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      04-20-2011, 11:39 AM   #6
I break for no one
OdomPHD's Avatar

Drives: e9o "Vanity 2"
Join Date: Sep 2010
Location: NW Florida, USA

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oh shi! just saw those flasks lmao. Like I said I was 18 when I went on my second cruise and we bought liquor in the town, poured it in water bottles, then threw those in our back pack- no Q asked upon re boarding.

Then on another stop we bought two bottles and were gonna take them back to the US with us..well when we got back on the ship you have 2 options

1-go thru the check and have bottles stored below deck and get them back when debarking in US. This also includes paying a US import tax or some shi
2-wait until the customs dude tells you which line to get in, then just walk strait to the service stair well and off to the mini fridge in your room you go! (this option is illegal..).

Don't worry, number two sounds better after a six pack ashore.
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