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      07-05-2011, 01:23 AM   #66
Been There, Done That.
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Drives: 2013 BMW M3
Join Date: Jan 2008
Location: Maryland

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Originally Posted by Freakazoid View Post
refer to my followup post. Again, always pretend like you're invisible. And always have plans available.

If you haven't already you need to learn the signs of when a driver is going to do something stupid. It's been a very very very very long time since I've been truly caught offguard by a cager. EVERY driver gives a hint of what he's going to do (or potentially could do).
Be it cut you off, be it swerve into you, be it being aggressive/defensive, etc etc. EVERY driver has a sign. Learn them, and you'll be quite safe.

Also, I'll be that guy, and probably be hated on by a few of the bikers in the forum. If you have these questions, and only a few months of driving.... an r1 is probably a bit too much bike for you. (I dont' mean any offense here, I've just seen bad things happen to people)
I've seen way to many squids go down because they jumped on a liter bike before they've had any riding experience. I'd get a 500 before I get anything else. The problem with sports bikes is that you have to rev them to get any power. Not good for a new rider.

P.S. I'm against 250's because they don't have the get up and go that's needed, even for the street.
Originally Posted by Jaypod View Post
You sound like my buddies who have AMG's - Slam the gas, slam the brakes...
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