't be surprised or upset if a cop calls you on it. "

Looks like my reading comprehension skills are pretty solid.
Wow, Id expect someone with as many posts to be able to get more out of posts.

Yeah, darting from a standstill to a rapid rate of speed of 45-50 miles an hour. Cop stated I was doing 85 BECAUSE I WAS TRYING TO GET AWAY FROM HIM BECAUSE I THOUGHT HE HAD ROAD RAGE!!! Its not like I drive 85 on a daily basis.

I wasnt doing that because I felt like it. I was doing it because I didnt know he was a cop and I felt threatened. Im not looking for any sympathy. How come youre the only jackass so far that hasnt comprehended my whole story?
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      08-01-2007, 02:17 PM   #56
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Originally Posted by TheAcAvenger View Post
Meister, you are a funny, funny man.
Glad I can entertain
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      08-01-2007, 04:31 PM   #57
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Originally Posted by mesier1111 View Post
Glad I can entertain
LOL that is hilarious..
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