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      04-02-2010, 11:07 AM   #1
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Thumbs down Test drove a 370z...WORST EXPERIENCE EVER

Warning: I'm about to rant my ass off.

So, I test drove a 370z yesterday and it was the absolute worst car experience of my life. I literally left the dealership feeling sick to my stomach, no exaggeration at all! Take everything you love about your BMW, including the awesome dealer, and kiss it goodbye. Yeah, I was a little impressed with the car: It looks sweet and has nice acceleration, but I'd never, and I mean never buy a 370z or a Nissan, for that matter, after the experience I had yesterday.

The salesmen were the most unenthusiastic people I've ever met. No excitement involved in the car buying process - I hate that. The car had unacceptable road noise and after driving it, all I wanted to do was leave. But they just wouldn't leave me alone. I felt that since I had just taken their car out, I could at least let them appraise my car for a trade in (no way in hell would I ever trade my car in, but I was trying to be nice). When the salesmen told me that his (slimy, mind you) sales manager would have to take my car for a drive, I immediately said "You know what, lets just not appraise the car. You and I both know that you're not going to give me what I want for it, which is $18k, so let's not waste each others time. I don't mean to insult you or anything, but I'm really picky about this car, and I'm literally the only person who ever gets to drive it." Seriously guys, the thought of that manager driving my 'Stang was like thinking of someone feeling up my daughter. I love that car like it's my child. But, the salesman still insisted that we appraise the car, just without a drive - this guy was pushy as hell. So, I let them proceed.

Keep in mind that I got to the dealer at 4:00 PM. By now, it was 5:30 PM and I had a date with my girlfriend at 6:30 PM (aka 6:15 PM). I waited for another 20 minutes and started to get anxious, so I proceeded to go into the dealer and tell them that I've got places to be. By that time, they had finally finished the appraisal. Guess what they offered me? $10k. The blue book value is $16K and I've already turned down $17K. That was the biggest slap to my face and punch to my gut that I've ever had in any situation regarding cars. By this point, I was pretty heated and the time was 6:00 PM (I'm already running way late..I had to go home and change first). I went to the sales manager and said "You know what man, I was just at the BMW dealer and I test drove two cars, one of which was worth well over $100K (BMW M6) and I didn't get hassled at all. The awesome, energetic saleswoman took me out for a drive and put me on my way with her card." The manager then interrupted me and said "Well, I don't know why you feel hassled today..." First rule of business school: The customer is always correct (although that's ridiculous in some situations, if you want to be successful at anything, you'll abide by that rule). I proceeded to tell him that I was undoubtedly hassled and insulted; all I wanted to do was be on my way. After telling the salesman that I just wanted my keys, he said "Yeah, I guess we can do that", as if he had control over what I could and couldn't do.

Let's all remember how protective I am of my car. Nobody acts like they have any control over my baby without striking upon my inner core. So, naturally, that's when I snapped on the guy. I literally felt my blood pressure elevate (that never happens) and I looked the guy square in the face and said "Yeah, you bet your ass we can fucking do that. Those are my fucking keys to my fucking car." I seriously never lose my cool like that, but if you had been there, you would have understood. I snatched the keys and left. Arrived 20 minutes late for my date, which sucked, but the feeling in my stomach was worse. I really feel bad that things had to end like that, but jeez, I should have never gone to that Nissan dealer. It's a completely different experience and clientele. I'm sure that it's possible to have a good experience with Nissan, but I sure as hell will never set foot on any Nissan grounds again, for the rest of my life. If you're ever considering a Nissan, make sure you spend a good amount of time at the dealer and test driving cars first, because once you buy one, you're going to be stuck with those numb nuts for a certain period of time. I, for one, would blow my brains out if that were the case for me, lol.

Thanks for letting me rant.


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      04-02-2010, 11:16 AM   #2
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No offense, but it's your own fault for letting them push you around. You could've firmly said "NO" and driven away at any point.
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      04-02-2010, 11:18 AM   #3
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How was the Z? Was thinking of getting one prior to getting the M.
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      04-02-2010, 11:19 AM   #4
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Originally Posted by Muffnbluff View Post
No offense, but it's your own fault for letting them push you around. You could've firmly said "NO" and driven away at any point.
Yeah, I agree. I really should have left, but after my good experience at BMW, I figured that nothing ridiculous would go down. Jeez, was I wrong.

