How to get cut?
I've got a decent cut going as of now, you can definitely see that I have a 6 pack, it's just not a RIPPED 6 pack. I'll be honest and say upfront that my diet isn't strict at all. I don't eat garbage but every now and then I'll have some ice cream or pie, but mostly I eat pretty good; lots of healthy protein like eggs and chicken and carbs like whole wheat bread and oatmeal.
I've been doing sub 8 minute mile runs after my workouts at the gym, as well as various ab exercises, but was wondering if anything else should be done. Obviously diet is important, what kind of diets are beneficial for ripped abs/midsection? Any suggestions on workouts/cardio are welcome too...
Vanguard V2 Exhaust//Vishnu DCI//ACM Angel Eyes
