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      06-20-2011, 06:11 PM   #3126
. . .

Drives: your FACE!
Join Date: Oct 2008
Location: Atlanta proper

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oh, i've used them, don't get me wrong. just have no need for it. i sold a lot of lenses in the past couple of years because of the increase in video work and the lack of substantial photography-income.
i'm down to two prime lenses and rent any lenses i need for the jobs that pop up here and there. all i really need for myself is the d3 and the 50. wish i could justify the purchase of this Zeiss 35/1.4 that i have on rental right now. this thing is sweetness.

saw the indigo again this morning, but a smaller one. wonder how many of them are around here.
Originally Posted by dcstep View Post
Wow, that amazes me, given your great skills. You might borrow a 70-200mm to see what you think. The IQ is amazing for a zoom lens and what distortion there is is easily corrected in LightRoom. (I use DxO instead of LR).

At the short end it's good for certain scenics, in the midrange it's a great portrait piece (including cars) and at the long end it's good for wildlife and things far away. Throw a 25mm Extension Tube on it and it's a great macro lens and throw a 1.4x TC on it and it's an even better macro lens.

The tripod/remote thing will certainly work well, just stop down enough to get good DOF.

2009 135i | space grey | sport | navi | hifi | heated
dinan stage 2 software | bmw performance exhaust
kw v2 | hotchkis front sway | vmr v710

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