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      04-02-2010, 11:21 AM   #5
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Originally Posted by Ricfutres View Post
How was the Z? Was thinking of getting one prior to getting the M.
The physical car it's self doesn't compare to the M in any way. It looks sweet and the interior is pretty radical, but the ride and road noise is disgusting. The feel of the car just isn't right. I do like some aspects, but I'd never buy one, especially after that experience. Seriously man, don't waste your time.

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      04-02-2010, 11:24 AM   #6

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You let them do what they wanted and then threw a bitch fit. You're never going to get the same service at Nissan as you will at BMW. When I was looking at cars the Nissan dealer threw the keys to a GT-R, 370z Nismo, and some other random cars on the lot at me. 3 feet up my ass the entire time. Basically scratching my balls for me. At BMW, unless you have your cash out, its just casual and sales people will answer questions if you have them. They aren't there to sell you cars. The cars sell them selves.
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      04-02-2010, 11:27 AM   #7
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Originally Posted by JayKay335i View Post
They aren't there to sell you cars. The cars sell them selves.
That's a very true statement. I'm just glad to be out of that Nissan dealer. It may seem like I threw a bitch fit, but seriously dude, if you were there, you would have understood. I try to be respectful and professional in all car buying situations, but they really just pushed me way too far.

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      04-02-2010, 11:48 AM   #8
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Did you go in with your parents or something?

Most car dealers won't give a 17 year old the time of day if they are by themselves... I was there once.

Plus, $18K for a 5 year old Mustang seems like a pretty high price... especially for a trade in. Better off selling it private party if you want the most $$ for it! They were probably low balling you on your trade so they could seem like they were taking a lot off the price fo the 370z, making it seem like a better deal.
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      04-02-2010, 12:01 PM   #9
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Originally Posted by Hawkeye View Post
Did you go in with your parents or something?

Most car dealers won't give a 17 year old the time of day if they are by themselves... I was there once.

Plus, $18K for a 5 year old Mustang seems like a pretty high price... especially for a trade in. Better off selling it private party if you want the most $$ for it! They were probably low balling you on your trade so they could seem like they were taking a lot off the price fo the 370z, making it seem like a better deal.
Yeah, I went with my dad and he was just as pissed as I was. He let me handle things though. But yeah, I've had the 'Stang up for the past week on AutoTrader. I've already had plenty of people come out and offer almost exactly what I want, but not close enough. So I'll sell it on my own and everything. I just can't believe that offer, lol.

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      04-02-2010, 12:07 PM   #10
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Originally Posted by JayKay335i View Post
You let them do what they wanted and then threw a bitch fit.
lol. Yup, then ranted on the internet
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      04-02-2010, 12:29 PM   #11
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Originally Posted by Spec 1 View Post
lol. Yup, then ranted on the internet
Seriously man, if you were there, you would have understood.

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      04-02-2010, 12:40 PM   #12
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Alot of my friends have driven the new 370z and they all said its a great car. I've test driven one myself. Speed is comparable to 335i and it handles good. Road noise may be more, but it is no luxury car so that shouldnt be expected. No offense, but i've driven a few mustangs and that is a car I would never buy.

And you did let them step all over you. To avoid situations like these, I just use my car broker
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      04-02-2010, 12:45 PM   #13
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Originally Posted by coldfusion View Post
Alot of my friends have driven the new 370z and they all said its a great car. I've test driven one myself. Speed is comparable to 335i and it handles good. Road noise may be more, but it is no luxury car so that shouldnt be expected. No offense, but i've driven a few mustangs and that is a car I would never buy.

And you did let them step all over you. To avoid situations like these, I just use my car broker
Yeah, I liked the 370z, but not enough to drop that money on it. I would expect the 370z to have a nice ride and low road noise, I wouldn't expect that of the Mustang - they're in two completely different classes. But the bottom line is, the Mustang drives so much nicer than the 370, in my opinion. The ride is smoother and the only thing you hear is the roar of that V8 engine. But you're right, it's no refined BMW, that's for sure.

