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      04-20-2011, 11:33 AM   #4
I break for no one
OdomPHD's Avatar

Drives: e9o "Vanity 2"
Join Date: Sep 2010
Location: NW Florida, USA

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I've been on 2 carnival cruises out of the Gulf Coast (I live in Pensacola). The "Holiday" ship out of Mobile sucks balls. Under no circumstances are you to sink THAT low.

The second trip out of Tampa on a ship I forgot the name of (yeah, it was pretty wild. Spring Break + my bday) was a LOT better. I'm 21 now but when I went I just turned 18 and I had a blast. I'm staring at my "Sober > Horny in 4 drinks" hanging on my wall that I picked up in Belize on that cruise haha.
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