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      04-02-2010, 12:51 PM   #14
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Originally Posted by Gotadime View Post
Seriously man, if you were there, you would have understood.
Oh, I understand. I used to sell cars out of a Chevy dealership when I was in college. The people who worked there were some of the worst and (yup!) dumbest people I've worked with EVER. My first job at McDonalds at 17 had a manager that could've handled things better. This is why i go test drive a car, then ask for a card, then leave. You were just a bit naive in thinking it wouldn't be a hastle. They think if they make you sit around for an hour and they come down $200 that you'll buy.
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      04-02-2010, 12:54 PM   #15
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Originally Posted by Spec 1 View Post
Oh, I understand. I used to sell cars out of a Chevy dealership when I was in college. The people who worked there were some of the worst and (yup!) dumbest people I've worked with EVER. My first job at McDonalds at 17 had a manager that could've handled things better. This is why i go test drive a car, then ask for a card, then leave. You were just a bit naive in thinking it wouldn't be a hastle. They think if they make you sit around for an hour and they come down $200 that you'll buy.
That's so true! I swear, some of the people working there were just so ignorant. I really wonder how they manage to sell cars. But trust me, from now on, I'll go for a drive, get a card, and leave. I can't handle that again, lol.

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      04-02-2010, 01:12 PM   #16
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You are 17?
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      04-02-2010, 01:20 PM   #17
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Originally Posted by MrRoboto View Post
You are 17?
Yeah. I can't afford a 370z, I was interested in a used 350z (about 15 grand), but they didn't have one, so I decided to test drive a 370. I explicitly told them that, but they still wanted to appraise my car and try to sell me a $40,000 370z...what the hell? Even if they gave me $35,000 for my car, I couldn't afford the 370z, lol. Like I said, I blatantly told the salesman that, and he still hassled me.

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      04-02-2010, 01:23 PM   #18

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I'm not sure I understand exactly what they did to you that has pissed you off so much?

If you'd already decided you weren't interested in the Z, you weren't being nice and doing them a favor by "letting" them appraise your car, you were wasting their time. Depending on the mileage, $10k probably isn't all that far off the mark for trade in value on a 2005 Mustang.
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      04-02-2010, 01:27 PM   #19
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Originally Posted by jeremyc74 View Post
I'm not sure I understand exactly what they did to you that has pissed you off so much?

If you'd already decided you weren't interested in the Z, you weren't being nice and doing them a favor by "letting" them appraise your car, you were wasting their time. Depending on the mileage, $10k probably isn't all that far off the mark for trade in value on a 2005 Mustang.
I know, I told them that we were wasting time, but they wouldn't leave me alone and I just felt obligated since I drove their car. And my Mustang has extremely low miles. Here's a pic.
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      04-02-2010, 01:29 PM   #20

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Originally Posted by Gotadime View Post
I know, I told them that we were wasting time, but they wouldn't leave me alone and I just felt obligated since I drove their car. And my Mustang has extremely low miles. Here's a pic.

Is it a GT?
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      04-02-2010, 01:31 PM   #21
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Originally Posted by jeremyc74 View Post
Is it a GT?
Yeah and it's got 25k miles on it...the car is worth what I'm asking.

Take a look at this:

2005 Mustang GT - Bone stock (looks beat)
29,000 miles - Asking $23,000
Click here to view their ad

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      04-02-2010, 01:41 PM   #22

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Originally Posted by Gotadime View Post
Yeah and it's got 25k miles on it...the car is worth what I'm asking.

Take a look at this:

2005 Mustang GT - Bone stock (looks beat)
29,000 miles - Asking $23,000
Click here to view their ad
I'll give you that $10k was a lowball offer, but that Autotrader ad doesn't prove anything. Anyone paying that for that car is getting screwed. There are dozens on there for much less money with lower mileage.

You can probably expect to get $14k for your car on trade. The mods take away from the value, not add to it.
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